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"I see this comes in a sleek design. But as a "full-figured" woman, do these pens come in "curvy and carefree"?"


"i wonder of they could make the grips squishy like me? squishy plus size lady pens! i could get all over writing my grocery lists with that!"


"Don't you wish your Bic Pen was squishy like me? 

Don't you wish your Bic Pen was a plus like me?
Don't cha? Don cha...?
Sorry, the "squishy like me" just kinda derailed me onto a bad song moment..."


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Will they let you do your homework, Renai?  


Because personally I don't know which would be worse for my bp:  doing the work, or thinking about doing it but not being able to.  


Assuming you are rested now and feeling well,  I can imagine that it might be kind of relaxing to do it while you are otherwise bored and having all your meals taken care of for you.  UNLESS your body is actually still exhausted and you desperately need to let the meds do their work while you sleep.  In that case, my friend....please pretty please let your overtaxed system SLEEP.  It will pay off big time in the long run.  


They would have let me do my homework. I had taken my work laptop, because free wifi. It was mostly used to watch Netflix (my girls) because their stations suck.


I slept off and on all day. I couldn't have completed any homework anyway.

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Her numbers were more than white coat hypertension.  They were "a stroke could happen any minute" numbers.  Which is why I was a first class pain in the butt bossypants to her yesterday.


 I am so so glad that those numbers are down this morning, Renai and that you had all those meds.  You needed them.  I prayed off and on between sleeps last night for both you and your dh.  I hope that either they can hook you up with a cardiologist or you can call (maybe tomorrow first thing) so that you can continue to get the treatment you need to keep those numbers down.  (And  yes, I'm still being a bossypants because I care.)


The thing as, each time my numbers started coming down, a new person would show up and my numbers would shoot up 20 points again. The highest it got was 198/something I can't remember. It was when this really sweet, soft-spoken guy came in. I don't know what the problem was, but he made me nervous and I told him so. My heart started pounding and I started shivering with the chills. The nurse came back in and was shocked how my numbers had jumped back up. The doc was good though. He asked about advanced directive, and I reminded him that I am supposed to graduate in two weeks and didn't plan to die prior to then. I made him laugh, even though he made me nervous. I shared with him the research I had told ya'll and he agreed. He said, this is the protocol I usually give to those in your situation..." He's from Nebraska. I think there's more than a 1% black folk rate up there.


I should be getting a call from a cardio tomorrow to set up a stress test. My cousin who got a heart attack at 40 said the stress tests didn't pick up anything and she had to have a cath, so we'll see how it works out for me. I'm supposed to call my gp for a follow-up this week too. 


I'll be taking two bp meds (remember I mentioned that blacks usually need a combo?), and a cholesterol one. The chol one isn't on hand yet because of insurance issues.


That is all.


For now.

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This week in Ellie World: Not  much happening. Whew! There were many years when so much was happening in my life that I really needed to have my Franklin planner (this was in the Dark Ages before Internet and Google Calendar and smart phones and all that stuff) with me all the time, between my dds activities (Highland dance competitions and Highland Games, marching band events, ballet), support group activities, my umbrella school stuff (I was the owner/administrator), publishing a homeschool newsletter, church stuff, and everything else...I am not that busy any more. I don't sit at home doing *nothing,* but compared to what I used to do...it's nothing.




Tomorrow I'm in a hula "show" at a rehab center with my new group. Girls, they're not quite as, um, unaccomplished as the video I posted the other night, but they are close. But they are joyful and I love them, so I'm dancing with them. (I did post the other day about the last show, didn't I? I'm old. I forget these things. Moving on.). Tomorrow night I'll be a facilitator for RCIA at my parish (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults--what most parishes do with adults who want to become Catholic, or who just want more information); Tuesday night will be regular choir rehearsal; Wednesday morning I get my nails done; Wednesday night will be rehearsal for a concert we're doing in November. I'm free otherwise, so plenty of time to come here and goof off.


A few months ago we had a going-away party at my house for a friend from church, and at the end, I did a hula worship dance for them. One of the women is leading a group at church and asked me the other day if I would do that dance at one of her meetings. I had to think about it...for a nanosecond and of course I said YES. Because dancing in front of people. Also worship. :-)

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Also, I'm feeling marginally better thyroid-wise. [insert long boring story] So I think I'm ready to tackle my office. Again. It really isn't that bad, mostly just surface clutter, and it won't take long to tidy it up. However, Mr. Ellie's desk makes me crazy, so I'm giving him fair warning, and then it's getting cleaned up, as well. There may be great wailing and gnashing of teeth, which I will ignore. Probably I won't even have to toss anything, because I'm pretty sure that everything that is piled on his desk actually has a home; he just sucks at putting anything away. ::glares::

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I remember my Franklin planner with great fondness.


I loved my Franklin.


