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Good morninging!


I have so much to do. I may be certifiably insane by the end of the year. ;)


The twins' birthday is the 19th as well. I knew it was shared by someone in Renai's family, but I thought it was Gymnast.


We need a birthday list. Do we have a secretary?


I hope everyone is feeling better. :grouphug: :wub: to all.


Wow! A Booya! Or Happy Birthday! I dedicate this Booya Happy Birthday to everyone that has a Birthday. :D

Edited by Openhearted
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Good morninging!


I have so much to do. I may be certifiably insane by the end of the year. ;)


The twins' birthday is the 19th as well. I knew it was shared by someone in Renai's family, but I thought it was Gymnast.


We need a birthday list. Do we have a secretary?


I hope everyone is feeling better. :grouphug: :wub: to all.


Wow! A Booya! Or Happy Birthday! I dedicate this Booya Happy Birthday to everyone that has a Birthday. :D

Hi Fawn! I love you! Oh you're a deer now. That's cool. Hugses!
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Good Morning!


Susan, :hurray: for parents arriving safely.


I only know who rappers are because I have 20 and 17 year old sons who love to share their music with me.


Heather and Jojo's Mom, I hope you guys survived the polar vortex of doom.

Post #75,000!!!!


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Good morning, Ladies!


Here's a handy tip for y'all: do not swallow the last bit of Halls cough drop along with a tums. The Wild Rumpus that will take place in your stomach is something way beyond anything of Max's imagination!


Dh is making waffles, and my parents are up and being mobbed by small people. It's a busy day, and we have two recitals, but I wanted to say a quick hello before venturing out of the warm blankets.


Hugs and smooches to everyone!

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Perhaps, but you did make me laugh out loud!😆



Then, my day is already a success! :wub:


Good Morning!

Susan, :hurray: for parents arriving safely.

I only know who rappers are because I have 20 and 17 year old sons who love to share their music with me.

Heather and Jojo's Mom, I hope you guys survived the polar vortex of doom.

Here's to Susan having a great time with her parents :cheers:


Dh and I have sucked Ds's into our music. They know Queen, Eagles, Tom Petty (my personal fav). Although Ds14 and I have a weird connection through Uptown Funk. Go figure. Oh and Radioactive is a big hit as well. I think that is Imagine Dragons. I am learning;-)


It is very pretty outside, but I am pretty sure we didn't get quite the storm everyone predicted. Nonetheless, there will be snow blowing and hot cocoa.


My house remains a pit. Like Lana, every single room seems to be in disarray. (But at least she got the bathroom done, lol.) I am going to put blinders on so I can avoid task paralysis and just start plugging away. Plus, the basement pantry has a floor, walls are painted, fridge is in. I have to set up the shelving units today and defrost the chest freezer. Then, I will be able to spend a few blissful hours reorganizing the tiny kitchen and moving whatever is not crucial to our day-to-day to the pantry.


I lean more minimalist so having open spaces will make me happy. And it is motivating. So I am going to have some coffee and get a move on.

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What can I say? I like language. Mostly live ones, though. :D

I prefer dead ones, actually. (Although whether Latin is truly dead is up for debate since it does live in in our vocabulary and many other languages today). I like to analyze them and pick them apart and translate them without ever having to worry about using them orally. Once I have mastered Latin I'm going back to Biblical Greek. Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!!




It's as white as it ever gets outside this morning. A bit of frost, but it's sparkly in the early morning sun!


Susan, glad the family arrived. I hope you all have a wonderful time together!ðŸ’ðŸ’


Today is the Christmas piano recital for 3 of my kids. That's always fun. It's usually pretty short and their teacher always gives us a duet with another lady (they're both in their 80's and have been friends and pianists since their 20's) which is a real treat.


Then, it's gonna be a regular Saturday. Going to The Walmart, cleaning up the house a bit....

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I have some set meals. Baked potatoes occur on Tuesday evening, Pizza on Wednesday for movie night. On Sunday we usually have breakfast stuff for dinner. I showered, then I soaked. Now I'm all warm and cozy sitting on my bed. Dinner is leftovers tonight. I'm done with chores. School planning will wait. Going to work on some high concept stuff, then write some new material, and then go to bed a little early tonight.



