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Me, neither.

We have an 8 year old cat, and she started passing terrible gas when we got the kitten because she was eating the kitten's food.  I switched them both to adult food, and she has no more gas so I would try a food change.  It's not ideal for the kitten, but I could not keep the adult cat out of her food so I gave up.



She's eaten the same food since...forever. She's 12 years old and likes her seafood, so we get her the same brand all the time. I'm wondering if they changed the formulation or something. Since she's older, I'm thinking also she may need an indoor cat formula - as long as it's seafood. Indoor cat formula supposed to help with output. I think.

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I can't play an instrument. I'm trying to learn guitar but it is so hard. I feel I have some sort of block or disability preventing me from the ability to do it. I'm still trying, but I don't think I'll ever be good.

I tried learning the guitar a while back - it IS hard and I gave up after a while, but you should keep at it. Eventually your brain and hand muscles will get in sync and it will be wonderful!

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She's eaten the same food since...forever. She's 12 years old and likes her seafood, so we get her the same brand all the time. I'm wondering if they changed the formulation or something. Since she's older, I'm thinking also she may need an indoor cat formula - as long as it's seafood. Indoor cat formula supposed to help with output. I think.

They may have changed the formula or maybe her system changed?  I just know that Lily stopped with the horrible, offensive gas as soon as I took away the canned kitten food.  Oddly, I could mix dry kitten food in with her regular canned food, and she had no gas.  Maybe the canned kitten food was higher in fat or something.  I don't know, but I do know that no one wanted to sit with her.  Poor thing.  She is a lap cat, so it was a problem.

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Random Thoughts


An update on the bird feeder situation: the finches are still ignoring the nyjer seed, even in the new finch feeder I got them. The chickadees and woodpeckers, however, love it. What is wrong with these finches?


The mailman just stopped at our mailbox.


Dh has a meeting in the town where ds is at the university, so dh is going to see if ds can go out for dinner before the meeting. I want to go. I miss ds, even though he's only an hour away.


I forgot to put on any makeup before church this morning. I did brush my teeth, at least.


Are they passing out free warning points somewhere nearby?

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So, yesterday I upgraded my cell phone (Samsung-something-or-other to Samsung...

6?). And I got a tablet for free, some sort of promotion I didn't even know about. Yay me. It has a Kindle app. I have a Nook, which is old in device years; we chose not to get one that was Internet-capable because we didn't think I'd really need it. So now I have a Kindle, as well. I can get Harry Potter for my Kindle. But I can get more free books (old ones, you know, which are sometimes the best kind) for the Nook. Anyway. Now I have lots of devices. Just because I'm old does not mean I'm out of touch. :hat:

Yeah for you and the upgrades!!!


I'm not old, I don't think, but I am out of touch. I don't have a Nook because I like having a book to hold on to. I don't have an IPad or I touch or any of those things. I have a computer because I need it for school and a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone because my dh bought it for me three years ago for my birthday. If it was my choice I'd still have a flip phone, wear long 1800's dresses and own an 1800's style house with a wrap-around porch, raise my own horses, grow my own garden, and spend 24/7 spending time with the ones I love.

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Yeah for you and the upgrades!!!


I'm not old, I don't think, but I am out of touch. I don't have a Nook because I like having a book to hold on to. I don't have an IPad or I touch or any of those things. I have a computer because I need it for school and a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone because my dh bought it for me three years ago for my birthday. If it was my choice I'd still have a flip phone, wear long 1800's dresses and own an 1800's style house with a wrap-around porch, raise my own horses, grow my own garden, and spend 24/7 spending time with the ones I love.


That's a beautiful picture!  For me, though, I think I'd like a condo on the beach with cleaning service and full maintenance included.  The closest thing to a dress would be a t-shirt dress/cover up.  I would raise nothing.  I would grow nothing.  I might have a cat.  People I love could skype me or come rent the condo next door and schedule time with me, lol.   :hat:   (Seriously, it sounds so peaceful.) 

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Yeah for you and the upgrades!!!


I'm not old, I don't think, but I am out of touch. I don't have a Nook because I like having a book to hold on to. I don't have an IPad or I touch or any of those things. I have a computer because I need it for school and a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone because my dh bought it for me three years ago for my birthday. If it was my choice I'd still have a flip phone, wear long 1800's dresses and own an 1800's style house with a wrap-around porch, raise my own horses, grow my own garden, and spend 24/7 spending time with the ones I love.


I prefer actual books, too. Because book fragrance. :001_wub:  Mr. Ellie bought the Nook for me because we thought it would be more convenient to use on trips and whatnot. It is also much easier to hold Tom Clancy's novels in Nook form than in book form, lol.


