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Has anyone here tried the 21 Day Fix?

If so, would you care to share your thoughts on it? 

I'm not too sure about the exercise part. It may be too high-intensity for me. I really can no longer handle any jumping-type moves anymore. 

The eating part and those adorable containers intrigue me. I'm gimmicky that way. :D

Does one have to get the Shake part (Shakeology)? What if I don't want to do the shake?


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Slache, PiYo looks great also. Now I want them both!  :lol: But I need to be picky & selective. I remembered the main reason that I didn't ever get into it: several on the Video Fitness forums mentioned that it was very wrist-intensive, repetitive, and lots of planks and downward dogs. I love downward dogs, but I don't care for the other stuff at all. 

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I think it's great.  I did it last year with my daughters even though I had plantar fasciitis and it was challenging but definitely doable. I think there were only 2-3 short things that I could not do or could barely do.


I did not use the containers at ALL.  Too much work for me.  But the workout portion, IMO, is very good.  It hits all the muscle groups, alternating days and mixing it up enough that it didn't get too boring for me--but I tend to like to get down and dirty and just get the workout in, not be entertained.  lol  The beginning warm-up portion (3-5 min. or so?) is the same for nearly every workout except yoga and pilates I think, but that was fine with me because it was predictable and did not get HARDER.  I reached my goal weight last year and still used it on and off afterwards.  (Now, I've gained some back and am going to do 21 Day Fix again!  lol )


(Your hesitations with PiYo are my own, although I still may eventually try it!   :p )

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I think it's great. 


I did not use the containers at ALL. 

Thank you for your very helpful feedback. :)


Check and see if your library has it and if you like it get it off of craigslist.

I don't have access to either in this part of the world. :(

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Negin, from previous posts I am thinking you are very health conscious and eat well already. You probably don't need the food BUT you can go to Target and buy some fun colored containers and put good food into it. Does that sound like no fun?  :laugh:

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I think it's one of their best programs. I think the containers make it easy to know exactly how much to eat. So many people I've worked with were surprised at just how much you can eat when you eat the right foods. The workouts are tough, but there is a modifier you can follow. I don't know anyone who hasn't followed the modifier at some point in the program. :)


I will say, I think the biggest reason people succeed with this program, and other programs, are the support you get when you buy it. Yes, you can get just the containers or make up your own container system, but those people that I know that have done that never have lasting results. The people that invest in the whole program and stay accountable with their coach/team are the ones that succeed, IMO.


As far as Shakeology goes, I think it definitely helps with achieving your goals faster. Also, a lot of people have told me they kicked their sugar addictions because of Shakeology. I personally drink it everyday.


Good luck!  :)

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I should have added that my oldest dd DID use the containers and it was very helpful for her to see portion sizes.  She used them for a few weeks and then sort of went on her own.  I also did spinning classes and walking/running in addition to 21-Day Fix, just a disclaimer that all my weight loss was not from that.  lol  But I know a few people at church for whom it was all they needed to jump start their weight loss.  I was in a very helpful FB group for the program, too, which you may want to try to find!

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Thank you all so much. 


I will say, I think the biggest reason people succeed with this program, and other programs, are the support you get when you buy it. Yes, you can get just the containers or make up your own container system, but those people that I know that have done that never have lasting results. The people that invest in the whole program and stay accountable with their coach/team are the ones that succeed, IMO.

What you said here may be the reason why I'm tempted to order it. I only have a week or so to make a final decision, to get my parents to bring it back down with them. If I order it all here, the customs and duties would be exorbitant. 

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Being cheap, I have used their container idea with stuff I got from Dollar General. I just looked up portions online. For me having everything portioned and ready saved the day when business overtook rationality. I don't do it as much now but do have a general plan for what I will eat each day, have it ready if I'm busy and watch portions closely. I'd rather do my own workout.

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I have completed 1.5 rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I really like it and look forward to the daily workout.  I will say that I have not lost any weight.  Not one darned pound.  I am toning quite a bit but not enough to change my clothing size.   I figure I will probably need a few rounds in order to see a difference. 


