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Well, everyone's up. Kids are watching tv and I am having a breakfast burrito. Starting Day 4 of the Sugar Fast. I can't go completely carb-less at this point. Requires too much effort. But, I can go sugarless, so it's a good place to start. Hornblower, you can start that way. And then work your way into less and less carbs. That's kind of my plan!


Kids are mad at me, I made them chore cards. Somehow they are under the impression that Easter Vacation means complete and utter laziness and freedom! Hah!

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So, it is raining here. I have a slight headache that is becoming very annoying.


I'm waiting for ds20 to awaken from his slumber to find out if we are going to the city or not. He works second shift and then proceeds to stay up all night. So his hours are mixed up compared to mine. He starts next week as supervisor on third shift (10p-6a). So he won't need much adjustment. I think it will be better. At least I won't be woke up in the middle of the night from loud beating, banging, and music from the garage. And I will see him in the mornings when he comes in because I will be getting up.


The UTI seems much better today.


My mom has "a mouse" at her house. She says it is a mouse, but from all the evidence dd16 and I cleaned yesterday, I think it is probably a family of mice. We set a trap. I think more will be needed.


Dd 16 is wanting to go to the prom. She would be going with a friend (a girl) that is on the prom committee and is giving her a free ticket. BUT the boy dd16 "talks to" will be there, of course. Dh says no. I'm kinda on the fence. I can bring dh around.


I accidentally hit post before I was done. But that's probably enough. :D

Edited by Openhearted
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Matt found a gorgeous house for $200 less than our apartment. I assume the add is wrong, but he sent an email. 3 bedrooms upstairs with a master bath, open living/dining/not stupid kitchen, fenced backyard, launry room, all appliances, garage. EVERYBODY PRAY!

Edited by Slache
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Our house needs a new roof.  I've been researching energy efficient roofs and just found a savings calculator.... I'd be paying about $20,000 more to save $40 a year in utilities to put in an ultra reflective shingle or a metal roof. Uh....change of plan. I'm going back to the basic white or very light grey asphalt shingle.  Sorry, world. I'll plant another tree in apology.

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Renai (or anyone), does My Father's World do a lot of projects? Like plan ahead, buy the things, make a mess and clean it up type of thing?


Lynn (or anyone), can we use watercolor pencils instead of watercolor crayons with Artistic Pursuits K-3 1? I have the only kids in the world that don't like crayons.

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So, about this teenage girl dating thing, I need some advice.


I feel kinda like this. Prom is a special occasion, so yes, but not alone with a boy. As a group, maybe, but not alone with a boy. But dating boys, I think 17 is a good age, but only with a group. Until we meet the boy, and get to know him, and such as that. Then maybe alone with a boy dates.


My SIL (dh's sister) has a policy of no dates, none at all, until 18, and then turn them loose to date whenever. I think it is better to do the group thing and such while she is still under my realm of influence. I just don't know.


I admit to having a double standard though, kinda. Ds20 had a girlfriend at 16/17. BUT dh and I learned a valuable lesson there, and if I had a do over, I would completely do the opposite of what I done.


This is really convoluted and messy. I hope it is understandable.:) Now, ds20 is ready to go to the city.

Edited by Openhearted
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Renai (or anyone), does My Father's World do a lot of projects? Like plan ahead, buy the things, make a mess and clean it up type of thing?


Lynn (or anyone), can we use watercolor pencils instead of watercolor crayons with Artistic Pursuits K-3 1? I have the only kids in the world that don't like crayons.


We used watercolor pencils just fine!

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Matt found a gorgeous house for $200 less than our apartment. I assume the add is wrong, but he sent an email. 3 bedrooms upstairs with a master bath, open living/dining/not stupid kitchen, fenced backyard, launry room, all appliances, garage. EVERYBODY PRAY!


On it, Sister!


Keep us posted.

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So, about this teenage girl dating thing, I need some advice.


I feel kinda like this. Prom is a special occasion, so yes, but not alone with a boy. As a group, maybe, but not alone with a boy. But dating boys, I think 17 is a good age, but only with a group. Until we meet the boy, and get to know him, and such as that. Then maybe alone with a boy dates.


My SIL (dh's sister) has a policy of no dates, none at all, until 18, and then turn them loose to date whenever. I think it is better to do the group thing and such while she is still under my realm of influence. I just don't know.


