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I did note the close together branch pattern of the tree and determined the most likely outcome would be an eye out so that is better than death.  Like mating pantry moths are better than carpenter ants.  And probably poison ivy is better than bedbugs.


Everything in life is relative, yo.

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Found an apartment. 3 bedrooms for the price of our 2, stupid kitchen, nature trails, communal laundry rooms, pool. They have an opening April 30th. What do we think?




Communal laundry room would be a no-go for me.  And a stove against the wall like that?  Ugh.  I would be constantly hitting my left elbow and cursing.  I'm not sure the pool and nature trails would make up for the laundry/stove issues for me.  YMMV.

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Remember all of my angst about what biology program to buy? I bought Apologia after reviewing used copies of a few other books. I like it; the student notebook is precisely the kind of support my oldest needs.  I think sometimes curricula gets an unfair rep here on the boards.


This is also what we're using.  Ds15 originally didn't want to use the notebook (he's too frugal); a few modules in he realized that it would probably be a huge help to him.

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Remember all of my angst about what biology program to buy? I bought Apologia after reviewing used copies of a few other books. I like it; the student notebook is precisely the kind of support my oldest needs.  I think sometimes curricula gets an unfair rep here on the boards.

Our co-op evidently made a vow to Apologia and won't even look at another curriculum for science.  I'm not even a young earth believer.  IMO, it is solid enough, the elementary books are engaging and have great photos and descriptions (I just skip some of the creation confirmation because it is even too much for me, a creationist Christian), and the supporting materials are easy to use and homeschooling-friendly.  

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Communal laundry room would be a no-go for me.  And a stove against the wall like that?  Ugh.  I would be constantly hitting my left elbow and cursing.  I'm not sure the pool and nature trails would make up for the laundry/stove issues for me.  YMMV.


I would have a hard time with a communal laundry room as well; although sometimes it can't be helped.


I didn't even notice the stove against the wall.   :svengo: I would not be able to cook on it.  My pans are big with long arthritis-friendly handles.


Slache, I hope the house works out!

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So, about this teenage girl dating thing, I need some advice.


I feel kinda like this. Prom is a special occasion, so yes, but not alone with a boy. As a group, maybe, but not alone with a boy. But dating boys, I think 17 is a good age, but only with a group. Until we meet the boy, and get to know him, and such as that. Then maybe alone with a boy dates.


My SIL (dh's sister) has a policy of no dates, none at all, until 18, and then turn them loose to date whenever. I think it is better to do the group thing and such while she is still under my realm of influence. I just don't know.


I admit to having a double standard though, kinda. Ds20 had a girlfriend at 16/17. BUT dh and I learned a valuable lesson there, and if I had a do over, I would completely do the opposite of what I done.


This is really convoluted and messy. I hope it is understandable. :) Now, ds20 is ready to go to the city.


Your dh is not your ds.  I don't think parents should change the rules because the first one did or didn't do something.  Not fair.  I say this as *not the oldest* *middle child*. 


I think 16 is old enough to date.


No dates until 18? - that's whack.

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I spent much of the morning reading my manuscript that I worked on over November. There are things I'd cut and rework, but overall, I'm still deeply pleased with the story. I think I'm going to go sign up for Camp NaNo to light a fire under my fingers. 

Not afflicted with the cooking bug, but I do have a small turkey in the oven right now for supper. My cleaning and organizing bug has passed, leaving me pretty tired but pleased with the outcome. 

Rashes stink.

Prom would be okay with me. I never had the faintest interest in such things. I'm kind of glad I had boys and not girls. I'd have no clue how to relate to a daughter. 

House would be much better than apartment with stupid kitchen.

My boys have been up in a variety of heart-stopping trees. Probably got it from me. I was far more adventurous in my youth than I am now.


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Renai (or anyone), does My Father's World do a lot of projects? Like plan ahead, buy the things, make a mess and clean it up type of thing?


Lynn (or anyone), can we use watercolor pencils instead of watercolor crayons with Artistic Pursuits K-3 1? I have the only kids in the world that don't like crayons.


My DS also does not like crayons, and never liked coloring.  So I didn't make him.  He loves colored pencils.

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Matt found a gorgeous house for $200 less than our apartment. I assume the add is wrong, but he sent an email. 3 bedrooms upstairs with a master bath, open living/dining/not stupid kitchen, fenced backyard, launry room, all appliances, garage. EVERYBODY PRAY!


