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20 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

So is this a better way to take calcium/D than just together with the multi?   I take them all together in the morning.   I keep trying to look up things about best timing but it's hard to get a straight answer.

Ugh, this is why it's hard to remember. I was told it's better to offset from multivitamin. Also better to take calcium in evening because it works better when sleeping. I'm sure I would have been better off to take all at once than to forget so many times. I'm really doing well remembering now. 

Calcium Booya

Edited by Dianthus
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Good Morning!!



I slept horribly last night. Temperature regulation problems, too, although I am well into menopause. Threw off big comforter, slept with the fan on and a couple light blankets. My one arm was out of the blankets and was freezing cold, but the rest of my body was ablaze. I don’t know.

Work today. Girls go back to school.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

After too many dark o'clock potty trips outside, I am relying on my coffee to kick in enough to get me to the local community health center where they have people who can explain to me why I have been enrolled in medicaid and what to do about ds19 who has no health coverage.  I'm assuming I can add him to my marketplace plan but I don't really know until I figure out what happened with his state coverage.  The people I have tried to call have been friendly but not helpful.  I am concerned about going to prison for medicaid fraud.

They say puppies sleep 18-20 hours a day but this ridiculous pup has been awake since 4:30 so he is already cutting it close, lol.


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Welp.  The helpful lady at the community health center told me what I've already been told and/or guessed and didn't have any idea about some of the issues so imma have to make another phone call to the government.  Svengo.

I also have to make a phone call to the "diy at-home colonoscopy alternative test" company and see if they will bill my current health insurance co. assuming that medicaid hasn't taken over. 

In other news, ds19 was dropped from his spring semester class because he was supposed to have his bill paid yesterday.  We found an email from 4 days ago letting him know about this.  Everywhere else it says the tuition needs to be paid by January 15th so I don't know what kind of nonsense they are putting out there.

Fortunately there were still a couple available spaces in the class (probably including his previously held space) so he re-registered and we paid the bill right away and hopefully everything is all set.  He got a B in his fall semester class and I'm super pleased about that.

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Today sucked.

I pulled the muscle in my back (AGAIN) on Sunday, but with lots of heat felt okay this morning.

I went at 8:30 to get fasting bloodwork done figuring I'd go back home to eat breakfast, have my tea and take my prednisone.   But was running a little late since there was two inches of ice on my windshield that still wasn't coming off after running the car for 15 minutes.  Couldn't find an ice scraper so used a plastic box lid but then found some windshield deicer spray and that helped.  

But then one of my teacher's called out because her daughter was sick so instead of not needing to be in until 11 (although I would have tried to get there earlier), I had to be in by 9:15am.  So ended up quickly eating a sandwich in the car on the way in to work after my bloodwork, then taking my prednisone at work.  No tea, no caffeine which led to a headache.

Then hurrying to set up, pulled my back and made it even worse than it was on Sunday.   

So back pain, headache, stomach icky from prednisone, can only take small amounts of advil and only hours after taking prednisone (doctor okay if its on full stomach, lots of water and hours later).  

Loooong day.  Now I'm sitting on the couch finally having taken some advil with a heatpad on. 

Tomorrow has to be better. 

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We're in power outage preparation mode.

I was hoping the curbside grocery order would be ready super early (as it sometimes is) but it's not looking like it. Instacart wouldn't let me make the time any earlier even last night.

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Good morning!

It's been quite the morning.  The wind was strong enough to keep my harbor bell chime ringing like a cattle ranch dinner bell all night long so there wasn't so much of the sleeping going on.  And despite being tied to the two big rocking chairs, my porch tree fell over.  I expect this is what 73349 will be getting before too long.

Got a call a little while ago that my father-in-law passed away last night.  I've been talking to and/or calling the kids to let them know but will wait to tell dd17 until she gets back tonight.  I hate calling people at work and school but thought it best to let them know right away.

Imma see what flights to Albany are running.


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Today was much better.  I bought the stick-on head pads so I could have it on my back at work, I had my normal morning tea and breakfast, classes went well.   Although I did accidently give the wrong lecture in one class.  Nobody noticed and it didn't effect the lab but it was still an oopsie. 

The rain has started here.   A bunch of stuff closed early, all kinds of afterschool programs were cancelled, schools are already calling delayed openings for tomorrow.   Evidently it's supposed to be really bad and they expect widespread flooding and trees down and power outages.  So I guess we'll see how tonight goes.  

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Power is still on here, but it's very windy and rainy. The puddle at the bottom of the driveway is as big as I've ever seen it, as best I can tell in the dark.

I made muffins for breakfast tomorrow. We ate dinner early (veggie chili).

