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Exercise Thread ~ March 22nd - March 28th


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So, what are you working towards? Do you do sets or do you just do the most you can do or timed? 



My end goal is a stalder press, but I may never get there.  I'm going to give it my absolute best effort though.

Different elements have different requirements for me but after looking at that website you posted I see now that I'm doing strength-endurance for almost everything which is probably why I'm wiped out all the time.  LOL

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My end goal is a stalder press, but I may never get there.  I'm going to give it my absolute best effort though.

Different elements have different requirements for me but after looking at that website you posted I see now that I'm doing strength-endurance for almost everything which is probably why I'm wiped out all the time.  LOL



redsquirrel- I love it, I can only imagine working out with dh, well it is has happened before briefly, we had to occupy different areas of the living room :)



I'm not familiar with that move so I looked it up, there are a lot of similarities between that and some of the advanced yoga movements. The one yoga video I watched last week(watched rather than attempted :0 ), up to a handstand and down, controlled the whole way reminds me of it to a great degree. I'm no where near doing it to that level but the work on crow/plank is the start of it for my practice, it is the art of 'floating' in a way. Floating between poses, downward dog to seated, seated to plank, crow to headstand, etc. 


Push-ups, lets see I'm at 5 sets of 7 right now.....might take a bit :) I only ever made it to 50 at a time previously, that is my current goal on push-ups, to meet it and exceed it and then get the one-armed push-up back and onto handstand push-ups. 


I finally woke up yesterday and had a rockin' playground workout, I was spent-


Made it up the firepole 3 times, I have to go barefooted and am using my leg strength way more than I want but it is a start

I rocked the monkey bars forwards and backwards and did it with good speed after I got warmed up

Worked on my back lever on the bars, need to watch the videos on that again, made the dismount several times this time- without falling on my butt

Beat both my (almost)8 year old and 10.5 year old in sprints


Continued splits training with dd, we are working on it just a bit a day, we have a few different moves we do. 


Had a lady tell me I was awesome and impressed the local kids, whom were telling each other if that lady can do it you can too, she's like way older :) The kudos were nice but the gang of kids were hogging the bars and I didn't get as much practice time as I wanted :) (I know the playground is for the kids :) ) But it did give me more pole and monkey bar time. 


I love, love, love playing at the playground, it is work but fun and it makes me feel younger. 


today is yoga class, looking forward to it. Was hoping to do some yoga today too to practice more on my new mat but not sleeping again.....  Today is also supposed to be strength training but I might have to switch that up, I'm thinking of moving towards 2 days off between strength days as I'm pushing my muscles hard with yoga too. I noticed big gains on Monday when I had a 2 day rest. We'll see how I feel I'm still a bit sore from Monday's work. I want to make sure I can give it my all in yoga.

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Okay, those yoga videos above. I can do plough, shoulder stand, and the inverted lotus (but can't get my knees all the way to the floor). However, that crow to plank is HARD! Holy moly hard!

I think a lot of it is just practice and muscle memory. I've done it before so even though I'm not in my best shape right now it is easier for me. 




I hope I don't come across as bragging.


I'm genuinely excited. My body is working better (aside from my sleep) than it has in YEARS, it is amazing and wonderful to me. I'm thrilled to be gaining back strength, balance and flexibility. 


speaking of not bragging :)

Welcome to the gun show- I've got biceps :)

I don't usually flex because I don't do any isolation exercises or such and I'm just not focused on that but on a whim I flexed it and bam, there it is, pretty good size too. 


Perhaps my electrolytes with creatine are really helping. I started it as it was recommended for MTHFR (which I have) and they said it might help decrease nightime urination(hasn't) and increase energy (totally has). Of course I know nothing about supplements for weightlifting as I've never taken any so I'm not sure if the amount in there would make a difference as it is not for that...

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I hope I don't come across as bragging.




Heck no Mama!   You rock!    I've said before that I'd love to meet you in a playground one day.         