That sounds much better.  Best wishes!

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Nope, not good for them.  Let him roll in the mud and move sticks around and mess around in the creek.  But great googly moogly, we are never to do this again.  Ever.  In the history of the world.  Not on my watch.  Not on the watch of the ITT.  He could put an eye out!  And that would be the very best outcome.  Sign him up for rock climbing at a gym.  They use thingies that are on pulleys with ropes so WHEN you fall (because you will eventually), you will not suffer death.   There is no cure for death.  It is not just a flesh wound.


And I have athletes and a kid who has been using the riding lawn mower since he was 11.  But I am pretty conservative on safety so there's that.


Off to find and take a lot of anti anxiety meds because that photo is burned into my brain. :leaving:


What?  Meh.  It's just a tree.  With a lot of branches.  Plenty of things to grab at and stop your fall.  LOL


Now, rock ledges/cliffs - that's another story.  Those suckers make me cry.

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Junie :grouphug:


Sweetpea - the tree looks like fun.  Climb, Forrest, Climb!  (See, the name even matches the situation.)  I'm the mom who told my kids "if I have to take you to the ER I will be mad.  Now have fun."


Oooh.  An adrenaline pumping danger BOOYAH!


My son wanted to climb a tree at the park once.  I told him no.  It was the day before we left for a beach vacation, which DH had actually booked well in advance - like in December (he never does that!).  I said, "After vacation.  If you break your leg the day before vacation, your dad will kill me."  The first thing he did after vacation was ask to go to the park to climb the tree.  And I let him. :)

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Cuteness alert:   :001_wub:


Dd5 is flipping page by page through her new 2nd grade math book.  About 3/4 of the way in, she said, "Mommy, these are getting harder problems."


I said, "I know.  You're going to learn how to do those."


"Will you help me?"  Awww.  "Of course I will!"

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Matt found a gorgeous house for $200 less than our apartment. I assume the add is wrong, but he sent an email. 3 bedrooms upstairs with a master bath, open living/dining/not stupid kitchen, fenced backyard, launry room, all appliances, garage. EVERYBODY PRAY!

Sounds awesome! Praying for you.

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What? Meh. It's just a tree. With a lot of branches. Plenty of things to grab at and stop your fall. LOL


Now, rock ledges/cliffs - that's another story. Those suckers make me cry.

It seriously made me feel anxious seeing the picture of the 9 year 30 feet up in the tree. I don't do heights. Or kids in heights. Or high trees. My kids climb trees, just not 30 feet up. Too hard on my nerves.
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It seriously made me feel anxious seeing the picture of the 9 year 30 feet up in the tree. I don't do heights. Or kids in heights. Or high trees. My kids climb trees, just not 30 feet up. Too hard on my nerves.


I can look up, just not down.  :)

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I spent much of the morning reading my manuscript that I worked on over November. There are things I'd cut and rework, but overall, I'm still deeply pleased with the story. I think I'm going to go sign up for Camp NaNo to light a fire under my fingers. 

Not afflicted with the cooking bug, but I do have a small turkey in the oven right now for supper. My cleaning and organizing bug has passed, leaving me pretty tired but pleased with the outcome. 

Rashes stink.

Prom would be okay with me. I never had the faintest interest in such things. I'm kind of glad I had boys and not girls. I'd have no clue how to relate to a daughter. 

House would be much better than apartment with stupid kitchen.

My boys have been up in a variety of heart-stopping trees. Probably got it from me. I was far more adventurous in my youth than I am now.


Dh and I were talking to a friend the other day.  He said that he's writing a book about some experiences he's been through.  At one point he said that he was using some principles he learned from some thing where you write a novel in a month.   :)


I said, "Oh, NaNoWriMo?"  He was surprised that I had heard of it.


Doesn't he know that homeschool moms have heard of everything?   :D


(If NaNoWriMo had been mentioned to me 6 months ago, I would have had no clue.)


 Thanks for helping me out, Critterfixer!   :cheers2:

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I just remembered that I have to make dinner.


Last night when we sat down to dinner I had a coffee mug instead of a plate.


Of course, the littles were interested.  (I don't drink coffee, so they rarely see me with a coffee mug.)


"It's chicken broth.  Kind of like chicken noodle soup -- without the chicken or the noodles."

