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Exercise Thread ~ March 22nd - March 28th


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AHHHH gardening and hiking and running....strawberries!  You are all killing me here. We have....wait for it....I am sure you will be shocked....SNOW. I had to shovel and brush off the car this morning. 


I did 2 15 min cardio dance workouts. The second was a new one for me, so I am sure I was going 3/4 speed. I will keep working on it this week. I like dance cardio because it makes my brain get involved. I can really zone out on the nordic track or jogging, and that is nice as well. But sometimes it is good for me to dance around like a weird chicken and almost trip over my feet. I then did 30 min TA mat workout. So, I got 60 mins total

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AHHHH gardening and hiking and running....strawberries!  You are all killing me here. We have....wait for it....I am sure you will be shocked....SNOW. I had to shovel and brush off the car this morning. 



I'm right there with you. We had a bunch of snow yesterday, and today was -11 C with a really nasty wind. Welcome to spring. Ugg. I can't wait for summer.

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AHHHH gardening and hiking and running....strawberries! You are all killing me here. We have....wait for it....I am sure you will be shocked....SNOW. I had to shovel and brush off the car this morning.


We had snow for the first day of spring. Fortunately in typical Midwest fashion where we try to fit at least 3 seasons into each day it melted. We had a nice day Saturday and now...it's supposed to be cold and rainy and freeze at night. Blech.


I'm currently eyeing the drizzle and deciding if I want to run and get cold and wet or go do the elliptical and weights. But first more coffee and yoga.

Edited to add: oh, look, now it's snowing. Opted for elliptical

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Soror: can you tell me a bit more about Mutu? I know it is more of a practice than a workout. I don't have the dia whatever it is, but I do think I have a weak core. I don't mean just my stomach area, but around to the back as well.


Out of curiosity, would Mutu be of any use for someone with out the whatever it is? Is it of any use as, let's say, a help for a tetchy back?


What about just getting the abs in shape, pulling them in? 


I am just plain old curious, lol.

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Yesterday I took my 3 boys to the zoo.  It was a nice day for walking.  This morning I ran 4 miles, and so far, I've done 4 sets of push-ups and pull-ups.  


It was a very long weekend with lots driving.  Today I feel wiped out and it's going to be a long day.  We drive to the city and don't get home till almost 10 tonight.

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redsquirrel- Mutu has a few different components, the first part is the core work which has 3 different phases, each to be done for 4 weeks. Starting at 2 wks (iirc) there are also some 20 ish minute HIIT workouts to be done 3 or so times a week (these increase in difficulty throughout). She has also information about alignment and the science behind it and food/diet recommendations (basic whole food info). I don't think the work is necessarily just for those with diastasis recti but for anyone with a very weak core. It gives you a starting point when other basic ab exercises aren't really for those who have jello for abs. Now she is very strict about recommending against anything like plank and various other exercises. I was very strict the first time but have now added them back as I believe I can do them while keeping tight. My abs are getting tighter and tighter, I don't think that is all due to Mutu but I think it has given me a great base, without fear of worrying about making things worse to start with.


 I think the exercises really help you to reconnect with those abs, which has been a bit lost and is easy to miss when doing bigger and harder exercises. It has been beneficial for me to reverse some slight issues with stress incontinence and that of inversions causing air intake issues (this has improved drastically). I now can do many more poses without worry and realize that it has to do with how much engagement I have in my pelvic floor throughout the exercises, which I wasn't able to do as well when I started. I think her program is miles better than Tupler, with tupler you have to do a million exercises and then keep with it forever. Even when I stopped doing the exercises I retained a lot of what I had and when I started back my base strength was much greater. I now have abs you can feel when I'm standing, even if I'm not flexing :)


btw my pants came in, even though I was on the lower end of the size rec's for mediums I'm sure glad I went ahead with that size. I have never wore compression pants before, wow! I think I'm going to really like them and they will do a much better job of staying up and holding everything where it is, although I tried it in shoulder stand and things still go south, it is much improved though.



eta- I got a few more rounds today of my bodyweight exercises, 18 in box jumps today, those were, um fun and slightly dangerous. I upped my negatives, rows and push-ups on all my rounds. I was able to take my push-ups a bit deeper too.

