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I work on this issue daily.



It was a bit irritating that I couldn't put my child as a "Black Hispanic" in the state prek database. She's either black/not Hispanic, or Hispanic. Oldest coined the term blaxican. I told her that couldn't be right on some level, and please don't say that in public.

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Good morning!


Twins still have fever.


The lady I help take care of was taken to the hospital last night for difficulty breathing. Her troponin levels are high indicating a cardiac event. So she was transferred to a bigger hospital farther away. I wish I could be with her, but I don't want to leave the twins while they are sick. Dilemma.....Dilemma........

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Good morning!


Twins still have fever.


The lady I help take care of was taken to the hospital last night for difficulty breathing. Her troponin levels are high indicating a cardiac event. So she was transferred to a bigger hospital farther away. I wish I could be with her, but I don't want to leave the twins while they are sick. Dilemma.....Dilemma........



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Good morning!


Twins still have fever.


The lady I help take care of was taken to the hospital last night for difficulty breathing. Her troponin levels are high indicating a cardiac event. So she was transferred to a bigger hospital farther away. I wish I could be with her, but I don't want to leave the twins while they are sick. Dilemma.....Dilemma........




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Note to my children for future interactions with their significant other: Do not, under any circumstances, wake up the person you love with the information that old cat has had a "pooping incident" in the front room and doesn't she just really, really want to get out of the warm bed after she had a rough night sleeping, and clean that up?

Really not the way to start your day.  :glare:

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I kept having dreams two nights ago with very loud noises in them, but that was after 3 days of barely sleeping (about 6 hours total I think). Last night I went to bed early and didn't have any dreams I can remember. Better but still prefer the good dreams that I get when I sleep enough. Maybe next vacation... ;)

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That notification is the biggest and most obnoxious editing notification I've ever seen. It's not like people going back and adding spam or changing their post is really that big of a deal. I think the tech guy is bored.


I mean, sometimes kids will post "Hey I love panda bears does anybody else love panda bears??!" and then after a couple of hours of exuberant agreement like "Yeah they're great, I love them!!!" they'll go back and change "panda bears" to "Nazis" or whatever. But c'mon.

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It was a bit irritating that I couldn't put my child as a "Black Hispanic" in the state prek database. She's either black/not Hispanic, or Hispanic. Oldest coined the term blaxican. I told her that couldn't be right on some level, and please don't say that in public.

Wow, that's odd. Ours you get two races and one ethnicity. This means that if one parent is Native / White and the other black and the native/white parent is also Spanish speaking, you can be black, white, Indian, Latina.


But then when I report you to the national science foundation you suddenly become "mixed, underrepresented minority". The NSF needs aggregates due to privacy concerns so they can't allow double counting.

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I'm back from my first day of the 10K app.  Four 10 minute runs separated by 1 minute of walking (plus warm up and cool down).  Definitely further than I've ever gone before.  I'm not too worried about doing the whole program; I would just like for a 5K to seem easier, lol.  Anyway, I feel great! 


Galloway Method, Bay-Bee.  Got my fat butt through a marathon.  :thumbup1:









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Good morning!


Twins still have fever.


The lady I help take care of was taken to the hospital last night for difficulty breathing. Her troponin levels are high indicating a cardiac event. So she was transferred to a bigger hospital farther away. I wish I could be with her, but I don't want to leave the twins while they are sick. Dilemma.....Dilemma........


:sad:  and :grouphug: 

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It was a bit irritating that I couldn't put my child as a "Black Hispanic" in the state prek database. She's either black/not Hispanic, or Hispanic. Oldest coined the term blaxican. I told her that couldn't be right on some level, and please don't say that in public.

Current forms have been more and more inclusive.  My kids often put down mixed race or even other.  What irritates them and me is that it would be pc for them to put down their non-white race but not their white race.  Smacks of the "one drop" rule to me.  

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Current forms have been more and more inclusive.  My kids often put down mixed race or even other.  What irritates them and me is that it would be pc for them to put down their non-white race but not their white race.  Smacks of the "one drop" rule to me.  


:iagree:  But....google "Halle Berry and one drop rule" to see how far around the circle our hysterical obsession with race has taken us.


And now:  tape.gif

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Our hysterical American obsession with wedge issues in general. Quite a few historical figures in the US who I respect compared the division of US citizens on as many dividing lines as could be imagined to the sort of propaganda tactics that European fascists (say, in the 30s and 40s) used to employ.


And now :X for me too, I guess.

