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23 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Egao, what level is your Japanese textbook project?  Elementary?  Middle school?  High school?

Similar to Getting Started With Latin, except for Japanese (spoken, not touching on the writing). I like the "word a day" idea and that it can flex for multiple levels. My kids have been doing really well with GSWL and I've been totally failing at teaching them Japanese, so that's sort of the genesis of it ? 

I have it outlined as far as studying the conjugation paradigms for U-verbs and Ru-verbs, if you know Japanese, I think I remember that you do? ? I prefer not to call them that, though, thinking about just calling them "type 1" and "type 2." Probably it would go about as far as potential form and then stop. IDK, I only have about 15 lessons written thus far. It's hard to figure out what to introduce first!

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2 minutes ago, egao_gakari said:

Similar to Getting Started With Latin, except for Japanese (spoken, not touching on the writing). I like the "word a day" idea and that it can flex for multiple levels. My kids have been doing really well with GSWL and I've been totally failing at teaching them Japanese, so that's sort of the genesis of it ? 

I have it outlined as far as studying the conjugation paradigms for U-verbs and Ru-verbs, if you know Japanese, I think I remember that you do? ? I prefer not to call them that, though, thinking about just calling them "type 1" and "type 2." Probably it would go about as far as potential form and then stop. IDK, I only have about 15 lessons written thus far. It's hard to figure out what to introduce first!

Yes, I was born and raised in Japan.  Very interesting concept!  I bet that you will have a lot of people interested! 

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Okay, laundry is folded and... partially put away.... Hubby got his lunch, DD11 had an attack of preteenishness and is taking a nap, I wrote up 2 days' worth of BFSU lessons (one on friction and one on rate of fall, my bete-noire--had to look up an ELI5 on reddit to figure out how to explain it), and now I simply can't brain anymore for a while. Perhaps I'll go sit in the sunshine and flip aimlessly through the new Japanese textbooks that arrived yesterday.

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My editor just called. I have work to do, but she said the worldbuilding was fabulous, the characters were like real, breathing people, the dialogue sizzled, the few scenes I worried about (material) were well done, my use of showing and not telling was fantastic--in fact, I did too good a job with that and need to do more telling. 

Also, the word count is too high, which I knew. She worries, rightly so, that because my story doesn't fit in any particular niche in the fantasy market, I may not be able to get an agent with it, but feels that it might sell very well in the independent author market. (My DH has been trying to tell me for about a year that I should think hard about being independent, but I've been a little nervous about doing that because I wasn't sure I could write well enough to withstand the scrutiny). I've still got agents to go through before I stop trying with this MS, though. She also said it was the cleanest manuscript she'd seen when it came to spelling and grammar... 

ETA: In a while on the spelling and grammar. I don't know what she usually gets in terms of drafts.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Yay, Critter!!!!! (Insert jumping around guy wildly clapping)


aaaack!  I got a wild and crazy Booya/h!

Y'all are happy. I'm trying to to cry and think of all the work I still have to do! But yes, I'm glad I don't need a full rewrite. That said, I have at least 10K words to cut, and it would be better if I cut 20K. This MS is already as tight as multiple editing rounds could get it. Any tighter, and I risk breaking it. Or that's how I feel, and I've had more than one Beta say the same thing. But changes aren't permanent. I keep every draft backed up, and I'll do the same with this one as I revise.

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It's time to clean the kitchen and get ready for writers' meeting tonight. I haven't been able to concentrate on my writing today. I ended up editing, because I can do that with my brain disengaged when I'm hunting for my weasel words with the word-search function. Now, when I revise, completely different story. But I'm totally counting today's editing work for camp NaNo. I worked hard.

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Just now, Slache said:

We got a 3 day eviction notice for not paying rent. We do have a confirmation email now though. If it doesn't go through tomorrow I'll go back to the office. So much fun.

Get out the ENB!! JJM needs to show up with the bazooka and the flame thrower.

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19 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Y'all are happy. I'm trying to to cry and think of all the work I still have to do! But yes, I'm glad I don't need a full rewrite. That said, I have at least 10K words to cut, and it would be better if I cut 20K. This MS is already as tight as multiple editing rounds could get it. Any tighter, and I risk breaking it. Or that's how I feel, and I've had more than one Beta say the same thing. But changes aren't permanent. I keep every draft backed up, and I'll do the same with this one as I revise.

Critter, is there any way to make the book into two books - ie. a book and it's sequel?  If the story is tight and you don't want to break it, I would see if there is a way to divide it. 

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This has been a great little over a week for my hobby:

I've won $20 for ticketmaster 

2 movie tickets (1 at a time) 

a t-shirt, frisbee, and duffel bag

a fannypack that's like a can holder too. It's kind of lame. 

and maybe something else- I still think something may show up for the one with my first name, last initial, and state.

Usually, I'm happy to average something once a month, so all this is crazy!


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26 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Get out the ENB!! JJM needs to show up with the bazooka and the flame thrower.

I think it's just an automated thing. By the time we realized the payment didn't go through it was too late on a Friday, they're closed all weekend, and on Monday it was too late to make a payment. Matt stoped by to ask what we should do and they said just make the payment online like normal without the late fee but that's going to take a day or two to go through and I think the person who spoke to Matt had nothing to do with the letter we got. The manager is cool and they won't kick us out so I'm not worried about it.