I am inspired by reading everyone's WO.  I don't always comment on everyone's posts but I absolutely do read them everyday.   They keep me motivated when the going gets tough.    Even the good sleep posts inspire me to really guard my sleep when sometimes I'd rather watch a movie.


Everyone hold hands.....Kumbaya.....



Today:   WO stretch roll.

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I think a lot of it is just practice and muscle memory. I've done it before so even though I'm not in my best shape right now it is easier for me. 




I hope I don't come across as bragging.


I'm genuinely excited. My body is working better (aside from my sleep) than it has in YEARS, it is amazing and wonderful to me. I'm thrilled to be gaining back strength, balance and flexibility. 


speaking of not bragging :)

Welcome to the gun show- I've got biceps :)

I don't usually flex because I don't do any isolation exercises or such and I'm just not focused on that but on a whim I flexed it and bam, there it is, pretty good size too. 


Perhaps my electrolytes with creatine are really helping. I started it as it was recommended for MTHFR (which I have) and they said it might help decrease nightime urination(hasn't) and increase energy (totally has). Of course I know nothing about supplements for weightlifting as I've never taken any so I'm not sure if the amount in there would make a difference as it is not for that...

I love hearing what other people are doing. Most here are way beyond me (so far  ;)) but it's inspiring. When I sit at a desk or table and I'm reading with my arms crossed in front of me I can see my biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles. The creatine is defiantly helping you out in that arena.

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I had one of those fail mma class last night- partially not enough sleep I guess.  I couldn't do things I've practiced and practiced, all while front and center.  I'm pretty sure I won't be testing this week after all....  At least the workout was intense, I can feel it in my hips this morning.  I also had a blast with the young woman I was partnered with- she was all energy.


The elbow I hyper-extended during grappling 2 weeks ago was bothering me during kettle bell and my instructor ratted me out to our sensei.  I wasn't hiding it- I just don't like sharing my stupidity.  Injuries make me feel old like nothing else does.

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so far, 3 for 3 on doing a yoga practice.  my chiro gave me some exercises for my foot. (and basically - NO pointing my toes!) I still massage my entire leg at least once a day - it's getting old . . . .


I haven't actually "walked" walked, but I've run quite a few errands and been more productive, so I've walked more that way.

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2 mile fartlek followed by backbends and handstand work.

I had to look that up :) Welcome to the group :)



I was sooo very tired all tired until this evening. Thankfully yoga isn't until 5:15, I was afraid I wouldn't have it in me but once we got started I felt fabulous and had a great practice, I was extra flexible today too and we did some great hip openers which felt divine. I also did a 20 min Yoga with Adrienne earlier in the day, which was pretty low key, along with my Mutu. I went ahead and skipped the strength work today, I worked my shoulders especiay hard Monday and Tuesday so I think a break was good, not that there wasn't plenty of strength work in yoga class. LOVE my new yoga leggings. Here's hoping I sleep decent tonight, I'd like to get in Short and Sweet Yoga in the am and some strength training.

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I was alone in the house so I did 30 mins of dance cardio (think a chicken doing jane fonda) and 30 mins of mat work.  I love/hate dance cardio. It looks so stupid, but it really does help me get ready for running in the warmer weather. Something about hopping around and jumping and waving my arms around that gets me ready to run. I think it the jumping and hoping. It gets my leg muscles ready to propel myself or something. It also toughens up my calves and shins and makes the transition to outside cardio smoother.

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Took the dog for a walk this morning. I needed a nap in the afternoon. I really hope I get a chance to play tennis tomorrow, as it seems to be one of the only things that motivates me to move these days. I just want the snow and cold weather to be ever. I'm blaming my lethargic condition in winter. ;)

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I was alone in the house so I did 30 mins of dance cardio (think a chicken doing jane fonda) 



we did something similar when I was in 4th grade for pe.  the teacher had a record with music going on about "go you chicken fat go".  what's funny is seeing youtube videos of kids today doing it.  it's been 40 years.

