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I feel like my brain is a stack of note cards with bits of info on them that someone threw up into the air today and scattered across the house. There is so much that I need to remember and be on top of, and I just want to watch Netflix and drink hot cocoa because the work of remembering/doing is too much.

Not today obviously, but check out the app called Tic Tic.

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I have a planner and phone reminders, it's more because I'm sleep deprived, my children are howling disruptive banshees, and I have more on my plate than any three people should.


:grouphug: I swear half of all organization issues are caused by too much to do in too little time with too little to do it with.

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Imma not cleaning house. Nope. My back is hurting again after winterizing the chicken house, and I still have to go to the library. When I get back from fighting the number one reason I hate December (in town traffic) I will not want to pick up the toilet brush. I will pick up a toothbrush, brush my teeth, pull all the clean laundry over me as a blanket and go to sleep.

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Well, we schooled.Bible, spelling test, science and math. And then for Literature and History we watched "Little Women". I love that movie. The one with Susan Sarandon and Winona Rider. I started reading it to the kids the summer and we made it about half way. They were bored and so was I. I used to think I loved the book and then I realized I just skipped all the parts that bored me. The kids were kind of bored with the movie, but I told them if we turned it off they would have to do reading and history. So, they watched the whole thing.

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Math lab! :lol:


My seventh grade math teacher would have had so much fun with this.

I once discussed the pros and cons of living in a meth lab with a gentleman who called claiming that the U.S. "Ministry of Housing" was offering me a $9000 grant. After lengthy discussion, it was finally decided that I should keep the meth lab house because it brought in so much money that helped pay for my chronically ill gorilla's medical bills, but I would use the grant money to buy a nearby condo to live in. Much safer. :D

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We are back from the Old Lady Party. Apparently word got out that there would be music because it was packed to the gills and lots of folks came that I'd never seen before. The kids played their holiday music and Happy Birthday and a set of Christmas carols that we brought lyric sheets for. In very large print. :D I kicked the kids outside to play because it's nice weather and I would like to enjoy my afternoon coffee in peace.

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I once discussed the pros and cons of living in a meth lab with a gentleman who called claiming that the U.S. "Ministry of Housing" was offering me a $9000 grant. After lengthy discussion, it was finally decided that I should keep the meth lab house because it brought in so much money that helped pay for my chronically ill gorilla's medical bills, but I would use the grant money to buy a nearby condo to live in. Much safer. :D

Me: [she can't be serious. This can't be true. I could have sworn it was a tiger not a gorilla.]

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Are you stressed, AMJ, or sick?  Either of those bumps my glucose levels out of whack.  (I am hypo, not hyperglycemic.)



That might be the case.  I'm starting to feel a bit cruddy again this evening.

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My mother has huge issues with vitamin absorbsion. Her dietitian said not to drink caffeine within an hour of eating because caffeine causes food to be pushed through your body faster so only fast absorbing things (like sugar) are broken down in your system before the food is eliminated.



That would explain it, wouldn't it?

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I feel like my brain is a stack of note cards with bits of info on them that someone threw up into the air today and scattered across the house.  There is so much that I need to remember and be on top of, and I just want to watch Netflix and drink hot cocoa because the work of remembering/doing is too much.



Right there with ya.  I might go watch more of The Crown.  Or look for something light-hearted or brainless.

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Imma not cleaning house. Nope. My back is hurting again after winterizing the chicken house, and I still have to go to the library. When I get back from fighting the number one reason I hate December (in town traffic) I will not want to pick up the toilet brush. I will pick up a toothbrush, brush my teeth, pull all the clean laundry over me as a blanket and go to sleep.



Self-care must be one of your top priorities.  House care (assuming the roof and walls are all sound) must take a lower priority to self-care.

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We are back from the Old Lady Party. Apparently word got out that there would be music because it was packed to the gills and lots of folks came that I'd never seen before. The kids played their holiday music and Happy Birthday and a set of Christmas carols that we brought lyric sheets for. In very large print. :D I kicked the kids outside to play because it's nice weather and I would like to enjoy my afternoon coffee in peace.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   You all are wonderful!

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Our small dog has decided that under the tree is a perfect sleeping spot. She thinks we brought it in just for her.


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Obviously.  Just like we have been setting up are tree on the stairway landing (actually a small overlook beside the stairs, not the actual landing), which the cat declares is absolutely right and obviously for her.  


She is going to be soooo chapped when we set the tree up in a different location this weekend.

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Self-care must be one of your top priorities.  House care (assuming the roof and walls are all sound) must take a lower priority to self-care.


Yep. The bathroom isn't gross yet, and it can wait until tomorrow. The chicken house had to be done today because it's supposed to get really cold next week. This being the state of excessive heat, I really made sure that the house was easy to keep cool (lots of screen windows). In the winter I cover the biggest ones with double plastic to keep it a little warmer. So I took care of the birdies, then dosed myself well with ibuprofen, went to the library, came home and ate a nice little dinner, and now I'm writing before heading to my soft bed with my freshly cleaned sheets that smell good.  I try to always give myself some leeway on housekeeping. It's always going to get bumped in favor of little selfish me. :D

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We are having some stressed out pets since Bailey came into the mix.  She's a sweetheart but Rusty and Libby just can't see it yet.  Of course, in Rusty's case, that might because she bites at him first. 



There there, fluffies!  You will all get used to each other soon.

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Yep. The bathroom isn't gross yet, and it can wait until tomorrow. The chicken house had to be done today because it's supposed to get really cold next week. This being the state of excessive heat, I really made sure that the house was easy to keep cool (lots of screen windows). In the winter I cover the biggest ones with double plastic to keep it a little warmer. So I took care of the birdies, then dosed myself well with ibuprofen, went to the library, came home and ate a nice little dinner, and now I'm writing before heading to my soft bed with my freshly cleaned sheets that smell good.  I try to always give myself some leeway on housekeeping. It's always going to get bumped in favor of little selfish altruistic and overworked me. :D



Fixed that for ya.


