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Impressive. I don't even recognize those words.

I shamefully asked if his brilliant professor made up that word, "concinnity". Nope. Real word. I do know what a ladder is, but I don't understand how it is connected to Enlightenment philosophy and musical form. Ds was kind enough not to scoff at me. :D

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It only means I've finished this, the second-to-last class. It doesn't mean I passed it. I'm really serious when I say that. I missed two assignments, and she took off serious points on some others. I may need to retake this class- paying out of pocket. Thankfully, I had money put away from student loan funds, so I can pay it if I need to.


Other than that, my last class begins tomorrow. Hopefully.

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I woke up with this song on my mind this morning




I think it is a sign we should all meet up in Hawaii for our reunion/get together.


Ellie can teach us Hula.:D


(I have heard this version of the song before, but I can't remember where. It is driving me crazy that I can't figure it out.)

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Beautiful version of the song.


Dh has taken the kids to a huge flea market thing about two hours away for the day so I will block plan my co-op class.  We are about to begin a three week discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird (with my quiet little class) so I need to get my game on to get some prompts, small group activities, etc to get them to engage.  We had one rockin' discussion on "The Most Dangerous Game" when I asked them each to share one thing they annotated or that stood out to them.  I have a few kids who will speak up, but I would like them all to be engaged in some way.  Will need to spend some time scouring the net and my materials for ideas.  I look forward to having the next month of class mostly planned.


Many times my kids make me crazy, but I miss them when they are gone.  It is good to miss people.  It pushes the reset button.

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Beautiful version of the song.


Dh has taken the kids to a huge flea market thing about two hours away for the day so I will block plan my co-op class.  We are about to begin a three week discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird (with my quiet little class) so I need to get my game on to get some prompts, small group activities, etc to get them to engage.  We had one rockin' discussion on "The Most Dangerous Game" when I asked them each to share one thing they annotated or that stood out to them.  I have a few kids who will speak up, but I would like them all to be engaged in some way.  Will need to spend some time scouring the net and my materials for ideas.  I look forward to having the next month of class mostly planned.


Many times my kids make me crazy, but I miss them when they are gone.  It is good to miss people.  It pushes the reset button.


Exactly.  Well stated.  



I'm playing hooky this morning while the gang is at church.  I actually enjoy going with them, but my allergies are beating me down and in the interest of not getting sick (I always get sick this time of year), I am resting.  Well, and working toward c.h.a.o.s. recovery, as we have family visiting next weekend. But working in a restful, kon-mari sort of way.  



I really should read that book if I am going to continue to reference her.  

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We made it to church again and it was really good to be there.  Yay because I didn't start the day glad to be going anywhere.


Dawn, yay for 2 no shows and a solid decision made!


Tex, I know it's not the point of the book, but I Laugh Out Loud everytime I read about Scout's experience at school with the young/new teacher.  Hilarious.  My most recent student to read TKAM did not appreciate Dill and felt that he could have been left out altogether.  I disagreed of course. 


DH posted a great reply on the wannabe thread.  What is the answer?  Yes, of course, unless no is required.  (From Moto Moto in Madagascar.  Love that scene.  Cracks me up.  Girl you huge.)


Happy Sunday everyone!

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We made it to church again and it was really good to be there.  Yay because I didn't start the day glad to be going anywhere.


Dawn, yay for 2 no shows and a solid decision made!


Tex, I know it's not the point of the book, but I Laugh Out Loud everytime I read about Scout's experience at school with the young/new teacher.  Hilarious.  My most recent student to read TKAM did not appreciate Dill and felt that he could have been left out altogether.  I disagreed of course. 


DH posted a great reply on the wannabe thread.  What is the answer?  Yes, of course, unless no is required.  (From Moto Moto in Madagascar.  Love that scene.  Cracks me up.  Girl you huge.)


Happy Sunday everyone!



Dang.  Outta likes.  Again. 

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We made it to church again and it was really good to be there.  Yay because I didn't start the day glad to be going anywhere.