There are a few differences between 21DF and 21DFX - I think the main difference might be that Extreme is for an individual who is already at her weight goal and wants to get ripped.  The people in the videos are all fully toned with beautiful bodies (including the modifier) who are looking to get shredded


There are differences in the meal plans, too.  Extreme is much more limiting (which is why I am surprised I haven't lost any weight; I did not cheat at all while I was on plan). 


Shakeology is wonderful.  I enjoy the different shakes and have 3 that are my favorites.  Be careful, though, as many people are allergic to shakeology.  There are numerous threads on the Beachbody site about individuals breaking out in rashes and having other trouble.  I cannot use the strawberry as I developed a rash on my arms after drinking it.



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I have completed 1.5 rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I really like it and look forward to the daily workout.  I will say that I have not lost any weight.  Not one darned pound. 

Thank you so much. How very frustrating. It's wonderful to get toned and all, but to spend that money, and to invest time and energy to go on a program like that, without cheating, and not lose any weight. Grrrr ... That's the sort of thing that happens to me quite a bit. I read some reviews with similar experiences - people not losing anything. That concerns me, for sure. 

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I didn't see this thread earlier.

The more I learn, the more I get upset about one-size-fits-all programs.  Do they truly instruct every person to eat the same quantity of food, or do they give you different guidelines for those containers based on your body weight and activity level?

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I didn't see this thread earlier.

The more I learn, the more I get upset about one-size-fits-all programs.  Do they truly instruct every person to eat the same quantity of food, or do they give you different guidelines for those containers based on your body weight and activity level?


There is a formula based on your weight, which gives you the quantity of food containers you get. I get 1800-2099 calories and I can barely get all my food in. It figures in 400 calorie burn for doing the workouts. 



I am only 5 days into 21 day fix (4 pounds down, but I have 60 to lose), and I am loving it. For some reason the color thing makes it easy for me. I have counted points and calories in the past and I was tired of counting. 

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I didn't see this thread earlier.

The more I learn, the more I get upset about one-size-fits-all programs.  Do they truly instruct every person to eat the same quantity of food, or do they give you different guidelines for those containers based on your body weight and activity level?




No, not everyone eats the same and honestly, it's not all set in stone. I've worked with people who had to go to a higher number of containers based on different factors. Normally, whatever range you fall in is best, but if you find it isn't working out for you, you turn to your coach/team and they'll help you figure out where you should be.  :)

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I didn't see this thread earlier.

The more I learn, the more I get upset about one-size-fits-all programs.  Do they truly instruct every person to eat the same quantity of food, or do they give you different guidelines for those containers based on your body weight and activity leve


Yes, there are different levels based on body weight and activity.  It also changes depending on whether you want to lose weight or build muscle (bulk up).


There are 6 different categories for how much to eat, ranging from 1200-1499 cals (most restrictive)  to 2500-2800 cals.

Each level dictates how much you should eat from a particular category - vegetables, fruits, proteins, healthy fats, carbs, seeds, and oils.  In 21DFX, there are no sugar allowances; although Stevia may be used once a day in tea or coffee.



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I got this about a month ago. 

Quick answers: The adorable containers are pretty frustrating to use and clean. They're more like measuring cups than storage, at least in my experience. I second the recommendation to just look up portions online.


The exercise DVDs are pretty good. Lots of commercials for Beachbody products though. You can do modifications, and there is a modifier to follow. And there are other common-sense modifications you can do as well. They have this move that I find impossible called Surrenders, so I just do lunges instead. :)


Shakeology is the best thing ever invented. I haven't tried it or anything, but based on the non-stop commercials on the DVDs, you'd be a fool to not give up your life savings for it. In all honesty, it's a very expensive product and I found a protein shake replacement you can just get in a store. But protein shakes aren't my thing, so I won't be buying that anymore. You do NOT need to have any kind of shakes on this program. It's one of the protein options you can have if you'd like.  

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