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(((Tex))). Hope vertigo is gone.


No kidding about the chat board - depressing, stressful.


I wandered into a Bad Thread.  That'll teach me! :huh:

No. It was watery. I think I undercooked it. I'm running on little sleep.

When mine is watery, I just turn it up to boiling until it submits. :lol:










Sorry about all the sleepnessness and brewing illnesses.  I slept like a rock.  Completely spent after a busy week, I think.  Kids are off hiking now with dh, and I'm tackling a long list that I really don't feel like tackling.  Starting with kid clothes, which have overtaken exactly 50% of my bedroom now, in piles to sort for KonMari-ing and storing.  I would rather be at the dentist's.  


Holiday question:  Anyone have a favorite Non-Poultry Non-Swine meal for Christmas? (Oh, and Non-Chinese-Takeout, too, though that option is tempting).  Steaks and/or fish come to mind, but we don't either often so I'm short on recipes for them.  I do have this saved as a potential side dish, largely to appeal to my pickies.  


Starting with a second cup of coffee, now.  Wish I had this to go with it.  

A nice roast (crock pot is my fave easy way to make it.)  We will personally be smoking a brisket because we are BA like that. :coolgleamA:


What? You? Smarmy???


hahahahahaha::inhale::hahahahahaha::wheeze::hahahahaha::wipes tears from eyes::hahahaha


:unsure:   Ellie made fun of me! :willy_nilly:

The Queen! The Queen is here!


(Waves arms and falls stupidly over self while running around to find camera)

She came just to make fun of me. :leaving:

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We have had a nice, pre-lit artificial tree for a decade.  So worth it.


We have an artificial tree that we've had for about 15 years. It's skimpy now, and a branch or two are missing. It's been getting on my nerves for a couple of years now, and I've been looking for another nice artificial tree for a while.

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I think I'm doing pan seared shrimp for Christmas. Maybe some pan-seared tenderloin steaks with a pan sauce to go with. Not really in a poultry/pork mood this year.

Maybe a little rice pilaf, some cranberry sauce (because I just like it) and something green to go with. Oh, roast some fingerling potatoes. Yup.

Then, I'll pile that on my plate and take it to wherever we are eating Christmas dinner, because gluten. 


Spoilt brat kitten has her special gastrointestinal diet now, so I won't have to cook for her and worry about taurine deficiency. Still doing well. 

Old cat with the eye issue is doing well. Eye specialist sees her on Tuesday and with my luck, there won't be a lesion by then. Still going, because I want to hear what he thinks about her case. 

Boys are off with DH in the woods taking down deer camp. I don't have a tree to go smell, but I think I'm going to make myself a nice cup of hot chocolate and smell that.

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You reminded me to drink my rapidly cooling tea.


I've been working on health insurance stuff all morning.  I've done all I can on my own.  Only the customer service is closed on the weekends.  Double bah.  Because like any working person it is easier to call and do personal business on the weekends.  Oh well, I'm closer to making a decision than I was before so that counts for something. 

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The Queen.  And I missed it.  


Critter - YES! Pan-seared tenderloin is exactly what I crave.  Plus everything else you listed, except maybe mushroom-asparagus risotto instead of the pilaf (because dh). 


Jean, I have no idea why I liked that.  For encouragement, I suppose.  Dealing with insurance on a Saturday stinks. (There are actually far worse words I'd like to use, but I don't wanna muck up our pretty little ITT thread).  Glad you had some baby this morning, at least.





Speaking of baby.  I NEED ONE.  I am not a sentimental person when it comes to objects at all, but this clothing sort thing is killing me.  Heart. Is. Breaking.   Please excuse me while I go back to drowning my tears in the sweet scent of little blue onesies.   They bring me a spark of joy, albeit bittersweet.  










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Speaking of baby.  I NEED ONE.  I am not a sentimental person when it comes to objects at all, but this clothing sort thing is killing me.  Heart. Is. Breaking.   Please excuse me while I go back to drowning my tears in the sweet scent of little blue onesies.   They bring me a spark of joy, albeit bittersweet.  


I already told you that you're going to have 6.

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I know I've already mentioned my Christmas din-din thoughts, but here they are again:

Rib-eye steak with black olive vinaigrette https://www.pinterest.com/pin/316589048777327551/

Baked orzo with fontina and peas https://www.pinterest.com/pin/316589048777327563/

I'll also probably roast some sweet potatoes, and have some other stuff on the side, but the links are the main things I've had on my mind.