Dawn, yay for 2 no shows and a solid decision made!


Tex, I know it's not the point of the book, but I Laugh Out Loud everytime I read about Scout's experience at school with the young/new teacher.  Hilarious.  My most recent student to read TKAM did not appreciate Dill and felt that he could have been left out altogether.  I disagreed of course. 


DH posted a great reply on the wannabe thread.  What is the answer?  Yes, of course, unless no is required.  (From Moto Moto in Madagascar.  Love that scene.  Cracks me up.  Girl you huge.)


Happy Sunday everyone!

No, Dill was integral the the plot.  :D  I absolutely love Scout.  She is so willful.  But she's the one who saw to the heart of Boo.  She knew him.  They were safe with each other.


Just realized my biggest class talker will be absent on Friday.  Neither one of my boys has a lot to say.  Might need to pay one of them to say some stuff I hand to them to grease the wheels of discussion.  ;)

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I don't do makeup either, but dd 16 wants to be a makeup artist. She likes Ulta stores and Sephora. She watches a lot of youtube videos. I can ask later which ones she likes best.

I second these. But no matter where she goes, it is helpful to have someone teach her how to actually put it in without looking like a clown:-) or she can YouTube.

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Yay on the cleaning!


Boo on the visit from the crumb police.


Glad I'm not the only one turning on heat. Our Minnesota friends think I'm a wimp. Compared to them, yes; I am a wimp.

Yup, I am in frozen tundra land, and we take great pride in being able to handle the cold. We can be pretty obnoxious about it. When we went to Yellowstone, we went to see Old Faithful. By the time we got there, it was a blizzard. Full on, couldn't see a thing blizzard. It had been 55 when we left our cabin, so I had a long sleeve tee shirt on and no jacket. Guess what? The only other groups of people braving the snow were in Packer sweatshirts. We all had a good laugh at that. #feelslikefamily

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Yay for Renai! You did it. Hope you enjoyed your sleep.


Love that version of that song. It makes me feel melancholy in the very best way.


I, too, missed church this am. Just not well enough to go and be social, even though I love the carp out of all of the people there. So I communed with the Lord in silence from my couch... Which is highly underrated:-)


We are studying Reconstruction, so I had the bright idea of showing the kids "Gone with the Wind." We watched the first 2 hours last night and my guys were pretty into it. Dh and I were stunned. I think it helped that we all decided Prissy has to be THE most annoying movie character ever. Kind of like when Jim Carrey asked, "What is the most annoying sound in the world?" Ayaaaa. Prissy is that noise in human form to me.


I have zero idea of what to make for dinner this fine evening.

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I second these. But no matter where she goes, it is helpful to have someone teach her how to actually put it in without looking like a clown:-) or she can YouTube.

She's a good makeup artist, actually. It's the picking out the colors because all she has is ME to look at her.

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If she can apply it, the young Padewan has already acquired the most important skills, lol.


Can you tell the kids are Star Wars fans?


Seriously, though, that is great that she can apply. Colors can be tricky though. If not you, is there a relative that is a little makeup savvy that can give her some guidance?

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I have finished lesson plans for my co-op classes, including a script for me to follow when announcing that it is Pissy Princess' last day of teaching, so everyone please say an extra big thank you, blah blah blah...


I promise not to call her Pissy Princess.



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Well, I have survived so far. I had 2 perfectionist-clean-freak-sisters-in-law, and neither of them cleaned anything.;) Yay.


We had plenty of food. I got it all done, despite not having enough vegetable oil to make the cakes, and running the the grocery unexpectedly.


I still have 4 extra teenagers. One of which may be spending the night, again.


All in all, it has been a success, and it is almost over.


Thanks to y'all. I couldn't have done it without you.:)

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Yes, I probably should be doing my homework. But, there were all these tomatillos and tomatoes in the garden crying, "Please. Come pick us, cook us, and turn us into salsa!" So, I sent dh to the store for some jalapenos and I'm canning instead. 

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