I went to bed early, too.  Quite tired.  I woke up at my usual time and was unable to get back to sleep, even though my plan was to sleep in today.  So I lounged in bed playing a puzzle on my tablet for 3 hours.


I am still tired and have no motivation.  We take ILs out for their 50th anniversary later today, and we have company coming here tomorrow to visit for a bit.  No energy, but need to clean up the house before tomorrow, get people to cycle their laundry loads, and take the girls Christmas shopping.  Oh, and I need to grocery shop and meal plan and cook for the bulk of the week....


And crochet.  I need to finish crocheting at least 4 coasters each for two separate households by Wednesday.


I also need to cut some decorative circles out of cloth to top my marmalade jars, and I need to pick up pretty containers because DD15 wants to bake cookies to gift.  True to form my edible part of the gift has fizzled yet again -- the marmalade has turned grainy once refrigerated.  I don't care -- I'm giving it anyway.  If the others don't want theirs I think FIL will take it all off their hands despite the graininess.  Maybe I'll throw some Meyer lemons from our tree into the gift basket as well.


We might use our jar of marmalade to cook with instead of topping toasted bread products.

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Lutefisk comes up at every family get together on my mom's side. It is getting to be a long-standing joke. And ew.



Yes, you get my points for the day... I have gotten zero cleaning done.




Merry Christmas, dear Prairie! See ya later.



I say with shame that this happens to me regularly. Please go label them. For your own sanity.




It is a beautiful thing:-)



I agree that this is the most desirable course of action.




Ooh, me next!



My voice is almost gone. I spent from 2-5 catching up on Tapestry discussions. I am sick of far eastern cultures at this point. Earlier today, we did listen to a Vandiver lecture on the Iliad though, that was interesting.


Since we were going to a party, I have nothing planned for dinner.


But let's be honest, do I ever *really* have a good dinner plan :svengo: I tried Real Plans. I really like it, but I almost do better if I just stock certain things and let the spirit move me. I like planning too much and never want to actually make.the.food :lol:



I have never had lutefisk, and plan to try it when I try the Hungarian Soulse (which means no plans ever).  My mom was quite fond of pickled herring, and I have found that I have a taste for it too, from time to time.  I'm the only one in the house who will even try the stuff, so more for me when I do get some.


My mom was also quite fond of ribbon candy.  DD15 recently remembered that stuff fondly, so I might try bringing some into the house -- just one box.  I like it, too, so I don't dare let very much come in.


My Grandpa (Dad's dad) was fond of peanut brittle.  Whenever he was given some Grandma wouldn't let him eat any unless others were eating it with him, so we would join him on the enclosed porch (his sitting area) and eat peanut brittle with him.  We kids would choose the smallest pieces so he could have the larger pieces, and we would be able to honestly tell Grandma that we had as many pieces of peanut brittle as Grandpa did.  And we all made sure he had peanut brittle every Christmas.  


I have now ordered in some sugar-free peanut brittle and some ribbon candy.


DH ordered in some bulk snack foods, mostly for himself, but he also ordered in a couple of sugar-free chocolate items for me.



I plan meals somewhat.  Most cooking happens on Sat-Mon.  The rest of the week is leftovers or haphazard.  Weeks that deviate from the usual throw me off balance meal-planning- and cooking-wise, so we will see what comes of Christmas break.

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I envy those who are starting break.  AoPS is a bunch of meanie-weenies, so Dd has a class on Monday.  Add to that the physics in which she is woefully behind and the literature that we need to do and our break will be sadly short.


Renai, my last physical was longer ago than yours.


I couldn't do set meals.  I like to cook and it is a stress relief for me.  I would be sad if I didn't get to be creative with something.


We are going to have sub-zero temps tonight.  I will not be sleeping in the barn, nor will there be space heaters (fire risk.)  The California ponies have been snuggled into their arctic freeze jammies and have had the neck covers added.  They will be toasty-roasty warm; those blankets are amazing.  The Fjord, however, will be nekkid.  Because Fjord. 


