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That's exactly why. And twelve agents rejected it. 

Usually an author is constrained until he/she is popular enough to get away with more words.

Which stinks for a fantasy writer. That first book is where you get your first glimpse of the world, how magic works in it, the major races, how they interact and so forth. Hard to do that when one year the agents say 120K and the next it's 110.

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I need a warm breakfast, but I'm too cold to get up and make one. So, I sit here shivering. 




Oh yay!  You just reminded me that we can have old-fashioned oats for breakfast tomorrow, because I finally bought more milk.  And I have berries for on top, and enough eggs to throw one fried one on the side. 


I'll make enough to share, plus some hot coffee to go with.  Breakfast is whenever you feel like getting up, and you are welcome to show up in your bathrobe.  Slippers are mandatory.

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For the longest time, I had what I think was an oral allergy syndrome to peaches, bananas, avocados, and melons. I can now eat peaches and bananas just fine. Watermelon is starting to be an ok food again and avocados are limited but still good. Strangely, I can eat premade guacamole, but not fresh avocado. 


My allergist says my oral allegeries may vary based on the season.  If I'm already suffering because of ragweed, for example, my immune system will be maxed out and I'll likely react to more foods than usual, and more severely.  


I have success with prepackaged foods, too, as long as the processing involved enough heat to break down the allergy-inducing proteins.   So canned pineapple is fine, freshly cut pineapple is not.  Maybe that's the deal with your guacamole/avocado thing?

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Which stinks for a fantasy writer. That first book is where you get your first glimpse of the world, how magic works in it, the major races, how they interact and so forth. Hard to do that when one year the agents say 120K and the next it's 110.

And that's a pain for me, like a jab in your hip when you sat down and forgot your pencil was in your pocket. So I complain.

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I have decided that cannibalism will no longer be a thing at our house. For starters, it is too difficult to make it for more than 4 people at a time. They get cold and you have to go in several batches for them all to fit in oven. Then this morning I poured cold batter into the hot buttered pyrex dish (as usual) but the dish was too hot and the batter too cold and it shattered all over the stovetop and the batter baked onto all the hot surfaces. :ack2: Fortunately I had plenty left but what a mess!



For the archives, Renai.  This paragraph is gold.

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She does like to write. Maybe we ahould just do more of that. Maybe I could help her make a storybook.


A child I tutored once learned how to read through lots and lots of encoding, instead of decoding (which was a colossal failure... he likely was dyslexic but the father did not want to test him at that point). Anyway, it worked.  It couldn't hurt to try!

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ITT peer pressure. I am now eating oatmeal. 



We are also expecting you to get to bed at a recent hour.   :toetap05:  :toetap05:  :toetap05:


You can let us know tomorrow if this worked.

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Oh yay!  You just reminded me that we can have old-fashioned oats for breakfast tomorrow, because I finally bought more milk.  And I have berries for on top, and enough eggs to throw one fried one on the side. 


I'll make enough to share, plus some hot coffee to go with.  Breakfast is whenever you feel like getting up, and you are welcome to show up in your bathrobe.  Slippers are mandatory.

I don't have slippers. Can I wear my cushy socks?

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Baby was 6lbs today!  :hurray: That means he gained enough back that he didn't and won't need more blood draws and extra doctor visits. They think the blood incompatibility has resolved and he's a normal healthy baby. 



:hurray:  :hurray:  :001_wub:  :grouphug:

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Matt's from a small town and his family was all very successful and impressive... except his parents. Everyone always had a look of disappointment when they figured out which part of the family I had married into.



Well, phooey to them!   :001_tt2:

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I told Dh about the prestigious Filipino family comment and he said that it was true. The man had mentioned some prominent people and he said they were indeed relatives. I'm not surprised though. Where we were visiting the Philippines a chieftess (of an aboriginal tribe) and I laughed about sharing a name.



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My twins will often write the same story or sentences, and make the exact same mistakes when I know they can’t be copying. Are your boys identical, or did you mean copying off the internet or something? I had to warn my girls’ teachers to expect it. I think there’s something spooky with twin brains; at least w/ ID twin ones.



Oh, I don't know.  Over here one of DD's (stuffed toy) cats got caught doing copier selfies.  DD will discover the evidence of this copycat in the morning.   :laugh:

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Please do sell it.  I was lucky enough to be able to provide for my baby, but there were a lot of moms in NICU who could not and milk is very hard to come by.  Our local milk bank never had enough supply, so they were forced out onto the open market.


