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Exercise Thread ~ May 3 - May 9


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Monday I sat in the van for our 6 hour drive home after indulging in cherry-stuffed French toast and maple bacon for breakfast. It was totally worth it, but I'm starting to worry that I might get yelled at for my weight gain at my next midwife appointment :-). Yesterday, I walked about two miles between kindergarten drop-off and pickup. Today I am cleaning house to get ready for a big family party we're hosting Saturday. I need to wash walls. Between the black streak from the dog who leans against the wall as he walks down the hall and the kid finger height streak because they just have to touch everything, they really need it. I might get a walk in later too.

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Laura, I'm in USDA zone 5 with very low humidity. Quite a bit of snow in the winter, and about 5-ish days over 100 degrees in the summer. I will be planting cottage garden-ish things like Shasta daisies, delphinium, Japanese iris, foxglove, lupine, sweet William, and then lots of wave petunias to fill in the spaces that will be blank until the budget recovers.


Today the stump grinder guy came and I worked in the yard while he was there, pulling weeds and such. I'm glad I was out there because he was a young kid and the owner came by and had questions, so I was able to answer them on the spot.


After they left, I dug out the roots of a shrub that was too close to the house for the grinder to reach. It took me nearly an hour, and the root ball was a good 24". The hole was easily 2.5' deep. I'm pretty proud of myself!


Tomorrow our green waste dumpster is being delivered, so I will work on moving my huge pile from the driveway into the dumpster. The pile is currently 15'x20'x7' high. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to move tomorrow night.


So all this to say I haven't been to the gym for over a week, but getting a good workout nonetheless

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Laura, I'm in USDA zone 5 with very low humidity. Quite a bit of snow in the winter, and about 5-ish days over 100 degrees in the summer. I will be planting cottage garden-ish things like Shasta daisies, delphinium, Japanese iris, foxglove, lupine, sweet William, and then lots of wave petunias to fill in the spaces that will be blank until the budget recovers.


Today the stump grinder guy came and I worked in the yard while he was there, pulling weeds and such. I'm glad I was out there because he was a young kid and the owner came by and had questions, so I was able to answer them on the spot.


After they left, I dug out the roots of a shrub that was too close to the house for the grinder to reach. It took me nearly an hour, and the root ball was a good 24". The hole was easily 2.5' deep. I'm pretty proud of myself!


Tomorrow our green waste dumpster is being delivered, so I will work on moving my huge pile from the driveway into the dumpster. The pile is currently 15'x20'x7' high. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to move tomorrow night.


So all this to say I haven't been to the gym for over a week, but getting a good workout nonetheless


Sounds like a good workout.  There's a lot of crossover with the perennials I plant, although I'm not doing petunias this year because I have to keep them away from the rabbits.


My front area (rabbit heaven) has iris, alliums, lavender, verbena bonariensis (barely perennial in these climes), foxgloves (self seeding), snow-in-summer, hardy geraniums, campanula....  There are also some shrubs: heather and several roses.

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AnnE-girl- we had a party here a few weeks ago and finally painted walls, with kids it is a constant battle. The good thing is once you get it done it is so nice!


slache- I hear you on shopping we did that Tuesday while I was out, wears a person out!



Yesterday Yoga Class- we worked on Ujayi breath and some core work and then handstands at the end, just against the wall. I almost got myself up there, almost. I think I have enough strength for it now, it is just getting the technique down and getting over my fear. I really, really want to conquer this!!!

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Confession: after my walk my martial arts home practice did not happen yesterday.  Grrr.  But I accomplished a million other things- including gardening:)  

Today- leaving for a 4 mile walk as I type, followed by planting and then I will do mma skill work... I will, I will.  Even if I have to force my 13 yo to take a break from math to be my partner.


Tonight Martial arts class followed by kettle bell.


Weirdly- since I sprained my toe and have had to walk more than run I have been sore.  I never get sore from long runs anymore. Sprinting yes but not just a long run. I guess the muscle groups are just different enough?



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Insanity Max 30 3/56.


Disclaimer for those familiar with the program. I'm substituting strength training for the Tabata days because I can't have my mouth lower than my tummy during cardio without repercussions and the workout is a joke without the floor work.

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I haven't been posting but I have done 3 Tracy anderson workouts in 3 days.  DH is out of town this week and I have been very assertive about making the time. If I don't then there will be none, unless I feel like working out at 9:30, which I don't, lol. I will try hard to get one more workout tomorrow. Saturday is a mad house and ends with a trip out of town to have dinner with dh's extended family.

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I moved our huge pile of pulled out shrubs, etc. into the green waste trailer. My boys helped a ton, which I was very thankful for, as we got the whole thing done in about 90 minutes, and finished with the tarp on about 30 minutes before it started pouring rain.


Tomorrow I will start moving soil from one bed area to another. We want to lower one area so we can put down sod, and raise the other area for flowers. I'm hoping it will stop raining soon so everything is not all mud tomorrow. Hopefully the flowers can go in on Saturday!

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Well, did a lot of house cleaning and then took a nap. Feel like I'm trying to come done with what the kids have, I so don't have time for that. Went to yoga class but no one was there, not sure what was going on.....When we finally made it home I did my Mutu and practiced some yoga poses with the girls. Oh and I did some pushups. Not sure on today, planned for a leg heavy yoga video but didn't get a lot of sleep, dh and I are taking turns letting dd2 torture us at night, she wouldn't go to sleep!!!

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I forgot how sore I feel after physical therapy. Between that and the work I did with the trainer yesterday, I hardly slept last night (my fitbit sleep log is a mess of 'awake' and 'restless' lines).




Dh cuddled me back to sleep when my alarm went off his morning :) No gym for me this am!


I think I'll just work on being active in the yard, garden, and house today.

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Killer leg work in martial arts I'm shuffling today:)


About to do a 3 mile gentle wAlk, minus the shuffle. Followed by stretching and grappling drills, and gardening today.


Then I get to move dd out of dorm and back home!!!!!

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Hot yoga yesterday then a 4 mile run this morning.  I love this weather.  It was 60 this morning, but felt cool, not sticky or hot yet.  


Reishy, enjoy having your dd home.  My dd21 is heading to Disney World with her roomate for a few days, then she'll be home, but not for long. She works at the college over the summer and lives there.  

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Light day: just walked the dog. Oh, and left my car on the edge of town in the free parking and walked in to the hairdresser. 12,000 steps.


Off to the Highlands for the weekend. Hoping to get some good walking in, but won't be here until Monday.

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All I ended up doing was a short walk yesterday and tons more cleaning. I was sore, it seems Fridays are good for breaks with my current yoga schedule. Not sure today, I already have more stuff to do than time, getting ready to leave for our trip but I was planning on doing a bit of something when I wake up all the way. 

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Ok, just did TGU with my 5lb weight, I know not technically legit because it was a weight but doing it with 26.2lbs isn't going to happen...yet. I did 5 on each side and just focused on my form since the weight is light.


Just did 100 swings with the 26.2 in 5 minutes, 2 more goals knocked out.


Also did my Mutu(core). That's it for this am, need to get with more cleaning and packing. No walk today it is raining cats and dogs all day. Would like to do some light yoga later. 


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Lots of rain for the last two days has put the damper on my yard plans and I have had zero motivation to go to the gym.


Probably not much will happen today, as I was at the ER until 2 am with my son who has not broken, but monumentally sprained his ankle. It was the size of a grapefruit, so I thought for sure it was broken.

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