Edited by Renai
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Ours isn't that old, but I do add the "tree toupee" (evergreen garland) to help it look less pathetic. :D


I don't know how one can lose branches, but we had a couple of branches missing. Since the tree was in a corner, we'd mostly fill out three sides with the branches, ornaments, and lights. It was getting really really pathetic. :) I had not heard of the tree toupee treatment.

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Dh put on a brisket to smoke and then left to work at the church food bank, leaving ds12 in charge of it.  Well, the fire went out so I, a person with no smoking knowledge whatsoever, found myself trying to light the fire with primitive tools.  At first I had nothing but crumpled paper and kitchen matches.  :confused1:  Then ds found a lighter thingie and some starter sticks so I used these.  Standing over a smoky smoker in my pjs trying to save the day is not what I had in mind today.  I did get it started back, though.  However, hence, thus and such, the cooking time was radically extended so we are all eating the wallpaper while waiting for brisket.


Ain't nobody got enough ketchup for that!

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We have a package waiting for us. We didn't order anything. Nobody sent anything.


My water bottle died. This brings me immense sadness. I think I might get a glass one. If I order it today or tomorrow it won't get here until Tuesday. I might die by then.


I'm getting a laptop. I don't know anything about it other than that I don't have to pay for it. It was donated to the church and nobody wants it. I think Pastor's giving it to me because he feels bad about cutting my hours (not his fault).


I'm drinking eggnog. Have you ever made eggnog cookies? Noms!

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Regret that we will be unable to attend on any date as there are pets in the house.   


Oh, well. More BBQ for everybody else. I'm betting severe allergies. 


I sent DH out to the front porch to get the wood cut up to make me a fire. Because feet are cold. 

Maybe it's time I put the sandals away for the winter? 

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So we extended an invitation for our bball team (kids and families) to come to a cook out at our house one Sunday afternoon this month. One lady responded this way:


Regret that we will be unable to attend on any date as there are pets in the house.   


No other explanation.  Not statement of terrible allergies.  No offer to send dh and kid while she stays home, etc.  She is an odd lad, that one.  New family to bball this year.


I told dh (because it is well-established now that I am smarmy) that I hoped that other people could lower themselves to come to our animal-infested hovel of a home.


I don't think that is a bad response.  She RSVPd, which is more than most people do.  And she's probably been burned by giving excuses and having people try to talk around them. 


I would have answered with more finesse but then I'm a master of bs  finesse.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I don't think that is a bad response. She RSVPd, which is more than most people do. And she's probably been burned by giving excuses and having people try to talk around them.


I would have answered with more finesse but then I'm a master of bs finesse.

Finesse is what I was looking for. And maybe a bit more explanation. Small team. Get together at coach's house. Add an I have terrible allergies. So sorry to miss. Dh found it rude, too. She's kinda weird, though.
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We looked at a house today. I don't know why we look at houses that are not in our neighborhood or that have something clearly wrong with them (in this case, abutting a pretty major street in this area--and it sounds like the ocean if you try really hard.)


On the other hand it's a more urban setting which is nice. Kids can walk to the grocery store--sweet deal!!!


It's in our price range.


It needs MAJOR re-doing. They have kept it an immaculate museum of 1965 ever since they built it that year. So OTOH, you can live in it right away and it has character. On the other hand... the oven wouldn't fit half a modern turkey in it. It doesn't even have a digital clock! It has a flip clock! And it is immaculate. Every single centimeter of caulking is beautiful.


The bathtub would not fit my legs straight out.


It is an amazing house. But far. 


(ETA: The real estate agent goes, "Yeah, do you remember those ovens?" I look at her and I'm like... "No, I was born in 1977 and I can honestly say I have never seen an oven like this in working condition. It is truly amazing.")

Edited by Tsuga
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Slache is a brat.



AM NOT! ::pouts and stomps feet::



I don't think that is a bad response.  She RSVPd, which is more than most people do.  And she's probably been burned by giving excuses and having people try to talk around them. 


I would have answered with more finesse but then I'm a master of bs  finesse.



You seriously deny it?!?! You even admitted it!



Finesse is what I was looking for. And maybe a bit more explanation. Small team. Get together at coach's house. Add an I have terrible allergies. So sorry to miss. Dh found it rude, too. She's kinda weird, though.



Not everyone has your command of the English language . . . or great hair.  ;)



I want what I want. Social skills, people. Now I'm cranky.



I bring it out in you. 



Somehow, watching all of this "bickering" make me miss my sister...


I was going to post a video of the "Sisters" act from White Christmas, but I didn't want to get SWB in trouble from an illegal link.


Anyway, that's what I'm singing in my head...

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Somehow, watching all of this "bickering" make me miss my sister...


