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Do you have it?

Have you sought treatment for it?


How do you cope?


I NEVER had it until recently.  Now I panic in certain situations......strapped in to roller coasters, put in MRI machines, even CT scans make me really nervous.

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I have it. Have never sought treatment for it precisely but am treated for anxiety. I try to avoid elevators, distract myself on car rides, and for mri's I had to go to one of the standing up ones. I am definetly not the poster child for overcoming claustrophobia.

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Huge claustrophobic here.  I've never sought out treatment, but I do admit to avoiding freaky situations (crowded elevators, crowds in general, small placing, diving, etc.) whenever I can.  I had a complete meltdown in a MRI machine years ago.  You couldn't get me near one now without serious meds.  

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I've never had issues before, but the last time I was in the hospital I freaked out when they tried to put me in the MRI. I've had MRIs done before without issue, but this time I really lost it.


It was tough for me, because I think of myself as a really low-maintenance, no-drama person. So, the experience of having to be pulled out crying and have strangers soothing me. Not my idea of a good time, and kind of a blow to my self-image. 


And after that, for the very first time ever, I got panicky and almost had to remove myself from a roller coaster. I'm not a big coaster fan and often choose to sit out when my family ride. However, in this case we were going on one that I've ridden a number of times before without issues. I was fine stepping into the car and until I pulled down the safety bar, and then my heart started racing and I had trouble breathing and felt like I was going to cry. My husband and son were seated in the row in front of me, and I was next to a young-ish boy who was on his own. I was actually on the verge of raising my hand and asking to be let off the ride when the kid in the next seat looked up and said, about half and half enthusiastic and nervous, "Are you ready?" I swung into mom mode, forced myself to sound cheerful and said, "You bet!" I was more worried about making sure he had a good time than about allowing myself to freak out, which got me through it.


But, honestly, like the MRI experience, it really upset me that I panicked like that. It was so out of character for me.

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Very much so. I haven't sought treatment. It started in adulthood. My mom used to get panicky in small spaces and make a big scene, which was so embarrassing. Now I understand how real it is. That said, I have managed to not be dramatic about it so far. I talk myself through it in my head.


I actually prefer being in an elevator with at least 1 other person. Alone, trapped in an elevator? No thanks, I'll take the stairs. I don't do well in tents, tunnels or caves. Don't like my face covered or having warm air blowing on my face in the car. Never had an MRI, but just reading the above comments on them, I am hoping I never need one.


I don't like the car for long periods of time and really don't like roller coasters but due to motion sickness. I wonder if the two are connected...

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Claustrophobia started to be a problem for me after I nearly drowned in my teens.  I don't do small spaces very well, but can manage an elevator with just some uneasiness.  I've had two MRIs now - both with Ativan (a delightful little drug IMO).

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It is interesting because elevators don't bother me.  It is the really closed spaces that make me feel like I can't breathe and I am ready to pass out.


It got WAY worse after this last MRI attempt.  I was fine with roller coasters and confined rides before that.  In fact, what made me REALLY ANGRY is that rides I used to LOVE I could no longer tolerate.  This last Florida trip I had to ask to get off of two rides (one at Disney and one at Universal) that I have ridden many, many times before.  I KNOW what the ride is, i KNOW what to expect, and I KNOW I love it.  


Why couldn't I do it all of a sudden?



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It is interesting because elevators don't bother me. It is the really closed spaces that make me feel like I can't breathe and I am ready to pass out.


It got WAY worse after this last MRI attempt. I was fine with roller coasters and confined rides before that. In fact, what made me REALLY ANGRY is that rides I used to LOVE I could no longer tolerate. This last Florida trip I had to ask to get off of two rides (one at Disney and one at Universal) that I have ridden many, many times before. I KNOW what the ride is, i KNOW what to expect, and I KNOW I love it.


Why couldn't I do it all of a sudden?

Wow, Dawn, that sounds almost exactly like where I am now.


