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  • KrissiK


Good morning.


Both of my sons crawled in bed with DH and me last night. There was no longer any room, so I moved to the couch. Then DH followed me because he wanted to cuddle, and there was no room there either. All these cuddlebugs seriously mess up the amount of sleep I get.




Gymnast was sleeping on the portable mattress next to my bed last night. I woke up this morning with her between dh and I. I have no recollection of feeling her climb over me.

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I call my husband 'husband' too. And I call my sons 'son'. It's easier than trying to remember so many names.

I call my husband "honey" and when I was teaching school I called all my students "sweetie" or "honey" or "sweetheart" because I could never remember their names. One of the perks of being a female teacher. The men could never get away with that.
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Swiss? Or mozarella? I like parmesan, personally!

Apparently, a person can become addicted to cheese. It's a real thing, and pretty much describes ds11 who gets rather mopey over a meal that contains no cheese in any form. He mopes frequently. :D


Hi Renai!!


Hey Lynn, I'm feeling better. I don't have any cranberry juice yet, but I've been drowning myself in water with a few good squeezes of lemon and that seems to be helping a bit. I'll run to the store tomorrow.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I never gave up whole milk. Vowed I never would. Whole milk is not the cause of childhood obesity.


I can't believe you gave up sour cream...



Not willingly, and not completely, if I am honest.  But I have cut back severely, and have only had a tablespoon or two in the last couple of months.

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We don't drink milk. We do use cream, sour cream, and butter.



I don't drink milk here, either, other than almond milk.  I have found that too much dairy, usually when I was drinking milk, would cause me to bloat.  But the bloating never happened with sour cream or whipped cream unless I truly pigged out.


I have no issues with butter and quite love the taste.  I have decided "limited dairy" still allows me to have butter on my green beans or toast.

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(((Susan))) - how are you feeling now?


Slache - did you call the dr today?


I usually buy 1%, but I love whole. Maybe I'll up it to 2%.


Could you put stroganoff over veggies - like zucchini, broccoli, and squash?


Ikslo - rocking the poetry today!


Hi Renai!



I can try that.  I wonder how it would taste on spaghetti squash?  Or would spaghetti squash be considered a starch?

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Okay, for the newbies (and those of us forgetful enough to confuse Rusty & Rocky & Rocco) explain who Rocco is again, please.


Rocky - one of Jean's dogs

Rusty - Jean's bunny (think rusty stew...)

Rocco - what JJM said. A hunk honey-dipped honey dip, and all that.

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I'm Scottish and dh is Filipino.  Think of the fun we could have with costumes!


My foot is fine.  Except when it isn't.  I have muscles that tense up seemingly randomly in any part of my body.  Right now my feet are fine.  My thighs on the other hand. . .   Which reminds me that I need to drink my magnesium stuff. 


Well, see, it seems to me you're more Japanese than Scottish, no?






(nice way to confuse the newbies, eh?)

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Oh, yeah, right. That. I even commented on it during my lunch hour before I walked back to work. Speaking of which, this whole walking to and from work is great for step count. Also, there's a Pokestop on the way. And the walking helps me hatch eggs. Which I do not scramble or put cheese on.

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I had to deal with the doctor's office today. I hate dealing with the doctor's office. I always feel so stupid. They want to know dates. I can't remember dates. So I keep a list of them handy for when they want to know what year my children were born in. I know how old they are, but I cannot for the life of me remember the year. Same thing with my wedding anniversary or other important dates. I remember all kinds of important things--but not when they happened. 

It's very strange. I can tell you exactly where to find anything on a library shelf, because I just know where books are. I can find things that the library puts in the wrong place simply by knowing the shape and look of the book. I can tell you where to find a certain description or piece of dialog on a page, but I can't tell you the page number. Hand me the book and I can get right to it. I just know where it is, but I don't know the dang page number!


So I get to feel stupid every time somebody asks me for a phone number or a birthday or a page number. 

Imma go make a cup of tea and sip it until I feel less dumb.


Visual memory or some such. When I was younger, I'd remember passages by location in a book and 'read" it in my head. I locate scriptures the same way (left page, right column, near the bottom). I don't think that's dumb at all.

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I don't know how old I am. I obviously know my birthday, but I have to think about it if someone asks my age. I also don't know how old my husband is. By the time I get used to answering one way, it's his birthday again.


Dh and I had an argument about my age. Not a real argument, but anyway. It ended with me pulling out my calculator to figure out both our ages - he's one year older than me. We just couldn't remember.

