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  • KrissiK


Good Morning.


I have to go to ALL the places this morning: bank, library, courthouse, post office, drug store and grocery store.


I almost have my bookshelves organized as well as I can right now. In a perfect world they would be organized by genre and alphabetical order, but I will settle for good enough. At least I have our second grade books out (not all, but I know where they are located), and I am getting closer to planning (not really, but I know which books I want to use) morning time. (See how I done that, at least I'm honest here, if not to myself :D)


Well, it is time to get the day started, and get the running done so I can get back.


I hope y'all have a wonderful day.

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Good Morning!!


I woke up rested!!


My house is getting more and more organized.  I've been killing the wee hours of the morning on Youtube.  Lots of great cleaning tips on there.  And I have so many helpers!  Ds15 said that he liked last week better when I was watching gymnastics.  ;)

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Dd, aka Events Planner and Executer and Energizer Bunny, is just too high maintenance for me. 


Send her over here.  Extended family (recently moved away) will be in town this weekend to celebrate DDalmost15's birthday.  DSIL is great at planning parties.  I'm not; I'm clueless.  DD wants low key, low fuss.  I don't know how to satisfy all of the expectations.  My default is DD's stated preference this year -- low fuss.

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I refilled the pockets with some decadent dark cruelty-free & child labour-free chocolate. You have a choice of plain or with whole hazelnuts.  Also shoved a romance novel in the pocket - but a sweet one, not too raunchy.... 


(the cranky pants now come in comfort waist pants, comfort waist pants with cargo pockets, and overalls with pockets too numerous to count) 


Sweet!  I need the comfort waist with lots of pockets, please.  Size I'm-working-on-it-doctor....

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My bad joke of the day:

The geometry text instructs me to reproduce a polygon. I say I can't, on account of not being a frog. Crickets, I tell you. My kids are no fun at all.


I MUST remember to tell this one to eldest DD when she gets out of the shower!  :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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That's one of the items I've been peeking at, since I don't wear things on my wrist.  Know of anyone who has/had it and their opinions/experiences?

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I like my Fitbit zip.  Very easy.  Syncs with my phone if I want it to. 


Peeking at that one, too.  Have you had any problems with it slipping out of its holder?

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Not really, plus she was just not eating.

We're going gluten free again to see if maybe that's the culprit.

She is finally looser with the Miralax, but she still can't always tell when she has to go.


We had an X-ray back in June and she was very backed up. So, we did the Miralax and got her cleaned out. Keeping her on it a bit more because it keeps her from being pellet-y.

That's mainly why I want her on the Plexus. With the probiotic and the drink, it should keep her normal without having the Miralax.


She got frustrated yesterday when she pooped in her panties. I said, Riv, you have to poop in the potty.

She got upset and said, But I don't know HOW. I never learned and I just don't know!

She was pretty sad about it.


It's frustrating - Not the fact that's she's not trained (though that is a bit frustrating), but not having a cure-all and definitive plan to fix this.



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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


She'll need someone with a LOT of patience and calmness (daycare-wise) for a while, I think.  One of mine had constipation issues when she was younger, though not as bad as you are describing.  Still, she had accidents, mostly because once it moved it came too quickly and she couldn't (or wasn't allowed to) get to the toilet in time.  It really matters what kind of caregiver/teacher she has as she battles with this.  Some we dealt with were unhelpful and insisted (despite our doctor's note) that she did it on purpose and punished her (and blamed and scolded her in front of the other kids, which encouraged mean teasing).  Others were kind, understanding, and helpful.  It will take a lot of hunting to find a place that will work with her issues, but so worth the hunt.


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Gather ye around to hear my tale of woe.  This week Dd the Insatiable is at day camp.  My plan was to do a marathon blitz on my camp lesson plans.  It is Wednesday.  I haven't touched them.  But I have been non-stop busy.  I have touched nary a bon-bon. 


Monday - a day of collapse from exhaustion.  I slept/sat in a stupor all day.  Couldn't be helped.  The old body pooped out on me.


Tuesday - spent all day going through all the paper on our dining room table (there was a lot). 


Wednesday - spent all day dealing with bills and I still haven't even gotten to the medical bills.   Oh and ironing out business glitches over the phone.


I can see me being insanely busy all week and never getting to writing my lessons. 


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   with lots of chocolate.  You need the chocolate to boost the proper endorphins in the brain so you can maintain at least a semblance of functionality.  Trust me on this -- I'm not a doctor, but I've read spurious "studies" online that support the life-saving benefits of good chocolate and it matches what I think, so I must be right.


But it must be good quality chocolate, not overly waxy.  Wax isn't therapeutic unless melted to soak a sore hand or elbow.

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Who needs an oven when you have an Instant Pot? I'm going to see if I can make quark on the yogurt setting.


Quark?  You have learned to resurrect defunct Star Trek characters in an Instant Pot?  Will their uses never cease?