FWIW, get in contact with the local doula/midwife community.  They can likely hook you up with clients.



I never supplied enough for either of mine, and supplemented with formula.  I didn't know there was such a thing as a milk bank back then.

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Oh, I don't know.  Over here one of DD's (stuffed toy) cats got caught doing copier selfies.  DD will discover the evidence of this copycat in the morning.   :laugh:

Our young cat has a bad habit of dancing across the copier keys on her way to the window sill for sunbathing. She has, on different occasions, copied her feet. Usually she just hits it and prints a bunch of blanks.

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Oh yay!  You just reminded me that we can have old-fashioned oats for breakfast tomorrow, because I finally bought more milk.  And I have berries for on top, and enough eggs to throw one fried one on the side. 


I'll make enough to share, plus some hot coffee to go with.  Breakfast is whenever you feel like getting up, and you are welcome to show up in your bathrobe.  Slippers are mandatory.



Can I wear my Eeyore slippers?  If I can get them back from DD13, that is?

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And only leggings/yoga pants are allowed.  








It's a Pajama Day Booyah!



Woohoo!  I'll come with a very short flannel robe, too, just in case.  It's a very short robe because Pajama Day; it's not a shirt.

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Our young cat has a bad habit of dancing across the copier keys on her way to the window sill for sunbathing. She has, on different occasions, copied her feet. Usually she just hits it and prints a bunch of blanks.



I'm sure ours would be copying her butt, if only I would oblige and leave the copier warmed up and the lid raised.


Dignified felines, right....

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That sounds like a good way to do it. Craigslist I’d be worried about weird guys coming to the door (for bodybuilding or whatever), but I’m paranoid.



Daleks with a thesaurus.



I’m considering putting my curricula picks in my siggie but it feels like grabbing an irrigation pipe and running around in a lightning storm.


Just a little stitious.




Spud's on a roll!  You're killing me!   :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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This means I must go shopping for appropriate pantz. Perhaps I should pick up bunny slippers whilst I am out.


Perhaps?!?!? Why, without question! 


Can I wear my Eeyore slippers?  If I can get them back from DD13, that is?


Absolutely.  If you can't, Critter will grab you a second pair of bunnies.


Woohoo!  I'll come with a very short flannel robe, too, just in case.  It's a very short robe because Pajama Day; it's not a shirt.


I teach sleep in a very short flannel robe too.  With a long fuzzy robe over top.  

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DS came home a day early!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Now three kids are playing Mario Kart while the rest of us hang out and listen to oldest's new musical finds.  


Actually, I guess they're not new musical finds since all 5 kids are singing along to stuff I've never heard before.   :D


Oh, and they're eating chocolate chip cookie dough.  


Wonder how much school we're getting done tomorrow, lol.  

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Three most important things to bring with you when moving to settle in the wilderness in the early 1800's are a good sharp knife, an ax, and seeds. It's good to have other things but without these 3 your chance of survival are pretty slim.

And a dog. Preferably named Jack. Dogs are good to have. But that would make 4 things.
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Oops. Thought I posted this hours ago....


I'm roasting pumpkin for pie. My seeds are prepped for roasting as well.


DS is still doing his math.


I'm annoyed by this. Had he done it earlier, I would have cancelled school tonight to make my pie. It would have been a surprise night of for him AND ME. Now my lazy night off is ruined because he has to do school. Alas, he does not know this, and now I can only complain to y'all.




Also, I want a shower, but the oven is on. This oven has wonky temps and is not to be trusted, however. The minute I step in the shower it is bound to burn my house down. So I must wait for my shower, as well.


So I ITT. It is the price I must pay. :D

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Three most important things to bring with you when moving to settle in the wilderness in the early 1800's are a good sharp knife, an ax, and seeds. It's good to have other things but without these 3 your chance of survival are pretty slim.

As a woman, my first most important thing to bring is a man who has these items. Then I'm covered, and can still pack two more items. :D

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My hair stinks. DH, bless his heart, bought me "Iris" scented conditioner in place of my regular, which is no longer available. Unfortunately it is for color treated blond hair and smells like a pine tree. I have not colored my hair in 12 years. But at least it promised to help me with my brassiness.

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Why would iris smell like pine? I think someone goofed.



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Chemicals? All I know is I smell like a forest and not pretty flowers. Imma gonna get me some new stuff myself. Tomorrow. If I remember. Which I won't. Probably.

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