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Writing funny today. My boys wrote letters to grandma yesterday. One boy was very straightforward--two sentences, done. That's his style. The other boy--almost exactly the same two sentences to start with, and then the letter becomes a narrative of his latest life, as if written from a ship, or the far corners of the globe.

"Mounted an expedition to the islands in the lake yesterday and explored the region. I constructed a sail from a tablecloth on a mast I built, but to my despair, the sail was not as easy to operate as hoped. I'm afraid it makes sailing more labor than leisure."



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   A budding adventure novelist and travel writer!!!!



Critter, I wish I had someone writing ME such letters!

Edited by AMJ
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In other news, the ladybugs are moving in. :glare: They do it every year. I suspect they are hibernating in the attic.



I guess you won't have to worry about aphids in the house!

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I did all the things (for today) plus a bit more, then sat at Aikido and wrote out another long list of stuff to do tomorrow.  I didn't get any writing done today, and figured I'd do a lot tomorrow.  Where did all of these things come from that suddenly must be done?!?  No fair!

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Ds31 is here for a couple of nights. After work, I stopped at the little bitty afsa for potatoes and coffee. Then we cooked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, corn, green beans, and pinto beans. Plus I made sweet tea, unsweetened tea, and lemonade, and cleaned off the kitchen table and some counters. Then I folded and put away 2 laundry loads. Now we have loaded and started the dishwasher and have popcorn and a movie going.


I'll need more notice next time!   :drool5:  :drool5:  :drool5:

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Ds31 is here for a couple of nights. After work, I stopped at the little bitty afsa for potatoes and coffee. Then we cooked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, corn, green beans, and pinto beans. Plus I made sweet tea, unsweetened tea, and lemonade, and cleaned off the kitchen table and some counters. Then I folded and put away 2 laundry loads. Now we have loaded and started the dishwasher and have popcorn and a movie going.

That’s a veritable feast!

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Krissi, how are you feeling? Hope you got some rest.


Yeah, I was in bed pretty much all day. Then I managed to get up and go out to dinner with my parents and everyone for DH's belated birthday. Mexican food. Yummy chile verde.  I'm thinking I may have a sinus infection! :cursing:

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Ds31 is here for a couple of nights. After work, I stopped at the little bitty afsa for potatoes and coffee. Then we cooked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, corn, green beans, and pinto beans. Plus I made sweet tea, unsweetened tea, and lemonade, and cleaned off the kitchen table and some counters. Then I folded and put away 2 laundry loads. Now we have loaded and started the dishwasher and have popcorn and a movie going.

Holy cow, Angi! You're making me tired just reading this!

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What was Beethoven thinking when he made the 2nd movement of his 6th Symphony like 3 hours long? After 1/3 of it my arm is ready to fall off and I'm ready to go home. But no. I have to stay and play the rest of it and then 3 movements afterwards. :svengo:

This is why I don't do things.
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I'll need more notice next time! :drool5: :drool5: :drool5:

Seriously! The Stealth 'Copter has to warm up a little and then fly to all corners of the country to pick people up!




This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you!


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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What was Beethoven thinking when he made the 2nd movement of his 6th Symphony like 3 hours long? After 1/3 of it my arm is ready to fall off and I'm ready to go home. But no. I have to stay and play the rest of it and then 3 movements afterwards. :svengo:



I LOVE Beethoven's 6th.  I don't remember the 2nd movement lasting so long.  I'll have to pay more attention next time I listen.  (It's in the car...)

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Thanks. I will definitely not put this on my audiobook queue, then. I wonder if there is a Cliff's Notes or Takeaways from...version out there?

I've taken notes and will share, but they're for me not you, so don't judge the book by my notes. Give me a few days. :)
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I did all the things (for today) plus a bit more, then sat at Aikido and wrote out another long list of stuff to do tomorrow.  I didn't get any writing done today, and figured I'd do a lot tomorrow.  Where did all of these things come from that suddenly must be done?!?  No fair!



Whine-po, dang it.


DH added another task to my list last night.   :(    He also wasn't that taken with any of the Stitch Fix items.  The price of the t-shirt has knocked it firmly off my acceptance list, but I'm still vacillating over that dress.  It's the old conundrum of why buy it if I never go anywhere where I'd wear it, and yet part of the reason I don't go to such events is I don't have anything to wear to them and can't find something quickly in the stores when an event crops up.  I may rebel and try it on again with certain smoothing undergarments, and then go shopping for appropriate shoes to wear with it.  Such shoes will be wearable with other outfits, so the need to buy shoes to go with it shouldn't be a reason not to get the dress.


I slept hard again and had trouble getting up and going this morning. 


I'm still grumpy at my cat, who decided to sit down in the path of my backing-up truck last night, then ran when I got out to yell at her.  She does this from time to time, and I grab her, take her to the back end of the truck, and scold her thoroughly about it.  She then behaves herself and stays out of the path of my truck for the next several months, until for some reason she decides to do it again.  She didn't let me catch her to scold her last night, so she's getting the Angry Mom treatment from me until we have this discussion.  And she knows darned well why.


DD16 has earned her way off of electronics grounding, however, and DH and she worked out a weekly plan for her Geometry.  She will work on the week's assigned lessons through the week and do the odd problems, checking with her Dad in the evenings if she needs anything.  Then Saturday mornings they will go over everything and she will do the even problems.  We will see how this works out.


To top it all off it's going to be a hot and humid day today.  Inside it is already muggy, and yet I don't want to turn the a/c on stronger because it's November, for pity's sake.


:willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:   I should probably eat breakfast.    :svengo:   And I just remembered I have to go back upstairs and get my meds for the day, that I failed to grab and bring down with me this morning.


Think of the stairs as exercise.  Think of the stairs as exercise.  Think of the stairs as exercise....



Okay, I think I'm done whining.  At least for now.

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Ds31 is here for a couple of nights. After work, I stopped at the little bitty afsa for potatoes and coffee. Then we cooked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, corn, green beans, and pinto beans. Plus I made sweet tea, unsweetened tea, and lemonade, and cleaned off the kitchen table and some counters. Then I folded and put away 2 laundry loads. Now we have loaded and started the dishwasher and have popcorn and a movie going.



Want to come over to my house and do it all again?  Pretty please?  

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