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Local schools are out today due to elections, and the neighbor kid has been over most of the day.  She said her mom wanted her out of the house, lol.  Guess she's not quite used to having kids home all day!  She's super sweet.

I should go clean the kitchen.

It's A Weird Day Booyah!

We are ITT

a happy lucky posting family

We are ITT    

Get up everybody and sing!

Edited by Susan in TN
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I got a chest x-ray and sinus x-ray. I hate medical procedures. I had to do it, though. Everyone said I had to. I’ve had a cough since June. And it’s bad. I go through a huge bag of cough drops every week. The doctor is trying to figure out what is wrong with me. It’s not a chest cough. I do think I have silent GERD, but I’ve taken that omeprazole for a couple of weeks and it doesn’t help. But the doctor is ruling things out, hence the x-rays. Bleh.

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56 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Can you pick up some TP for me on the way back?


41 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

So in the morning I signed up for this volunteer thing. Giving out tp and other essential supplies to senior citizens. Susan, are you a senior citizen?  Oh wait- you’re younger than I am. 

Me, too. We need TP. Charmin if you can swing it. It’s soft.

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Good morning!

Ds15 is congested and coughing this morning, so I am trying to arrange for a facetime cello lesson with his teacher.  
Sir Pups-a-lot has decided he likes to lounge on the living room sofa and chair, which are off limits for him.  We will have to work on this - he gets quite grumpy when we push him off.    
We have very modified children's choir tonight and depending on other transportation needs, I may be staying for Advent choir as well.


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Lunch is served. Salad for me. Chicken nuggets for the kids.

I am feeling pretty proud of myself for making up a history lesson on the fly. We just started China inSotW and so I got out my Tales from China book to introduce the subject.  The first story was the Creation myth, which we read and illustrated. Then I got it in my mind to read the Genesis account, which we then illustrated.  I was really tempted to throw India in there, too, but I didn’t. Then we wrote an essay comparing and contrasting the two different creation stories.  I have really been committing myself to more writing this year.  We use Novel Ties literature studies and there are writing assignments in there that we use, too. 

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Morning.  I don't think I posted at all yesterday.  Whoops.

It's a busy week.  It's the last week of my first session so I'm dealing with payments, registrations, planning classes, etc.  And the week started with drama with a brown out so one class had to get cancelled, another was done but weirdly.   Plus the election.   I feel like I've been playing catch-up all week.  

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1 hour ago, DorothyNJ said:

Morning.  I don't think I posted at all yesterday.  Whoops.

It's a busy week.  It's the last week of my first session so I'm dealing with payments, registrations, planning classes, etc.  And the week started with drama with a brown out so one class had to get cancelled, another was done but weirdly.   Plus the election.   I feel like I've been playing catch-up all week.  

Glad you made it back here in one piece!!

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Good morning!

Tutorial has gone the way of zoom for today, so there's no rush to leave the house.  I still plan to go to Aldi and another store or two for groceries and stuff.    
We had socially distanced Advent choir rehearsal last night.  I've never sung in the choir, but I stayed for rehearsal because the rest of the family is in choir and they were my ride home, lol.  It was nice.

I need to start picking up things to put in the Advent calendar.  I should probably have dh get it out of the attic.


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Morning. Up and getting around, albeit a bit slowly. I don't know if I said this here, but I've started walking again. I began in October with a mile a day, and now I'm up to five miles a day. I break it up (3 in the morning, 2 at night) but I am still not quite as resigned to it as I should be yet. Or rather, my muscles and joints are resigned to it. 


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How has this page not turned yet?  

Svengo.  Nevertheless, I made it through Kroger, Aldi, and The Lobby of Hobbies.  Yesterday, apparently, was "Advent Calendar Day" at Aldi.  I have decided to never shop there on Advent Calendar Day because it turns into a crazy place.  I think I must have missed the mail flyer notification so I had no idea.  They do tend to get some cool ones - I've gotten the cheese one before.  I've never gotten in line early enough to get the wine calendar.

Finishing coffee.  Afternoon lessons will hopefully get started in a half hour.

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