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Good Morning! Took oldest ds to dry land at 5:00. On my 2nd cup of coffee now. (Just to be clear, coffee in the morning, decaf in the afternoon. And if that's not weird enough, I drink it straight in the morning and I add milk and sweetener in the afternoon. :D )

Will you explain again what dry land is?


(Yeah, and I heard that snark, The Rest of You!)

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Will you explain again what dry land is?



Competitive swimmers use this term to refer to training they do out of water, such as weights, running, etc. Sometimes they may have rubber tubing with paddles set up so the athletes can practice their swim strokes with resistance from the tubing. At least this was the case back in my day - things may have changed a lot. ;)

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What the h*ll's a strait perm? I mean, I know obviously, but I've never heard of one before.


White folks get perms to curl their hair, and black folks get perms to straighten their hair.  It is the same solution, which alters the structure of the hair.  If you want curls, you put rollers in and if you want it straight, you brush it straight.  Cracks me up.  I used to get perms.  Then I had four kids, and God gave me  permanent perm. :confused1:

Yah.  I do a lot of supplements and I'm wary of L-Dopa.  


I will stay away from this if I can remember the name.

Oh, no. I should actually do homework. There was so much to do in the classroom, I fell behind again. I told dh yesterday that I seriously need a week off of work so I can get school work done. I can't screw up - these are the last two classes! I am up now, though, and not tired, so that should help.



Jean, we love the bunny pictures here. When you post the next one imagine the twins saying, "Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!" in perfect harmony. :D

We live for Rusty pics here.

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White folks get perms to curl their hair, and black folks get perms to straighten their hair.  It is the same solution, which alters the structure of the hair.  If you want curls, you put rollers in and if you want it straight, you brush it straight.  Cracks me up.  I used to get perms.  Then I had four kids, and God gave me  permanent perm. :confused1:


This should read: people with curly hair sometimes straighten it; people with straight hair sometimes curl it. Skin colour doesn't always define hair waviness. People from India with very dark skin can have super straight hair; and my blond, pale friend from Iceland had very curly hair.

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This should read: people with curly hair sometimes straighten it; people with straight hair sometimes curl it. Skin colour doesn't always define hair waviness. People from India with very dark skin can have super straight hair; and my blond, pale friend from Iceland had very curly hair.



In my experience, this is how it works, and both are referred to as perms. The texture of most African American hair is also different from most Caucasian hair by quite a lot. My curly Caucasian hair is different from Renai's curly AA hair.


ETA: I was speaking casually in my post and meant no racial offense or stereotyping. I felt my meaning would be understood here.

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In my experience, this is how it works, and both are referred to as perms. The texture of most African American hair is also different from most Caucasian hair by quite a lot. My curly Caucasian hair is different from Renai's curly AA hair.


ETA: I was speaking casually in my post and meant no racial offense or stereotyping. I felt my meaning would be understood here.


I get that, though we're on public, internation boards here. The first person I met who got a straight perm was born in Portugal, and my neighbour was from India, with very dark skin and straight, black hair.  It's nice to broaden our outlook and remember that there is a very big world out there.

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Good morning.  I had a beautiful James Brown day yesterday and now I'm trying to stave off another flare.  My muscles and nerves are twitching like crazy - a very uncomfortable way to feel.  I "almost" would prefer pain to this.  But really I'd like to go back to yesterday.  I did go back to bed and slept in another hour this morning to see if that would help.  

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I get that, though we're on public, internation boards here. The first person I met who got a straight perm was born in Portugal, and my neighbour was from India, with very dark skin and straight, black hair.  It's nice to broaden our outlook and remember that there is a very big world out there.

Again, I meant no offense, and I guess I will leave it at that.  

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I think Matt killed my favorite spider. :(

I don't like spiders indoors, but this time of year we get garden spiders spinning huge, beautiful webs. I love those. I felt bad last Saturday. One spider built a huge web suspended between a spirea bush (which was fine) and a huge gigantic weed that was taking over the corner of the back yard. We had to take the weed out, but I apologized to the spider and tried to be as careful of his web as possible. I think he left town, though.
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Nah. You eat the turkey butts. I think they're fried. Take off the meat (or just bite into, missing all the fat), eat with corn tortillas,  chile (salsa), maybe even some Mexican cream. It's actually pretty good.


Okay, I'll try it.  Thanks.  I think that's part of the bird that always got picked apart after the big dinner and turned into enchiladas at MIL's house.

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Competitive swimmers use this term to refer to training they do out of water, such as weights, running, etc. Sometimes they may have rubber tubing with paddles set up so the athletes can practice their swim strokes with resistance from the tubing. At least this was the case back in my day - things may have changed a lot. ;)


Ooooooooh.  Land lubber me thought maybe the training facility flooded and they were getting out of there....


And when Susan asked I assumed her area was getting 'way too much rain and she was being sarcastic and wistful.


Obviously today's education has emptied my brain.  But the girls have a lot more crammed into theirs!

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In my experience, this is how it works, and both are referred to as perms. The texture of most African American hair is also different from most Caucasian hair by quite a lot. My curly Caucasian hair is different from Renai's curly AA hair.


ETA: I was speaking casually in my post and meant no racial offense or stereotyping. I felt my meaning would be understood here.


Argh!  Out of likes.


I got your meaning, and laughed ruefully at the "grass is greener" mentality we can be guilty of (even knowing that we are doing so).  I was actually relieved when I found out that my hair simply won't take a perm -- never had to give it another thought.  And now that I'm letting my natural gray show I no longer grump about how bottled browns just never do justice to my natural black-brown (so dark it's nearly black). 


Just had to try to get DD14 to see that raising the mini-blinds is an activity best done when NOT walking on the treadmill.  *sigh*

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Okay, I'll try it.  Thanks.  I think that's part of the bird that always got picked apart after the big dinner and turned into enchiladas at MIL's house.


We buy it from the Mexican grocer down the street. They have a (closed) bin of it already cooked and sell it by the pound. :D

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We used to have a spider named Alice who lived in the kitchen between the window and screen.


We have an orb(?) spider in the garden called George. The ones in our house are just called daddy long legs (only kill if out of reach), black widows (exterminate on sight), and some black spider with a red butt that we always kill on sight because it looks dangerous.

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Argh!  Out of likes.


I got your meaning, and laughed ruefully at the "grass is greener" mentality we can be guilty of (even knowing that we are doing so).  I was actually relieved when I found out that my hair simply won't take a perm -- never had to give it another thought.  And now that I'm letting my natural gray show I no longer grump about how bottled browns just never do justice to my natural black-brown (so dark it's nearly black). 


Just had to try to get DD14 to see that raising the mini-blinds is an activity best done when NOT walking on the treadmill.  *sigh*


My hair is also black-brown. Except in the Texas summer sun when most of it turns red(!).

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We have an orb(?) spider in the garden called George. The ones in our house are just called daddy long legs (only kill if out of reach), black widows (exterminate on sight), and some black spider with a red butt that we always kill on sight because it looks dangerous.

What is an orb spider?
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