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4 minutes ago, Paige said:

This has been a great little over a week for my hobby:

I've won $20 for ticketmaster 

2 movie tickets (1 at a time) 

a t-shirt, frisbee, and duffel bag

a fannypack that's like a can holder too. It's kind of lame. 

and maybe something else- I still think something may show up for the one with my first name, last initial, and state.

Usually, I'm happy to average something once a month, so all this is crazy!


How's Mr. Kitty?

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My long haired siamese/himalayan mix didn't need help either. This cat won't groom himself. Our other cat is his kitty friend and tries to help but she can't keep up with his fur either. I'm hoping a lion cut will mean less hairballs too. 

Hmmm...Why does he get hairballs if he doesn't groom himself?

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13 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I have never had a cat groomed.  Including the long haired cat I used to have.  But then, none of my cats have needed my help, so there's that. 

Main coons are an entirely different animal. It's like "You get a tabby, I'll get a main coon, you get a labrador and I'll get a woolly mammoth. It'll be fun."

9 minutes ago, Paige said:

My long haired siamese/himalayan mix didn't need help either. This cat won't groom himself. Our other cat is his kitty friend and tries to help but she can't keep up with his fur either. I'm hoping a lion cut will mean less hairballs too. 

Hmmm...Why does he get hairballs if he doesn't groom himself?

He probably eats his hair as it comes off in chunks.

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53 minutes ago, Paige said:

This has been a great little over a week for my hobby:

I've won $20 for ticketmaster 

2 movie tickets (1 at a time) 

a t-shirt, frisbee, and duffel bag

a fannypack that's like a can holder too. It's kind of lame. 

and maybe something else- I still think something may show up for the one with my first name, last initial, and state.

Usually, I'm happy to average something once a month, so all this is crazy!


Sounds like you should play the lottery.  Quick!

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Alex is stuck under the bed yelling "DUCK!" for the 2nd time today. I'm going to see if he can figure it out himself this time. 

MIL gets here in a week. I'm so excited to hear about how Alex should be potty trained and John should be in school because he's weird and Mary should because she's not reading well enough and if I just take these medications I'd lose all the weight and how it doesn't matter what we eat because I don't have a gluten intolerance anyway and how our apartment's ugly and every bad thing that ever happened in Tennessee ever. Oh, and the wedding. That's going to be a total thing. SIL is so selfish and why can't one thing go MIL's way and all of SIL's ideas are terrible (Alex escaped the bed) and she shouldn't be making these decisions anyway because she doesn't know what she's doing...


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1 minute ago, Slache said:

Alex is stuck under the bed yelling "DUCK!" for the 2nd time today. I'm going to see if he can figure it out himself this time. 

MIL gets here in a week. I'm so excited to hear about how Alex should be potty trained and John should be in school because he's weird and Mary should because she's not reading well enough and if I just take these medications I'd lose all the weight and how it doesn't matter what we eat because I don't have a gluten intolerance anyway and how our apartment's ugly and every bad thing that ever happened in Tennessee ever. Oh, and the wedding. That's going to be a total thing. SIL is so selfish and why can't one thing go MIL's way and all of SIL's ideas are terrible (Alex escaped the bed) and she shouldn't be making these decisions anyway because she doesn't know what she's doing...


Don't you suddenly need to visit me in KY?

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3 minutes ago, Slache said:

Alex is stuck under the bed yelling "DUCK!" for the 2nd time today. I'm going to see if he can figure it out himself this time. 

MIL gets here in a week. I'm so excited to hear about how Alex should be potty trained and John should be in school because he's weird and Mary should because she's not reading well enough and if I just take these medications I'd lose all the weight and how it doesn't matter what we eat because I don't have a gluten intolerance anyway and how our apartment's ugly and every bad thing that ever happened in Tennessee ever. Oh, and the wedding. That's going to be a total thing. SIL is so selfish and why can't one thing go MIL's way and all of SIL's ideas are terrible (Alex escaped the bed) and she shouldn't be making these decisions anyway because she doesn't know what she's doing...


I think you need to go hide under the bed yelling "Duck" for the entire visit. 

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11 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

Don't you suddenly need to visit me in KY?


8 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I think you need to go hide under the bed yelling "Duck" for the entire visit. 

I'm going to Kentucky! 


It won't really be that bad, I don't think. It's just that not visiting would be better.

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3 minutes ago, Slache said:

I'm a brat. She's really been mostly ok the past few years. I think I'm just scarred from the first several years. She's tired now. It makes her kinder. 

I wish being tired made me kind. It just makes me grouchy.

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Just now, KrissiK said:

I wish being tired made me kind. It just makes me grouchy.

She's a control freak and throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way. She's too tired to do that much of the time. She's actually very nice usually but we disagree about everything and she has stated more than once that I should have my kids taken away so because she feels this way we clash constantly. 

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3 hours ago, Paige said:

My long haired siamese/himalayan mix didn't need help either. This cat won't groom himself. Our other cat is his kitty friend and tries to help but she can't keep up with his fur either. I'm hoping a lion cut will mean less hairballs too. 

Hmmm...Why does he get hairballs if he doesn't groom himself?

Paige, our kitty is part Maine coon and gets the lion cut also!

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