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doh and I forgot to mention that I started splits training with my daughter, acrobat wanna-be that can do them in the trx straps, feet only in the straps- hanging in the air and then pull herself up. Its crazy. It is another thing on my list that I decided to stop saying I couldn't do. Ds says we're parkour buddies, now dd says we're splits buddies :)

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Interesting that she is anti-plank b/c I have thought that is so good for core work. For example, Tracy Anderson Abcentric is all about the planks and Ballet Body core work is planks in all different positions, among other things. I have found specifically side planks to be very helpful in strengthening my core. So much of current core/upper body work is plank work as a way of getting away from things like crunches. I actually assumed that there would be a lot of core in Mutu.


Thank you so much for typing all that out. You have given me a lot to think about. I know her program goes on sale once a year and I have been thinking about it since last year.

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She actually did add in plank towards the end before but dropped it. Plank is great for core and really works it hard, that's the problem it can be too hard if your muscle tone is low or you have a split, you really need to work up to it in order to fully do it well with those muscles engaged well. She starts with exercises that you can keep full engagement.

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She actually did add in plank towards the end before but dropped it. Plank is great for core and really works it hard, that's the problem it can be too hard if your muscle tone is low or you have a split, you really need to work up to it in order to fully do it well with those muscles engaged well. She starts with exercises that you can keep full engagement.


Ah, now I understand. So no planks until she has built up your strength.  Ok, well that makes me even more interested, lol.  I can do planks BUT only the most basic. Like bent arms and sometimes even bent knees. I cannot do what I call 'fancy planks' where you are lifting legs and moving your hips to the side or whatever. I just collapse. Part of it is my arm strength but the rest is core strength. 


If you have amazon prime streaming, there is an exercise video called "how to get a perfect bum' or something like that. Perfect bum is in the title. And despite the silly title, it is for people who have very weak or non-functioning glute muscles. Now, mine work just fine. They engage and are strong, but I did those workouts and found them very useful.  The beginner ones were waaaaay to easy for me but as he went along I jumped in and learned a lot. I also gained a bit of strength.  It was a nice scaffold to stronger muscles.  I am thinking the Mutu system might be similar.  I would consider myself to be sort of 'low average' in core strength, not jello by any means, but I haven't gained strength in a long time. I clearly need some guided help to take it to the next level. Just doing 'ab ripper' or whatever type exercises doesn't do it for me.



So what do you guys do when you are sick? Not tummy sick, but head sick. I cannot breathe clearly even on meds, but I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated with not exercising. Just call it extended rest?


If you can't even breath clearly when on meds then you are still sick. Keep forcing fluids and resting and keep warm. Eat nourishing food that is easy to digest. By staying very hydrated, rested, warm and gently fed you make it that much easier for your body to focus on getting better. 

If you push it, it will only take you that much longer to get back to your typical healthy state. 

When you feel a little bit better, start out with some brisk walking to get your wind back and get some pink in your cheeks. You will know you are ready to go when you have that spring back in your step.


I am sorry honey.

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So what do you guys do when you are sick? Not tummy sick, but head sick. I cannot breathe clearly even on meds, but I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated with not exercising. Just call it extended rest?


Conserve your energy. It sucks. I'm sure people wiser than I have disagreed, but when you're sick your biggest physical concern is becoming not sick. Sometimes I'll do light lifting or yoga for the sake of sleeping well, but NO cardio. It takes too much energy.


I hope you get better soon.

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Day 1 of 30 day yoga done

so, what did you think of it? I have done a few of her workouts but the time I started that one I got interrupted. 


re: sickness- If I feel like I want to workout and it is just in my head but otherwise I feel ok I will try out something low key and see how it goes. If I feel so miserable even the thought of working out is dreadful I figure my body needs a rest.

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If congested it's probably wisest to stick to a walk or yoga. Buuuuuut, if I'm congested but feel ok I've been known to run. Eventually it sort of moves all that junk along. Only if I feel ok though.


