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You know, when I read the thread title, "Unwanted Mice Advice," for a moment I thought mice were giving her unwanted advice.


Does advice from mice ever fall into the "wanted" category?

Matt thinks I should be fully dressed in front of the boy at all times. I make liberal use of my robe. I want some yoga shorts and tanks. It would essentially be as comfortable as being naked without all of the childhood scarring.


When Nan came to live with us and caregivers, nurses, family, etc. were in and out multiple times a day, I bought a bunch of yoga pants and wore them with big t shirts.  It is not the most flattering look, but it provided comfort while still being "dressed".

I have lots of No Pants days.  Just ask Tex.  Not that she's seen me sans pants.  That would be weird.  Not that we've actually ever met other than in texts and pictures but she knows about my No Pants days.  'Cuz she's accepting of things like that.  

Jean never once texted me a photo of herself sans pants.  It's mostly kid and pet pics.  All the people have been wearing pants.


Thank you for being pathetic with me. I don't like being the only one.

Ellie, don't look at this because I want you to retain your respect of me (whatever is left at this point ;) ):


If I am at home, I am wearing crazy patterned fleece pajama pants and a mismatched big tshirt.  I have many pairs of fleece pajama pants.  People almost never drop by unexpectedly because we are in the country and I evidently have no friends or something.  The other day, a neighbor rang the bell to ask if we had lost a dog, and I was wearing my white fleece pj pants with hope, dream, etc. written on them in different colors.  That and a bball tournament shirt.  But if the neighbors want to drop by unexpectedly, they might as well know how it really is.  Seeing me probably gave her a huge self-esteem boost, and she walked away thinking how put-together she is.  Good deed for the day. My work here is done.  

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Sheryl Crow, Steven Tyler, and Willie Nelson are coming to my town this weekend. Along with a bunch of other musicians I've never heard of. They are closing down streets. It's going to be a madhouse. Madhouse I tell you.


My plan is to sneak out to Aldi and the public library via the back roads. If we go to the early service on Sunday, we might get a parking space within a half mile of the church. Otherwise we could walk, I suppose.

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I just got home from Costco. My almost five year old followed me around crying and wailing the whole time because I told her she was too big to fit in the cart. She is too big. And I don't want to pick her up and stuff her in. I did my very best impression of "there's a child following me around crying? I see no child!" I'm tired now,

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Well, apparently open-ended isn't what they want. Since it's action research, it needs to have a problem with a cause and effect. Sigh...


Oh dear.  I have true faith in your ability to figure it out.  Seriously.  You are the bomb.

1. I think you own the shirt I want.


2. My books are organized by color.

I do have the shirt you want.  I want to see your color organized books.  Sounds very attractive.

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I like patterns.

I like paisly.


Oh dear.  I have true faith in your ability to figure it out.  Seriously.  You are the bomb.

I do have the shirt you want.  I want to see your color organized books.  Sounds very attractive.

It's gorgeous. And because I'm autistic or whatever I have a much easier time finding them.

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I want this.


We have this. I got it on installments because there were a couple of changes and I wanted the older version. We haven't started it yet, though, because there were books I wanted to finish in 3/4 first. Dancer is all excited about Gymnast doing 4/5 because she remembers a lot of the books from that core (even though there have been some changes).

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We have this. I got it on installments because there were a couple of changes and I wanted the older version. We haven't started it yet, though, because there were books I wanted to finish in 3/4 first. Dancer is all excited about Gymnast doing 4/5 because she remembers a lot of the books from that core (even though there have been some changes).


That's really cool. 

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yeah, I remember when we got the box a few months ago and the first thing Dancer did was dig out the Berenstain Bear's science book and hug it. She never let me live down the fact that I sold that book years ago. I sold the package to buy the next one up! Sheesh. Next thing I knew, Gymnast had the book hidden in her drawer. Kids. Book excitement is contagious.

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Duck is here.



Dh and Ds8 are not!  They are at a friend's Father/Son Sleepover Camping-in-the-Yard birthday party.  Which means:


a) I ordered pizza the moment I kicked them out the door.

b) I told the girls they could have a sleepover, too.

c) The girls therefore all ran off instantly after dinner to brush their teeth and hop into their imaginary "sleeping bags" on the floor of their bedroom, which incidentally they all share every night anyway.  And, as a result...

d) I have been off-duty since 6:45pm.





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I'm sorry. I brag about mine because he's pretty awesome, but he's also an elitist, insensitive, lazy jerk who wont fellowship with me, smells like construction paper, and hates french people. I don't think it's respectful to my marriage to share things like that so I don't, but we all have hubby problems.


Construction paper?  Construction paper???

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My favorite movie growing up was The Last Unicorn. Ever seen it? I need to read the book. I still watch the movie when I'm sick. It brings me comfort.


That is one of my "pry from my dead, cold fingers" books. It's beat up, has loose pages and it will never leave my shelf. The book is better than the movie. And I like the movie too.

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