I admit to having a double standard though, kinda. Ds20 had a girlfriend at 16/17. BUT dh and I learned a valuable lesson there, and if I had a do over, I would completely do the opposite of what I done.


This is really convoluted and messy. I hope it is understandable. :) Now, ds20 is easy to go to the city.


We have a policy....

no dating at all before 16

age 16 until ready to marry: group dates only, no pairing off 1:1, no serious BF/GF relationships

ready to marry: no sex/physical intimacy before marriage, no overnights,1:1 dating is a-ok.  


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So, about this teenage girl dating thing, I need some advice.


I feel kinda like this. Prom is a special occasion, so yes, but not alone with a boy. As a group, maybe, but not alone with a boy. But dating boys, I think 17 is a good age, but only with a group. Until we meet the boy, and get to know him, and such as that. Then maybe alone with a boy dates.


My SIL (dh's sister) has a policy of no dates, none at all, until 18, and then turn them loose to date whenever. I think it is better to do the group thing and such while she is still under my realm of influence. I just don't know.


I admit to having a double standard though, kinda. Ds20 had a girlfriend at 16/17. BUT dh and I learned a valuable lesson there, and if I had a do over, I would completely do the opposite of what I done.


This is really convoluted and messy. I hope it is understandable. :) Now, ds20 is ready to go to the city.


DD is 13, so I'm not much help, Dawn.  Just :grouphug: .


FWIW, the prospect of DD dating inspired the purchase of firearms.  When she gets a bit older, it will finally force us to get the excavator attachment for the tractor.


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I did it.  I channeled my inner bazooka wielding  JJM and sent a message to my doctor saying that I've discontinued the medication and was cancelling the appointment.  Then I called his assistant (because you can't actually cancel the appt. online) and cancelled it. 


:001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:


My insanity was inspirational!  I'm so proud!



( :laugh: )


(I think.)


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DD is 13, so I'm not much help, Dawn. Just :grouphug: .


FWIW, the prospect of DD dating inspired the purchase of firearms. When she gets a bit older, it will finally force us to get the excavator attachment for the tractor.


:lol: :lol:



Dh just purchased a handgun.



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Dawn -


What kind of a prom?  As in what kind of music and what kind of dancing?  And what kind of chaperones?  (Some proms are a bit on the wild side but some are uber tame).  How much does your dd buy into your values?  I mean, if she really wanted to, she could circumvent chaperoned activities.  But on the other hand, I don't know if the answer to that is a super short leash either but lots and lots of low-key talks together about how it is good to be friends with a lot of guys because teens are still finding out what they are really like as well as who they might like.  I would tend to allow  a group event like that a 16 but I know that dd has a level head on her shoulders.

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So, about this teenage girl dating thing, I need some advice.


I feel kinda like this. Prom is a special occasion, so yes, but not alone with a boy. As a group, maybe, but not alone with a boy. But dating boys, I think 17 is a good age, but only with a group. Until we meet the boy, and get to know him, and such as that. Then maybe alone with a boy dates.


My SIL (dh's sister) has a policy of no dates, none at all, until 18, and then turn them loose to date whenever. I think it is better to do the group thing and such while she is still under my realm of influence. I just don't know.


I admit to having a double standard though, kinda. Ds20 had a girlfriend at 16/17. BUT dh and I learned a valuable lesson there, and if I had a do over, I would completely do the opposite of what I done.


This is really convoluted and messy. I hope it is understandable. :) Now, ds20 is ready to go to the city.


 Slight bias here... I married my prom date. :001_wub:  I'd let 16yo teens do prom even if they weren't allowed to be "dating."

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People...I'm not even sure I can get mine to survive to teenagehood, nevermind dating and adulthood.


Here's my 9 yr old.  Up a tree that is *if you fall from this high you will die* sized.  







Do you drink wine, Sweetpea?  If not, you might want to consider taking it up.

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Hi, everyone.


I should be working.


Does anyone else have any life issues that you'd like for me to sort out for you?

No, that was yesterday so you are a day late and a dollar short.   :lol:   Today, I'm good.  I'm on another cooking tear.  OH!  I need to cook some beet greens in a way that is palateable.  I have already baked the beets.  These are nice, organic greens, and I don't want to toss them.  So you can find me a nice way to cook my beet greens if you are still needing to avoid work.


Good morning, all. 