Redsquirrel-look at fit2b studio free workouts too.


I finished a 30 day yoga challenge Monday. It was nice to not have to decide what to do for awhile.


It is 6 degrees F outside and we got 5" of snow yesterday. Of course tomorrow will be 60 then back to the 30's. I've got whiplash it's going back and forth so much.


I'm off to yoga then I'll go out and check the roads. I'll either run outside or at the fitness center on the treadmill.

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Are you following a program or just challenging yourself?

Doing the 30 day with Adriene on youtube someone posted earlier. My plan is to do it in evenings. I also want to start the new FB booty boot camp. Plan on starting that next week or perhaps later this week. 

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Monday: 5 x 200 yard sprints, katas, pushups and pull-ups, and stretching

Monday evening: double martial arts classes.


Tuesday: running around unprepared with my hair on fire at co-op.  

Tuesday evening: martial arts class followed by kettle bell class.

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Soror, my WOs are very similar to the website you posted on the other thread. 


Yesterday I did 70 pushups, and 65 ring rows.    I'm so close to mastering this progression but still SO FAR AWAY (I need to get to 75 each).    That other website did a good job of explaining a couple of things for me, so thanks for posting it.   I just do whatever my trainer tells me to do, but now I understand better the method to his madness.     The other elements in yesterday's workout I'm still working on perfecting form, so I'm in the lower rep or hold time range.    I am sore as heck.


Today, skillwork, stretch, roll, MA.

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So what do you guys do when you are sick? Not tummy sick, but head sick. I cannot breathe clearly even on meds, but I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated with not exercising. Just call it extended rest?


I try to do a light limbering session and articulate every joint through a full range of motion.

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You guys are cracking me up-  for anyone interested here is crow to plank:



Here is shoulderstand with lotus and plough: 




I'm gonna try those!




I tried the pistol squats the other day but forgot to post. I could do it with my right leg going down and getting up, but I was wobbly on my leg left when I reached the bottom and it was harder standing back up. So I need to work on the left leg. It was fun to try. 

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Soror, my WOs are very similar to the website you posted on the other thread. 


Yesterday I did 70 pushups, and 65 ring rows.    I'm so close to mastering this progression but still SO FAR AWAY (I need to get to 75 each).    That other website did a good job of explaining a couple of things for me, so thanks for posting it.   I just do whatever my trainer tells me to do, but now I understand better the method to his madness.     The other elements in yesterday's workout I'm still working on perfecting form, so I'm in the lower rep or hold time range.    I am sore as heck.


Today, skillwork, stretch, roll, MA.

So, what are you working towards? I do a similar move to the ring rows with my TRX straps, I just called them bodyweight rows. I'm working towards pull-ups. I guess sometime that would move towards a muscle-up but that would be a far, far away thought right now. Do you do sets or do you just do the most you can do or timed? 


I've also just started working on some gymnastic moves, just for fun. I'm just working on the very basics now, levers. I tried a few new moves last week and ended up falling on my butt, guess that means I'm trying :) In yoga I'm working on headstands, which will then move towards handstands and pendant pose through to plank, which is also prepping me for the l-sit. 


Today is my playground day- walk, sprints and bar/gymanstic work (assuming I can wake up here)

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I'm gonna try those!




I tried the pistol squats the other day but forgot to post. I could do it with my right leg going down and getting up, but I was wobbly on my leg left when I reached the bottom and it was harder standing back up. So I need to work on the left leg. It was fun to try. 

It's funny it is usually harder on one side than the other. Just a thought on those moves the girl in the shoulderstand video could stand to be in better position, try to keep your body in a straighter line when in full shoulderstand. In full position there should be plenty of room under your neck, make sure it isn't compressed. 

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I did a 30 min tabata workout with DH and we even managed not to collide with each other. There were a few near misses but we survived.  Then I did 30 min Tracy Anderson workout.  Wowzer, this second workout on the DVD looks like a nice standing leg workout...but it is a surprise super ab workout. I swear I can feel my waist getting tighter when I do it.

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