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I just got out of my second chiropractic appointment. I was just literally prescribed the hula. I have to do the hula everyday for 5 minutes. I know no one would appreciate this more than my ITT friends.


Ellllllieeeeeeee..................  where arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you?????????






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I finally read The New Yorker article, since it seems everybody's reading The New Yorker article.


I have full faith in God's goodness and mercy and providential control over all things, and I take great comfort in the promise of eternity.


I also think he gave us brains for a reason. 

Get the heck outta there.  (Pretty Please.)  I'd take an "h" state over that any day.  

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I definitely am not a clutter person! I'm hoping to have our dept payed of in the next 5 years (1/3 there!) at which point I will buy a house and things like canning/fishing/hunting/woodwork will be more of a reality. I probably won't be done having babies but John will be fairly old and I might have moved onto adoptions by then which means NO PREGNANCIES!

Oh, for sure I am not a clutter person either. But I live with seven people who love clutter. Well, they would call it works of art, time machine experiments, lucky rocks/paper clips/marbles, important stuff that needs to be saved, pets, and chef training. :D


Some day you will find the breathing space to fit it all in - it's tough with little ones!


You know, Tennessee has no H in it. It is a fabulous place to live.

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I took a nap.  I had a dream where the phone rang and it was my (deceased) dad's voice.  Now I'm sad.  


In about twenty minutes Rocky and I are going to go out for another long walk.  




Here's to a refreshing, invigorating, not-too-terribly-painful walk, in which you remember all the wonderful things about your dad and it makes you smile.  



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ugh, feel worse than ever.  Took a nap hoping to feel better but I don't.  Now instead of just my head feeling dizzy but whole body does.  Weird feeling, hard to explain, but it's like my skin is dizzy.  Hate being sick.  Thought it was just due to stress but now thinking it might really be an actual illness.  

Talked to my teens for a long time today.  They are homesick and not impressed with how things have gone at their dad's.  They were supposed to be gone until sunday but they are dropping them off at my moms on friday.  I guess they got the call that they have a meeting with the girls they are adopting to take place on friday.  Stepmom talked to the teens and said she realizes she doesn't really have a relationship with them, that they accept her as part of the package of their dad (since they think of her as dad's wife, not step mom), and she hopes they will have a relationship but she sees their dad was rushing that.  Of course due to their dad's actions it created tension that was unnecessary and will prevent a relationship from growing for a while.  Let them focus on these kids they are adopting and leave mine alone.  She was in ear shot today when my teens were telling me how much they wanted to come home and to never make them live there and how they don't want another visit for a long time.  They are furious with their dad for trying to pretend that he is a the perfect parent and it is just me getting in the way.  They are not stupid kids, the see him for what he is and the games he plays and they are done with it.  So glad they get to come home a few days early, even though it means they have to spend 1 night at my folks again (my teens  and my mother pretty much despise each other-for much the same reasons that had me move away 6 months after my graduation).

I have to catch onto their momentum when they get home, they are so eager to be back home and both told me today how much they can see they have a good life here.  They both want to step up their game here because they know the alternative living arrangements are not what they want.  This is the first time they have really caught their dad in his crap, previously it would happen between him and I and they might have heard a snatch there or there, but this is the first time where he not only pulled them into it but tried to defame me to them.  ANd then came down with arbitrary rules when they didn't play his games.  They suddenly have a new respect for me and our home.  No telling how long it will last, but I plan to grab hold of that and make some changes here for the better when they get home.  

Now to have some water and lay down again before I start feeling worse than I already do, well after I call my mom and warn her my kids will be at her place friday.

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I finally read The New Yorker article, since it seems everybody's reading The New Yorker article.


I have full faith in God's goodness and mercy and providential control over all things, and I take great comfort in the promise of eternity.


I also think he gave us brains for a reason.

Get the heck outta there. (Pretty Please.) I'd take an "h" state over that any day.

I agree. We live in Oregon so that we can make more money to pay our debt down. We plan on moving to Indiana or Kentucky in the near future.

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DD Bucket-Filler just brought this to me (I did not even know she was making it).  



It's "a heart with a smile for Mrs. Texas because I love her."


ETA:  It smells like cherry and apple and black licorice and bubblegum.  



Now I am going to cry because little Duck loves me and drew me a picture!  I love her, too.  

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Oh, what a sweetiekins!


I am done with jam. I think it is more humid in the house than outside. I think we are well stocked for the year and with more variety than last year, which only included grape and peach. (This year: grape-blueberry, blueberry-lime, strawberry-rhubarb, strawberry, triple berry, peach, and peach-raspberry.) I am going to get myself a snack and read a book for a while.


