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Exercise Thread ~ May 10 - May 16


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Alright ladies, see you in a couple of weeks.. We're going on vacation, not sure when I'll have a chance to update, lots of hiking will be done and who knows what else.


Have fun!


Went hiking in a huge park with younger half of family plus dog and dh after church.  Then tonight a 2 mile walk with my Dad and dh.  

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I predict I will be vey sore tonight, and not in a good way. I'll walk to/from my training session later this morning (that will be good), but then I have PT this aftenoon for the shoulder. I slept like crud the night after the last session :(


Oh dear.  I hope it isn't too bad.


Just back from a weekend in the Highlands - just Husband and me.  Walked both days - about 20,000 steps each day.

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I predict I will be vey sore tonight, and not in a good way. I'll walk to/from my training session later this morning (that will be good), but then I have PT this aftenoon for the shoulder. I slept like crud the night after the last session :(


Ugh.  Hope things go better than expected.


2 mile walk with children and grandparents this morning.  Double martial arts class tonight.  I'm especially excited because my 20 yo dd is home for the summer and will be training with me and going to mma again.  She's soooo fun to spar.

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Lucky mama-I hope today finds you feeling better than expected.

Soror-have fun wherever you are.

Kim-I hear you.

Reishy-my kids and I only spar over the last cookie.


Last week was exhausting so I have resolved to take care of myself and be a little nurturing with myself this week. Yesterday dh and I took about a 5 mile walk. Slowly. At the end of the day I has 12000 steps at the end of the day. Today I did some yoga concentrating on stretching. Kim and I must have had a similar run. I got in my 4 miles but it was super humid and I just felt slow. Felt good when I was done though.


I got a call from my army boy yesterday. He has his 2 mile time down to 13:00. While carrying heavy stuff. I wanna be 21 again, LOL.

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Experimenting with a new high intensity interval training on the treadmill. It was wonderful and I feel so gooood. From the amount of sweat on the treadmill I think I'm gonna like it. Lol. Got all my hip strengthening exercises and extensive stretchng session in.

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I got 30 mins of tracy anderson in. I started a new workout today and I was surprised at how well I did.  Usually I get through half and then fall over. I promise she packs a lot of work into those 30 mins, lol.  Ok, my butt is sore, so I def did some work.


I wore a new pair of jeans yesterday and all this TA is def doing its job. My bootay is looking high and good! Now if it were just smaller, lol.

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Those ballet beautiful workouts (the full body 60 min workout and the 'body blasts') are available on the youtube "BeFit" channel.


If you search for 'ballet beautiful' you will find them.



Those are my super hot weather, I can't exercise because it is too hot workouts. I can just stay on the mat and keep a fan blowing right on me, lol

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I thought of you this weekend, Red Squirrel.  The hotel where we were staying had a squirrel feeder opposite our bedroom window.  On Monday morning, when we woke up early to drive me to work, there were four red squirrels fighting for precedence on the feeder.

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4 mile run again today. I am hoping that I can practice yoga later, but my day is not going well.   


Yesterday I got a new blender.  It was my Mother's day present.  It's an Oster Versa, professional series.  It looks so nice and I wanted to try it out, so I made myself a smoothie for dinner.  The blender came with a recipe book, and as I looked through there were recipes that used tofu as a base.  I had never thought of that and I had some tofu that had "expired" a few days ago so I wanted to use it.  The smoothie tasted great.  The blender worked very well.  It was quiet and quick.  But....I ended up ill all night.  I felt so sick.  I don't know if tofu was bad (tasted fine) or if it was just my reaction to raw tofu.  My stomach was still off this morning, making the run a bit difficult (and later than I planned).  It will be a very long time before I use tofu in a smoothie again. 