Edited by MarkW
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Good morning all!


Lynn, congrats on the run. Be careful, you might just become a marathoner. Every marathoner I know set out to run a 5K and they don't know what happened after that.


Mark, stop complaining about our forum.


My dream involved me and my people (no clue who these people are) were being held captive by a cult. Many died during the escape. R.I.P random people.

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Good morning all!


Lynn, congrats on the run. Be careful, you might just become a marathoner. Every marathoner I know set out to run a 5K and they don't know what happened after that.


Mark, stop complaining about our forum.


My dream involved me and my people (no clue who these people are) were being held captive by a cult. Many died during the escape. R.I.P random people.


Isn't that interesting.

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It's at least borderline racist. Race is a social construct to begin with. It's not genetically supported.

I disagree. We've been separated so long that we have vast biological differences, far beyond that of skin color. To ignore that is dangerous. I went to school with a boy that was half black and half white. He was hit by a truck and his paperwork said he was black. He died on the table and the doctors said that if they knew he was half white they would have used a different medication. He might not have died. Different races or nationalities is a beautiful truth that needs to be embraced. I hate political correctness. It's dangerous.

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I disagree. We've been separated so long that we have vast biological differences, far beyond that of skin color. To ignore that is dangerous. I went to school with a boy that was half black and half white. He was hit by a truck and his paperwork said he was black. He died on the table and the doctors said that if they knew he was half white they would have used a different medication. He might not have died. Different races or nationalities is a beautiful truth that needs to be embraced. I hate political correctness. It's dangerous.


There are populations who have highly specific genetic markers that make them susceptible to certain medical issues, which represents something like 0.00000000001% of their genome. So yes, there's medically expedient information to be known about people of African ancestry. The same is true for people of Irish ancestry, or Jewish, or people whose parents suffered from X. This will all become much less about nationality and much more about your parents and grandparents as the decades go on, so I argue that it's equally dangerous to equate this with the fictional concept that there are different "races" of human being instead of understanding how genetics actually work, in this case specific to sequestered populations.


It's interesting to think about the fact that had there not been so much segregation and xenophobia in our world history, these sorts of sequestrations would already be obsolete, probably a hundred years or more ago. Especially interesting when you consider that these issues seem most acute in the specific populations I mentioned above, in the context of world history.


Then after we get done throwing punches over the above, we can get started on peanut allergies and so on and the selective/genetic issues surrounding those things... :p

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There are populations who have highly specific genetic markers that make them susceptible to certain medical issues, which represents something like 0.00000000001% of their genome. So yes, there's medically expedient information to be known about people of African ancestry. The same is true for people of Irish ancestry, or Jewish, or people whose parents suffered from X. This will all become much less about nationality and much more about your parents and grandparents as the decades go on, so I argue that it's equally dangerous to equate this with the fictional concept that there are different "races" of human being instead of understanding how genetics actually work, in this case specific to sequestered populations.


It's interesting to think about the fact that had there not been so much segregation and xenophobia in our world history, these sorts of sequestrations would already be obsolete, probably a hundred years or more ago. Especially interesting when you consider that these issues seem most acute in the specific populations I mentioned above, in the context of world history.


Then after we get done throwing punches over the above, we can get started on peanut allergies and so on and the selective/genetic issues surrounding those things... :p

My hatred of political correctness isn't about medical issues. That's something I've only recently learned about, but to my understanding it's much greater than you say it is. I admit that I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

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There are a lot of people who write exhaustively in support of the concept of nationality as critical to the existence of the human race. If you have a look at those supporters and the groups they tend to be affiliated with, I think you'll find that the connections tend to be rather unfortunate.

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Oops, got distracted by seriousness. Can't have that...


Good Morning, Everyone! How 'bout a little Awesome Sauce to start your day?



That was about the most awesome thing I've seen in a while! :)




And a happy Booya to all!

This booyah is dedicated to Dawn and her sweet childs, may they get well soon!

And to the Great and Powerful Texeditor!


Sing it with me, you know you want to!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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What does this mean? That people should only marry their own nationality to (as Darwin put it) preserve the races?


Among other things.

Unless you believe this, then the medical concerns regarding genetic ancestry are a temporary situation. They have only survived this long because of various periods of historical segregation.

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Here's the thing: the genetic variation between you and a black person is, percentage-wise, comparable to the genetic variation between you and your white neighbor.

But there are certain treatments that are better for certain people. That's what happened to Ryan (possibly).
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