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Good morning!


I am exhausted. Since we can talk about yeast infections and such, then I can mention the fact that there's blood when I poop, which means not taking my medication for ~8 months is catching up with me. Or it's all the stress. Or both.


Izzy was very upset with me when I went to pick her up from Hoarders Inc yesterday because she was having fun with her cousin(s). The new baby (I can't remember her name, how awful, but it's not like we ever see her because SIL is a disaster...) was just lying in her swing, staring at the ceiling. When she saw me come in she tried desperately to make eye contact with me and cooed at me like crazy. I talked to her a bit and she was really into it, but I had to get going to let oldest into the house because after she lost 4 house keys I stopped giving her copies. (Sigh)

I think that baby gets more or less ignored all day except to be fed and for diaper changes. :-/ Not a fan of leaving Izzy there at all. She's going back today, of course.

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Since we can talk about yeast infections and such, then I can mention the fact that there's blood when I poop...

:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

(ETA: To clarify, laughing that you are talking poop, not about the presence of blood.)


The new baby (I can't remember her name, how awful, but it's not like we ever see her because SIL is a disaster...) was just lying in her swing, staring at the ceiling. When she saw me come in she tried desperately to make eye contact with me and cooed at me like crazy. I talked to her a bit and she was really into it, but ...

...I think that baby gets more or less ignored all day except to be fed and for diaper changes. :-/

:crying:  :thumbdown:


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Because of icy roads, schools are delayed two hours. Schools an hour south are canceled, but we still have school. How fair is that?


This means I don't have a class until ~12 pm. I have a small class as it is in the afternoon, and half probably won't show up. Boring. School should be canceled.

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Good morning!


I am exhausted. Since we can talk about yeast infections and such, then I can mention the fact that there's blood when I poop, which means not taking my medication for ~8 months is catching up with me. Or it's all the stress. Or both.


Izzy was very upset with me when I went to pick her up from Hoarders Inc yesterday because she was having fun with her cousin(s). The new baby (I can't remember her name, how awful, but it's not like we ever see her because SIL is a disaster...) was just lying in her swing, staring at the ceiling. When she saw me come in she tried desperately to make eye contact with me and cooed at me like crazy. I talked to her a bit and she was really into it, but I had to get going to let oldest into the house because after she lost 4 house keys I stopped giving her copies. (Sigh)

I think that baby gets more or less ignored all day except to be fed and for diaper changes. :-/ Not a fan of leaving Izzy there at all. She's going back today, of course.

1. Anything you can do about bloody bowels without it killing you?


2. When you get your ideal hours, should take in the baby too.

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Izzy was very upset with me when I went to pick her up from Hoarders Inc yesterday because she was having fun with her cousin(s). The new baby (I can't remember her name, how awful, but it's not like we ever see her because SIL is a disaster...) was just lying in her swing, staring at the ceiling. When she saw me come in she tried desperately to make eye contact with me and cooed at me like crazy. I talked to her a bit and she was really into it, but I had to get going to let oldest into the house because after she lost 4 house keys I stopped giving her copies. (Sigh)

I think that baby gets more or less ignored all day except to be fed and for diaper changes. :-/ Not a fan of leaving Izzy there at all. She's going back today, of course.


That's so sad. :crying:

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We're having a monsoon. Happily, I don't need to leave the house until tonight (choir practice), so I can stay dry. I might even do some sewing; I have material to make a pa'u skirt (hula), and I think I finally feel well enough to finish it [insert long story about hashi's and no energy blahblahblah).

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1. Anything you can do about bloody bowels without it killing you?


2. When you get your ideal hours, should take in the baby too.


I can find a new gastro since mine is awful. We've actually met our deductible for the year so I don't have to worry about paying for the medication at the pharmacy. We haven't paid the bills yet, but the deductible being met means that the pharmacy won't ask for payment up front for new refills. That means I'll be able to get maybe as much as two month's worth before the benefit year ends and then I'm out of luck again.


As far as taking in the baby, we already kinda want to take in her sister as well, but our house is tiny, her mom is crazy and wouldn't ever go for it anyway because she has no self awareness, and that kid is a genetic and drug-addled pregnancy time bomb waiting to go off. She's so sweet right now and it's heartbreaking.

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Page 489 and I’ve finally figured out to take notes as I go when catching up:


I love chicken.  I make a fabulous roasted lemon pepper chicken.  Not dry, no yucky texture.  Just about five pounds of deliciousness.  Just ask my little Boo.  Just don’t ask her to share. 


Critter:  Go you!  (DD update:  She’s halfway to her wordcount goal. Yay!)


My pregnancy diet:  Meat and vegetables.  And many, many drugs.


OOO, and FAN-TAB-U-LOUS picture of the Queen!  What a lovely photo, Ellie!


“You like, therefore you are.† Lynn and Descartes.   Snort.


:grouphug: , Tex.  I'm sorry. :crying:



I don’t think I qualify as a home educator.  I am more an educational facilitator.