I loved my Day Runner before that. I remember when those things first came out; I was in a store and saw a display of these amazing...books. Didn't even really have a name for them. And it had everything I wanted--a two-page calendar, section for addresses, section for contacts...it was as if someone had sat and interviewed me for hours and designed this book especially for me.


Geek. :D


I made the change to Franklin many years later...I forget why. Maybe it was the dated daily pages? IDK. Too long ago. But Franklin also had *pretty* pages. :D

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I loved my Franklin.


I loved my Day Runner before that. I remember when those things first came out; I was in a store and saw a display of these amazing...books. Didn't even really have a name for them. And it had everything I wanted--a two-page calendar, section for addresses, section for contacts...it was as if someone had sat and interviewed me for hours and designed this book especially for me.


Geek. :D


I made the change to Franklin many years later...I forget why. Maybe it was the dated daily pages? IDK. Too long ago. But Franklin also had *pretty* pages. :D


That's right! I did the Day Runner prior to Franklin too. In fact, I think I went back to Day Runner. Because price. :D


Ok, now I'm going to bed for reals.

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Why is it I can come on here or to a fb homeschool group and discuss educational philosophy but reading it for my college class is the most boring topic ever? They do not use terms like we do, it is "cognitive-interactionist", "developmental-Maturationist", or "behaviourist" Personal I would like to throw all 3 out the window because they suck based on what I am reading. WHy not teach educational philosophy based the same way homeschoolers look at it? Charlotte mason, classical, unschooling etc rather than this mumbo jumbo made to look more sophisticated than it really is.


Like okay Developmental-maturationist, the educator's role is facilitator, program is holistic. Sees children as explorers, child-centered and child-driven program, the 2 key features are integrated curriculum and integrated subjects throughout the day. flexible schedule, pressure is not appropriate, considers development as naturally unfolding, uses common environmental materials, considers play essential. Integrates indoor and outdoor environments, classrooms organized around interest or learning centers. And the list goes on... .


Cognitive interactionist: educator's role is facilitator and "open ended questioner" to facilitate thinking and problem solving.; provide open-ended materials, foster cooperative work, is a hands on participant in activities, play and conversation with the children. Organized around key experiences in 3 domains of cognitive development, socio-emotional development and movement/physical development. requires large blocks of time for problem-solving and communication, so time-table of day is built around "plan-do-review" which is supposed to facilitate children's thinking and planning as well as encourage their reflective thinking.


Behaviourist programs: is a teacher directed program, educator expected to use techniques such as prompting and model behaviour. It has an academic emphasis, learning is hierarchical, steps are sequences, task analysis breaks down concepts into small steps, uses prompts and reinforcement of behaviour, uses fast paced lessons and drill techniques, uses small group instruction, follows a set time table, minimal visual distraction in the classroom, token rewards such as star charts encouraged, frequent criterion-referenced testing, mastery of concepts allows for movement to the next level. Essentially it is what we know public school to be.


It is annoying to be studying these philosophies when I disagree with them, though the "development-maturationist" fits closer to my own beliefs than the other 2. I have a midterm in this particular class tomorrow and I don't wanna. What I wanna do it start a topic in class on this but the discussion board is not set up to do that, it is only set up to post and reply to the specific assigned topics and this is not one of them. So I dumped it on you guys. SO there this thread has some talk about education again. lol

Hell yes, sing it, sister.


My entire master's program can be summed up by Maya Angelou and I don't even like her poems:


"LISTEN TO PEOPLE! They will tell you who they are!" For real. Listen, think, act, think, revise, act.




You all now have a master's in public administration.

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Now I want a metric version of the banana slicer....

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I also had the kitten dream when pregnant with the boys. I seem to remember being quite proud of my little kittens as well, but I don't remember their colors. Probably tabbies. 

One more week before NaNoWriMo starts. I plan to put in 2000 words in my world building section today to practice getting the daily word count.

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I had a dream that we got a kitten and a turtle and kept them in a big bird cage together.

I dreamt someone cut off my left arm with a sword. It wasn't bleeding much but I suggested someone bring me to the hospital anyway. Dh and dd17 brought me to the Vanderbilt walk-in clinic which had been relocated to an Old Country Buffet restaurant. Then I realized that no one had brought my cut off arm and someone really needed to go back and get it and then take me to a real hospital so they could reattach my arm. They told me they really didn't think that would be possible and we should just put a band-aid on my shoulder.

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I feel terrible. I will not be able to take both of these medications in the morning and function with children. Good thing there are no children today, but I'm moving quite slowly getting portfolios done and feel dizzy, faint, and stupid.


The only pregnancy dreams I ever got were either me having twins, or me having lots and lots of freaky teA.

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I feel terrible. I will not be able to take both of these medications in the morning and function with children. Good thing there are no children today, but I'm moving quite slowly getting portfolios done and feel dizzy, faint, and stupid.


The only pregnancy dreams I ever got were either me having twins, or me having lots and lots of freaky teA.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If we lived closer, I'd come over and help you out. :-(

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