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It seriously made me feel anxious seeing the picture of the 9 year 30 feet up in the tree. I don't do heights. Or kids in heights. Or high trees. My kids climb trees, just not 30 feet up. Too hard on my nerves.



It made me anxious, too...lol.  I'm good with him climbing trees.  And even that one, with it's dense branches.


But THAT high.  No.  


My Mom Spidey Senses kicked into high gear.  I suspect that would be the case even if the boy was wearing a harness and was attached to something.  

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I had fallen asleep on the couch and my oldest called repeatedly so I answered. She was sobbing and out of breath. It turns out that she has decided to break up with Ryan Gosling after speaking to her hairdresser. I was able to talk her off the cliff pretty quickly.

It is hard to be a young adult and dating with all the feels, yo.

Yo is the new black.


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It made me anxious, too...lol. I'm good with him climbing trees. And even that one, with it's dense branches.


But THAT high. No.


My Mom Spidey Senses kicked into high gear. I suspect that would be the case even if the boy was wearing a harness and was attached to something.

If I looked out and saw that, I would go tearing out barefooted in pj pants and holler at the kid to come down now. Then I would stand there getting poison ivy mites barefooted while he did so.
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I mopped the kitchen/dining room floors and it looks like I will need to get out the heavy duty floor cleaner. From where I am sitting it looks mostly like I've just spread oatmeal residue around the floors.

I had a similar disheartening experience when cleaning the laundry room floor. Much effort for poor results.
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I mopped the kitchen/dining room floors and it looks like I will need to get out the heavy duty floor cleaner. From where I am sitting it looks mostly like I've just spread oatmeal residue around the floors.


Hmph.  No sympathy here, Susan.  That's what you get for mopping floors.














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You know how many communities have a burn ban in effect during the spring months or whenever your area has it's "dry season"?


I have a "mopping the floor" ban.  It's in effect from January through December.  


(Kidding...it's in effect from March through May...otherwise known as "the muddy season")

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I deep cleaned the bathrooms. I hate doing that, it needed to be done!


That is all!


Oh, no, that is not all.


I have an ITT WWYD:

Situation: we are meeting friends at the park tomorrow for lunch and I have decided to do the drive-through thing. I am so sick of Taco Bell I could vomit. But the kids like Taco Bell. I want In 'n Out Burger, and the kids always complain about that. So, do I...

a) suck it up and all of us go to Taco Bell

b) tell the kids to suck it up, we're all going to In'n Out and listen to the little ungrateful wretches complain

c) go through both drive-throughs and all of us be happy!

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Krissi, I vote for c.


We don't do drive-thrus often.  When we do, I get food at Chik-Fil-A (they have food that I can eat); everyone else gets their food someplace cheaper.


Once in a while we will all get food at one place.  It turns out that most of the kids don't even like Chik-Fil-A.

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I want to be really hot so I can wear yoga shorts, spaghetti straps and flip flops and it would just be considered acceptable by 95% of the community. As it is I think I would frighten small children and dogs. And I want the new Sonlight catalog! And my Fiestaware. I want that too.

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Housekeeping question. If you were the type to color code your kids (Mary has purple dishes, towel, water bottle etc., John has green dishes, towel, water bottle etc. would you do this...


Only buy one color dish per kid, rinse it and wipe it in the morning and after lunch and put it in the dishwasher at dinner? That sounds totally doable, right? You would only run the dishwasher once a day.


Give me a reason this is a bad idea.

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Housekeeping question. If you were the type to color code your kids (Mary has purple dishes, towel, water bottle etc., John has green dishes, towel, water bottle etc. would you do this...


Only buy one color dish per kid, rinse it and wipe it in the morning and after lunch and put it in the dishwasher at dinner? That sounds totally doable, right? You would only run the dishwasher once a day.



Give me a reason this is a bad idea.

I do color code my kids. D is blue and J is green. They've had those colors since they've been toddlers. A is pink, C is purple and my Baby A is.... well, whatever color is left. And I think your idea is fabulous.
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I do color code my kids. D is blue and J is green. They've had those colors since they've been toddlers. A is pink, C is purple and my Baby A is.... well, whatever color is left. And I think your idea is fabulous.

Mine are their favorite colors, but we don't have towels yet. We only have one bathroom so it's pretty. Yes, I think it's a brilliant idea! It was Lucy Stoner's idea. 



Le Booya!

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