Has anyone ever heard of a mild flu?  I have been exhausted and had muscle aches and joint pain.  My temp was elevated (between 100 and 101, so no fever.)  Usually flu for me means high fever for a couple of days.  But I don't have any real congestion (other than the normal winter stuff.) :confused1:




Is it bedtime yet?



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Yes, you have what I would call a low-grade flu or mild bug.  What stinks most is that anything they might test for will come up negative, but you are still sick (and possibly contagious).  Take extra care of yourself and try to get the others to pick up the slack.  

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JJM, we aren't done yet either. LToW class on Mon. Behind in physics. After ToG discussions, I found out some things haven't been done, "because I couldn't find the books." I keeeel youuu. Because asking me would have been waaaay too good of an idea. They have been warned for the last two weeks that anything not done and done well will be done over break.


But I would have preferred a true break:-(


Glad the ponies are warm and that your children will not be required to sacrifice toes for their sake.


I think you have a virus that may or may not be flu, but if you have a fever, you need to be pampered with healthy drinks and get more zzzs. That is my official diagnosis. Susan's laced tea sounds good too.



The girls have music lessons on Monday.  We are officially on break, but the girls do have some work to get done before Jan. 3rd -- stuff they didn't complete this week.

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We have been to the airport and back. No grandparents. They are still waiting for take off in Chicago - ice issues, I guess. They haven't cancelled the flight yet.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   O'Hare can get interesting this time of year.  I hope they don't get stranded.


I saw the update.  I'm glad they made it safely!

Edited by AMJ
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I need to get a massage for my neck and shoulders. I'm so tight between my shoulders that it's a wonder they haven't snapped together and pinched my head off. I'm having all kinds of trouble getting comfortable while typing.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:



SVEN!  OLAF!  HILDA!  Massive massage and pamper session for Critter!

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It's lack of waterfall time doing it. The shoulder tightening. I wouldn't be tense if I could go stare at water. Too cold now.



No opportunity to look at the frozen water and watch the stuff move about under the ice?




Gee, that sounds lovely, too!  Now if I can only get DH to capitulate to my plans for a wintertime visit to northern Arkansas....

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It is 4 degrees below 0. 




I'm going to go curl up in my bed, in my flannel sheets, under my down comforter.  Someone call me when the Polar Vortex of Doom has wooshed by, okay?



In my Minnesota youth I did learn a valuable lesson -- do not wear flannel jammies when sleeping between flannel sheets if you move around in your sleep.  There is a reason quilters use flannel as a hanging piecing board.  Think soft velcro.  Mom had to get me unwound the next morning because I was caught too tightly and couldn't get loose.

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News for Latin lovers and those who refer to it as a "dead language":  There is a move afoot to enliven it a bit, called the "active Latin movement."  The goal of the movement is to increase fluency to the point that students can read directly in Latin without the intermediary step of translating into English.  Actively speaking the language helps this process.  CLRC is working with one of the movement leaders to set up an immersion camp next summer.  (DD would love to go, "so long as it doesn't conflict with math camp."  Geek.)

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I went to bed early, too.  Quite tired.  I woke up at my usual time and was unable to get back to sleep, even though my plan was to sleep in today.  So I lounged in bed playing a puzzle on my tablet for 3 hours.


I am still tired and have no motivation.  We take ILs out for their 50th anniversary later today, and we have company coming here tomorrow to visit for a bit.  No energy, but need to clean up the house before tomorrow, get people to cycle their laundry loads, and take the girls Christmas shopping.  Oh, and I need to grocery shop and meal plan and cook for the bulk of the week....


And crochet.  I need to finish crocheting at least 4 coasters each for two separate households by Wednesday.


I also need to cut some decorative circles out of cloth to top my marmalade jars, and I need to pick up pretty containers because DD15 wants to bake cookies to gift.  True to form my edible part of the gift has fizzled yet again -- the marmalade has turned grainy once refrigerated.  I don't care -- I'm giving it anyway.  If the others don't want theirs I think FIL will take it all off their hands despite the graininess.  Maybe I'll throw some Meyer lemons from our tree into the gift basket as well.


We might use our jar of marmalade to cook with instead of topping toasted bread products.



DD15 just accomplished most of her Christmas shopping with me on Amazon Prime.  I think she will be hitting up DH for the rest of her shopping a little later.  Not having to go anywhere near our mall -- a great present for me!