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Dd17 has returned from her arctic adventure.  She said it was so awesome.  They slept on a frozen lake in tarp-wrapped sleeping bags and prevented freezing to death by always moving and made themselves a weight bench and weights out of ice and a sturdy stick.  Also they did curling and dog sledding and snowball fights and ice fishing and ice skating and, most importantly, broom ball.  The first night they saw the Northern Lights glowing through the clouds and the last night it cleared up and they saw a meteor shower.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Dd17 has returned from her arctic adventure.  She said it was so awesome.  They slept on a frozen lake in tarp-wrapped sleeping bags and prevented freezing to death by always moving and made themselves a weight bench and weights out of ice and a sturdy stick.  Also they did curling and dog sledding and snowball fights and ice fishing and ice skating and, most importantly, broom ball.  The first night they saw the Northern Lights glowing through the clouds and the last night it cleared up and they saw a meteor shower.

Ahhh, youth.

About the only thing that sounds appealing to me in that scenario is the Northern Lights.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!!

Work and School!!

Have a lot to get done for work today and no motivation. Also, a couple of difficult situations to have to figure out what to do. I hate that. 

Girls lost their soccer games last night. Neither of them are on good teams. Neither team works well together and both have a lot of “teen girl problems”.

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13 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Ahhh, youth.

About the only thing that sounds appealing to me in that scenario is the Northern Lights.

IKR?  Their last night they *could* have gone back to base camp to sleep in the heated cabin bunkhouses but no - they wanted to stay out on the ice in -8 temps.  
Can you imagine the toileting situation?  It was essentially peeing in the woods, which I have done when backpacking and it is NOT pleasant, but there you had the added bonus of literally freezing your butt.


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Good morning!

I woke up around 2:30 and thought I smelled a weird smell and couldn't get back to sleep and finally had to get up to bring pup out and was feeling fairly cranky all morning.  But finally the coffee kicked in and I took Little Pup to the vet for a booster shot of some kind and now we are home and dd14 is making mac & cheese for lunch.

I really should run to the grocery store this afternoon.


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Space heaters are awesome.

Dd17 said one of the most fun games they played was called Startips.  You pick a star in the sky and spin around for about 30 seconds keeping your eye on the star.  Then you start walking or running and someone shines a light at you and you see who can get the furthest before faceplanting on the ground.  Apparently your brain registers the flashlight as the star you were looking at so it tries to get your body upright and you fall over.  😂


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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Space heaters are awesome.

Dd17 said one of the most fun games they played was called Startips.  You pick a star in the sky and spin around for about 30 seconds keeping your eye on the star.  Then you start walking or running and someone shines a light at you and you see who can get the furthest before faceplanting on the ground.  Apparently your brain registers the flashlight as the star you were looking at so it tries to get your body upright and you fall over.  😂


Oh wow! Uhhhh.... that sounds like so much fun. Let's play now.

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7 hours ago, Slache said:

Susan has helped solidify that my children are not allowed to grow up.

If it helps, my 16yo would've noped out of most, and likely all, of that. (The Tennesseans are clearly  a very talented and very adventurous bunch.)

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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work.

Today I get the tremendous pleasure of going down to the DMV and renewing my driver’s license. Fortunately, I do have an appointment and i got a lot of the paperwork done online last night, so hopefully it won’t be that awful.

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15 minutes ago, 73349 said:

If it helps, my 16yo would've noped out of most, and likely all, of that. (The Tennesseans are clearly  a very talented and very adventurous bunch.)

Mine probably would have, too. Though I wish my kids would be more like the Tennesseans. 

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

My younger self would have enjoyed that trip. :)  Now I'm kinda a wimp about the cold, but other than that it sounds fun.  Bonus: No mosquitos in freezing cold temperatures!

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Good morning!

Today my Baby is 15 years old!  With all the hubub going on (with her sister getting home from Frozen Adventure Land and Grandpa dying and me trying to figure out if when and how to get to NY on such short notice) I tried to get birthday breakfast decorated and things extra nice for her despite all the chaos.
 Also it turns out that instead of a quiet dinner for 5 tonight which was going to be hot & sour soup and egg rolls, we are having 9 for dinner and then birthday cake after that.  So I stopped by the store on the way home from bringing the girls to tutorial to get supplies for a baked ravioli dinner.  It's all put together now so all I have to do is remember to put it in the oven.  Also I remembered in the middle of the grocery store that I needed to check into the flight, so that's done, too.

Now I'm sitting for a minute to catch my breath and see about packing everything into a "personal item" sized bag.


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Good Morning!!!


Fri-yay!! And it’s going to be a 3-day weekend, which is always welcome.

13 hours people. Priorities.

School and work today!! I need to shut my phone off and pound out work samples today. It’s been a crazy busy week.

