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There is no gas in our area. None. The police are camped out at the stations. Nothing coming until Monday. We have just enough gas to get us to Even More Expensive University and back tomorrow. Other than that, we will be staying home from everything.


That's horrible.  I feel like I just took a time warp into the 70s.

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So, Mr. Ellie saw the attorney today. Mr. Attorney said that lawsuits are unlikely; that the driver who hit Mr. Ellie and caused M's death might or might not be charged with vehicular manslaughter; that people who hire attorneys are either five times more likely to get any settlement or are more likely to get five times as much $$$, I forget which :hat: , and that Mr. Ellie's chiropractor has a good rep among attorneys and court people, as in he is often called in to give a second opinion because people trust him, so yay us. There will be some sort of settlement but Mr. Ellie was unsure how it would work, something about a 60/30 split, maybe it's a Texas thing, whatever....


Mr. Ellie turned in his paid-for-by-insurance car today and will pick up another rental tomorrow. Other than that, it's a free weekend. Which is good, as next weekend and the following will be quite busy and involve traveling to San Antonio next weekend and Ft. Worth the next. Then I think we are finished with Stuff for a long time.


That is all.

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Hey Queen Ellie, how was Hula class today?


It went pretty well. Only two of the newbies came back, which is fine (one told me that she would miss this class but will be back on the 26th--no class on the 23rd because I will be gone). I figure the first class of the new session people are just checking it out; as hard as it is to believe, not everyone loves hula :-) Several regulars were not there, so not a big class. I'm thrilled to death that people are still coming at all, lol.

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Happy Saturday morning everyone!


(((Jean)))  And I liked your brain dead post in solidarity.  I'm right there with you.


(((Susan)))  Hope you have a great visit today and that gas comes to your area more quickly than they are saying.    


Slache - yay for folding all the laundry.


Ellie, glad to hear good news all around.  

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Good Morning!


Hope you are now sleeping soundly, Jean!


Ellie, I am shocked that anyone would dare not like hula! If it got out who you really are (i.e. The Queen of ITT) they'd be lined up around the block to get into your class!


Dh has gone out to see if any stations nearby have gotten any gas overnight. Unless other parents volunteer to drive, the backpacking trip will have to be cancelled. Dh said it's the perfect ending to the week from Hades. All we need now are zombies.

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So I posted in the Fiesta Texas social group but no replies yet, so I'll post here, too. :-)


I'm going to be in San Antonio next week, Sept. 22-23 (maybe the 21st). I was thinking of going to Fiesta Texas on Saturday the 24th. Anyone want to join me?



Sorry, Ellie, I can't this time around.  We are horse-sitting, and I have an appointment (maybe two) I need to deal with.  Maybe the next time?  (Though October is rather full of birthdays in our family, so probably not in October.)

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I was just coming on to whine about how I feel that if I have to solve one more problem this week I'm going to explode, and low and behold, the condition has a name. I am suffering from directed attention fatigue. Who knew there was such a thing? Apparently the symptoms are greatly reduced by spending time in nature. Preferably in front of waterfalls. :D

I'm seriously grouchy, growly and snappish. And my neck hurts.





This explains SO MUCH!  I'd say we have several chronic cases around here.  

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But it's raining now, the plum tart is out of the oven, and I'm going to go battle the skeeters on the front porch and enjoy the noise of the rain!



I wish I had a porch so I could sit out during the rain.  Sometimes I stand in our (very small) breezeway to make do.

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We live out in the country. Deer, rabbits, moose, raccoons - you name it.


Except poisonous snakes. We don't have any.





Moose!  I wish we lived where there were moose!  And northern lights, and snow once in a while, and clearly 4 seasons in a year....

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Junie making sushi

Makes me want to hurl

Don't put that stuff in front of me

I'm just a squeamish girl



Go with that for Hootie.


Sorry, Junie, it's not you (or YOUR sushi). It's me.



Which Hootie tune is that?  I heard the tune of Happy Happy Birthday.



Hey!  It's a Hootie-toot-toot booyah!  



Edited by AMJ
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Junie making sushi

Makes me want to hurl

Don't put that stuff in front of me

I'm just a squeamish girl



Go with that for Hootie.


Sorry, Junie, it's not you (or YOUR sushi). It's me.



Oh, and I'll eat your sushi for you!  As long as it's not sea urchin.

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I was just researching some genealogy online and I found the death certificates for my great-great-great grandparents!