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Tofu is fine to eat raw, but tofu does have more fiber than most people think it does. And soy can be difficult to digest. If you used a fair amount in a smoothie, more than you are used to eating in one meal, it could have blasted your digestive system. It is a bunch of beans after all. If you aren't used to eating a cup of beans for a meal (which is a fair amount) you will have a gassy upset stomach when you try it.


Was it silken tofu? That is the kind traditionally used for smoothies, dips, pies etc. That has a much higher water content so there is a lot less fiber per serving. It is almost gelatinous in texture. The tofu in aseptic packaging (the little boxes) has, I think, been strained to remove a lot of the fiber and is even smoother. If it was regular firm or medium etc tofu then, again, a bit of a fiber blast for your tummy. But, even silken tofu can be a challenge if you are eating a whole or half a package in a single smoothie.

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It was not silken. I do eat a lot of beans, often a cup at a shot, but I think it was just too much for my system.  It didn't occur to me that it could be an issue or I may have tried it with less.  Someday I may be brave enough to try again. :)  I have eaten tofu before.  I fry it for stir fry, and I've used it to make cheeseless lasagna (which came out really good).  It was just the first time I tried it that way.   

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Maybe it was being raw. I can imagine that cooking it might soften up the fiber a bit?  Whatever it was, it sounds like it was too much for your poor stomach to handle.  I am sorry!


I have a vitamix and I have tossed in a bit of leftover tofu into a smoothie, but it has never been much, just an odd leftover bit.  I will be careful not to add more than that. DS2 regularly eats 'raw' tofu for lunch.  I think it is gross, but he has been eating it since he was a baby with no ill effect. And my sil lived in japan for over 20 years and she regularly served 'raw' tofu as part of a meal. So, at the very least, it should be fine to eat cold and out of the package.

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Kim- sorry that didn't go well. I have gotten to the point I mostly use water in my smoothies. I so throw in brown rice protein so figure I don't need another protein source.


Busy as per usual so I did some lovely yoga this morning. Tonight is opening softball night so I doubt I will get to go to Rip and yoga. I'll probably try for some more yoga before bed.

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I haven't been posting bc I hate to just be a complainer.   Got sick last week and couldn't do anything on top of can't do anything on my arm still. 


I've been going to MA and watching class.   Talk about depressing.


I hope I bounce back before the really disgusting weather sets in. 



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I haven't been posting bc I hate to just be a complainer.   Got sick last week and couldn't do anything on top of can't do anything on my arm still. 


I've been going to MA and watching class.   Talk about depressing.


I hope I bounce back before the really disgusting weather sets in. 


You are not a whiner.  Whiners don't go to class and watch- they stay home and feel sorry for themselves and watch depressing t.v. 

Your body is taking a break- you will be back into things soon and maybe remind yourself that your base level is high so when you get back to training you will be starting at an awesome base....

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I haven't been posting bc I hate to just be a complainer.   Got sick last week and couldn't do anything on top of can't do anything on my arm still. 


I've been going to MA and watching class.   Talk about depressing.


I hope I bounce back before the really disgusting weather sets in. 


I know how frustrating it is, I really do. I don't even have an injury to point to as my reason for reduced endurance etc.


And watching isn't useless, it can be quite constructive. My son's ballet teacher has it as a requirement if a dancer is sick. I swear her rule is that unless the dancer is vomiting or has a very high fever she wants the dancer to be in the studio watching the class and taking notes.  I am hoping she is rethinking that policy after last year's Nutcracker/illness debacle, but I doubt it. But my son has done it for a few classes and he thinks it was actually useful. He got to actually look at the other dancers and see who has excellent technique and why...and who still holds his arms like a second year, lol.

So watch and learn and it can help make you better when you are able to rejoin.


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4 mile run again today.


I've been home, with no need to travel far, for 2 days now.  It's wonderful. Yesterday I was mostly wiped out, but today I was able to clean my ovens (cleaning an oven while explaining math is a real skill :) ), go for a run, clean the upstairs bathroom, and do some push-ups and handstand work.  It's been over a month since I've done push-ups, and I'm back to square 1, but it felt so good to be able to do them.  The last month and a half has been nuts, but I'm seeing a faint light at the end of the tunnel.  Our summer schedule is also busy, but I think it won't be as bad as the last 6 weeks have been. 