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I've been dancing around here too, I keep on thinking I should break out our Just Dance dvd and get my groove on. 


Short and Sweet Yoga done this am, slept much better, still could use improvement as 6 hrs is still not quite enough but that is miles better than 3-4 hrs. Planning on some strength work later, we'll have to see how my shoulders do, push-ups might be out today. I pushed pretty hard on my chaturangas last night and I was feeling it during Yoga this am, I don't know if that is because it was earlier than usual or what but we'll see. Thinking about trying some Turkish Get-ups, they slightly scare me though, I'm afraid of dropping it on my head. I think I'll practice the move with my smaller weight before attempting it with my 26.4 lb kb which would smart pretty good if dropped on my face :)

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I had one of those fail mma class last night- partially not enough sleep I guess.  I couldn't do things I've practiced and practiced, all while front and center.  I'm pretty sure I won't be testing this week after all....  At least the workout was intense, I can feel it in my hips this morning.  I also had a blast with the young woman I was partnered with- she was all energy.


The elbow I hyper-extended during grappling 2 weeks ago was bothering me during kettle bell and my instructor ratted me out to our sensei.  I wasn't hiding it- I just don't like sharing my stupidity.  Injuries make me feel old like nothing else does.

Oh no!   :grouphug:    I know exactly what you are talking about.  That class you go to and no matter how hard you're trying your body is just not cooperating.    Are *you* deciding not to test or you're being passed over?    Well, in either case, it's about the practice of the art, not the belt as you well know.    It's still hard though, putting in all that work and then feeling not ready. :grouphug:


Again, we should all talk about sleep strategies.   It's one of those things where we leave easy gains on the table.

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Another day without exercise, but I'm going to attempt gentle stretching. Nasty sinus headache will interfere with some of my normal moves----no downward facing dog today!


Yuck- I know that feeling of drowning- I hope you are clear soon.


I was alone in the house so I did 30 mins of dance cardio (think a chicken doing jane fonda) and 30 mins of mat work.  I love/hate dance cardio. It looks so stupid, but it really does help me get ready for running in the warmer weather. 


When my kids were little this was one of my main winter exercises- it always made them hyper:)


Thinking about trying some Turkish Get-ups, they slightly scare me though, I'm afraid of dropping it on my head. I think I'll practice the move with my smaller weight before attempting it with my 26.4 lb kb which would smart pretty good if dropped on my face :)


My instructor had us practice the TGU move with a shoe and even a cup just balanced on our closed fist (we joked about doing it with a wine glass of a nice red) in order to get the move smooth and fluid.


Wednesday- 2 mile run/walk/sprint.  Is that what a fartlek is?  Then at the park I did box jumps, and some core work and one handed katas.- all low key.


   Are *you* deciding not to test or you're being passed over?    Well, in either case, it's about the practice of the art, not the belt as you well know.  




I've not earned my final stripe.  I've never not earned my final stripe this close to testing.  The belt color really doesn't matter to me but testing day is so intense and fun that I will be sad not to get to participate.  Yet, If I get my stripe in tonight's class I'll have really mixed feelings.  I guess I'm feeling like I've not met my own expectations and that always stinks.

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got my 30 mins in today. Not what I was planning, but that is what happened.  For two nights I got about 8 hours of sleep It was amazing! Last night I did everything the same to try for it again and....could.not.sleep.  You know it's bad when at 1;30 you turn off the kindle on principle, not because you are sleepy. 


Anyway, I had high hopes for a good 30 mins cardio and 30 mins mat workout, but then 5pm hit and I got super cranky and low energy. So, I did 30 min mat workout and called it good.  Hopefully tonight will bring more sleep

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My instructor had us practice the TGU move with a shoe and even a cup just balanced on our closed fist (we joked about doing it with a wine glass of a nice red) in order to get the move smooth and fluid. Good idea, thanks!