I went to the DMV yesterday and renewed my license. It was a moderately positive experience… considering it was the DMV.  What with the appointment made and I uploaded my documents beforehand, things were a lot easier. I always get stressed, though. I’m always afraid things aren’t correct and they’re going to make me go home and get something else and come back again.  Like…. they kept asking if my full name, first middle and last were on the documents (I’m getting the REAL ID, too) and they don’t put your middle name on your electric bill or your bank statement, but they accepted them, so…. there you go. I was in and out of there in about 25 minutes. Picture taken and everything.

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Toto, how long were the effects from the massage? I was thinking last night that I'd love one. I don't like strangers touching me but my hair stylist became a massage therapist and i could go to her. Expensive though and I wonder if effects are short lived?

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Good afternoon!

I am in Windham, NY - about 30 miles south of Albany "as the crow flies".  Our flight out of The Big City was exciting due to rain and high winds but the rest was uneventful and pretty short.  We stopped at the Super AFSA for some groceries and things and then drove to and wandered about the little mountain town until it was time to go to the condo rental.

We have no plans for the rest of the day, so maybe we'll find a movie to watch or something.


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1 hour ago, Dianthus said:

Toto, how long were the effects from the massage? I was thinking last night that I'd love one. I don't like strangers touching me but my hair stylist became a massage therapist and i could go to her. Expensive though and I wonder if effects are short lived?

It's hard to say because I'm having stomach cramping problems and I pulled a muscle in my back.    I think usually I feel the loosened muscles for a week or so.  

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I had a CT scan scheduled for Monday morning to see if the cramping was diverticulitis but I just got a call it was cancelled since the insurance denied it.    I guess I can change a more radical diet change and for longer and see if it helps.  I've had the cramping to various degrees basically since Thanksgiving.

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I've been up since 4:30 and am now ready for sleep.  We ended up going to MIL's house to spend time with mil and family and have a bit of pizza.  Apparently got there just in time as DRAMA was setting in (mostly amongst grandchildren) and we caused enough of a disruption to diffuse whatever was going on.  Tomorrow I will take my kids to a local deli for a breakfast "egg on a roll" which they have never had.

I can only get cell service if I stand next to the kitchen window, lol.  There is good wifi, though.

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I had a long, frustrating and tedious day at the computer.  Didn't get everything done. But...we got pizza for dinner and now the dishwasher is humming and I am in my Jammies and have my fuzzy Christmas throw and am hunkered down with my Elisabeth Elliot book. It's good. She's a very complex woman.

Edited by KrissiK
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9 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I had a long, frustrating and tedious day at the computer.  Didn't get everything done. But...we got pizza for dinner and now the dishwasher is humming and I am in my Jammies and have my fuzzy Christmas throw and am hunkered down with my Elisabeth Elliot book. It's good. She's a very complex woman.

Which Elizabeth Elliot book is it?  I might try to find it.

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Good morning!

Morning comes very early here on the east coast, lol.  The Two Olders are still in bed.  For the third morning in a row, I got very dizzy when sitting up in the morning.  That hasn't happened to me since I fell out of a hammock that one time and hit my head.  Could be an ear issue.  Anyhoo.  Got up and ate a few blueberries and took some ibuprofen and am now putzing around here with you all. ❤️
It snowed a smidge and then turned to rain overnight but hopefully things dry off a little this afternoon before the deep freeze sets in.  The downstairs toilet here is running and often sounds like a puppy choking so Imma go take a look at it in a minute.

I am so grateful for David's brothers who are handling all the service arrangements and financial issues.  MIL (who is quite frail) will be going home with BIL/SIL to live with them which she had previously agreed to but it's just a lot to deal with.  Their grandson will be going to live with his sister and that's where most of the drama is coming from.  Imma avoid that whole situation.

We spent some time last night putting together a couple photo boards for the service - it was fun to see all those old photos.  Did you know you can take your phone to CVS and have pictures printed out right from your phone? 

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10 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

  Tomorrow I will take my kids to a local deli for a breakfast "egg on a roll" which they have never had.

I can only get cell service if I stand next to the kitchen window, lol.  There is good wifi, though.

Taylor ham, egg and cheese on a hard roll is a standard diner breakfast (or middle of the night) around here.  I'm in the diner capital of the world. 

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Morning, Happy Saturday.

Last night I just felt so exhausted and so blah and not motivated to do anything.  I'm better this morning.  I slept okay last night so no longer exhausted.   

I'm almost done with the prednisone, which doesn't seem to have helped the issue that much.  And now that my CT scan is at least temporarily cancelled, I'm thinking about what I could do that might help both issues.  I know I need to get back to yoga, so I'm going to put alarms on my phone to do that in the morning.   Get really good about going to the Y and at least walking.   Both issues seem better if I'm active so hopefully that will help.  

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