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how many days until you feel "safe"??


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my husband got the stomach flu at midnight Saturday night...but was having minor symptoms since Thursday.  tomorrow my kids all have dentist appointments, my daughter has organ lessons and the kids have art lessons at another person's home.  


If nobody else gets sick by tomorrow morning, are we "safe" enough to go on with our plans? 



we are staying close to home today...we canceled a couple things already...


What is your timeline??

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The incubation period for stomach flu is usually around 48 hours, although that can vary a lot. For example, my kids typically start getting sick on Tuesday mornings, thanks to exposure from church. ;). My experience has been when one child starts symptoms I give it a full 48 hours AFTER their last symptom before I breathe any sort of sigh of relief. There's usually that one day "eye of the storm" window where the first sick child is no longer puking but the rest have caught it but aren't symptomatic for another 24 or so hours. :(


Depending how sick your hubby was on Sunday and was surfaces he may have infected it is possible (not saying likely, just that it's a possibility) that your kids could come down sick any time tomorrow.


I read somewhere that surfaces can harbor the virus for up to three weeks and if a family has had a stomach virus that having people over for 3 weeks after can infect those people, even if the family themselves have been symptom free. I don't know how accurate that is but for *me* I personally won't invite anyone over for at least 2 weeks after, just in case. And I'm a big fan of bleach. Haha.


To answer your question, when it comes to stomach viruses, I never feel safe. Lol. They're the worst and they're so darn contagious. :(

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I should add I'm not saying your kids should not go out. I believe stomach viruses are one of the few diseases that are contagious AFTER symptoms appear, and not before.


But if you are concerned about them becoming symptomatic while outside of the house, I personally would not rule tomorrow as "safe". I guess it depends on how much you would potentially enjoy cleaning out the inside of your car. ;)

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In our house, one person comes down with a bug. A full seven days later, the rest of the family falls in 12-24 hour increments.


This pattern has held for the last three stomach viruses - one in November and two in March.


TMI - When I came home from the hospital after having shigella last year, I bleached the bathroom, showered, and changed clothes after every single BM for three weeks, even though I was the only one using that toilet. I also did not prepare food for three weeks. Only the baby had mild symptoms while I was also ill, no one else got it. We don't get that strict for 6-12 hour bugs, but I had the health department checking up on me that time. And it worked.

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I wouldn't stay home unless the home had immunocompromized people. I follow 24 hr rule for the sick ones. DH could've had food poisoning. The adults have picked up bugs from the kids, but we have never had the reverse happen. I guess adults generally have better aim and are more self-sufficient. :)

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The gov exclusion policy for schools and childcare is 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea. It's not perfect as we've followed these guidelines then had a relapse but I figure if it's good enough for childcare centres it's good for most scenarios short of hospital visits or time with someone immune compromised.

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I'd just go on with my life until someone gets sick.


You could get sick tomorrow and it could be completely unrelated.  Then again you could go a year without getting sick at all.  It's just hard to know so I don't live like I'm sick before I'm actually sick.


This.  I wouldn't have cancelled anything or stayed home from anything.  Until I'm sick, I carry on as I'm perfectly healthy.

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I once got it four days after exposure.


Probiotics can stop you from getting it.  I think the study was technically done on Kefir.


Since we started drinking A LOT of Kefir after every known exposure we've gotten it much less.  And by a lot I mean a large bottle per adult drank as fast as we can stomach it (it usually takes a few hours).


eta: obviously proportionate amounts for kids.

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