I'm going to go order myself another Christmas present.  DH and I are each ordering in our own this year (he finally turned that habit around on me -- I have been conning him into ordering his own for years because technical stuff and he's particular).  I'm not spending as much on me as I gave him permission to spend on himself because if his present lives up to its promise I will get a lot of relieve from one cause of racket in the house.  That makes his big present a present for me, too.

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I thought of a book I wanted on watercolor techniques and hints. Then I thought to myself, I think I've got a gift card squirreled away from my birthday in July just for this. And it was just right! Almost the exact amount. Now I get to watch the mailbox. :001_smile:

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We are back from the Old Lady Party. Apparently word got out that there would be music because it was packed to the gills and lots of folks came that I'd never seen before. The kids played their holiday music and Happy Birthday and a set of Christmas carols that we brought lyric sheets for. In very large print. :D I kicked the kids outside to play because it's nice weather and I would like to enjoy my afternoon coffee in peace.

I love this! You guys are so awesome, Susan!
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I got the "something to read" part of Christmas shopping done. All series books for the kids. I'm sorry. I just can't hold up high standards anymore. I'll read aloud quality literature, but my kids just like to wallow in the muck with the Rainbow Fairies. Right now we're reading aloud "Mocassin Trail" which is a good book.

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I got the "something to read" part of Christmas shopping done. All series books for the kids. I'm sorry. I just can't hold up high standards anymore. I'll read aloud quality literature, but my kids just like to wallow in the muck with the Rainbow Fairies. Right now we're reading aloud "Mocassin Trail" which is a good book.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with reading fun books for fun and escape. I do it all the time!


Renai says that I have a booyah. Is this the right post? I can't tell on my phone.



Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I don't think that there is anything wrong with reading fun books for fun and escape. I do it all the time!

Yep. And I actually would go so far as to say that fun books (even if not exactly literature) have lessons to teach. The boys and I talk all the time about how this or that wasn't so great, but the story was good, or a character was fascinating, and that made up for things that were not so good. And then we get to talk about how the author could have maybe improved a few things, and I can give them an exercise--hey, go do that on paper--and fun and education is had at the same time. Awesome sauce.

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I once discussed the pros and cons of living in a meth lab with a gentleman who called claiming that the U.S. "Ministry of Housing" was offering me a $9000 grant. After lengthy discussion, it was finally decided that I should keep the meth lab house because it brought in so much money that helped pay for my chronically ill gorilla's medical bills, but I would use the grant money to buy a nearby condo to live in. Much safer. :D


This was a real conversation???  :ohmy:

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I got the "something to read" part of Christmas shopping done. All series books for the kids. I'm sorry. I just can't hold up high standards anymore. I'll read aloud quality literature, but my kids just like to wallow in the muck with the Rainbow Fairies. Right now we're reading aloud "Mocassin Trail" which is a good book.


So did I! I got Dancer a vegetarian cookbook that hornblower recommended (but, I keep thinking I need to get her a reading book too), dh an audio New Testament, Gymnast a book of stories in Spanish, and myself WTM4. :D

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Ms. 8 made $156 busking for an hour! I am gobsmacked. Maybe we should put her to work full time so dh and I can enjoy early retirement.

Also, a Fafsa upon book snobs who refuse to ever allow their kids to see anything that isn't highbrow literature. I read stuff like Trixie Beldon and Famous Five when I was a kid, and I still managed to get First Class Honors in my degree in literature. 

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Me: [she can't be serious. This can't be true. I could have sworn it was a tiger not a gorilla.]


This was a real conversation???  :ohmy:

It's 'cause I just love to mess with them. It doesn't seem to matter how ridiculous my story is, they just keep at it, thinking, for some reason, that I have fallen for the scam. And as long as they are on the phone with me, they can't contact anyone who might take them seriously. Dh doesn't care for it, but a girl's gotta have a little fun now and then, right?


One time I hung up on a guy (calling from the "Department of Justice") and he called right back and scolded me and asked why I'd hung up on him. And I said it was because everyone who works for the Department of Justice is an a**h***. And I hung up again.


I don't have caller I.D. on my home phone, so I can't really screen my calls. I hope the FBI isn't listening in. :D

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Ms. 8 made $156 busking for an hour! I am gobsmacked. Maybe we should put her to work full time so dh and I can enjoy early retirement.



Also, a Fafsa upon book snobs who refuse to ever allow their kids to see anything that isn't highbrow literature. I read stuff like Trixie Beldon and Famous Five when I was a kid, and I still managed to get First Class Honors in my degree in literature.

That is so awesome! Your dd must be amazing!


I loved Trixie Beldon! I always wished I had dark hair and purple eyes like her friend (Diana, was it?) I read The Famous Five to my kids for the first time last year and we really enjoyed the books!

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Speaking of books, what books would you get for an 11yo boy and a 13yo girl that you really didn't know very well, but hope they might appreciate a good book for Christmas? Or maybe some other gift idea? I am stumped. Something that can be mailed.


I suppose I can get them gift cards or cash. Are there any nice ways to present/package a gift card or cash?

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Also, a Fafsa upon book snobs who refuse to ever allow their kids to see anything that isn't highbrow literature. I read stuff like Trixie Beldon and Famous Five when I was a kid, and I still managed to get First Class Honors in my degree in literature. 


I got Dancer reading by getting Diary of a Wimpy Kid. She ate them up. She has since moved on to Highbrow Literature. AND we all like to read Lowbrow Lit, too. :D

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