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Just now, Junie said:

I think that maybe you should ask her what her specific concerns are and then counter them with what you know to be true.

That would be nicer. I'll try to remember to use that script when it comes up again. 

Although, I'm not sure I want to open up a conversation where she gets to criticize the kids and my parenting...?‍♀️

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7 minutes ago, Paige said:

That would be nicer. I'll try to remember to use that script when it comes up again. 

Although, I'm not sure I want to open up a conversation where she gets to criticize the kids and my parenting...?‍♀️

No. Don't be nice.

"Of course he's going to live on his own. He was raised brilliantly, despite his mother's upbringing. He will thrive and be happy. Maybe you should try it."

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10 minutes ago, Paige said:

That would be nicer. I'll try to remember to use that script when it comes up again. 

Although, I'm not sure I want to open up a conversation where she gets to criticize the kids and my parenting...?‍♀️

I'm sorry.

Two of my girls were diagnosed with a birth defect.  The benefit is, though, that I have the same birth defect but was not diagnosed until I was an adult.  My mom was already able to see how I worked through the difficulties and has no doubt that my daughters will be able to do the same.

My mom is difficult about some things, but she thinks I am an awesome mom.  I'm sorry that not everyone has their mom as a (too peppy, sometimes obnoxious) cheerleader.

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18 minutes ago, Paige said:

I should probably just tell this person that I find it insulting. It's my mom....she will probably be upset if I say something but at least I won't have to hear it all the time anymore. 

The ENB has an arsenal of weapons to use against idiocy of all kinds.  It's one of our favorite hobbies.

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19 minutes ago, Paige said:

I should probably just tell this person that I find it insulting. It's my mom....she will probably be upset if I say something but at least I won't have to hear it all the time anymore. 

Having a grandparent ask that once would not bother me because I would think that the question came from a place of love and concern for the grandchild. Repeatedly asking would annoy me no end. 

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5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I agree, Susan. You need to ditch and put on some comfy lounge-wear and snuggle up under a soft throw. You don’t need to be at no dress rehearsal!!

I should have followed your advice.  Rehearsal was, uh, not good.  I kept missing page turns or at least going too slow, so my stand partner couldn't keep on track with the music.  The back of the violin section seemed to be playing everything twice as fast as everyone else.  I swallowed wrong and had a coughing fit and had to leave the room for a few minutes.  I came in a measure early and played my screeching high notes out of tune.  I made a dramatic crescendo when it was supposed to get dramatically quieter and the conductor made us play it all over again.

 Imma go to bed.  Tomorrow is another day.  :smile:

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5 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I still feel like poop ?. But I guess that this really helps me to see that I cannot have gluten. Though my slip-up was because someone told me that something was gluten free when it wasn’t, so it wasn’t directly my mistake. 

This always pisses me off. Like, seriously? I could have had a pizza and cake and it would have been *so* much better.

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Oh boy. I am sicker than a dog. Now that I have been Celiac level gluten free for well over a year, my reaction has been much stronger than it ever was in the past.  But slower in ramping up than I expected. (I was fine for about four hours after eating and then wham. ). Good thing that dd is gone all day today for job training because I haven’t gotten much sleep and when I did sleep, I dreamt about being as sick as a dog. 

Junie- how do you heal an inflamed stomach?

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Good Morning!!!



We’re taking the day off of school today. DS1 doesn’t have school and I have a lot to do to get ready for Thanksgiving for next week. I’ve gotta bake bread, make pie crusts and get them in the freezer, have the kids start doing some deep cleaning....

So, I gained another 2.5 lbs. this last week. That’s 5 lbs. in two weeks. And no, it’s not a tumor, though that did cross my mind. It’s fat. My clothes are tight and I can feel and see the fat around my middle that wasn’t there before. I don’t feel like i’ve Been eating more or differently. I’ve even cut out desserts. Can stress make a person fat?? Things with DS1 have been so bad, I wonder if my body has just gone bonkers.

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Morning. Goodness. Been so busy with writing yesterday that I didn't check in and missed a lot! November NaNo eats up my time. But I am at 40K and should get 50 by Thursday. 

Jean, I do Benedryl and Vit C, and Junie's liquid, bland diet. But I don't know if you could have those meds with your others.

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Good morning! Mama tired.

(((Jean))) I am so sorry.

2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

So, I gained another 2.5 lbs. this last week. That’s 5 lbs. in two weeks. And no, it’s not a tumor, though that did cross my mind. It’s fat. My clothes are tight and I can feel and see the fat around my middle that wasn’t there before. I don’t feel like i’ve Been eating more or differently. I’ve even cut out desserts. Can stress make a person fat?? Things with DS1 have been so bad, I wonder if my body has just gone bonkers.

First of all, I do not believe that it's not water. Stress affects your hormones and you could be bloated in response to your stress.

Yes, stress absolutely can make you fat. One way to combat that is to regularly do cardio because that is a healthy stress and your body will regulate your stress hormones better. Essentially what happens is something bad happens and you have a fight or flight response but you don't fight or fly. You hold on to that hormone that you have on hand to help you fight or fly but you aren't using it and it's knocking things out of whack. You need to use it. You need to sweat. As a side effect it will also make you feel less stressed because you're getting that hormone down.

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12 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Paige- are you still doing that “eat 16 things daily “ or whatever that was that you were doing?  

Eh...it’s hard. I have the things in the back of my mind all day and try to get as many in as I can but some things end up being skipped more often than they should because they take more effort. It’s good to have as a sensitizing concept when I’m planning meals and choosing snacks. 

Salads are time consuming so I don’t get my servings of greens that often and I cut back on the legumes because I was so full!

I always make sure I have at least 3 servings of fruit and 1 servings of nuts every day. That’s easy. I also almost always get my 3-4 veggies but I’ve reduced what I consider a serving size to be. I don’t think my serving should be the same size as a large man’s. I won’t stuff my face with salad and beans before bed anymore, but I’ll have an apple and berries if I realize I’m short fruit servings.

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18 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I made 4 pie crusts this morning and baked bread. I out the crusts unbaked into the freezer. That is the worst part of baking pies. The rest is easy as..... pie.?????

This is not how to lose 5 pounds.

17 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Well, no, it’s not 17 degrees. But it’s also not 80 degrees.

I would not climb a mountain in 80 degree weather!

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25 minutes ago, Junie said:

Do you think I could climb with my cane?

There actually is a mountain here you can climb. I don't remember which one. We didn't do it because it takes too long. Like 14-16 hours. The problem with mountain climbing is the scrambling. This one doesn't have that. Adams? Anyone know?

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10 minutes ago, Slache said:

There actually is a mountain here you can climb. I don't remember which one. We didn't do it because it takes too long. Like 14-16 hours. The problem with mountain climbing is the scrambling. This one doesn't have that. Adams? Anyone know?

Scrambling might be easier if it's done on all fours.  :)

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