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Last year, I was in this exact position. This year, I bought fall clothes a few weeks ago to make sure that didn't happen again. I hate the scramble for kids clothes. I do most of their shopping online, so it took about an hour, and I was done. But, my boys don't really care to shop:-) so that makes a difference.


Dd probably looks quite stylish. Eclectic bohemian or something like that;-)

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16 days to Disney World, and that's all I'm focused on at this point. At work I have an annual performance review meeting tomorrow and I just can't wait. I've been telling my boss in no uncertain terms for months that I'm underutilized and she's paying me too much for what I'm being enabled to do (not much).



Then when we get back I can look forward to the fight with the high school because our trip will put Oldest on the brink of losing credit for one-semester courses because they lowered the threshhold again after we planned the trip.

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Anyone ever had severe pain in the bottom of your stomach? This is the second or third time it's happened in the past year. The pain reminds of the cramping I had when everything was moving back in place after I had my daughter 9 years ago.


Yes, but I've got Crohn's Disease. At any rate, it's nothing to take lightly. Definitely doctor time.

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16 days to Disney World, and that's all I'm focused on at this point. At work I have an annual performance review meeting tomorrow and I just can't wait. I've been telling my boss in no uncertain terms for months that I'm underutilized and she's paying me too much for what I'm being enabled to do (not much).



Then when we get back I can look forward to the fight with the high school because our trip will put Oldest on the brink of losing credit for one-semester courses because they lowered the threshhold again after we planned the trip.

We are going to Disney World in April or May for my 1st time. I can't wait. I hope you have a great time. Bring back some pointers on the things I need to keep in mind when we go.
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Is it uterine thats or stomach?

That's what's funny about it. One minute it seems like it could be uterine, one minute menstrual pains(which have never been that severe for me), and the next gas pains. The pain sits right at the very bottom of my tummy. It finally went away when I leaned on my bathroom sink counter for 10 or 15 minutes.
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Anyone ever had severe pain in the bottom of your stomach? This is the second or third time it's happened in the past year. The pain reminds of the cramping I had when everything was moving back in place after I had my daughter 9 years ago.


No experience with that.


You had pain after you gave birth from everything moving back into place?  Really?  I'm suddenly feeling very lucky I did not experience that.

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Hugs to Jean, Christina, and Mark's daughter.


I wouldn't be able to walk without my chiropractor.


My personal theory after years of casual research is that the temporarily relief is something you become physiologically dependent upon. It's certainly not a cure. 


Even with my crumbling left shoulder, pore-riddled neck vertebrae (from osteoporosis or near enough), and back broken in 3 places, I won't go anywhere near one. I'm still managing, though it does hurt. :)

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We are going to Disney World in April or May for my 1st time. I can't wait. I hope you have a great time. Bring back some pointers on the things I need to keep in mind when we go.


It's become absurdly expensive in a very short time. We're paying double what we paid in 2006 for the same trip (although they've expanded a bit.) We may not be able to go again.

My generic tips: buy the dining plan. Even though it's not really a cost savings like it used to be, it gives you the peace of mind of having your meals already paid and removes the stress of budgeting during your vacation.


Companion advice to the above: make reservations if you are planning to eat anything but quick service food.

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My personal theory after years of casual research is that the temporarily relief is something you become physiologically dependent upon. It's certainly not a cure.


Even with my crumbling left shoulder, pore-riddled neck vertebrae (from osteoporosis or near enough), and back broken in 3 places, I won't go anywhere near one. I'm still managing, though it does hurt. :)

My chiropractor says his goal is to never see me again. Our appointments keep getting further and further apart. He gives me exercises to do at home so that I can strengthen myself without him.

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My personal theory after years of casual research is that the temporarily relief is something you become physiologically dependent upon. It's certainly not a cure.


Even with my crumbling left shoulder, pore-riddled neck vertebrae (from osteoporosis or near enough), and back broken in 3 places, I won't go anywhere near one. I'm still managing, though it does hurt. :)

Clearly you need some essential oils.





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I am now dressed, week plan is done for both kids, dishes still not done. Ds13 was humming the llama song through his AoPS class:-)


He is also really tired. Fall and hormones no doubt.


We need to have a serious meeting this afternoon. I think we are going to move to block schedule some things. There are just too many days in which they are telling me they are done, when they, very obviously, are not. And I typically putter out so much by the end of the day, I don't check up as well as I should:-( I have given them time to redeem themselves. Now the hammer is coming DOWN :lol:

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Susan, good luck with your students... They are lucky to have you:-)


Christina, do you still have your appendix? I had something like this and ended up with an emergency appendectomy a few years ago. Not to scare you... Just that sometimes the appendix pain is different from what people think it is. If you start to get a fever, get thee to a dr immediately:-) and ((hugs))

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Maybe it forgot and is popping back in place now?

I am sitting next to my daughter while she is done school work and I am trying not to laugh and I have tears in my eyes. I wish my body forgot to gain weight too.


Actually it couldn't have forgotten because my son was born first and I think it had to be back in place for my daughter to be conceived. Who knows though. Maybe I'm not up on womanly physical issues.:)

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Susan, good luck with your students... They are lucky to have you:-)


Christina, do you still have your appendix? I had something like this and ended up with an emergency appendectomy a few years ago. Not to scare you... Just that sometimes the appendix pain is different from what people think it is. If you start to get a fever, get thee to a dr immediately:-) and ((hugs))

Thank you! Yes, I still have my appendix. I never thought of it being something like that. I will definitely keep that in mind.
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I am sitting next to my daughter while she is done school work and I am trying not to laugh and I have tears in my eyes. I wish my body forgot to gain weight too.