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I'm brain-dead.  Reference, please?  I like this.


No reference. I was working my online job, rating standardized writing responses, and came across that statement. Well, it was similar. I didn't write it word-for-word because of confidentiality, but the "expiring man" part is true and quite funny. :D

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This morning started off with lots of frigid winds (starting around 5 am that I heard; it woke me up) and snow. Snow turned to rain. Now the sun is out, still lots of wind, but no snow or rain. Who knows if it will snow later. For sure, the mountains are having a field day. Good for the skiers.

Edited by Renai
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News for Latin lovers and those who refer to it as a "dead language":  There is a move afoot to enliven it a bit, called the "active Latin movement."  The goal of the movement is to increase fluency to the point that students can read directly in Latin without the intermediary step of translating into English.  Actively speaking the language helps this process.  CLRC is working with one of the movement leaders to set up an immersion camp next summer.  (DD would love to go, "so long as it doesn't conflict with math camp."  Geek.)


When we watched "Passion of the Christ," part of it is Latin. It was fascinating to both of us. Some we were able to figure out due to knowing the story, and partly because Spanish derives from it. I'm thinking maybe that is where Dancer's interest started to bud. I think it was about a year ago or less that we watched it.


Look! I said "ago." 








Did you know that "hago" in Spanish also means "I do?"

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Happy Birthday Slache!


Latin is not a dead language, just mostly so. I sing Latin every holy day from advent through lent and speak it with priests who don't know English because it's the common language in the church. Granted we pronounce it differently but it still counts, right?


This is really cool. 

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Happy Birthday Slache!


Latin is not a dead language, just mostly so. I sing Latin every holy day from advent through lent and speak it with priests who don't know English because it's the common language in the church. Granted we pronounce it differently but it still counts, right?

Where are these priests?
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I am getting rid of all of my Latin books.  I am not getting rid of any of my math or reading books etc. because I have hopes of tutoring again some day.   But we hired in a Latin tutor so it's not like I would be tutoring Latin. 


This is an offer only for ITT regulars.  If any of you want my Latina Christiana books (I and II but I'm not sure exactly what books I have until I look), I will send them to you if you reimburse me for shipping.  First come first serve.  You can PM me.  We did not write in the books. 

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Where are these priests?

Everywhere. Each church has a head priest and (usually) at least one other. The head priest is always there but the others priest stay for only a time. Sometimes it's a few months and sometimes it's a few years. They are rotated all over the world. Right now we have 5 priests. 2 are from the area, one is from Ghana (he just replaced one from Poland), one is Vietnamese, and one is from Mexico. The Mexican priest speaks no English at all. The other two foreign priests speak English but need more practice to be better understood. The only reason we have 2 American priests is because one has a terminal illness and was our head priest. Rotating out foreign priests keeps each church more globally aware and connected and allows the priests to practice their English. They are also able to take what they learn back to their home countries.

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I am getting rid of all of my Latin books.  I am not getting rid of any of my math or reading books etc. because I have hopes of tutoring again some day.   But we hired in a Latin tutor so it's not like I would be tutoring Latin. 


This is an offer only for ITT regulars.  If any of you want my Latina Christiana books (I and II but I'm not sure exactly what books I have until I look), I will send them to you if you reimburse me for shipping.  First come first serve.  You can PM me.  We did not write in the books.


 Did you not like them? 

Everywhere. Each church has a head priest and (usually) at least one other. The head priest is always there but the others priest stay for only a time. Sometimes it's a few months and sometimes it's a few years. They are rotated all over the world. Right now we have 5 priests. 2 are from the area, one is from Ghana (he just replaced one from Poland), one is Vietnamese, and one is from Mexico. The Mexican priest speaks no English at all. The other two foreign priests speak English but need more practice to be better understood. The only reason we have 2 American priests is because one has a terminal illness and was our head priest. Rotating out foreign priests keeps each church more globally aware and connected and allows the priests to practice their English. They are also able to take what they learn back to their home countries.

I misunderstood. I thought these priests spoke only Latin and that didn't make sense. My husband was raised Catholic so I went to a Catholic church for about a year.
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