Junie:  Hot picture, babe. We are totally twins!



AAAND Good Morning!  WE HAVE SNOW!!!!!

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Good morning!


I am exhausted. Since we can talk about yeast infections and such, then I can mention the fact that there's blood when I poop, which means not taking my medication for ~8 months is catching up with me. Or it's all the stress. Or both.


Izzy was very upset with me when I went to pick her up from Hoarders Inc yesterday because she was having fun with her cousin(s). The new baby (I can't remember her name, how awful, but it's not like we ever see her because SIL is a disaster...) was just lying in her swing, staring at the ceiling. When she saw me come in she tried desperately to make eye contact with me and cooed at me like crazy. I talked to her a bit and she was really into it, but I had to get going to let oldest into the house because after she lost 4 house keys I stopped giving her copies. (Sigh)

I think that baby gets more or less ignored all day except to be fed and for diaper changes. :-/ Not a fan of leaving Izzy there at all. She's going back today, of course.


:crying: about the baby situation.  Glad that you were able to interact with her.  Were you wearing your Wookiee mask?


Because of icy roads, schools are delayed two hours. Schools an hour south are canceled, but we still have school. How fair is that?


This means I don't have a class until ~12 pm. I have a small class as it is in the afternoon, and half probably won't show up. Boring. School should be canceled.


Enjoy your morning off!!  Do something productive.  Or not.


We're having a monsoon. Happily, I don't need to leave the house until tonight (choir practice), so I can stay dry. I might even do some sewing; I have material to make a pa'u skirt (hula), and I think I finally feel well enough to finish it [insert long story about hashi's and no energy blahblahblah).


Stay dry, Ellie.  What part do you sing in your choir?

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I can find a new gastro since mine is awful. We've actually met our deductible for the year so I don't have to worry about paying for the medication at the pharmacy. We haven't paid the bills yet, but the deductible being met means that the pharmacy won't ask for payment up front for new refills. That means I'll be able to get maybe as much as two month's worth before the benefit year ends and then I'm out of luck again.


As far as taking in the baby, we already kinda want to take in her sister as well, but our house is tiny, her mom is crazy and wouldn't ever go for it anyway because she has no self awareness, and that kid is a genetic and drug-addled pregnancy time bomb waiting to go off. She's so sweet right now and it's heartbreaking.


Hope you get your health stuff worked out. :-(


And the baby...so sad, on so many levels.

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I told you folks a couple of hundred pages back that Chobani is gross. Disgusting. Gag-me-with-a-spoon revolting. I have tried more than once with different flavors and get one bite in before I vow (again) not to ever purchase that grotesque concoction of crap again. (Yes, again is used twice in that sentence.)


It's terrible. 


That is all.


Since I'm gluten-free, yogurt is the easiest breakfast I can come up with most days.  However, I don't like the texture.  I have discovered that I do a lot better if I add chocolate chips.  A lot of chocolate chips.  And they have to be dark chocolate.  Not that I'm picky or anything. ;)


edit.  because morning.

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Since I'm gluten-free, yogurt is the easiest breakfast I can come up with most days.  However, I don't like the texture.  I have discovered that I do a lot better if I add chocolate chips.  A lot of chocolate chips.  And they have to be dark chocolate.  Not that I'm picky or anything. ;)


edit.  because morning.


I try to avoid dairy most of the time, and have discovered coconut milk yogurt. It isn't bad at all. Especially if you add chocolate chips. Dark chocolate chips.

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I'm an alto. :hat:


I used to sing alto.  Altos never seem to get the melody.  They either end up with awesome harmony parts or extremely boring, stay-on-the-same-note-for-eight-measures kind of parts.


I'm not sure what happened to my voice, but I now sing tenor.  I can get up to a Bb above middle C and that's it.


I'm thinking about taking voice lessons, but I'll probably wait until some of the dc have left the nest.

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Good morning!


I am exhausted. Since we can talk about yeast infections and such, then I can mention the fact that there's blood when I poop, which means not taking my medication for ~8 months is catching up with me. Or it's all the stress. Or both.


Izzy was very upset with me when I went to pick her up from Hoarders Inc yesterday because she was having fun with her cousin(s). The new baby (I can't remember her name, how awful, but it's not like we ever see her because SIL is a disaster...) was just lying in her swing, staring at the ceiling. When she saw me come in she tried desperately to make eye contact with me and cooed at me like crazy. I talked to her a bit and she was really into it, but I had to get going to let oldest into the house because after she lost 4 house keys I stopped giving her copies. (Sigh)

I think that baby gets more or less ignored all day except to be fed and for diaper changes. :-/ Not a fan of leaving Izzy there at all. She's going back today, of course.



I'm sorry.


Blood in poop. Never ignore or you could end up with a colostomy bag.

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I've had Crohn's for more than 30 years. I know what the deal is. :)


Sadly I live in the US, and we like to be a third world country when it comes to actually spending money on lifting ourselves up instead of bombing other people into dust.