Oh, good!  I'm sorry for your loss, but now you can move on.  Their status is no longer in limbo.

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There is no gas in our area. None. The police are camped out at the stations. Nothing coming until Monday. We have just enough gas to get us to Even More Expensive University and back tomorrow. Other than that, we will be staying home from everything.



What happened?



If you can manage it don't get more than a few gallons (just enough to tide you over) until 2 or 3 days past the delivery to the stations.  There will be a lot of old sediment in the bottoms of the tanks that will get stirred up.  If you can give it a couple of days to settle out again you will be buying cleaner gas than if you buy right after delivery.

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It went pretty well. Only two of the newbies came back, which is fine (one told me that she would miss this class but will be back on the 26th--no class on the 23rd because I will be gone). I figure the first class of the new session people are just checking it out; as hard as it is to believe, not everyone loves hula :-) Several regulars were not there, so not a big class. I'm thrilled to death that people are still coming at all, lol.



I wish I lived near enough to you -- I'd attend, and drag my girls along with me!  Shoot, if the timing worked out we might even get DH to join us.  I took hula lessons a few decades ago, and loved it.

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Good Morning!


Hope you are now sleeping soundly, Jean!


Ellie, I am shocked that anyone would dare not like hula! If it got out who you really are (i.e. The Queen of ITT) they'd be lined up around the block to get into your class!


Dh has gone out to see if any stations nearby have gotten any gas overnight. Unless other parents volunteer to drive, the backpacking trip will have to be cancelled. Dh said it's the perfect ending to the week from Hades. All we need now are zombies.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I saw the explanation of what happened.  That stinks.


I don't suppose there's something else the scouts could do nearby in lieu of their backpacking trip?



What are the emergency departments going to do for fuel during the outage?  (police, fire, ambulances,...)

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It is raining which is good. We needed the rain, and it matches my mood. Dark and gloomy. Much better than bright and sunny. My head cold is still present.


I'm glad you got some gas, Susan. That is worrisome; all of the stations being out like that.


Ds21 is helping the band today, and then he is marshalling at a local town festival.


Dh and dd16 are supposed to mow, but it is raining. So I don't know what they will do.

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Yesterday just didn't go well -- sorry I stayed away, but I have caught up again.  I ended up calling the endo's office yesterday and informing them of certain symptoms I'm showing -- I hope they call me back Monday and tell me I can cut back on the Metformin, because I suspect the dosage I am on is behind a lot of this.  It's another month until I get seen again, so I'm crossing fingers.


I have walked 1 mile today this morning, so 2 more miles to go.  I also need to pay attention to food today, and get back to revamping our school year schedule.  Directed attention fatigue is a very likely-sounding culprit here.


Speaking of which, I'll have to remember to mention that at personal training on Monday.  They have a nasty habit of having a TV AND a stereo on at the same time, with volumes gradually cranked up so "they can hear" the danged things.  I spoke up yesterday and they turned off the stereo and turned down the TV for a bit.  

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Good morning! My coffee is kicking in!


It's time to get ready for the first basketball game of the year! This year my son and nephews are all on the same team, with my brother as a coach. So I don't think I have to worry about tears of anxiety as much.

Last year his 'defensive position' consisted of him putting his arms up like a T Rex. Unfortunately, I think he's gotten better. Poor kid still can't dribble to save his life, though.


Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk

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Thanks.  And thanks again to whomever posted about Directed Attention Fatigue.  I read the Wikipedia page on it while eating my breakfast.


I was contemplating sending DH and the kids over to his folks' house to see to the horses and go swimming while I stayed here to try to focus on food and revamping our school schedule.  Instead I will go along and get some outside time, too, and worry about food and schedule later or tomorrow.  I think we all need some extended (more than a few minutes) time not just away from computers and electronics, but OUTSIDE (even if it's humid & buggy).


And I figured out that sitting in a swimming pool not only helps beat the heat, it helps with hot flashes, too.



Time for more walking on the treadmill.  I get to watch the morning glow move over things.

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It is raining which is good. We needed the rain, and it matches my mood. Dark and gloomy. Much better than bright and sunny. My head cold is still present.


I'm glad you got some gas, Susan. That is worrisome; all of the stations being out like that.


Ds21 is helping the band today, and then he is marshalling at a local town festival.


Dh and dd16 are supposed to mow, but it is raining. So I don't know what they will do.


:grouphug: , Dawn.  Thank you for keeping us posted; I know things are crowded for you.  blow-kiss.gif

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