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:laugh: I just hope he stays on for the rest of the book. He's a complicated kind of guy, much more difficult to deal with than the protagonist. I call him my diva character. Got to keep him happy.

I am now over 31,000 words for the second draft. Going a lot faster than I expected, but still there is a long way to go.


Go, Critterfixer, go!


(I caught my misspellings and fixed them before posting.  It was almost "Goo, Critterfixer, goo!")

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Dh found out today that his (83yo) dad has such trouble with his knees because he needs his hips relaced. Ugh. They are still struggling to pay for MIL's hip replacements and therapy co-pays.



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   (supportive, gentle-on-the-knees hugs)

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Krissi is VBSing too!!! 


I'm in the trenches with you.  (Well, not really.  I have a slacker easy job this year.  But still.  I am whipped.)


The kids draw the energy out of you so they can last throughout the day.  Honest, I've seen both parents and kids napping in the car before going home after a full day of camp.

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I finally got around to google the name given to my kitty's eye issue. I now don't feel so bad. Totally not in my books, and some things that baffled me with her keratitis kind of make sense now. Leave it to me to have a zebra when it should have been horses.

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Good morning!


Slash, what about something like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V39Q1K0?psc=1 The bands are different weights.


I was talking to dh last night while we went walking in the river. I was telling  him about all my entrepreneurial activities while I was young. And, I had an epiphany. I last longer at jobs I'm doing myself. Even when I worked for different  companies tutoring, I set my own schedule, and did it for 7 years. When I work for other people, I don't last as long. I told him I'm going to stop looking for a job (part or full), and just concentrate on building my own businesses. It seems to have more stability (for me), although in the beginning it's kind of scary. 

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Good Morning!!


I woke up rested!!


My house is getting more and more organized.  I've been killing the wee hours of the morning on Youtube.  Lots of great cleaning tips on there.  And I have so many helpers!  Ds15 said that he liked last week better when I was watching gymnastics.   ;)


Care to share any links to videos?  I have a couple of video-addicted helpers who need further training....  :D

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I MUST remember to tell this one to eldest DD when she gets out of the shower!  :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


She almost spit out her breakfast when I told it to her.  Youngest DD just looked at me with a smirk on her face.  "Yeah, Mom, I get it."

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Good morning!


Slash, what about something like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V39Q1K0?psc=1 The bands are different weights.


I was talking to dh last night while we went walking in the river. I was telling  him about all my entrepreneurial activities while I was young. And, I had an epiphany. I last longer at jobs I'm doing myself. Even when I worked for different  companies tutoring, I set my own schedule, and did it for 7 years. When I work for other people, I don't last as long. I told him I'm going to stop looking for a job (part or full), and just concentrate on building my own businesses. It seems to have more stability (for me), although in the beginning it's kind of scary. 


See, I knew we were twinsies. 

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Good morning!


Slash, what about something like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V39Q1K0?psc=1 The bands are different weights.


I was talking to dh last night while we went walking in the river. I was telling him about all my entrepreneurial activities while I was young. And, I had an epiphany. I last longer at jobs I'm doing myself. Even when I worked for different companies tutoring, I set my own schedule, and did it for 7 years. When I work for other people, I don't last as long. I told him I'm going to stop looking for a job (part or full), and just concentrate on building my own businesses. It seems to have more stability (for me), although in the beginning it's kind of scary.


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Okay, I ordered a Jawbone UPmove from Amazon because it was inexpensive.  I also ordered in a wrist strap, and eyeballed (but saved for later) the pendant holder (wear it like a necklace).  I'll give this thing a try when it comes in and see how it works for me.

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Re: the cleaning videos


I'm not going to do everything that she does in the videos.  Her life -- with 2 teenagers who spend most of their day in school -- is very different from mine.  But I learn by watching someone else and then implementing it a way that makes sense to me.  So the videos have been very helpful.


There is no way we could get by with only running the dishwasher once a day, but some of the stuff is very do-able.

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Quark? You have learned to resurrect defunct Star Trek characters in an Instant Pot? Will their uses never cease?

On second thought, he would take one look at my house and have a never ending string of complaints against my complete lack of financial and entrepreneurial savvy. Might be better to stick with ricotta. :D

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Re: the cleaning videos


I'm not going to do everything that she does in the videos. Her life -- with 2 teenagers who spend most of their day in school -- is very different from mine. But I learn by watching someone else and then implementing it a way that makes sense to me. So the videos have been very helpful.


There is no way we could get by with only running the dishwasher once a day, but some of the stuff is very do-able.

I don't know about you, but I am cleaning all. day. long. whether I am "cleaning" or not. And by the end of the day I am soooooooo tired of cleaning. But a couple of routines might be helpful. I will check out her videos.


I think also the house is much messier during the summer because there is less structure to the day and much more free playing time, and the kids are in and out of the house all day long dragging in piles of dust and dirt and leaves and sticks and "treasures". :)

Edited by Susan in TN
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These are my favorites so far:








Very FlyLady, but a bit more approachable for the younger set, I suspect.  I am amused by her sometimes abrupt transitions -- it looked like she put her pesto on the top shelf of the pantry, and the carafe to her blender in the clothes dryer.  Pretty good routines, though, and 6 months after moving into that house the grout in that white kitchen is still spotless!

