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My new (free) science curriculum is finished!


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I've made another literature and activity based science curriculum:




It's science based but has lots of cross-curricular topics so it could be used as a "core" type of curriculum (think Sonlight, WinterPromise, etc.). It's 14 weeks long so it won't hog up your entire school year. You could even do it over the summer if you are year-round homeschoolers like we are.


There are lots of books, hands-on activities, printables & videos scheduled. I also scheduled in my 2 newly published books (yeah, OK, the free curriculum will help them sell, lol):



One is a heavily illustrated storybook and the other is an activity book that expands on the things mentioned or illustrated in the storybook.


Some of the activities and lessons from The Science of Seasons books include:

  • Art projects
  • Copywork assignments
  • Cutout playsets and figures
  • Dot-to-dot
  • Geography
  • Greek & Latin roots
  • Lapbook style cutouts
  • Language & culture study
  • Make your own comic book templates and cutouts
  • Mazes
  • Science
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary activities and cutout cards
  • ..and much more!


Anyway, I'm excited about my newly published books and also about the free curriculum. :-)



Thanks to everyone here for their support over the years for all my website projects!


Thanks for letting me share!!






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Looks good!  It appears to be geared more towards younger elementary.  Is that correct?  


Yes, the curriculum is for grades 1-4, but it could be adapted for younger/older.


The Science of Seasons books can be used for grades 1-6, but even my highschooler and some adults learned several things from them, lol. I had some older kids "test" them too and they gave some positive feedback.


So, the Science of Seasons books by themselves are for grades 1-6, but the curriculum is more for grades 1-4. :-)


Let me know if you have any other questions!

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Would it be possible to seperate the curriculum by season and do a section here or there throughout the year?


Yes. In fact, that's a good idea and I can put together a free schedule that does that - so that there are two options. I'll start working on that today and will post here when it's finished. :-) I'm not sure how long it will take me as I have to think it all through...

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Yes. In fact, that's a good idea and I can put together a free schedule that does that - so that there are two options. I'll start working on that today and will post here when it's finished. :-) I'm not sure how long it will take me as I have to think it all through...


Thank you!  I think this will be a great thing to add during "breaks."


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I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be able to click on the images to see them more up close, but that doesn't work. I can see the pages as is, but not quite read them. Looks beautiful though!


I only uploaded thumbnails. :-)


I uploaded some thumbnails of the activity book too. I also added in a free pack of handwriting papers and a free, full-size sample of the playset kids with one set of clothes. 


You can find all that here:



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I added printable schedule of the curriculum at my store for $2.00. :-) It's still totally free online. 




I plan on going through all my online schedules and revamping them and creating printable schedules. The exception for that is the Timeline History Schedule, as that is in such a unique format. I'm planning on checking and updating links, etc. in some of my much older curricula too.


I also changed the graphic for the seasons curriculum, as the curriculum itself is not so much about the books I published, although it features them:



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We picked up our first batch of library books for the 14 week schedule today. My dd5 looked at Why Elephants Need the Sun while getting stitches in her foot at the urgent care this evening. 😟 I just purchased your pdfs of the activity book and schedule, and we'll start Monday. Thank you, Jenn.

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We picked up our first batch of library books for the 14 week schedule today. My dd5 looked at Why Elephants Need the Sun while getting stitches in her foot at the urgent care this evening. 😟 I just purchased your pdfs of the activity book and schedule, and we'll start Monday. Thank you, Jenn.

 I hope your dd5 is OK and will heal up quickly!! So glad to hear (er, read) you'll be starting it up on Monday. Let me know how it goes and any feedback you might have as to how I can improve things. :-)

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Why aren't you charging for this, Crazy Lady??


Wellll....there are a lot of reasons why I don't charge for my curriculum schedules.


One reason is that I know what it's like to struggle and need to provide homeschooling materials on the cheap. I've had really tough times in my life and during those times God provided for so many of my needs (and even wants). It's just a small way I can give when so many have (even unknowingly) given to me and my family. My husband and I want to help other homeschoolers in whatever small way we can because this is something we really believe in. We give in this area (and others) in honor of our own blessings.


Now I am at a point in our family journey where I need to start thinking of earning some $$ and it's going to have to be a balance for us when it comes to my website. We both still feel that the spirit of Guest Hollow is giving. So, I will have to find a way to monetize it, but still provide something for those who are struggling. I'm hoping to figure it all out. If I don't make $, this will not be a viable choice for my future. I really love doing this and really want to keep doing it, so, we'll see what happens. I believe that if it's meant to be a success, it will be. People will spread the word, people will donate, if they feel led to, we'll make a little $ off our Amazon commissions when people click through and purchase stuff there, and maybe people will buy the books and other materials I create to sell. In the meantime, those who NEED a curriculum and just can't afford one, can find a few offerings at my site and get most of the books from their local library. They can still have a fun and literature rich curriculum without paying the exorbitant prices you often have to pay for something like that.


Everyone should be able to have a joyful homeschool. Everyone should have the materials they need to teach their kids at home. This is just my very small offering.  :001_wub: I believe that if God wants it to be successful, it will be, even when I give away a lot for free.

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I think your books look wonderful. I don't have a colour printer though so would probably have to buy the in book form.  I'd love to try this with my kids...unfortunately they seem allergic to every curriculum these days..


Maybe I will try your broken up schedule and just do a little at a time throughout the year instead. See if I can sneak it in that way.

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