Snicker--I know it frustrating, but hang in there.  And you're not whining, you're venting to others who can understand.  There's a big difference. 

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Experimenting with a new high intensity interval training on the treadmill. It was wonderful and I feel so gooood. From the amount of sweat on the treadmill I think I'm gonna like it. Lol. Got all my hip strengthening exercises and extensive stretchng session in.

This again. Despite the middle schoolers trying to drag me back into science lessons. I made it to the workout room, but barely. Lol

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IM30: 9/56.


I'm having some heavy dental work done so I might fall behind.



Kim-I would try protein powder. I like vanilla because it works with fruit, ice cream, peanut butter...



Hugs to SD, Kim, Luckymama and whoever I selfishly forgot.

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Crazy week between AP and finals, my twice-weekly training, my physical therapy, and dd's health issues. I feel the tension creeping up my body.


No time for exercise today. We saw the ped GI specialist this am. She agreed with my concerns and suggested a root cause of all dd's symptoms. Endoscopy to be scheduled. Dd is more relaxed now :)

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About to soon do Ballet Beautiful: Total Body Workout. Some of you here like her :). I just need to do her workouts more often. Here are some You Tube clips in case anyone's interested. 



I saw her book when we were in the U.S., but I'm more of a DVD person when it comes to exercise.


NO!!!!!!!!!!!!   Better you than me.


Crazy week between AP and finals, my twice-weekly training, my physical therapy, and dd's health issues. I feel the tension creeping up my body.


No time for exercise today. We saw the ped GI specialist this am. She agreed with my concerns and suggested a root cause of all dd's symptoms. Endoscopy to be scheduled. Dd is more relaxed now :)

Hope they find the answer. 




Yesterday was yoga and today kickboxing again. Waiting for the more relaxed schedule to start. Does that ever happen? 

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It finally stopped raining and dried out enough that I could get back to my yard project. I worked in the yard for 8 hours today - no exaggeration. (My kids are all in PS this year!). I worked on my 30'x15' flower bed next to my house where I ripped out a bunch of overgrown ugly juniper bushes two weekends ago.


I turned all the soil with a shovel, broke up the dirt clods with a hoe, smoothed everything out with a rake, raked in 10 cubic feet of mulch, and then planted approximately 120 new bushes, perennials, and annuals. According to my Fitbit, I burned just over 1500 exercise calories.


Tomorrow I plan to lay on the couch all day :)

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I just got home from a 3 hours of awesome mixed doubles tennis! It was also the player assessment at our club and "try-outs" to see who will play in the competitive  league (still recreational level - we only dream we're pro!  :lol: ). I made the top team!  :hurray:​    I'm celebrating with some wine and chocolate. (I hope I can move tomorrow. I know I'll be sore.)

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My dentist appointment went very wrong and I'm hoping for oral surgery tomorrow. I'll be out for a while. This is not good week for the exercise thread.


Ughh!  I hope the surgery goes well.



Wednesday: I walked 9.75 miles - broken up in a morning, noon, and late evening walk.  Plus some light grappling skill work.

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About to soon do Ballet Beautiful: Total Body Workout. Some of you here like her :). I just need to do her workouts more often. Here are some You Tube clips in case anyone's interested. 



I saw her book when we were in the U.S., but I'm more of a DVD person when it comes to exercise.


How's the work-out going?  I went a full cast, adult ballet last month, and it really struck me that while the men had great upper body stength, the ladies sure didn't. Even in the video clip "swan arms" she has no muscles in her arms.  I do love her posture, though. I could certainly use some work in that area, but I'll stick with tennis for arm muslces. ;)

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