I've not earned my final stripe.  I've never not earned my final stripe this close to testing.  The belt color really doesn't matter to me but testing day is so intense and fun that I will be sad not to get to participate.  Yet, If I get my stripe in tonight's class I'll have really mixed feelings.  I guess I'm feeling like I've not met my own expectations and that always stinks.


So did you get your stripe? (I'm not real familiar with martial arts but ds is in TKD and I know they give them little strips and they have to earn 5 before testing to test- is that what you mean?) I hope it went well, if not I guess it is a lesson in grace for yourself.


We should have a special sub topic on sleep strategies.



 For two nights I got about 8 hours of sleep It was amazing! Last night I did everything the same to try for it again and....could.not.sleep.  You know it's bad when at 1;30 you turn off the kindle on principle, not because you are sleepy. 


Anyway, I had high hopes for a good 30 mins cardio and 30 mins mat workout, but then 5pm hit and I got super cranky and low energy. So, I did 30 min mat workout and called it good.  Hopefully tonight will bring more sleep

Oh, my goodness, SLEEP! I was doing awesome  and then BAM. I have always had difficulty around my period well except this time my period went away but not the insomnia. I, too, had 2 fabulous nights and then it went south again. I live in fear that I'm going to have a relapse, as soon as I get used to having energy and feeling good and being active my body knocks me back down, it is very, very hard to stay encouraged. I think partially I was eating too little. I was trying to eat enough but tracking calories, which naturally makes me reduce a bit, that is what I was going for, a very slight reduction. Well, I think I overshot that a bit. I have to make sure I eat enough but not too many carbs or too little. I increased the past few days in an effort for sleep, which I did ok on the day before and got that 6 hrs, well yesterday I overshot and I'm awake and my blood sugar was higher than it should be(not bad high but higher than where I feel good at). So, I'm awake in the night again and I've already got to the point we're I'm nauseous due to the cumulative lack of sleep this week. I was looking forward to a good night's sleep and some awesome workouts today since I took it easy yesterday, not feeling very optimistic about that now. It is very hard for me to break because I worry that means I'll never recover. I like exercising and having the energy to do so, it feels so good, I hate, hate, hate fighting my sleep to get enough energy to do so. I've almost called the dr 20x this week to look into sleeping pills but I keep thinking my body will crash and reset or I'll figure it out. OH, and after I told dh I was going to start sleeping in the basement he started sleeping in the bed with the 2yo so he wouldn't bother me, which then makes me feel guilty when I have a night like tonight and I'm not sleeping anyway. :( I can't even sleep with dh because I get woke up too easy :(

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So did you get your stripe? (I'm not real familiar with martial arts but ds is in TKD and I know they give them little strips and they have to earn 5 before testing to test- is that what you mean?) I hope it went well, if not I guess it is a lesson in grace for yourself.



Oh, my goodness, SLEEP! I was doing awesome  and then BAM. I have always had difficulty around my period well except this time my period went away but not the insomnia. I, too, had 2 fabulous nights and then it went south again. I live in fear that I'm going to have a relapse, as soon as I get used to having energy and feeling good and being active my body knocks me back down, it is very, very hard to stay encouraged. I think partially I was eating too little. I was trying to eat enough but tracking calories, which naturally makes me reduce a bit, that is what I was going for, a very slight reduction. Well, I think I overshot that a bit. I have to make sure I eat enough but not too many carbs or too little. I increased the past few days in an effort for sleep, which I did ok on the day before and got that 6 hrs, well yesterday I overshot and I'm awake and my blood sugar was higher than it should be(not bad high but higher than where I feel good at). So, I'm awake in the night again and I've already got to the point we're I'm nauseous due to the cumulative lack of sleep this week. I was looking forward to a good night's sleep and some awesome workouts today since I took it easy yesterday, not feeling very optimistic about that now. It is very hard for me to break because I worry that means I'll never recover. I like exercising and having the energy to do so, it feels so good, I hate, hate, hate fighting my sleep to get enough energy to do so. I've almost called the dr 20x this week to look into sleeping pills but I keep thinking my body will crash and reset or I'll figure it out. OH, and after I told dh I was going to start sleeping in the basement he started sleeping in the bed with the 2yo so he wouldn't bother me, which then makes me feel guilty when I have a night like tonight and I'm not sleeping anyway. :( I can't even sleep with dh because I get woke up too easy :(

