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I got myself too tired,  This can happen at the drop of the hat.  But tomorrow I have to be in the big city by 8 a.m.  ironically to see a sleep specialist.    I really really need to be able to function this week.  I can't do what I did last time I worked on lesson plans - got so wiped out that I lost 2 days due to exhaustion.  Tonight I have to get dh's lunch for tomorrow ready, plus his breakfast (that he can heat up) and I have to get a load of laundry finished so that I have something to wear to the doctor tomorrow.  Little gowns aside, they sort of frown on you going to the doctor without clothes on.  Oh and I need to figure out how to get the SD card out of my CPap.  I actually haven't used my CPap in 7 months because with my throat constantly swelling closed for 6 months (bad infection that took us 6 months of antibiotics to clear up), I was banned from using it.  This last month (my 7th on antibiotics) has been more for my sinuses but I worry that my throat could get infected again very easily.  Tomorrow's visit is to figure out if I should use it again or not.  Anyway. . .  my turn to do the overshare thing.  I normally put this sort of thing on my tackle thread but I'm blessing you guys with it instead this time.  

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I got myself too tired,  This can happen at the drop of the hat.  But tomorrow I have to be in the big city by 8 a.m.  ironically to see a sleep specialist.    I really really need to be able to function this week.  I can't do what I did last time I worked on lesson plans - got so wiped out that I lost 2 days due to exhaustion.  Tonight I have to get dh's lunch for tomorrow ready, plus his breakfast (that he can heat up) and I have to get a load of laundry finished so that I have something to wear to the doctor tomorrow.  Little gowns aside, they sort of frown on you going to the doctor without clothes on.  Oh and I need to figure out how to get the SD card out of my CPap.  I actually haven't used my CPap in 7 months because with my throat constantly swelling closed for 6 months (bad infection that took us 6 months of antibiotics to clear up), I was banned from using it.  This last month (my 7th on antibiotics) has been more for my sinuses but I worry that my throat could get infected again very easily.  Tomorrow's visit is to figure out if I should use it again or not.  Anyway. . .  my turn to do the overshare thing.  I normally put this sort of thing on my tackle thread but I'm blessing you guys with it instead this time.  


I'll be sending happy, healing thoughts your way all day long. :grouphug:

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Me, I like yes.




It's about the job. I'd like to say no, and just stay home, but the decision isn't easy. I'm supposed to tell her something tomorrow. Oldest dd says to take the job, but that means homeschooling is 97% off the table. I could do it, but I don't know if she could handle it. Friends, you know? (or at least the semblance of having friends...)

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Renai: Make older DD watch the Jonny Diaz video again.


And tell her that random strangers on the internet are proud of her. How many of her peers can say that, hmm???


Maybe you should stick with the video.


We see her performance on Friday, and bring her home on Saturday. Although the place is only 2 hours away, it looks like we'll be spending the night up there. We'll watch it when I see her again. She actually likes you random strangers on the internet. "you" as in the ITT folks. Not just any random stranger, k? She gets a kick out of all of us and asks me what is going on in the ITT.

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I did it. I sent an email that was polite, but firm and direct. It is too late to really fix the problem, but at least those who caused the problem are now aware and the ball is in their court. They get to mop up the mess.

Are you feeling better?

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I think I'm going to have to eventually work anyway in order to renew my license at a higher level. If I want future opportunities to work from home, I can't stay at a level one that will expire in a short time. I've already asked for an extension last month to give time to work with the level 1, but they won't allow another extension. 

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I'm sorry you have to make this decision.


Yep, it sucks. Interestingly, I'd been asking dd4 all summer if she wanted to go to school with me and be in my class. I didn't know why I'd ask.


(she always said she wanted to just stay home with me. Classrooms are a lot of stimulation.)

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I'll go down soon. I took some melatonin about 20 minutes ago. I've been in bed for almost 3 hours. :glare:


Is it the diet change? Wait, that just started yesterday, no? I hope you get some sleep soon. You can't continue like this with your little ones. It is very hard.

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Turn off your screen. Screen time increases the time it takes to get to sleep (so I read a couple of months ago). Screens should go off about 30-60 minutes prior to lying down. Afm, I'll have the laptop in bed and fall asleep over it. Of course, it's usually around 3 or 4am by the time that happens...

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Is it the diet change? Wait, that just started yesterday, no? I hope you get some sleep soon. You can't continue like this with your little ones. It is very hard.

I just do this sometimes. It lasts for about 2 weeks and I'm back to normal. I think it's hormonal.

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::passes Renai a shower cap::



a bath brush...




and some soap...



This soap is very appealing.  It is "artfully blended".


You rock, Your Majesty


I think we all need girls' night out in Vegas.


I don't even like Vegas, and I'm in.