I've got a full time job with a good salary and what can be considered excellent insurance, and after all the changes over the past 5 years (predating the ACA, by the way), even I can't afford my medication anymore. That's simply wrong. Ethically, morally, economically. There's no defending it.


Too political? Sorry about that. :p

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I'm not sure what happened to my voice, but I now sing tenor.  I can get up to a Bb above middle C and that's it.


I'm thinking about taking voice lessons, but I'll probably wait until some of the dc have left the nest.


1. Kids happened. True story.


2. Singing along with music helps. Another true story.

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And, apparently I'm here because school was finally canceled! Sheesh, it took them long enough. Even I could figure out with my tiny brain that if busses can't transport due to icy roads at 7 am, then they won't be able to transport students by 10 am if the roads are still icy. I looked at the forecast and temps aren't even set to get above freezing until around 11 am. Duh.


I actually stayed in bed under the covers, fully anticipating a cancellation call.

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And, apparently I'm here because school was finally canceled! Sheesh, it took them long enough. Even I could figure out with my tiny brain that if busses can't transport due to icy roads at 7 am, then they won't be able to transport students by 10 am if the roads are still icy. I looked at the forecast and temps aren't even set to get above freezing until around 11 am. Duh.


I actually stayed in bed under the covers, fully anticipating a cancellation call.


Slightly in their defense, it's possible that ice on asphalt can melt under sunlight even if the air temperature is still below freezing. 


I don't think I'd bet busloads of school children on that, but here in CT we frequently have delays that never get promoted to cancellations for ice on the roads.


Of course I'm all for days off. ;-)

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I was just called into a conference room because a laptop they were trying to use for a projector was logged in as me and they didn't know my password. I walked in, clicked the very prominent "Switch User" button below the password prompt, pointed the user to her login name on the screen, and walked out.



For this, I get $40/hr (equivalent). They could have an intern do this.


Also I've come to the odd conclusion that Chamomile tea seems to give me heart burn.



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Slightly in their defense, it's possible that ice on asphalt can melt under sunlight even if the air temperature is still below freezing. 


I don't think I'd bet busloads of school children on that, but here in CT we frequently have delays that never get promoted to cancellations for ice on the roads.


Of course I'm all for days off. ;-)


Yeah. Our district is so spread out though,with some rural (my own place is on a private dirt road) and not just suburban-type areas. There are mountains, too. Too many impassable areas.

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Yeah. Our district is so spread out though,with some rural (my own place is on a private dirt road) and not just suburban-type areas. There are mountains, too. Too many impassable areas.


Yeah if there are a lot of shaded areas and such then the air temperature is much more significant. Especially if there's thawed areas with "undetectable" iced areas between. Asking for a disaster.


In our little town we've cut down nearly all of the trees and while we do have a few steep hills they're pretty well in the sun all the time. Plus our district has this abject fear of ever having a cancellation ever since Sandy and Irving (I think I have those storm names right) took out power and cancelled school for a week or more each. The teachers practically revolted because they lost a week of summer vacation over it.

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carpal tunnel issues?

I think so. We don't have any good orthopedic doctors around here. So I will have to call the insurance and get a referral. Because lazy. Also I don't want to be out of commission right now. Because life. I think the spring would be better if I can deal with it that long. Because painful.

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Good morning all! For those of you with inclement weather.... It is a beautiful morning in Central California. Deep blue, cloudless sky, a little frost on the pumpkin, trees in full autumn colors! Just gorgeous!


Mark... You need to take that blood seriously. And the baby story... Broke my heart.

Ellie.... I, too am an alto. I love it. What I don't love is all the new songs out that don't have parts. I can read music and harmonize that way, buy I can't do it by ear. So, it's hymns from the hym book for me.

Critter... I have 12 year old boy. You have my complete sympathy!

Dawn.... Sorry about the wrist thing! Hope it feels better soon!

Lynn... Kudos for exercising. I need to get at it again!


And the rest of you ITT people, and you know who you are.... Have a good day!

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I do take the blood very seriously. I simply haven't got anything left to sell and giving up our family home and moving back into an apartment somewhere just so that I can afford $1000/month for medication would not only be hugely disruptive to our family and cause stress that could make things worse, it's not even guaranteed to be a solution because the price could go up again, our insurance could change again, etc. Let alone that we'd have to give up our rescue animals and so on. Very few CT rents allow pets and our dogs could never be apartment dogs, etc.


Even if we had cancelled our vacation last month, that would have bought like, 5 more months of meds at most. Going on and off of them again is worse than just not taking them.


It's pretty much a lose/lose situation. One that in the first world could only exist in the US. It shouldn't cost a third of somebody's salary to not die.


So it goes.

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1. Kids happened. True story.


2. Singing along with music helps. Another true story.


1.  Maybe.  I think my singing voice has always been on the low side.  I can get down to the C below middle C pretty comfortably (though I don't have much volume down there).  If I have a cold, I can get even lower.


2.  Yes, but the dc say I sing funny because tenors don't get the melody often either.

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