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EDIT - oh wait I'm supposed to do something here.





Good try. :cheers2:


The correct thing is to BOOYA (although some scofflaws want to spell it "booyaH," bless their hearts), followed by "this is the thread that never ends" (although there are some who do not, bless their hearts).



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I am OCD on washing hands right now.  And using disinfectant wipes on surfaces.  And one of my specialists told me to start doing nasal rinses religiously.  I'm immunocompromised.  The last time I got sick from one of my kids' colds was in January of last year.  I was finally free of secondary infections after 7 months straight of antibiotics etc.  That was 3 months ago.  And last year was pretty much a repeat of the year before that.






My daughter and I are both on life long immunosuppressants. My wife has made both of us into paranoid handwashing lunatics.

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For some reason this reminded me of:


We're going on a bear hunt.

We're going to catch a big one.

What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.




We did this in Camp Fire, except it was a "squeegee hunt." I have no idea what a squeegee is. :lol:


[clapping legs first, then hands, in time]


Going on a squeegee hunt [echo]


Gonna catch a biggg one [echo]


I'm not afraid [echo]


What's that up ahead? [echo]


Looks like...[a variety of things]




Good times. :-)

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Can't multi quote...


Dori "a few people here" AND WE ALL KNOW WHO THEY ARE!


Dawn "didn't plan on having spring break this week" I love when homeschoolers say this.




Mark's booya was confusing.


John had a dream about giant killer bats and his daddy saved him.



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I saw somebody on Facebook yesterday refer to "Scream" as a classic movie. Not in the "Oh man, that movie is a CLASSIC!!" sense, but in the literal, Citizen Kane sense.

Seriously? Scream?


That would have made me feel old if it weren't so patently ridiculous.

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Speaking as the husband of a nurse and a long time healthcare system employee, I can't help but pipe up and tell you that unless the mask you're wearing is N95 respirator grade and a proper fit, it won't do much to protect you from his cold.


It is much more effective for your son to wear a mask (even if it's not N95 grade) than for you to wear one.


And of course, hand hygeine (both yours and his) are instrumental, as well as taking care not to touch your eyes, nose, etc unless you have freshly washed hands.




EDIT - oh wait I'm supposed to do something here.





It has an H.  You're good.

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Spanish classical guitar music is very soothing.  Ds18 got me hooked on Segovia (famous classical guitar player).  He laughed at my face because when he shared the YouTube he knew I thought it was going to be heavy metal.  (He has very eclectic taste in music.)

I used to have this great Spanish guitar cd set I got from Reader's Digest long ago. The only thing I remember is that I used the red cd during school time in the morning when Singer (aka Dancer) was Gymnast's age. The first song periodically runs through my head. Like now.

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Somebody must have been praying.



The prof *not the beloved one from this thread) sent an email about what should have happened. She sent another 2 hours later letting me turn in that one assignment. By 8pm est.

AWESOME!  AWESOME!  AWESOME!  <Insert Lego Movie song:  Everything is Awesome!>


I meant to quote and reply when I first read this earlier, but that's what I get for multi-tasking (trying to read snippets of the forum and do school at the same time.  #wheredallthesekidscomefrom)


Yay Renai!  Now go kick some booty on that assignment!!!!

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We were praying for you Renai! Yay!


Today, the Prof's household will be tackling Mount Laundry. Hopefully, I will get a walk in as well.


This weekend, dh will probably take the ds' shooting, so I will have time to do some more Kon Mari'ing of the house.


Online classes are almost done for the day. The peeps need to hunker down and get.stuff.done. So does their mom :glare:

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Also, being an IT guy and an on again, off again web and forum admin, I seriously contest the idea that the language on a forum platform invites a particular type or any spam at all. Spam is everywhere. It comes down to the security (and obscurity) of your forum software more than anything else.


I had a custom forum that I ran for almost 20 years. It used FRAMES it was so old. FRAMES (this means the browser window was split into multiple sub windows which each loaded a separate web page designed to fit the shape and size of that subwindow. They load and refresh independently). Anyway, frames were eventually deprecated in favor of AJAX and other, better, newer things. My point is that our layout and software were so archaic that spam bots simply couldn't cope and frequently tried, but utterly failed, to post anything pretty much ever.


It was amusing reading the logs, though. :)

I remember feeling so savvy when I first used frames on a website. This was 1997.


Thanks for the kind words everybody.


This was a hard week in general!

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My daughter and I are both on life long immunosuppressants. My wife has made both of us into paranoid handwashing lunatics.


"Stop your fussing--- you eat in the backyard all summer long with hands twice as dirty as that and it's not killed you yet.  Wipe 'em on your jeans and eat.your.lunch.now.for.pity's.sake."


--Yours Truly, at the beach yesterday.  






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I think if I ever meet Jean I actually will wear a mask. I am never sick so I never know what inhabits me.

I have an amazing ability to fight anything. I never seem to get it as bad as anyone else. I think maybe I'll lick her and see if it rubs off.

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