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MARY'S GOING TO BE FOUR IN SIX MONTHS! How did that happen? She's not even 3 yet. :crying:


(She reminds me of a 2 year old more than a 3 year old).


DD15 has a July birthday, so roughly half of each calendar year she is one age and the rest of the year she is the next age.  Consequently, as soon as January 1st came around when she was 11 she started telling everyone who would listen, "Next year I'll be 13!"




They grow up so fast.  No rush, Mary!

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Woohoo! Congratulations! they always do!

A true statement!


Well, my yard and garden now look like someone cares just a little bit. It's too hot to work out there, really, and the poor little plants are very stressed due to the extreme heat, but... we did fill up the green waste container!


Shower has been taken... gearing up for the great "Back to School Walmart Trip". I made a list of all the stuff I need for science, so next week I will prepare gallon size ziploc bags with materials for science experiments. And I want to make new Christmas stockings, so I'm going to get some fabric from Walmart and that'll be my weekly project, too.


Sometime last year I put a reminder on my phone's calendar to start making Christmas presents around this time this year.  Yeah, I should have known -- life is getting REALLY busy yet again.  Plus it's just too danged hot to think of winter.

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So I get home for lunch and find that dh had organized the troops for a housecleaning detail.  The kids were madder than wet hens but somehow I can't bring myself to feel too sorry for them. 






Hooray for Jean's DH!






Bwa.  Ha.  Ha.   :biggrinjester:

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Back from The Walmart. Spent a small fortune. Gave my BFF an heart attack. I accidentally called her. I never call her. She never calls me. Unless it's an absolute emergency or someone died. We hate talking on the phone, so we always text. But I accidentally called her. And so she called me back in a panic. I felt horrible. So, now, I have to put all this carp away!


But, like my Coffee Sister, Susan.... I must have a cuppa!


I was good and bought carefully at the grocery store today.  Of course, I needed some quick-grab protein snacks, and a couple I checked out looked interesting -- Protein Coffee.  I bought single-serve packets in 2 different flavors (iced coffee and mocha iced coffee).  I had the mocha one for part of my afternoon snack.  It was yummy!

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The Point is an animated movie narrated by Ringo Starr and produced by Harry Nillson. I like the movie. DH compares it to a train wreck--it's just so awful you can't stop watching. :laugh:


ETA: And everyone should see it once so they know why I really want a T-shirt with "The Rock Man" on it!

Edited by Critterfixer
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I worked, and I have authed. I just validated my Camp NaNo project at 67,756 words! But I left my protagonist lying unconscious, face down in a field. He will not be happy with me tomorrow morning.



DH says it sounds like his own fault, he shouldn't have gotten himself into that mess in the first place.  It's the character's own doing when they get into messes.  It's the author's job to figure out how to get them out.



Kinda sounds like raising a teen, huh?



Oh, and GOOD JOB!!!!

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We are watching "The Yellow Submarine". 😳 Dd13's comment - it wouldn't be so boring if they'd have come up with some kind of plot. :D



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


DH agrees!

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DH says it sounds like his own fault, he shouldn't have gotten himself into that mess in the first place.  It's the character's own doing when they get into messes.  It's the author's job to figure out how to get them out.


He didn't quite plan to end up on his face in a field, but yes, he started it! He excels at making messes and then making more messes as he tries to clean up the ones he made in the first place. He's a joy to write for because he's just so good at causing trouble wherever he goes.

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I've said I'm starting fall term on August 29th. That had better make it true. 

So far, I have received my Periodic Table of the Elements, and the shower curtain (for boys) that I'm secretly thinking of purloining for my bathroom. :laugh:


Yesterday I got a couple of things ordered.  Today I have a bunch of stuff in my Amazon cart.  I'm waiting until tomorrow to review the contents again before I check out.

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Okay--so, have you seen The Point?  :lol:  

It's one of my favorite movies, and DH saw it and said the above. I'm not sure what the guy was on when he animated it, but it was some colorful stuff, let me tell you!


ETA: It's a movies that make you go  :confused1:  Booyah!



Sounds pointless.   :w00t:   Wakawakawaka!

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He didn't quite plan to end up on his face in a field, but yes, he started it! He excels at making messes and then making more messes as he tries to clean up the ones he made in the first place. He's a joy to write for because he's just so good at causing trouble wherever he goes.



Sounds like a real peach of a character!

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Plus it's just too danged hot to think of winter.

Well, besides the fact that school and Awana and soccer are all starting in August and I won't have to make them, I want to do it now and play Christmas music and somehow convince myself it's not 100-freakin'- 10 degrees outside.
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School starts for us Monday.  I think I have everything ready to go.  I picked up my library hold books, have the planners filled out, and everything sorted.  I'm skeered.


I took dh to Target with me after the movie, and we almost came home with a new tv. I remember now why we don't go to Target together. :)

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School starts for us Monday. I think I have everything ready to go. I picked up my library hold books, have the planners filled out, and everything sorted. I'm skeered.


I took dh to Target with me after the movie, and we almost came home with a new tv. I remember now why we don't go to Target together. :)

Our first day of school is usually awesome. 2nd day not so much. :D


I think I may stock up on chocolates for the 2nd day demise.

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I've said I'm starting fall term on August 29th. That had better make it true. 