It's been a crazy week, but I'm still alive. 


My husband and I made a rather sudden, but heavily prayed over decision that I am not to return to school next year. I applied for 3 positions at my church (thanks to ikslo for checking out my resume!) and turned in my letter of resignation on Monday. It was a crazy fast turn around since Thursday night when I saw the positions and even started considering it, but it's just one of those peaceful "this is the right move" decisions. No idea when or if I will hear about an interview, but for now, I'm just peacefully waiting to hear what happens. 


Crazy how your life direction can change so suddenly, whether good or bad. 


I'll keep you posted on the church jobs or if I don't get those, I'll keep you posted on the job hunt. ;)

This is great news!


Yes. How can I motivate my ds to a) get his learner's permit b) start volunteering somewhere/start applying for work (which he won't get because he hasn't even volunteered anywhere) 



Also, how can I motivate myself to make some healthy meals in advance so I don't keep eating all the carbs because I've gained weight since Jan & I don't like it. But right now it seems I hate cooking more. 

Do you have motivational fairies by any chance? 

I don't have any such fairies!  I tend to think that those who do not want to drive probably should not.  He does need to start volunteering, though.  I'd make him do that, as much as you can make a person of his age.   :D


Crap! No one has fed the kids!

That happens sometimes.  Yesterday, I did not place a plate full of food in front of the kids for lunch because I was at too many doctor's appointments, grocery stores, etc.  


So, about this teenage girl dating thing, I need some advice.


I feel kinda like this. Prom is a special occasion, so yes, but not alone with a boy. As a group, maybe, but not alone with a boy. But dating boys, I think 17 is a good age, but only with a group. Until we meet the boy, and get to know him, and such as that. Then maybe alone with a boy dates.


My SIL (dh's sister) has a policy of no dates, none at all, until 18, and then turn them loose to date whenever. I think it is better to do the group thing and such while she is still under my realm of influence. I just don't know.


I admit to having a double standard though, kinda. Ds20 had a girlfriend at 16/17. BUT dh and I learned a valuable lesson there, and if I had a do over, I would completely do the opposite of what I done.


This is really convoluted and messy. I hope it is understandable. :) Now, ds20 is ready to go to the city.


At 17, I would want to meet this boy.  I think the dance is probably okay at 17.  I don't know if I would want them driving because teens don't drive the best, particularly boys, so I would offer to drive them and pick them up, which is probably uncool but I don't really care.

We have a policy....

no dating at all before 16

age 16 until ready to marry: group dates only, no pairing off 1:1, no serious BF/GF relationships

ready to marry: no sex/physical intimacy before marriage, no overnights,1:1 dating is a-ok.  

This is kind of what we have going on here, not that it has been hard to implement since my oldest girl did not date until adulthood and my current teens have no interest in dating.

Edited by texasmama
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Do you drink wine, Sweetpea?  If not, you might want to consider taking it up.



You think just WINE will handle this????


Honey...this is a job for the hard liquor.  



(disclaimer...I don't actually drink.  I can't.  Aside from the whole "christians and drinking" debate...I literally cannot drink...I can consume a half bottle of hard lemonade and be in the bag.  Alcoholism runs in my biological family)  


But if I did drink...yeah...this would be a job for Johnny Walker.  

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People...I'm not even sure I can get mine to survive to teenagehood, nevermind dating and adulthood.


Here's my 9 yr old.  Up a tree that is *if you fall from this high you will die* sized.  






No.  Just no.  I feel panicked and want to call the fire department now.

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So this morning I was looking up and there was a bug on the ceiling.  I feared it might be a carpenter ant so I quick ran and grabbed a ladder from the garage and stood on it and determined it was just two pantry moths mating.  What a relief!  It's like when you think you have bedbugs but instead you just have probably poison ivy and probably not scabies!

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No.  Just no.  I feel panicked and want to call the fire department now.



He's down!  I made him climb down right away.  This is my husband's fault.  "Let them be boys!", he said.  "It'll be good for them!", he said.



He use to be such a cautious child.  WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!  


He just walked in and nonchalantly asked, "Is there anything to eat?  I'm kinda hungry."


Yeah I bet, kid.  

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He's down!  I made him climb down right away.  This is my husband's fault.  "Let them be boys!", he said.  "It'll be good for them!", he said.



He use to be such a cautious child.  WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!  


