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  • Susan in TN


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  • KrissiK




Hmm, yeah.  You don't think she's trying to spawn a subthread in ITT, do you?  After all, isn't that how this thread got started?  Hmm?



Woohoo!  A Suspicious Minds booyah!


We can't go on together

with suspicious lines

there's no need to start a new thread

'cuz this one's stil fi-i-i-ne...

Edited by AMJ
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Lol. I was going to say that I wouldn't pay for new IEW, but I forgot people could upgrade for $30, and I haven't even seen the revision, lol. So I have no business commenting. :-)


Yeah, sure, right, m-hm, ....

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I drove an hour and 40 minutes to get ds from writing camp to basketball and I'm hungry. And there's no one to hang out with because it's all Dads at the game.


I want a cheeseburger. Now.

Then leave and go get one. Can we do that? Is that a thing? I guess if he's old enough. Is he old enough? If not then go anyway.
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Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut them in half. Grease an 11 by 17-inch baking sheet with olive oil. Place them in a bowl and add dried herbs, salt and pepper. Toss well. Spread the vegetables evenly on the sheet. Place on middle rack in oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes.


Leftovers microwave well.

What kind of herbs would you use?

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Get one now and then just get ice cream later.


Or get ice cream now and get burgers with him afterwards.  He'll be hungry and in need of protein as well as carbs.

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I've ordered in Argument Builder and MCTLA Level 4 (the Lit-focused level) with MCT's Time "trilogy" (set of 3 selected novels).


Ikslo, I asked my girls which they'd like, a lit-focused level before continuing on or continue on now and do the lit-focused level later.  They opted for Lit-focused now (wanted a bit of a change), and I decided that we can handle any further instruction needed on writing papers as it comes up this year.  We will continue on with Level 5, the first level with The Word Within the Word, next year.  I did warn them there would be a LOT more reading, and it will be a lot more challenging than what they are accustomed to so far.


DD12 (7th grade) will be continuing her Texas History studies.  DD15 (9th grade) will study U.S. History Since 1877 -- down here the public schools cover this in 11th grade, but the typical 9th & 10th grade subjects, World History and World Geography, she had just studied in 7th & 8th grades.  We can return to those topics in later grades, after this plan for 9th and U.S. Government/Economics for 10th.


I have (re)sent (after messing up the email address the first time) an email to some local music teachers asking about availability for group voice lessons for DD15 and group piano lessons for DD12.


I have yet to order Biology book(s)/curr for DD15.  DD12 has decided she'd like to study Chemistry in the fall and Rocks in the spring.  I'll be looking into books/curr for these, too.


I'm planning on signing up DD15 with Derek Owens for Algebra I.  I need to test DD12 to check on where she's at math-wise, but I think I'll likely enroll her in Derek Owens for pre-algebra.  She already finished Khan Academy's pre-algebra levels, but I'd like something else for thoroughness/completeness check before I take her further in math.  If it's just too easy for her I can move her up to Algebra I.



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Must get my own dinner.  I have declared tonight "forage in the fridge" night.  Everyone gets their own supper, eating up leftovers or whatever else they find.

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I am almost ready for the first day of school. At least ready enough to start. After a trip to the library.


Our elderly neighbor, Bob, came over today and offered to drive dd18 and dd13 a few blocks away to look at a bike that was being thrown out (he'd seen it on his morning walk and saw that we had no vehicle for the day.) I was waiting for the plumber, so they went and came back a few minutes later with a nice Huffy for dd13. Just needs new tires. :)

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Susan, what did you do?


Lynn, yes.

I used your oven recipe and cooked them a little too long because dh was late and I forgot about them. They were still pretty good, if not a little toasty. I like toasty, myself. I used rosemary and a bit of Italian herb mix because I couldn't find any individual oregano or basil. Very tasty. Edited by Susan in TN
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We got sucked into Mighty Med, a Disney Channel show on Netflix.  It's a slow-motion train wreck sort of show -- not too well done, painful to watch, you can see everything coming, but you just can't look away....

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Can I tell you how really super nice it is to have a dishwasher that my dishes will actually fit in, but also can fit an entire day's worth of dishes, bowls, utensils, tupperware, coffee mugs, misc. items, and a couple pots and pans as well. I only have to run it once a day and do a few dishes by hand as needed.

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Well, I got a little bit of school stuff planned. And grocery shopping done. And took my car through the carwash to get the salt and stuff off. Drinking my third quart of water, and getting pretty sleepy. I'm still debating whether to hit the purchase button on my christianbook order, since today is free shipping, or wait.


If the free shipping expires after today and you can afford the order today then go ahead and order.   :)

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Home from work. Old cat has another one of her weird ulcers. Her eye specialist will see her again next week, and medications have been started. Again. Le sigh. (She's quite happy--eye is open and she's swatting at my feet for taking her to work with me, because she didn't get her usual late morning nap on her quilt and her multiple small meals a day served on her...my..fine china.)


I am tired, and my lower back hurts, but at least my head isn't throbbing.

And DH warmed up food for my supper. :001_wub:

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"Daddy, would you help me open this?"  DD12 brings him a new bottle of Splash juice.

"Okay, give it here."  He whips out his overly large pocket knife.




Julia Child isn't the only one to ever wield a Fright Knife.

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I think Ellie and I are the only ones not homeschooling anymore here on this thread.   I went to the library today and donated 4 grocery bags filled with Teaching Company video tapes.  They were grateful to receive them.  I checked out five mysteries to read.  Then youngest dd and I went to an outdoor mall.  It is a nice mall but much nicer in other seasons of the year- it was hot.  We looked for her shoes (didn't find), had ice cream, bought dd a great dress at a Retrofit store, then bought me an extra battery for my cell phone, a drinking container for dd, and socks for both dds and myself at Belks.  Then we went to Barnes and Noble and each of us picked out a book.  I got another mystery- this one has a young USAF wife as the protagonist.  I am not young anymore and my dh is now retired from the USAF, but I thought it would be an interesting story that I could maybe relate to a bit.

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I did Apologia Biology with ds. I will be looking for something else - anything else - to do with dd. I didn't disagree with anything. I just found it Biology Lite.

I'd love to know what you decide when you get there. I'm not very familiar with high school curriculum.
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Okay, thanks for Biology suggestions.


Any ideas for 7th grade Chemistry for a half year?

Ellen McHenrey can be done in a semester. I like her stuff. So could Christian Kids Explore if you do it 4 days a week. Chemistry 101 probably could be to.


Apologia was a joke, this isn't. I've either fingered through or own these, but haven't used them. Why a semester?

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Ellen McHenrey can be done in a semester. I like her stuff. So could Christian Kids Explore if you do it 4 days a week. Chemistry 101 probably could be to.


Apologia was a joke, this isn't. I've either fingered through or own these, but haven't used them. Why a semester?


I gave DD12 the choice of what science she'll do for 7th grade, and she decided she'd like one semester of chemistry and one semester of rocks.  I can work with that.

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Today is our Day of Family Fun in which we go for a walk in a park, go bowling, have a picnic, and go swimming at the county pool to celebrate 2 dds' birthdays. It was requsted by dd(turns 10 on Monday) to have a day of family fun for her birthday.


I need to have some coffee, finish frosting the cake, and get the picnic together.

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Good Morning.


Dd16 is taking her driving test today at 1 p.m. She is excited, but worried she won't pass. I think she will do fine, but then again, she doesn't have as much driving experience as I would have liked.


Susan, I love the Day of Family Fun idea. We may have to do this. I hope y'all have a great day with perfect weather.

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