So far, I have received my Periodic Table of the Elements, and the shower curtain (for boys) that I'm secretly thinking of purloining for my bathroom. :laugh:


I told dd16 about the shower curtain, and now she wants one.  :glare:

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I'm not sure when our school is starting. My parents supposed to be coming early next week, so it won't be then. I may be recovering from the visit the following week, nah. But, I do need to get things prepared. So I may be starting school with Gymnast around the same time the district is. Kindergarteners start two days after the older kids. It'll be the 19th this year. Dd16 supposed to still be working on finishing last year. When she's done, she's done, and will move on to the next thing. Her baking classes at the college start on August 22nd.

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After 16 years of faithful service, my beloved copy of Phonics Pathways, 8th edition, is ready to retire.


I think I have the 1st or 2nd version that I started out with when dd16 was little. I'm pretty sure it's still around here somewhere because I used it often when I tutored too. I kept thinking that I'd upgrade, but then would ask myself, "why?" Now, I hope to use some of it with Gymnast. :D

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I've said I'm starting fall term on August 29th. That had better make it true. 

So far, I have received my Periodic Table of the Elements, and the shower curtain (for boys) that I'm secretly thinking of purloining for my bathroom. :laugh:


I just re-did DD's bathroom while she was at camp.  The Periodic Table shower curtain was the highlight!

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I had a list of things to do today that I just didn't do. I had the time to do them at least in part.  Instead, I did nothing for large swatches of time.  I can't pretend that I just needed the time off because I felt kind of yucky being so lazy.  I would have felt better physically  being more active.  So now I'm sort of mad at myself.  But not enough to turn things around at 9:35 at night. 

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I told dd16 about the shower curtain, and now she wants one.  :glare:


I've considered getting one to put in the kids' bathroom, too, back when I thought they would both end up studying Chemistry at the same time.  There's a very nice kinda Arts-&-Crafts-y stained glass shower curtain in there now that I really quite like, and the kids are splitting on science this year, so I guess I'll stick to smaller periodic tables.


It would have been totally cool, though.

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I'm not sure when our school is starting. My parents supposed to be coming early next week, so it won't be then. I may be recovering from the visit the following week, nah. But, I do need to get things prepared. So I may be starting school with Gymnast around the same time the district is. Kindergarteners start two days after the older kids. It'll be the 19th this year. Dd16 supposed to still be working on finishing last year. When she's done, she's done, and will move on to the next thing. Her baking classes at the college start on August 22nd.


I'll start sometime after I get in all of the curricula and books/materials and get the lessons planned out.If I'm ready by the time the cousins start in public school then we will start then, but if I'm not ready yet it might be after Labor Day.  I kinda like the after-Labor-Day timing, just because it's after the next 3 birthdays (my BFF's, mine, and younger BIL's).


I do need to schedule in enough breaks.  Between people getting sick and lots of stuff piling up on us the end of this past school year kind of fizzled/burned out.


Field trips, unfortunately, will likely be on weekends and school break days because I now have us scheduled for something every weekday.  Silly Mother.

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Dd is doing a soap carving. 


DD12 asked for and received bars of soap and some carving supplies for her birthday.  


There are rather inexpensive armored gloves, designed for kitchen use, available on Amazon now.  A couple years back I picked some up in small and medium sizes for the girls to wear when they start working with sharp knives.  These gloves are knit with Kevlar and completely washable.  They work great protecting against slashes and press-cuts, though the knit can allow some small puncture wounds to occur.  DD12 has co-opted one of these gloves for her soap carving now.  She says the knit also helps her grip the soap more securely, too.


Some of her carving tools are rather thin and pointy, so I might look around for a flexible but tough bit of leather for her toolkit, too.

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It's 2:30am. Do you know where my sleep is??


It must have come over here -- my early-riser is STILL sound asleep.


I sense yet another growth spurt arriving....

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Good Morning!




DS1 leaves for camp today after church.


Dh is going to Costco to get a mattress for dd's new bed. She's almost 6 and we're finally getting her out of the toddler bed. She's not happy about the whole thing. I let her pick out new sheets and everything, but... she wants her old bed. Oh well, change is difficult.


I have a bouquet of dead sunflowers on the table. I had these huge sunflower plants growing randomly in the garden. Finally I had DS yank them out yesterday. Or should I say, chop them down. They were just out of control and seriously harassing the tomatoes. But, no more sunflower bouquets.

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I was good and bought carefully at the grocery store today. Of course, I needed some quick-grab protein snacks, and a couple I checked out looked interesting -- Protein Coffee. I bought single-serve packets in 2 different flavors (iced coffee and mocha iced coffee). I had the mocha one for part of my afternoon snack. It was yummy!

That sounds interesting. I may have to check it out.
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I love sunflowers.


ETA: In fact, I'd love some today. I think I'll ask DH to pick me up armfuls at the store and pretend it was his idea to celebrate my camp win. I've got a good imagination and can make that work. :laugh:

Edited by Critterfixer
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I love sunflowers.


ETA: In fact, I'd love some today. I think I'll ask DH to pick me up armfuls at the store and pretend it was his idea to celebrate my camp win. I've got a good imagination and can make that work. :laugh:

I do, too. I had some regular yellow ones, but my favorite have the brown center and then the petals are brown coming out of the center and only yellow on the outer half inch. They are gorgeous!
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That sounds interesting. I may have to check it out.


The first one I mixed with water and it tasted alright.  The second one I mixed up this morning with unsweetened almond milk, and that tasted even better to me.  I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar, so if you like less creamy coffee I recommend mixing with water.

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