I have nevet had any issues to speak of. I'm still pretty okay in elevators. I had a bad experience with the MRI, and it's like a switch flipped.


I'm sorry you are having a similar challenge!

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Wow, Dawn, that sounds almost exactly like where I am now.


I have nevet had any issues to speak of. I'm still pretty okay in elevators. I had a bad experience with the MRI, and it's like a switch flipped.


I'm sorry you are having a similar challenge!



I read the treatments for claustrophobia and they included being placed in a 3x3 room. Hmmmm......


Glad to hear I am not alone.

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If I am stressed then my clausterophobia gets stronger.  MRI's, Cat scans, tunnels make me very nervous and I sing.  It's stupid.  If I sing, then I stay calm enough to get through it - for about a minute.  Heaven help me if I ever cross our International border and get stuck in the tunnel.  I might pass out.


I love roller coaster rides always have, but I don't like my neck jerked around as I've gotten older, it just hurts.


I wonder if there is a specific phobia name for being scared of long dark tunnels.

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Like a lot of you here, I wasn't claustrophobic before having a MRI. Now quite a few things set it off. The only time I use medication though is for MRIs. Even with drugs, tears will  be streaming down my face as I undergo it. I wish doctors would be more mindful of how terrifying MRIs are and try to head off the claustrophobic effects before they even happen. It has changed my life.

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Ok, now I am going to google MRIs and onset claustrophobia. There has got to be a connection. I NEVER used to be like this but once I had to have an MRI, I have been toast ever since.

I wonder if it is because of the electro-magnetic waves, and an effect on the brain? Wildly speculating here, but there are certain species, like sharks, that appear sensitive to auras of electricity. I wonder if the human brain reacts in a similar way to the MRI procedure - not necessarily to the confinement. Again, wild speculation.

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I've had it for years, but never quite understood that it was claustrophobia until later in life. When I was younger, and still to this day, I cry my eyes out on the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland at the part where they shove everyone into that one room. It freaks me out. I also don't like elevators, or any tight space really. I haven't had to do an MRI for a while so I don't recall if those bother me. I've never considered getting it treated as I just do what I can to avoid being put in those situations.

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You are all in my head.  No more roller coasters for me, not even tamer rides if they have harnesses that hold my upper body in place.  I can't even breathe if my husband lays his arm across me in bed.  For me, it got really bad after I developed severe reflux during pregnancy.  I had so many nights of feeling like I was going to claw my own face off before my OB realized what was going on and prescribed Zantac.  But after that, it's like something triggered inside me.


One of the only reasons I haven't had another baby is because of how claustrophobic I feel when pregnant.  It really sucks to feel trapped inside of your own body.

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I never did till my youngest was born. It was an emergency c- section and when they gave me the spinal, for some reason my blood pressure bottomed out. The drape they had set up across my chest suddenly seemed to be a huge issue for me and I was really having my own meltdown. Ever since then, I can't handle any space too tight or over my head and face. Elevators are okay though.

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I never did till my youngest was born. It was an emergency c- section and when they gave me the spinal, for some reason my blood pressure bottomed out. The drape they had set up across my chest suddenly seemed to be a huge issue for me and I was really having my own meltdown. Ever since then, I can't handle any space too tight or over my head and face. Elevators are okay though.



That feeling freaked me out too.  I hated the spinal.

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I wonder if it is because of the electro-magnetic waves, and an effect on the brain? Wildly speculating here, but there are certain species, like sharks, that appear sensitive to auras of electricity. I wonder if the human brain reacts in a similar way to the MRI procedure - not necessarily to the confinement. Again, wild speculation.



Well, I felt it before the machine even started, so not sure that would be it for me.

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I have it, though it manifests in weird ways. Crowds and tunnels are a problem for me, but so are tight necklines and socks/sneakers. 


I use a breathing technique that I learned to deal with anxiety (related to dentists) when I get very claustrophobic. I also try to avoid any situation that would cause a panic for me. Malls are the worst. I had a hard time at Universal with the crowds in some stores/lines. 

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