I didn't realized nausea could be caused by insomnia.  I wonder if too much estrogen or another hormone issue could cause something like this.  I'm just thinking of all the pregnant ladies who are twiddling their thumbs at night wishing they could sleep and nauseaus as well.  Here's hoping for the best for you today soror.


I am resting today.

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All this talk about push-ups has made me curious if I could still do them. Before I quit Taekwon-Do a couple years ago, I could do 250 (5 x 50 with a minute rest inbetween the sets).  I haven't been keeping up the push-ups, but my arms have stayed strong with tennis. My core needs more attention, though. 


So, I did some core exercises this morning and tried a few push-ups. I hate the buggers! They are only really fun to do in a group where everyone suffers through them together. Besides, they're not great for my worn-out former swimmers shoulders. I'll stick with core work without the push-ups. ;)


My favourite doubles tennis on the schedule tonight!!  Tomorrow I'm going to try playing Pickle Ball with dh. It's like table tennis on a badminton court, from what I've heard. Should be fun! 

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Thursday: fabulous martial arts class, using only left arm- ditto with the kettlebell class after MMA.


Yes we get 5 stripes and then a red tip on our belts. The red signifies ready to test. I got my red tip last night and then had a talk with my Sensei. It was encouraging.


Howeve, I saw my trainer- PT guy this morning because my elbow still hurts- he was unhappy with it- complete rest for a week with ice and blah blah blah. If it's not better a trip to the ortho is in store for me. I damaged the UCL- just have to wait and see. He still managed to work me out so hard (mostly core work interspersed with sprints) that I was drenched in sweat by the end.

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All this talk about push-ups has made me curious if I could still do them. Before I quit Taekwon-Do a couple years ago, I could do 250 (5 x 50 with a minute rest inbetween the sets).


I am in absolute awe. I'm also possibly in love with you. I'm not quite sure yet.

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Did Jillian ab work yesterday. Ended up taking an unplanned mile walk, and spent 2 hours picking berries. Went to the store to buy people food, dog food, cat food, rabbit food.Then I stood on my feet cleaning and cutting 11 gallons of berries. I started to make 2 pies. Started to.


Here's what happened. Dh made strawberry daiquiris with yummy rum. I mean one needs to have a refreshment while baking and washing berries. So, I got the pie crusts rolled out and in the oven. Got some berries sliced and more berries mashed and cooking in the pot. All while sipping my yummy daiquiri. Then I went upstairs to feed rabbits and tuck kids into bed. Youngest child wanted me to lie down with him in bed for a bit. So I did. But I never got back up. I think I was asleep before my children. My dh woke me up later to get me in my bed, and I saw that he had frozen some berries, finished making the pies, and stored the rest of the berries in the fridge. 


I think that's the best way to make pies. 

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Oh, forgot to say that I did Ballet Body upper body this morning. This was the dvd I did that resulted in my injured shoulder. I did this morning sans weights. body weight only, and even so my shoulder was warning me to be careful. That video is tough on the shoulders. 

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Oh, forgot to say that I did Ballet Body upper body this morning. This was the dvd I did that resulted in my injured shoulder. I did this morning sans weights. body weight only, and even so my shoulder was warning me to be careful. That video is tough on the shoulders.


Good to know and glad your shoulder is better. I love your pie work flow. I'm pretty sure I would have gone downstairs to discover that my older children had droppedby with friends and eaten everything.

