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Top 7 Myths, Lies and Untruths about Sarah Palin- Link inside

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Well, as far as the myth or lie of #3, where Sarah Palin supposedly only said she wanted to allow debate if creationism was brought up in school (which still would be a violation), that is obviously something she said afterwards to try to change what she had originally meant. Here is a direct quote from the original debate:


• HALCRO: "I think anything that is religious-based in, in concept, you know, really should, needs to be taught in the proper channel -- philosophy, sociology. I don't think it should be taught as a science."



• KNOWLES: "... The answer is no. The reason why is we don't want politics in our science. We actually want more science in our politics. We don't want to just teach all things because it may be politically correct. We want to teach the best science there is, and there is overwhelming evidence, there's almost incontrovertible evidence that evolution is the science that, that we know. And that's what we should always teach, to never compromise on the principles just because it's politically popular."

• PALIN: "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. "Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides."


Here is the link: http://dwb.adn.com/news/politics/elections/story/8347904p-8243554c.html


I took the quote from the bottom of the page.

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None of those 7 things were on my list of top reasons I don't support her anyway.


I'm all for "creationism" too- it can be done in one sentence- "Some religions teach that a supernatural being created the universe."


Done. Somehow I do not think this is what Palin has in mind.

Heh... no, not at all.

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Overkill? CNN, Media Matters, & Youtube already have "debunk the Obamyths" stuff



Ummm, neither Media Matters nor YouTube is a news organization, much less a mainstream one. Whatever happened to "Fair and Balanced"?

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Well, these are certainly not the top seven things I'm concerned about. I'm still wondering when the press will have a chance to ask Palin about her record and stances on the issues and have her answer for herself. The McCain campaign refuses to say when this will happen.

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Well, these are certainly not the top seven things I'm concerned about. I'm still wondering when the press will have a chance to ask Palin about her record and stances on the issues and have her answer for herself. The McCain campaign refuses to say when this will happen.


She's not quite ready to be a candidate yet. Soon.


I'm looking forward to watching Sen. Biden on Meet the Press. Wonder if he will rein in his rambling ways. :D I do so like Sen. Biden, but man, can he talk! (And talk and talk...)

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She's not quite ready to be a candidate yet. Soon.


I'm looking forward to watching Sen. Biden on Meet the Press. Wonder if he will rein in his rambling ways. :D I do so like Sen. Biden, but man, can he talk! (And talk and talk...)


That is one of my many probs with her--she isn't yet ready to be a candidate--she isn't close to being ready to be a VP, and certainlly would not be prepared to be president, if the need arose, for a very long time.


As for Biden, I can't wait to hear them together--he does have the tendency to repeat himself, and go on, quite a bit, but I believe that is supposed to not be unheard of from people who have overcome stuttering. At least he will be well prepared, of that, I am sure :D.

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Ummm, neither Media Matters nor YouTube is a news organization, much less a mainstream one. Whatever happened to "Fair and Balanced"?


The fact that Fox News has Susan Estrich, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Howard Wolfson (fmr. Hillary Spokesman), Kirsten Powers and many other very strong Democrats regularly giving their opinions during newscasts - not just on opinion shows - tells me that Fox is, in my opinion, more fair & balanced than the traditional titan news channels.


Of course, it's just my opinion, but a lot of people who rip on Fox for not being fair & balance never watch Fox news. O'Reilly & Hannity are not the news.

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I'd like to offer this blog entry to also end the "experience" debate. Although I realize that will never happen.


I also find it interesting that some on this board that don't like Palin attacked Fox News rather than address the points of the article. If anyone is going to attack the source of this blog, then go ahead. It's probably from a person you would right off immediately anyway.




And yes, I'm a huge fan of Glenn Beck!! :001_huh:

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She's not quite ready to be a candidate yet. Soon.


I'm looking forward to watching Sen. Biden on Meet the Press. Wonder if he will rein in his rambling ways. :D I do so like Sen. Biden, but man, can he talk! (And talk and talk...)



Oh, so I suppose if Palin isn't ready to be a candidate, then her AND Obama better sign up for "How to be a Vice President or President 101." :lol:

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The fact that Fox News has Susan Estrich, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Howard Wolfson (fmr. Hillary Spokesman), Kirsten Powers and many other very strong Democrats regularly giving their opinions during newscasts - not just on opinion shows - tells me that Fox is, in my opinion, more fair & balanced than the traditional titan news channels.


Of course, it's just my opinion, but a lot of people who rip on Fox for not being fair & balance never watch Fox news. O'Reilly & Hannity are not the news.


Jon Stewart has conservatives on his show all of the time, but that doesn't make the Daily Show any less left-winged. (Not that I'm saying that the Daily Show is a news program....I'm just saying that just because you have a person from a different political party on your show to argue with for 10 minutes, that doesn't mean you are being fair and balanced.)


And I'm not saying that just about every other news channel isn't biased (left-winged, usually) in some way or another. But isn't Fox News pretty blatant about their views? I watch it at my parents' house a couple of times a week (it's pretty much their news source). I thought it was sort of a joke that they say "fair and balanced". Even my dad jokes about it and he's a Republican. Is it really supposed to be a non-partisan news channel? I guess they do watch a lot of O'Reilly and Hannity and Colmes but I thought regular newscasts were slanted too.


As a registered Independent (leaning toward Libertarian), I have to say that Fox News and MSNBC both irritate me, but Fox News does a little bit more for a completely superficial reason: the lighting. I don't know what kind of lights they are aiming at their newscasters, but it makes their eyes look really shiny. I mean really shiny. I also think their newscasters seem kind of plastic looking and fake. (Like I said, it's a superficial reason.) Brian Williams is just a lot more pleasant to look at, in my opinion, and, biased or not, he seems trustworthy at least. :001_smile:


I guess I could quit watching both channels and listen to NPR, but then I'd just fall asleep. :lol:

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Aw, I'm disappointed that bikini photo isn't real. I think that photo could win McCain and Palin the redneck vote fer shur. I'm not sure which wins my admiration more, knowing how to use that rifle or being able to wear that bikini after having so many kids. Putting the two together is just brilliant.:smilielol5:

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