I got myself too tired,  This can happen at the drop of the hat.  But tomorrow I have to be in the big city by 8 a.m.  ironically to see a sleep specialist.    I really really need to be able to function this week.  I can't do what I did last time I worked on lesson plans - got so wiped out that I lost 2 days due to exhaustion.  Tonight I have to get dh's lunch for tomorrow ready, plus his breakfast (that he can heat up) and I have to get a load of laundry finished so that I have something to wear to the doctor tomorrow.  Little gowns aside, they sort of frown on you going to the doctor without clothes on.  Oh and I need to figure out how to get the SD card out of my CPap.  I actually haven't used my CPap in 7 months because with my throat constantly swelling closed for 6 months (bad infection that took us 6 months of antibiotics to clear up), I was banned from using it.  This last month (my 7th on antibiotics) has been more for my sinuses but I worry that my throat could get infected again very easily.  Tomorrow's visit is to figure out if I should use it again or not.  Anyway. . .  my turn to do the overshare thing.  I normally put this sort of thing on my tackle thread but I'm blessing you guys with it instead this time.  

(((hugs))) and love, Jean .


I think I'm going to visit the school tomorrow.

I like this idea.  I think your decision will float to the top only after that.  Will you take little dd?

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Are you feeling better?

Nope - I just found out that the administrator is "phasing out" and the tutorial doesn't actually have an administrator anymore. The person acting as administrator doesn't have an organized bone in her body (and is currently out of the country), so guess who is going to have to mop up the mess.

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Nope - I just found out that the administrator is "phasing out" and the tutorial doesn't actually have an administrator anymore. The person acting as administrator doesn't have an organized bone in her body (and is currently out of the country), so guess who is going to have to mop up the mess.

Gug. I'm sorry. Have you told hubby?

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I just tried to pull my covers up and my hand slipped and I punched myself in the face. Currently feeling brilliant.


I've done that before. I just say (because I'm from the country), that I was knocking some sense into myself.

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I like this idea.  I think your decision will float to the top only after that.  Will you take little dd?


Yes, little is going with me. She's been there before as I took her twice with me when I worked the summer school in June. It's that school. They were impressed. I told ya'll they would be. I'm just that darn good. Why? Why am I so awesome?!?

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I voted in the 2015-2016 Spelling Curriculum poll.  Be proud of me. 


Lynn, I'm so proud of you. And not just for the voting, but for the many wonderful things you've done for this thread and the encouragement you give others.

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Dang, that woman calls early. I'm going down to the school around 1pm. I need prayers for clarity.

I just prayed for you, your daughters, the school, everything else you have going on right now, and that the Lord be glorified through the entire process. I will continue to pray throughout the day. Good luck!


I'm not a prayer worrior, just trying to outdo Lynn.

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Gug. I'm sorry. Have you told hubby?

I finally told him this morning. He was a little worried that my correspondence would be a little too "ninja-esque" but I read him my response which was much more professional than what was going on in my head, and he seemed OK. :) (Dh is on the board of directors, so he is trying to keep the peace as much as possible.)


I am feeling better as well, since I decided that people who are incompetent and cannot read and follow directions and/or have Special Snowflake Syndrome will simply be redirected to the "acting" administration. I have my "pat answer" ready.


Plus, I have a whole gang of ninja elephants at the ready!

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I'm trying to recover from my trip to town and back and get to work on the house.  I ate "lunch" - a chocolate protein bar that I spread a thick layer of peanut butter on top of.  Because peanut butter.  #foodofthegods.  Now I'm having an iced decaf coffee (with sweet n low, vanilla and milk).  I'm still thinking of doing my desk, shelves and school piles first as that seems more satisfying than other cleaning tasks.  I think if kids were gone for the day and I turned on music I could knock this out.  Heck if kids were gone and I had music, I might be able to conquer the world. 

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I finally told him this morning. He was a little worried that my correspondence would be a little too "ninja-esque" but I read him my response which was much more professional than what was going on in my head, and he seemed OK. :) (Dh is on the board of directors, so he is trying to keep the peace as much as possible.)


I am feeling better as well, since I decided that people who are incompetent and cannot read and follow directions and/or have Special Snowflake Syndrome will simply be redirected to the "acting" administration. I have my "pat answer" ready.


Plus, I have a whole gang of ninja elephants at the ready!

Good! I totally understand where you're coming from with not wanting to tell your husband. We do the same thing. But depending on the situation you really need your honey's support.

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I'm trying to recover from my trip to town and back and get to work on the house. I ate "lunch" - a chocolate protein bar that I spread a thick layer of peanut butter on top of. Because peanut butter. #foodofthegods. Now I'm having an iced decaf coffee (with sweet n low, vanilla and milk). I'm still thinking of doing my desk, shelves and school piles first as that seems more satisfying than other cleaning tasks. I think if kids were gone for the day and I turned on music I could knock this out. Heck if kids were gone and I had music, I might be able to conquer the world.

Oh my gosh I'm on a whole30 would you please shut up.

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