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Way behind in posting and no idea where I left off. I've been out of the house at co-op and field trips the past 3 days. I ran, and yogaed and stuff. I do my age in pushups broken up into 3 sets. By the nursing home I will have rockin' arms. By my pullups I am a toddler   :glare:

 love it, you just have to add one a year  :)



Oh, forgot to say that I did Ballet Body upper body this morning. This was the dvd I did that resulted in my injured shoulder. I did this morning sans weights. body weight only, and even so my shoulder was warning me to be careful. That video is tough on the shoulders. 

Curious, what exercises do they have you do for your upper arms? I've done ballet workouts in the past but they were lower body focused. The girls are in ballet class and although I noticed ballerinas have nice arm I'm left wondering why, is it just holding your arms up so much? I don't know it is a silly question on my mind.


Did Jillian ab work yesterday. Ended up taking an unplanned mile walk, and spent 2 hours picking berries. Went to the store to buy people food, dog food, cat food, rabbit food.Then I stood on my feet cleaning and cutting 11 gallons of berries. I started to make 2 pies. Started to.


LOL, jealous of your strawberries, do you think you needed extra rest or was it the yummy drinks that put you to bed early?


Yes we get 5 stripes and then a red tip on our belts. The red signifies ready to test. I got my red tip last night and then had a talk with my Sensei. It was encouraging.


Ya, that means you get to test right? Congrats!

I didn't realized nausea could be caused by insomnia.  I wonder if too much estrogen or another hormone issue could cause something like this.  I'm just thinking of all the pregnant ladies who are twiddling their thumbs at night wishing they could sleep and nauseaus as well.  Here's hoping for the best for you today soror.


I am resting today.

Well, certainly not all nausea!!! There are different mechanisms causing it at different times. I only feel that way after a prolonged(many days) period without good sleep. In pregnancy I think it can be hormones or blood sugar issues or who knows what else. Thanks for your well wishes!



Well, it is going to be a rest day here, a full rest day, its been a bit since I had one. I'm beyond exhausted and I can't tell if I'm trying to come down with something or am just sick with the lack of sleep. My back is also still sore. I can't tell if it is because my sleep mask and ear plugs are effecting my sleep position or perhaps I tweaked something, maybe I was too vigorous in my twists, I had been doing those a bit much. So, another day off would be good for that too. I like to listen to my body and that is easy when my body is excited for more activity, when it wants to rest I don't much like that idea....


I've decided to try the progesterone cream again. It has been prescribed for me a couple of times but when I tried it before it seemed to make me feel a bit depressed, I was told that could perhaps be due to nursing. Well, I'm not nursing now and my cycle isn't quite normal yet either, and my issues seem to indicate progesterone deficiency. Considering the side effects are generally minimal I think I don't have much to lose.

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Oh, forgot to say that I did Ballet Body upper body this morning. This was the dvd I did that resulted in my injured shoulder. I did this morning sans weights. body weight only, and even so my shoulder was warning me to be careful. That video is tough on the shoulders. 


You did the whole 45 mins upper body DVD? :001_tt1:  Whoa.  That is one of the hardest  upper body workouts I own, and I own quite a few. All those fancy pushups that never.end.


I've got all the Ballet Body DVDs and I haven't even bothered with the 20 min upper body segment on the last 'full body workout' dvd. That 45 min one scared me off, lol.



I managed to get 30 mins dance cardio and 30 mins mat. I had to be cranky and demand my time, but I did it. Some days I get sick of spending all my time and energy making sure everyone else gets to do what they need/want to do and not getting to do what I need/want to do. And if I am not firm about it, it doesn't happen