He just walked in and nonchalantly asked, "Is there anything to eat?  I'm kinda hungry."


Yeah I bet, kid.  

Nope, not good for them.  Let him roll in the mud and move sticks around and mess around in the creek.  But great googly moogly, we are never to do this again.  Ever.  In the history of the world.  Not on my watch.  Not on the watch of the ITT.  He could put an eye out!  And that would be the very best outcome.  Sign him up for rock climbing at a gym.  They use thingies that are on pulleys with ropes so WHEN you fall (because you will eventually), you will not suffer death.   There is no cure for death.  It is not just a flesh wound.


And I have athletes and a kid who has been using the riding lawn mower since he was 11.  But I am pretty conservative on safety so there's that.


Off to find and take a lot of anti anxiety meds because that photo is burned into my brain. :leaving:

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Beet greens:  Saute them in bacon grease and onions.  And garlic.  Add a squeeze of lemon juice or pepper sauce to taste.



Well, we don't eat pork, but I do have some turkey bacon. This sounds like what I just did to my brussels sprouts.  I can dig it.


I made guacamole today, among other things.  Little dd made a cake all by herself.

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I looked at the photo and thought, "That looks like fun!"  Would I do it?  Nope.  Would I let my kids do it?  Double nope.  (Actually, depending on the circumstances -- and the child -- I might say yes.  But I wouldn't breathe properly until all feet were on the ground.)

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in a few minutes I will scan the materials page and email it to you if you want. - some lessons say chalk pastels, some say watercolor crayons, some say oil pastels, etc. Substitute as desired.

That's okay. I just wanted to know if I could substitute pencils for the crayons. Prarie says yes. :)
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I looked at the photo and thought, "That looks like fun!"  Would I do it?  Nope.  Would I let my kids do it?  Double nope.  (Actually, depending on the circumstances -- and the child -- I might say yes.  But I wouldn't breathe properly until all feet were on the ground.)



LOL, in his defense, that tree is pretty dense...so if he fell, he'd not fall far before getting tangled in the branches.


In theory anyways.  


We have a couple of other trees that they are allowed to climb.  They're big trees, but the branching is such that they can't go up that high.  So yeah...horror of all horrors when my daughter came running in, "Mommy!  C is WAAAAAY up in the tree in the orchard!"  

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Trying to ketchup here, but I've read in a scattered way off and on during the day, so I may forget something important.


First, praying for the house for Slache.


Second, I don't mind stupid kitchens, but I can't live without a washer and dryer.  It's the only house hold task I like, so I must have my own. 


Third, we have ZERO closets on the first floor of our house (crazy remodel by a single lady before we came), no mud room, and even the laundry is in a hallway to the half bath.  Our entry way has an antique bench constantly piled with coats and backpacks ( if I'm lucky - or else they're all in the floor in front of the bench.  :glare: )  And the shoes.  Oh.my.word.  The supposed rule is 1 pair per person (which is already 7 pairs!!!), but dh breaks that all the time.  Children have sometimes carried 4 or 5 pairs of dh's shoes up to his dresser when we straighten.  But, like you, I can make it work.  (No one here puts things away anyway, so what good would a closet do us anyway, lol?)


Mary - thrilled for your decision about work!


Tsuga - yay for having the key.  Hope your cleaning and nesting is lots of fun!


Tex - glad the rash is improving.  I would LOVE the prednisone, but I can understand your hesitation since you have not liked taking it before.  (I'm picturing this scene from Yes Man - except prednisone instead of red bull - starts 40 seconds in):




Jean, glad you stopped the meds and messaged the dr.  Hope you're feeling more normal soon!


Dawn, hope the headache fades.  Have fun with ds.  As far as prom goes, I would be inclined to let her go with her (girl) friend.  Now if the boy she talks to asks her to prom, I would put more conditions on it per Tex above. 


Nice to see you Prairie.  :seeya:


Sweetpea, better your kids than mine, lol.  j/k  Glad he made it down. 






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We don't have any climbable trees here.  :(


Of course, we're not really outdoor people.  Seasonal allergies and mosquitos do us in.


Last week when we had our false alarm, all of the children were sent outside so the police officers could do a full sweep of the house.  At least one child said she couldn't go outside because she didn't have shoes on.   :lol:


Um, yeah.  Not outdoor people.   :huh:



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