PS - I would make a terrible therapist. I can't make myself give advice, though I am happy to share about the things I like (but only if you specifically ask.)

Look up Carl Rogers.  You could do that.  


I am going to try to take a nap.  I had very poor sleep last night.  I finally figured out that I was cold.  That's the problem with a body that translates either hot or cold into pain signals, not to mention being in pain for other reasons - it can be hard to figure out simple things like "put another blanket on, stupid,"  

(((hugs)))  Don't call yourself stupid.


Ellllllieeeeeeee..................  where arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you?????????






Ellie has left us again!  It's because we are overposters with no panache or decorum.  <sob>  


Also, Hornblower is out!  Down for the count!  She hates us.  <sob>


People are dropping like flies.  It is anarchy.


Oh no. I got distracted looking for a teaching skeleton on Amazon. Sigh. Fooooocccccus.

I want a teaching skeleton.  Really.  How much is one of these?

Edited by texasmama
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I want a teaching skeleton.  Really.  How much is one of these? I could add it to my collection of medical items.  Also, I looked up what it takes to become a P.A.  I have to do 33 hours of prerequisites prior to even applying!  However, I am exempt from the GRE due to having obtained a masters degree in the U.S. so there's that.  Becoming a P.A. (after I do all my prerequisites and am accepted) is a masters.  And I am not up for another one of those.


My back-up plan is to continue giving medical advice without any training, education or licensure.  But I might look more qualified with a teaching skeleton hanging about in the living room.


Sorry, but more school royally sucks. There's got to be something else out there for you:nursing? That would be a lot less school than 33 hrs plus another masters. Medical assistant is different from physician assistant, no? Something is out there for you. Surely.

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Sorry, but more school royally sucks. There's got to be something else out there for you:nursing? That would be a lot less school than 33 hrs plus another masters. Medical assistant is different from physician assistant, no? Something is out there for you. Surely.

Medical assistants just get to take blood pressure and stuff. 

Edited by texasmama
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Now I am going to cry because little Duck loves me and drew me a picture!  I love her, too.  


She loves you right back.  And is stalking you now.  She insisted upon seeing your pic so while she was doing evening chores, I had to scour posts to find that van pic with half of your head.  She says you are pretty.  

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Sorry, but more school royally sucks. There's got to be something else out there for you:nursing? That would be a lot less school than 33 hrs plus another masters. Medical assistant is different from physician assistant, no? Something is out there for you. Surely.


Yeah -- just hang your skeleton in the living room.    :coolgleamA:

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Looks like I will be feeling better enough for work tomorrow.  No longer dizzy, still nauseous but everything else seems to be returning to normal.  I wish I could handle conflict the way I used to.  My body is a wuss.  Oh well, I had a day to lay about and res and talk to all my kids.  I even forced myself tonight to at least do a load of dishes and switch the load of laundry so I wouldn't feel like the whole day was wasted.

The necklace I ordered off ebay for my dd15s birthday arrived today, now to wait on the jacket (they are cosplay items but she is weird like that and will love them-she helped pick them out lol).  And the pop vinyl surprise box I ordered from the company that my younger kids get their subscription boxes arrived.  It came with 4 vinyls which I knew it would and I told the kids they would each get one, the ones that arrived were perfect for each of them. I have such weird geeky kids lol  They are awesome.  Remind me of that when I am getting ready to kill them in 6 weeks lol  


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I haven't headed to bed yet.  I just got the teens in bed.  (Well, I didn't physically put them there but shooed them there so I could finally have the house all quiet so that I could wind down all by myself.)  The animals are all in bed.  (And yes, they are spoiled and get "tucked in" each night to their respective spots.)  I'm doing my final medical stuff which I would gladly skip but won't because I'm a big girl who understands how important it all is, even if I'm not too fond of the process.  Good night, everyone.  

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My back-up plan is to continue giving medical advice without any training, education or licensure.  But I might look more qualified with a teaching skeleton hanging about in the living room.

I give out medical advice to people like Tex but somehow just because I suggested she amputate her legs for prickly heat, she ignores me and doesn't think I'm Qualified.  Humph!  

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Good Morning!  I know you late owls and west coasters are still in bed, and hopefully sleeping well, but I'm up at 5:00 to go back to the pool again.  Yay for Finals!  and Yay for a pool day without a storm forecast! 


Hugs to Brandy.


Hugs to Tex.


Hugs to Jean. 


Slash, hope you're sleeping well now. 

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According to my Jawbone I got 4 and a half hours of sleep. Booyah?