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Oh, my goodness, SLEEP! I was doing awesome  and then BAM. I have always had difficulty around my period well except this time my period went away but not the insomnia. I, too, had 2 fabulous nights and then it went south again. I live in fear that I'm going to have a relapse, as soon as I get used to having energy and feeling good and being active my body knocks me back down, it is very, very hard to stay encouraged. I think partially I was eating too little. I was trying to eat enough but tracking calories, which naturally makes me reduce a bit, that is what I was going for, a very slight reduction. Well, I think I overshot that a bit. I have to make sure I eat enough but not too many carbs or too little. I increased the past few days in an effort for sleep, which I did ok on the day before and got that 6 hrs, well yesterday I overshot and I'm awake and my blood sugar was higher than it should be(not bad high but higher than where I feel good at). So, I'm awake in the night again and I've already got to the point we're I'm nauseous due to the cumulative lack of sleep this week. I was looking forward to a good night's sleep and some awesome workouts today since I took it easy yesterday, not feeling very optimistic about that now. It is very hard for me to break because I worry that means I'll never recover. I like exercising and having the energy to do so, it feels so good, I hate, hate, hate fighting my sleep to get enough energy to do so. I've almost called the dr 20x this week to look into sleeping pills but I keep thinking my body will crash and reset or I'll figure it out. OH, and after I told dh I was going to start sleeping in the basement he started sleeping in the bed with the 2yo so he wouldn't bother me, which then makes me feel guilty when I have a night like tonight and I'm not sleeping anyway. :( I can't even sleep with dh because I get woke up too easy :(


I'm starting to lose sleep again after a really good run of good sleep.   I worry too about breaking the insomnia kick once it sets in.   I hate it.

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Well, I have no idea if the Ballet Body has typical moves that ballerinas do in dance class. The first part of the DVD is just about all plank work. It's the side plank position that gets me. The sliding shoulder movement as you lift and lower your body while holding side plank is killer for my shoulder. The second part of the DVD she uses weights, but I did all the moves without weights. When I injured my shoulder I was using 5lb weights and I think that's what caused the injury. She does a lot of moves with her arms extended holding weights. I'd say the majority of the moves work mostly shoulders. At least that is what it feels like to me. Here is a clip from the plank portion and the weights portion


She makes it look so easy, but it is not. 



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Well, I have no idea if the Ballet Body has typical moves that ballerinas do in dance class. The first part of the DVD is just about all plank work. It's the side plank position that gets me. The sliding shoulder movement as you lift and lower your body while holding side plank is killer for my shoulder. The second part of the DVD she uses weights, but I did all the moves without weights. When I injured my shoulder I was using 5lb weights and I think that's what caused the injury. She does a lot of moves with her arms extended holding weights. I'd say the majority of the moves work mostly shoulders. At least that is what it feels like to me. Here is a clip from the

 and the


She makes it look so easy, but it is not. 




Leah is using 1lb weights in that weighted section.  I tried it the first time with 3lb weights and it was just too difficult to do those moves and keep the speed.  I can' imagine using 5lbs.


Those are not moves from a ballet class, lol. Prob the closest you would see would the moves from the weight section without the weights.  Ballet dancers aren't known for lots of upper body work, but they do it.  My sons are ballet dancers and a couple of the teachers have them do pushups.  And of course the boys have to work on upper body strength because they have to lift the girls. 


Ballet body is in the 'Barre' school of exercise.  There is Ballet body, Pure Barre, Bar Method, Lottie Berk, Callenetics, Physique 57, Bar 4, some would put Tracy Anderson in that camp...and at least 10 more that I can't think of off the top of my head, but that I have heard of.


It's my favorite type of workout. I'm not sure how effective it is because I pretty much have the opposite body type that all the instructors are promising, lol.  But, I still really like it.

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Well, I have no idea if the Ballet Body has typical moves that ballerinas do in dance class. The first part of the DVD is just about all plank work. It's the side plank position that gets me. The sliding shoulder movement as you lift and lower your body while holding side plank is killer for my shoulder. The second part of the DVD she uses weights, but I did all the moves without weights. When I injured my shoulder I was using 5lb weights and I think that's what caused the injury. She does a lot of moves with her arms extended holding weights. I'd say the majority of the moves work mostly shoulders. At least that is what it feels like to me. Here is a clip from the

 and the


She makes it look so easy, but it is not. 

No, it doesn't look easy. I know from doing yoga  the side arm balance she is doing is killer for me, and then doing the weight work after that I bet my arms would be total jello.

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