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That's one of the items I've been peeking at, since I don't wear things on my wrist. Know of anyone who has/had it and their opinions/experiences?

Nope. I just love the app. Jean has the Fitbit clip on and likes it, but I don't know anything about the Fitbit and I don't think she knows anything about the Jawbone so we can't compare.
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Re: the cleaning videos


I'm not going to do everything that she does in the videos.  Her life -- with 2 teenagers who spend most of their day in school -- is very different from mine.  But I learn by watching someone else and then implementing it a way that makes sense to me.  So the videos have been very helpful.


There is no way we could get by with only running the dishwasher once a day, but some of the stuff is very do-able.


Yes, my niece was surprised to find we actually had dirty dishes sitting in our dishwasher waiting for the machine to fill before being run (gasp!).  In her family of 8 they run the washer after every meal and still have a few things to hand-wash after supper.  Here we run it once or twice a day, depending on dish accumulation.

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I don't know about you, but I am cleaning all. day. long. whether I am "cleaning" or not. And by the end of the day I am soooooooo tired of cleaning. But a couple of routines might be helpful. I will check out her videos.


I think also the house is much messier during the summer because there is less structure to the day and much more free playing time, and the kids are in and out of the house all day long dragging in piles of dust and dirt and leaves and sticks and "treasures". :)


Oh, absolutely.  At least the pool is at my ILs' house, though I do spend a lot of my time there mopping up after fast-moving wet kids.  For some reason only my own kids will listen to me about the importance of grabbing a towel BEFORE you get all wet, and doing your dripping/drying off on the deck outside instead in the main traffic zones on the tile. 

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Good morning!


Slash, what about something like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V39Q1K0?psc=1 The bands are different weights.


I was talking to dh last night while we went walking in the river. I was telling him about all my entrepreneurial activities while I was young. And, I had an epiphany. I last longer at jobs I'm doing myself. Even when I worked for different companies tutoring, I set my own schedule, and did it for 7 years. When I work for other people, I don't last as long. I told him I'm going to stop looking for a job (part or full), and just concentrate on building my own businesses. It seems to have more stability (for me), although in the beginning it's kind of scary.

I have a set. One level is harder than the next but the 25 pound one is not equivalent to 25 pounds. We used them until we got our tax return and then bought one with plates so you can change the weight. Someday we'll get a nice $1,000 5-50 pound set. I regret not getting a power block instead of the one with plates.
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My bad joke of the day:

The geometry text instructs me to reproduce a polygon. I say I can't, on account of not being a frog. Crickets, I tell you. My kids are no fun at all.


Why do  I not get this??? 


Someone take pity and spell it out in little bitty words. 

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Awwww, I miss our cat. She was a black dsh & she liked belly rubs (you know the cat definition of like - for exactly 1.5 seconds on one day and 3.3 seconds on another day & a duration in between on other days - based on some ancient Egyptian calendar that we're too stupid to understand) 

We've been catless for 1.5  yr and still not sure about re-acquiring. At least 2 of us are allergic, you see...  Otoh, everyone here has hayfever and allergies to dust etc so we're all kleenex toting nose wipers & making the makers of antihistamines wealthy...so what's one more allergen??? 

Times like this though, I really want a cat. 


This embarrassing moment brought to you by Neko




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Tadpoles are also called polywogs.  So it's a word association pun/joke. 


Ah this explains it. I've managed to live in an English speaking country for almost 40 years and never heard the word polywog. Tadpole is the only word I know. Yay, I learned a new word!



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I'm back from going to all the places, and each place I went to was a hassle.


Bank: 25 minutes to order checks for the cemetery and make a withdrawal.


Post office: had to walk past the motion sensor 3 times before anyone came to the front.


Courthouse: New girl didn't know how to fill out the paper I needed. Finally got it done, and then she sent me to the assessors office with said paper when she should've done it herself.


Drug store: didn't have all the refills ready after calling them in yesterday, and they sent me a text saying they were ready. So I had to leave and go back.


Grocery: the register wouldn't take my $10 coupon off a $100 purchase without an override.


Library: book donation. Wasn't too bad, but the door weighs about 50 lbs, and is hard to open and impossible to open carrying boxes and bags of books.


But it is done. I will happily not leave the house for the rest of the week if I can get away with it.


Susan, how is your dd? I hope she is feeling better.


Hornblower, did you manage to get Lily (I hope that's her name) groomed?

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I got up at 530, read a bit (picked up the first Harry Bosch), did yoga, gave dd a lift, came home, gave dh a lift, and then I crawled back into bed, read a bit more and fell back asleep.  That was lovely.

I feel like a completely different person when I'm well rested. 

YAY, second sleep, good books & well rested BOOYAH! 

Edited by hornblower
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