I was going to post a video of the "Sisters" act from White Christmas, but I didn't want to get SWB in trouble from an illegal link.


Anyway, that's what I'm singing in my head...

I never had a sister so I have only Jean to bicker with. :lol:

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We looked at a house today. I don't know why we look at houses that are not in our neighborhood or that have something clearly wrong with them (in this case, abutting a pretty major street in this area--156th, Jean, at the backyard--and it sounds like the ocean if you try really hard.)


On the other hand it's a more urban setting which is nice. Kids can walk to the grocery store--sweet deal!!!


It's in our price range.


It needs MAJOR re-doing. They have kept it an immaculate museum of 1965 ever since they built it that year. So OTOH, you can live in it right away and it has character. On the other hand... the oven wouldn't fit half a modern turkey in it. It doesn't even have a digital clock! It has a flip clock! And it is immaculate. Every single centimeter of caulking is beautiful.


The bathtub would not fit my legs straight out.


It is an amazing house. But far. 


(ETA: The real estate agent goes, "Yeah, do you remember those ovens?" I look at her and I'm like... "No, I was born in 1977 and I can honestly say I have never seen an oven like this in working condition. It is truly amazing.")


I'm still trying to figure out what area you're in! 



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I'm still trying to figure out what area you're in! 




I will delete so you'd better be here... we are in [an up-and-coming area with ramblers]. We are considering [the next neighborhoods in line for the housing boom]. It is very hard to find houses here right now as there are many middle-class families and NOT many middle-class homes for sale.

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Clarification, because I don't know how to let anything go (not true, just this):  The head of the organization sent out an email with three different dates asking people what would work for them.  Our organization consists of one team - the one dh coaches.  We have six families besides ours, plus the family who started the organization.  This lady just said that no date would work ever due to us having pets in the house.  This is how I feel about that response:



I think if all of my ITT friends could just say how rude it was I might be able to let it go.  I don't mind people not coming due to whatever reason they have.  I don't try to convince anyone of anything.  Come or don't come.  Eat or don't eat.  But don't respond to an enthusiastic and gracious email with a one line, no explanation sentence.  Just do not go there.  I draw the line.  I rest my case.  I am dying on this mountain. :hat:


Rude, rude, rude.


SO many ways to respond politely and still say no pets.

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Clarification, because I don't know how to let anything go (not true, just this):  The head of the organization sent out an email with three different dates asking people what would work for them.  Our organization consists of one team - the one dh coaches.  We have six families besides ours, plus the family who started the organization.  This lady just said that no date would work ever due to us having pets in the house.  This is how I feel about that response:



I think if all of my ITT friends could just say how rude it was I might be able to let it go.  I don't mind people not coming due to whatever reason they have.  I don't try to convince anyone of anything.  Come or don't come.  Eat or don't eat.  But don't respond to an enthusiastic and gracious email with a one line, no explanation sentence.  Just do not go there.  I draw the line.  I rest my case.  I am dying on this mountain. :hat:


In that case, tell me where to deliver the throat punch.  And don't tell me "the throat".  I mean, who's throat. 

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I'm sorry I can't like properly, I'm on my phone and it takes forever. Spoiled children are playing a computer game on my computer.


So, basketball games were played and won. House ended up looking decent. Friends came. Fun time was had by all. Except the cat who hissed at our friends repeatedly. Even pursued them to hiss at them. (Why didn't she just run off and hide like a normal psycho cat instead of a deranged psycho cat?). Anyway. Friends left and then toilet on 2nd floor overflowed. I think the 1st floor ceiling has stopped dripping (yay?) and I'm washing towels used in the clean up. yay me. not.

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We looked at a house today. I don't know why we look at houses that are not in our neighborhood or that have something clearly wrong with them (in this case, abutting a pretty major street in this area--156th, Jean, at the backyard--and it sounds like the ocean if you try really hard.)


On the other hand it's a more urban setting which is nice. Kids can walk to the grocery store--sweet deal!!!


It's in our price range.


It needs MAJOR re-doing. They have kept it an immaculate museum of 1965 ever since they built it that year. So OTOH, you can live in it right away and it has character. On the other hand... the oven wouldn't fit half a modern turkey in it. It doesn't even have a digital clock! It has a flip clock! And it is immaculate. Every single centimeter of caulking is beautiful.


The bathtub would not fit my legs straight out.


It is an amazing house. But far.


(ETA: The real estate agent goes, "Yeah, do you remember those ovens?" I look at her and I'm like... "No, I was born in 1977 and I can honestly say I have never seen an oven like this in working condition. It is truly amazing.")

Sounds perfect!

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