Actually it couldn't have forgotten because my son was born first and I think it had to be back in place for my daughter to be conceived. Who knows though. Maybe I'm not up on womanly physical issues.:)

I was really good with my second pregnancy and lost 17 pounds between conception and my 6 week postpartum checkup with healthy eating and working out until the 8th month. Then I got postpartum depression and gained 30 pounds.

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Is the pain above or below your bellybutton? Left side or right? Associated with diarrhea or menstrual cycle?


I don't think gas pains would be that severe or last 10-15 minutes. From my experience, the pain is more intermittent.


Maybe keep a food diary and see if it is associated with spicy foods, etc.


However pain that severe is justifiable of a doctor visit. That is why we experience pain so we know something is wrong. ;) Of course, you know this, but as a mother, I at least, tend to put my well being on the backburner.:)

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I was really good with my second pregnancy and lost 17 pounds between conception and my 6 week postpartum checkup with healthy eating and working out until the 8th month. Then I got postpartum depression and gained 30 pounds.

With both my pregnancies, I lost at least 20 lbs compared to my weight at conceprion until they were born. Within 6 months of their birth, I gained 20 to 30lbs. They even sent me to a dietary specialist. They couldn't figure it out. I've been the same weight since then for the most part. I did lose 20 lbs when my ulcer acted up but I gained it right back as soon as it was under control.
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Is the pain above or below your bellybutton? Left side or right? Associated with diarrhea or menstrual cycle?

I don't think gas pains would be that severe or last 10-15 minutes. From my experience, the pain is more intermittent.

Maybe keep a food diary and see if it is associated with spicy foods, etc.

However pain that severe is justifiable of a doctor visit. That is why we experience pain so we know something is wrong. ;) Of course, you know this, but as a mother, I at least, tend to put my well being on the backburner.:)


With both my pregnancies, I lost at least 20 lbs compared to my weight at conceprion until they were born. Within 6 months of their birth, I gained 20 to 30lbs. They even sent me to a dietary specialist. They couldn't figure it out. I've been the same weight since then for the most part. I did lose 20 lbs when my ulcer acted up but I gained it right back as soon as it was under control.

Could it be your ulcer is back?

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Openhearted.... I wish it was my ulcer because I'm used to handling that. My ulcer hasn't stopped showing up sporadically in the past 7 years. The ulcer is more of a burning compared to the twisting of my insides that is this pain.


As to the pain, it is below my belly button. If memory serves, it seems to be more to my left but it could be in the middle. No diarrhea and I'm 10 days into my cycle which is regular.


Wow! I'm being real personal today.

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Sorry to ask such personal questions.:)


Possibly an ovarian cyst, which is usually not that painful. But it is time for ovulation, and since ovaries usually take turns producing the egg, that could explain the 3 or so times in the last year. (I think this is true, but not 100%)


Maybe schedule a pelvic exam to be sure.

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Hugs to Mark's dd.


Hugs to Jean.


Hugs to Christina.  Pain after childbirth - I don't think this is what you're referring to when you said things felt like they had to go back into place, but I had after birth cramps with all except the first one - and I think that's typical.  The more deliveries a uterus accomplishes, the more severe the after birthing cramps.  More relevant to your current pain - since you mentioned twisting - I have heard of a couple people whose colon was somehow not attached correctly and could "flop over" and twist (kink) for lack of better terms.  Do you have nausea with the pain?  For one person this happened off and on for over a year before the cause was discovered.  


Tex, thanks for explaining my comma splice.



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My chiro keeps me going.  He does not cure me.  My muscles have severe cramping problems (I'm on anti seizure drugs for that) and the muscles pull my bones out.  Very painful.  The chiropractor sticks them back into place but can do nothing to keep my muscles from doing it again.  It's been better lately with a change in my meds but it still happens.  I know that my ribs and hip on my left side are out.  He has very graciously offered me a plan where I pay a low monthly fee and I can go in as many times as I need in the month - usually once a week but occasionally more often.  

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Yup, I am in frozen tundra land, and we take great pride in being able to handle the cold. We can be pretty obnoxious about it. When we went to Yellowstone, we went to see Old Faithful. By the time we got there, it was a blizzard. Full on, couldn't see a thing blizzard. It had been 55 when we left our cabin, so I had a long sleeve tee shirt on and no jacket. Guess what? The only other groups of people braving the snow were in Packer sweatshirts. We all had a good laugh at that. #feelslikefamily





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Went to the chiro once with horrible shoulder pain ongoing for a year.  Told him I feared rotator cuff.  He declared it ACV joint, popped it into place, and I had no more pain.  Had to go back once more to have it put back in because it had been out so long, but that was 4ish years ago, and it has not returned.




Not as good at the llama song, but I'm underlining my point, yo!

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Ds20 got pepper sprayed today as part of his training. Oh my goodness!!!! My eyes started watering just looking at him. Poor guy.:(


He showered, changed and went back to work. He felt much better after the shower.


He said he thinks the tasering will be a cakewalk now since it only lasts 5 seconds. He said the pepper spray was agony for 30 minutes solid.


I'm so proud of him. Lovey him.

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Ds20 got pepper sprayed today as part of his training. Oh my goodness!!!! My eyes started watering just looking at him. Poor guy. :(


He showered, changed and went back to work. He felt much better after the shower.


He said he thinks the tasering will be a cakewalk now since it only lasts 5 seconds. He said the pepper spray was agony for 30 minutes solid.


I'm so proud of him. Lovey him.

Good grief!  Police training?  Prison guard?

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