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That was even worse than talking about yeast infections.


Go to the drugstore or Wally world and get an over the counter thing. It works just as well. You'll just have to trust me on that. I spent a lot of time with baby #4 pg with one of those problems....

Nope. That never works for me. Thanks though.

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With baby #4, I paid $40 for a prescription thing that didn't work so my doc told me to buy the drugstore stuff and use it for a week and then once a week. I spent my entire second semester in misery until I was cured. It was rough. And couthless.

I did the OTC thang and it didn't work. The prescription that always works for me is $5. Booya.

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Would like more details then? Maybe you'll have an opinion on the matter?


All I'm sayin' is that you shouldn't fret with the "girls only" warning unless you don't want me to read something for humility's sake. To be fair though it's a forum and honestly I'd probably be MORE likely to read it because I have terrible impulse control. :P


To the rest:


Who was talking about husband bashing? Husbands suck!!! Garr!!! Dumb jerk husbands!!! :-D

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No. You're an established hive member sharing something we've already taken an interest in. It's fine. Don't start a thread about it, but let us know and put the link in your signature.


Dawwww  :crying:


Here's my shop index. It's a little rough and the shelves are a bit bare but I'm fleshing it out as I go. I've got a half dozen more paintings midway done but I'm on a marathon latch hooking binge for the next couple weeks getting Chewie ready for a Star Wars release party in the children's section at our town library next month. :)


The link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CadenceTerminus

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We are back from the big amp trip.  We drove an hour out into the woods and country.  The guy selling the amp was a guy in his 60's.  His 60 something neighbor came over as protection from us scary Craig'sList people.  Ds18 said, "that's ok.  I brought my mom as my protection!"  (Also his ride.)  He's excited because he made a really good deal.  He's also excited because he gets to take it apart and tinker with it.  In fact he has a friend on FaceTime now and they are "both" tinkering with it.  


On the way back, I saw a sign for a flaming geyser (methane).  In order to make this day actually count as school (though no one is actually counting), I decided to go check it out.  The geyser was a pipe coming out of the ground.  The wind had blown the flame out.  Oh well.  We read the information board and counted that as educational.  (And this counts as my educational post for the day.)

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Conversation with Mormon missionaries about my de-conversion: check. Sadly couldn't have them in as my partner is not here tonight, so it was cold and they just had water and fruit at the door. I won the original life story award (from among stories heard on the mission, anyway).

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Conversation with Mormon missionaries about my de-conversion: check. Sadly couldn't have them in as my partner is not here tonight, so it was cold and they just had water and fruit at the door. I won the original life story award (from among stories heard on the mission, anyway).

Bet that was interesting for them!


BTW, your trees look familiar to me. Are they from North Carolina? At any rate, they make me smile. :)

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Bet that was interesting for them!


BTW, your trees look familiar to me. Are they from North Carolina? At any rate, they make me smile. :)


It's a stock photo. :) I'm from the Pacific Northwest. I love trees.



Every time we have Mormons or JWs we tell them how their theology contradicts scripture and they say they'll come back next week and they never do. Never. I know that wouldn't work for you, but it works for us.


If I were you I think I'd convert, ask for money, then leave the church. Okay, I wouldn't really, but I'd be tempted.


I went door to door asking people for money to save the environment. This was in 1998. Newsflash: we failed. I'm pretty sure all that money didn't do a damn thing. t don't judge. Young people come to my door full of hope, I give them water and food and listen and talk. I don't care. Now, don't scam me--I have a sense for that--but go ahead and tell me about love. That's okay. The way I see it, the world is not short of religion or talk of religion. It's short of kindness. Christians told me to give someone a glass of water and food when they come to the door, so that's what I do, and Kurt Vonnegut's uncle told me to be kind so that's what I do. Best of both worlds.

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Just went for a walk. People have Christmas lights up already! I don't like that. Two months of Christmas decorations gets tiresome. In my opinion!


Ours have been up all year. Because of lack of storage. We haven't turned them on though. They won't get turned on until December 1. The neighbors, however, have not only had their lights up all year, they've turned them on every night. It's just like any other porch light now. I didn't know it was a thing, but apparently, in this area it's ok and not talked about much.

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No e in tacos. Also, hard shells are sacrilegious. Unless you fry them yourself. :tongue_smilie:

I know, I completely agree with you. But my children have low-brow tastes! Sometimes I try to please them. I prefer real corn tortillas fried. And I have a real bad habit of dropping "e"s in places they do not belong! Story!
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I'm back! Anyone miss me? Probably  not.



I know, I completely agree with you. But my children have low-brow tastes! Sometimes I try to please them. I prefer real corn tortillas fried. And I have a real bad habit of dropping "e"s in places they do not belong! Story!


It's ok. I forgive you.

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