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Just read that October 13th is No Bra Day.


Will not be participating.  What the heck?


I slept last night.   :D  Dh came in at 3 am and woke me up, but I was able to go back to sleep.  I am now in the market for some good ear plugs.  Please tell me what these might be or I will be forced to post on the Chat Board and involve the general public.


These kinda remind me of the orange military-issued ones my dad used to get. Worked like a dream. http://www.amazon.com/Etymotic-Research-ETY-Plugs-Protection-Earplugs/dp/B0044DEESS/ref=sr_1_5_m?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1444783480&sr=1-5&keywords=earplugs

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So now I have to find some construction workers and ask them what brand of ear plugs they use?  No thanks!


I found this article, which was both helpful and funny:




I ordered the number one rated ones on Amazon and they will be here in two days.  Maybe dh won't get a wild hair to do the taxes all night until then!



Hmmmm.... or is it wild hare???  That is the question.  

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Funny, I just got an email from Maidenform and they didn't mention the no bra thing.  :hat:   I won't be participating either. 


SOOOO glad you slept last night.  Your DH is in hot water if he so much as breathes next time you're sleeping, lol.  Sorry, I don't know about good ear plugs. 



I am participating in the no bra thing, starting now. Just thought you might want to know.

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I missed the mommy nap thing (stressful rellies' day) so by golly I.am.doing.the.bra.thing.


I took a nap on nap day. It was by accident, but I enjoyed it anyway. I remembered it was nap day when I woke up, as dh was bringing the girls back from somewhere.

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Now I'm sad, and I will miss Harry.  Keep forgetting.


The other day dh and ds12 found two dead mice in the garage and I asked if it was just the bones because I wanted us to study it.  Also, I have wondered about digging up our dearly departed foster kitten in the front bed and seeing if it is bones. :leaving:


See why I need my own skeleton?


I have considered this for a ... couple of our...former...pets. But, may they rest in peace. I'm pretty sure your kitten is not ready to be studied yet.

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Yes, only I can't last all night like that.


When I was pg, oddly greasy and heavy food helped the most with nausea.  With kid #3, a breakfast sammie from Sonic (thick toast with cheese, eggs, bacon) and a Dr. Pepper left me good for most of the day.  I only ate it once, though, because I was not wanting to weigh 400 pounds by delivery.  With kid #4, Taco Bueno bean burritos and Dr. Pepper did it.  I ate a lot of Taco Bueno food sitting in the parking lot after going through the drivethrough.


Such junk, but it make me feel not sick.


For my second pregnancy, it was cheese. Even that sliced stuff. I'd go to work, having forgotten my daily ration of cheese, go across the hall to the college cafeteria and by a slice for 50 cents. Yeah...

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I ate a lot of Chinese when I was pregnant. And eggs. And DS is allergic to eggs, peanuts, soy and nuts. Coincidence?


I drank a breakfast smoothie almost every morning with whole milk, yogurt, banana, strawberries or other berries, and sometimes wheat germ. I also couldn't stand the sight of sweets, except for canned mandarin oranges. I ate a can daily. Youngest is allergic to dairy (except hard cheeses), berries and citrus. 

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I, too, am now celebrating the day.



My only pregnancy problem was almost passing out if I didn't eat small meals every couple of hours.  I remember nearly fainting and then being helped over to chair at the bridal registry at Bed Bath and Beyond, very pregnant and telling them I needed sugar.  


They made me buy the candy before giving it to me.   :confused1:  :confused1:  :confused1:

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I have considered this for a ... couple of our...former...pets. But, may they rest in peace. I'm pretty sure your kitten is not ready to be studied yet.

Six months.  Too early.  Need more time.  Sigh.


Dh has stabbing ear pain.



Diagnosis, anyone?


Is his ear also stuffed up?  If so, he has an ear infection.

The following proof-of-hike is dedicated to you, Texie.


Me and Little Duck.




This is the best picture I've ever seen in my entire life.  I love it.  <3

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Is his ear also stuffed up?  If so, he has an ear infection.




Can ears be stuffed up??  My nose can be; I've never noticed that about my ear ever.  But in any case dh is playing hero right now... he's clearly in agony and wandering around with a heat pack but keeps grunting that he's fine.   :sneaky2:   I'd say infection is best guess.  Hopefully viral, since he's not keen on visiting the doctor to get clearance for antibiotics.  

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Can ears be stuffed up??  My nose can be; I've never noticed that about my ear ever.  But in any case dh is playing hero right now... he's clearly in agony and wandering around with a heat pack but keeps grunting that he's fine.   :sneaky2:   I'd say infection is best guess.  Hopefully viral, since he's not keen on visiting the doctor to get clearance for antibiotics.  

Have him take Mucinex (if it is fluid build up that will help it to drain).  

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Does he have trouble hearing out of it? Has he had a cold or allergies? I had an ear infection once as an adult and was in agony. I rushed to the doctor and got antibiotics. It cleared up but my ear stayed stuffed up and I had to take prednisone. I was basically deaf in one ear for awhile.

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Does he have trouble hearing out of it? Has he had a cold or allergies? I had an ear infection once as an adult and was in agony. I rushed to the doctor and got antibiotics. It cleared up but my ear stayed stuffed up and I had to take prednisone. I was basically deaf in one ear for awhile.



Wow.  Yes, allergies galore, for both of us.  But he says hearing is fine.

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Why do you hate Tuesdays so much?

Tuesdays are my co-op teaching days. I have 3 hours of intensive orchestra classes/rehearsals followed by 3 hours of giving intensive private instruction. With about 2 hours before, during, and after of set-up, clean-up, and general discussion with students, parents, etc. When I get home, I have about 2 additional hours sending class reports and assignments and making lesson plans. It takes more time if we have a special project or event to work on; outside of Tuesdays I probably spend an average of 10 hours in preparation for classes.


You know how they say the majority of people are more afraid of public speaking than of death? Well, that is how I feel about teaching. Even now in my 3rd year. I get knots in my stomach and probably ulcers from the general anxiety that it causes, pretty much year round. I started the program thinking I would get used to it after a few weeks or months, but nope. I am also an extremely introverted person, so that makes the whole day even more mentally exhausting - I want nothing more than to hide away for about 3 days afterwards.


People tell me often that I am a good teacher, though, and that their kids love me. They are wonderful kids and parents, and I really want them to have this opportunity. I pray often that one or more people will come and volunteer to take on the program.

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Good night.


They changed the admission to the gifted program... again.




Now I must reconsider. Ugh. To apply or not to apply. She might just squeak in especially now that she's had a couple years of English language instruction and she's way ahead in reading. ARRRRGH.


Okay. I'm going to have her go for it. Why the hell not.




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Good Morning ITTers!


Dawn, praying for your Dad's surgery today.  Let us know how it goes.


Ellie, praying for you and the little one you're advocating for. 


Hope Tex, Renai and others slept well!


Susan, that sounds exhausting.  I would hate Tuesdays too. 


Ducklings, LOVE the walk picture.  So cute!  Hope dh's ear is better this morning.

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I have meds. The only ones that don't cause asthma attacks, or dips me so low so quick I feel like I'm going to die. My problem is taking them consistently. I'll take one before bed and then when I get up in the morning.

Set 2 alarms. One for 8am, one for 8pm. Or 9 if that's too early.

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