I use my phone instead of a Franklin/Dayrunner. I carried one of those around with me for years. When cell phones became smarter (unlike me, who is [are? am?] only *this smart* and no more), I left the Franklin behind and began entering every.single.piece.of.data into my phone, one little thing that I could tuck in my purse or a pocket or whatever.


I think I was born to use a computer, but only as a user, not as a programer/network guy like Mr. Ellie. I love doing newsletters and other documents on a computer, especially now that there are fancy-schmancy laser printers and software that make it possible to produce beautimous documents. I do, however, mourn such things as the loss of true capitalization rules because of computer algorithms. :(

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I'm catching up now. On my stupidphone. 😊

Howdy to all y'all!


Computer is still being repaired.


Little Duck and I had a Lego Date tonight. Cinderellas castle. She's smart, that duck. Didn't need my help at all. We've built the garden table and the swing. And Cinder and Charming, who keeps losing his hair. Charmings always do, eventually.


Munching in savory BBQ chicken nachos, now.




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I'm hiding out in my bedroom while my obnoxious 12 year old son is clearing off the table. He's about to give me an aneurysm.


I play the piano and flute. But it's been a while since I played flute.


I watched the Raiders beat the Ravens this afternoon. Not so much a Raiders fan as I am a Derek Carr fan.


I also watched my one kitty lay on her back in the middle of the patio a give herself a bath, while the newer teenage kitty start to stalk her. Bathing kitty gave stalking kitty a dirty look and stalking kitty stops and starts giving herself a "who me? I was just finding a sunny place to give myself a bath" bath.


And that is all I have to say! Obnoxious son left the kitchen, so now I must load the dishwasher.

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Instead of a perm to make the hair curly (which mine is a pretty tight curl), I used to get perms to make my hair straight.

Me too. Well I used to in High School. Then I was a broke college/grad student, and when I finally emerged from my broke-ness, I found a deva stylist and made peace with the curls. But the gray kinks are starting to change my mind again...

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I would gladly give you a one post recap of the past month except I can't remember it. :leaving:


(Jean had camp; came home and started school)


(Tex had a water park family vacation which sounded more like purgatory. Then came home and started school and teaching a high school lit class at co-op. And now she is not sleeping well, but she's about to get that under control.)


(Renai started teaching preschool and taking the last class (or 2 ?) for her masters. And her older dd decided to homeschool highschool. She is superwoman and probably needs a couple more projects in her life right now, lol.)


(Ikslo has started the new homeschool year with a bang. I know she must be working hard because sometimes she reads, likes, waves hello, and carries on.)


(Critterfixer's MIL and FIL were in a bad wreck. FIL is okay, MIL had to have surgery and is doing PT now and recovering well. Her accountability thread posts put me to shame.)


(Slache gave you her update. She's had some illness, but is better now I think. She's also the Kon Mari expert extraordinaire.)


(Ducklings sent all her little ones to her sisters for a couple days to plan school, and now they have started too. And she still has house renovation work going on.)


(Susan might be surrounded by idiots in her co-op - just a guess, but I don't want to put words in her mouth. But she has her act together in spite of it.)


The real danger in an update like this is that I've forgotten posters and events.

THAT was impressive. #lynnisamazing

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Thankfully, Mr. Ellie doesn't care about sports. We spent the evening playing with our new devices and watching stuff on Netflix.


Because today Mr. Ellie upgraded his even-older-than-mine cell phone to one like mine and the tablet. Because even though we are old, we are techie. :hat:

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Because today Mr. Ellie upgraded his even-older-than-mine cell phone to one like mine and the tablet. Because even though we are old, we are techie. :hat:

Upgrading scares me. We still don't know how our cable works and we've had it for twelve months. We can change the channel now, but we still have to Get Up to manually turn it on and adjust the volume. Dh wants me to program the all-in-one remote. Yeah, right. Not likely, buster.

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Upgrading scares me. We still don't know how our cable works and we've had it for twelve months. We can change the channel now, but we still have to Get Up to manually turn it on and adjust the volume. Dh wants me to program the all-in-one remote. Yeah, right. Not likely, buster.


Ok, this should be easy. In the manual (which can be found online if you don't have it), it lists codes for different tv brands. It will tell you which buttons to push to get to the code-entering phase. Actually, if you have a tv manufactured after a certain year, it pretty much programs itself. It will take 5 minutes. Or up to 10 if you have problems. But, you WILL get it.

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This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

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This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...


just to add.


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