I haven't headed to bed yet. I just got the teens in bed. (Well, I didn't physically put them there but shooed them there so I could finally have the house all quiet so that I could wind down all by myself.) The animals are all in bed. (And yes, they are spoiled and get "tucked in" each night to their respective spots.) I'm doing my final medical stuff which I would gladly skip but won't because I'm a big girl who understands how important it all is, even if I'm not too fond of the process. Good night, everyone.

What I took from this is that you love your animals more than your kids.

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Shush. Go work out.




I actually did work out yesterday. Dh and little and I went for a walk at the 1-mile park. If you go around the track 3 times it is one mile. I took a couple of pics as proof, but I'll need to figure out how to upload it in my spark page like Jean did.

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She loves you right back.  And is stalking you now.  She insisted upon seeing your pic so while she was doing evening chores, I had to scour posts to find that van pic with half of your head.  She says you are pretty.  

I have an adorable four year old stalker, a one person fan club.  I am verklempt. :001_wub:  I have started a new fan club of my own called "Little Duck Bucket Filler Fan Club".  We meet on Wednesdays at the library.

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What you should take from it is that our animals are still like toddlers and need to be told to go potty before bed and put in their "cribs" so that they won't get into trouble while we're sleeping.  


Hmm. I took it the same way Slash did.

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I have an adorable four year old stalker, a one person fan club.  I am verklempt. :001_wub:  I have started a new fan club of my own called "Little Duck Bucket Filler Fan Club".  We meet on Wednesdays at the library.

Hey, what about your 51 year old stalker, huh?  I haven't colored any pictures for you but I do bomb you with pictures of my kids and pets and random pictures of places I frequent.  Love you!  

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I want this skeleton, but it is a little beyond my budget, which is about ten cents.




Sadly, most of the skeletons are not life-sized so what is the point?  Who wants a skeleton to put on a shelf?  

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I want this skeleton, but it is a little beyond my budget, which is about ten cents.




Sadly, most of the skeletons are not life-sized so what is the point?  Who wants a skeleton to put on a shelf?  


You really don't want that particular one. It has only one star. One star stuff sucks. You want 4 stars. Be good to yourself.


ETA: This one is for you, it has 5 stars. http://www.amazon.com/Wellden-Life-size-Anatomical-Skeleton-Vertebral/dp/B007YV18O0/ref=pd_sim_sbs_328_4/186-4956998-9763956?ie=UTF8&refRID=0P2TQTP15DGEF0350FRN

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You really don't want that particular one. It has only one star. One star stuff sucks. You want 4 stars. Be good to yourself.


ETA: This one is for you, it has 5 stars. http://www.amazon.com/Wellden-Life-size-Anatomical-Skeleton-Vertebral/dp/B007YV18O0/ref=pd_sim_sbs_328_4/186-4956998-9763956?ie=UTF8&refRID=0P2TQTP15DGEF0350FRN

WOW!  So much cheaper, too.  I will put it in my cart to save for later and when I am rich* I will order it.  I really want a skeleton now more than I have ever wanted anything in my life.  If I had a skeleton and Little Duck and Jean and some coffee, I think I can slog through the rest of the week.  And you, of course, because you are my new mother.  And all the ITT friends because it is a happy little spot where no one has gone postal.


*I will never be rich.


I suspect that I could be an old lady living alone talking to "Wellden" the skeleton.  A lot like Tom Hanks and Wilson.  In fact, getting a ton of cats and becoming a crazy cat lady would be an upgrade.  Yep, that is my new plan.

Edited by texasmama
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Good morning folks.  Feeling much better today.  Here's to a good rest of the week where I can bore you with progress on my bedroom projects rather than annoy you with pity parties.  Have to work this afternoon but my shifts changed for this month so I don't have to be there until 11, and I was up at 8 due to the dang chickens clamoring for their breakfast and water refill.  Think I may get some work done in the house before I head over to work at the daycare, my baby should be there today :)

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WOW!  So much cheaper, too.  I will put it in my cart to save for later and when I am rich* I will order it.  I really want a skeleton now more than I have ever wanted anything in my life.  If I had a skeleton and Little Duck and Jean and some coffee, I think I can slog through the rest of the week.  And you, of course, because you are my new mother.  And all the ITT friends because it is a happy little spot where no one has gone postal.


*I will never be rich.


I suspect that I could be an old lady living alone talking to "Wellden" the skeleton.  A lot like Tom Hanks and Wilson.  In fact, getting a ton of cats and becoming a crazy cat lady would be an upgrade.  Yep, that is my new plan.


Want us to start a Go Fund Me for you?

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So, yesterday I officially asked for part time and was unofficially turned down. An hour later, I received an email from the curriculum company I was writing for asking me to fill out a direct deposit form. I hope money is actually made.

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