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Which book was it?


Oh, the Places You Go.


If you've never read it, please read it prior to reading to your children. I read it for the first time when reading to Dancer, and I choked up.Dancer looked at me weird when she heard me choke.  I didn't cry though, but almost. That book needs a warning label.

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You know how to find the WTM forum emojis, right?  (click the smiley above where you type in a post, then look at the bottom.  Pages of emojis.)


As for the others, you COULD copy and paste the emojis others post into a document and save it locally, and then you have your own source to go back to when you want them.



Or you can ask Renai.  Renai is a real wiz at finding unique emojis!


Speaking of which, where is Renai anyway?



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Sugar content alone would make anyone fat. We treat milk as a treat in this house, not a staple. We drink almond milk, mostly. I'm not passionate about it, but I don't think milk is good for you.


Have I mentioned that since I've taken Gymnast off of almond milk, her hair has been growing back nicely? That whole allergy switch up is a doozy.




Edited by Renai
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He went to PS preschool last year where they did the small group thing. It was fine, but not great.


When school let out for the summer, I started homeschooling and started the private speech. I have seen improvements in just a few months. I'm not entirely sure if it's because of the different therapy, because we've started working on phonics and phonemic awareness daily at home, or a combination of whatever other reasons.


Whatever it is, it seems to be working. I don't think I will stop. And we (finally) met our deductible, so the money thing won't be as much of an issue.


Anyway, I feel like I'm bringing down the spirit of this thread. Chicken nuggets, anyone?


The spirit of this thread is up and down - as in, we support one another in the ups and downs. Got it? Good. :D


Oh, and welcome to the newbies.

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After dh tried to demonstrate that UTI's can be cured through feet tickling, he has been sent on a journey of penance to the store to buy cranberry juice. The good kind.


I need to shower. I also need pantz. I have 7 minutes. On my mark. Get set. Go!

Edited by Susan in TN
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I've  only cried for one book, and it was a Dr. Seuss book.


There are books that have made me cry (I get rather invested in the story).


I like murder mysteries, but there was one author I liked that I stopped reading when I was pregnant.  A book of hers I was reading had a case which resulted in the neglect and death of an infant, and I couldn't handle it at the time.  I haven't read that author since.


On Netflix I recently started watching Marco Polo (when kids were out of the area because I saw the TV-MA rating) and at first I liked the story development, though I found some of it a bit graphic for my taste.  Then I got to the episode in which one Chinese official starts binding the feet of his niece.  I can't watch anymore.


The girls and I have started watching Once Upon A Time from the beginning instead.


I won't turn away from a book or show only because it deals with tough and uncomfortable subjects, but I must approach those carefully and in small doses or they really bring down my whole demeanor for quite a while.  I also must reserve those for when I have ample time and attention to spend on processing the story and elements, or they will remain in my forward awareness, distracting me from getting other things done, until I do take the time and pay the attention necessary to process them.  


Since I don't have the time and attention to spare on such exposure right now I am limiting myself more to the lighter-hearted fare, and I get the bonus of being able to share it with family.

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The sun has risen and it is another day indeed. I still in my moody mood. However, I did clean the coffee pot yesterday.


We have check-ups for the twins and dd16 at the pediatrician this afternoon. So I will have to leave the house. It will probably do me some good.


Ds21 has turned in his application for the deputy position. He had to write an essay of why he would be a good candidate for the position. He did a good job too. He is not thrilled about writing, but he did it. So that tells me he is actually interested, and not doing it because of outside pressures.


Now it is time to do something, unfortunately. :)

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Visual memory or some such. When I was younger, I'd remember passages by location in a book and 'read" it in my head. I locate scriptures the same way (left page, right column, near the bottom). I don't think that's dumb at all.



When I was young and had less to keep track of I could have several different books "going" at the same time.  I never used bookmarks back then, either, nor turned down page corners.  I could simply turn right to the page where I left off and start reading -- I didn't even have to check which paragraph I read last.  My brain remembered the shape of things on the pages and put me back where I left off.  The cover of the book cued me in to which story/subject I was returning to, and it was like I never left it.

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That's my children's favorite episode. I always cringe a little when it gets to that part. I plan on accidentally losing the disc when they're old enough to start questioning biology.



Sounds like a good plan!  I hadn't seen that episode (and I'm disinclined to go watch it).  What happens to the kids after that?  Do they turn into fish?

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