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I have told her more than once that she does not respect me or listen to anything I say. Things come out of her mouth as though she is the one that thought of it, although I may have just finished saying it. I say it in one line, she takes 5 minutes. I've told her she can just tell me once what is needed and it'll get done - I don't need 5-10 minute explanations of everything. When she continued to do so, I told her earlier this week she continues to insult my intelligence, and I realize that it doesn't matter what I say. She says she respects me but her behavior shows otherwise. I told her so.


No, I am not that nice. 


Well, you're nice here, so it was worth a shot.


Perhaps you should reconsider your position on non-violence?  Maybe that's why she's picked you for torture.

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The lovely sparkles adorning your neck accentuate the fact that you live in a household of girls. :D


Pfffft as if. That getup was all my idea. My wife (girlfriend at the time) had to be persuaded to even take the photo. :)


It's 12 years old. Nowadays she'd just resignedly snap the picture without any sell. In fact she'd probably do it before I even asked.

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Well, you're nice here, so it was worth a shot.


Perhaps you should reconsider your position on non-violence? Maybe that's why she's picked you for torture.

A nice high kick to the head should help. Also, a punch to the throat a al Tex. Maybe even take her out at the knees. That should give her something to think about for a while.


Or you can just put her in time out.

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Hugs and sympathy.


My phone repeatedly tells me that it's been more than something like 156 weeks since I last backed it up.  


I'm not sure what that means, since I sync it up every few days???   


Synching photos, contacts, and music isn't the same as doing a backup image of your entire phone in case it gets lost/destroyed/etc and needs to be copied onto a new device or just reimaged itself because of some storage error corrupting the operating system.


Instructions vary depending upon what phone, what type of computer (OS) you're using, phase of the moon, political affiliations, and jam preference.

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My precious perfect helpful hard-working children got munchkins on the way to the farm today.   :Angel_anim:  :Angel_anim:  :Angel_anim:  :Angel_anim:  :Angel_anim:


Now my normal, messy, bickering children are back.   :ack2:  :boxing_smiley:  :biggrinjester:  :angry:







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Synching photos, contacts, and music isn't the same as doing a backup image of your entire phone in case it gets lost/destroyed/etc and needs to be copied onto a new device or just reimaged itself because of some storage error corrupting the operating system.


Instructions vary depending upon what phone, what type of computer (OS) you're using, phase of the moon, political affiliations, and jam preference.



You are awesome.


Can you open this peanut butter jar for me too?




So if I lost it right now, I have all my photos, apps, and music saved.  But would need to replace the operating system and reset all the settings?  I'm trying to decide if it's worth my effort.  It's old and needs replacing when we can afford to. So a new phone would come with all the new guts anyway, right?


(I'm really dumb about these things, and dh is not much better... even though he's a computer scientist, he's not a user of techo-gadgets.)

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Right, you'd still have your photos, music, apps, and so on, but you'd lose all of your settings or anything that you don't have selected to synch. Some people choose not to synch contacts for example, etc.


If you got a new model, the backup image would be no good anyway although I think that some phones like the iPhone make an attempt to import all of your settings and such where applicable if it can.


With Android this is all more or less moot because on an Android phone, logging into your Google Account more or less sets everything up for you (although often you do have to reinstall apps from the app store). I think Apple is trying to get this going with iCloud, too, but I haven't used it so can't give a testimonial. :)

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I have never heard of munchkins (other than preschool-aged kids) either. I also don't go to Krispy Kreme. I like Top Pot.




Munchkins are the business. There's less variety now than when I was a kid, though, and it's hard to get ones that aren't at least a little stale after 6 AM. They're not as popular as they used to be.

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Munchkins are the business. There's less variety now than when I was a kid, though, and it's hard to get ones that aren't at least a little stale after 6 AM. They're not as popular as they used to be.


Yup.  I have to cross state lines now to get blueberry cake munchkins, which are the bestest and somehow even superior to the blueberry cake donuts.  So I must satisfy myself with chocolate instead.  Sigh.


Now, Shhhhh...... I'm sneaking to the basement with a fresh cuppa coffee and my Boston Cream Pie donut while the kids do their chores upstairs.  


Don't. Tell. Anybody.

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Yup.  I have to cross state lines now to get blueberry cake munchkins, which are the bestest and somehow even superior to the blueberry cake donuts.  So I must satisfy myself with chocolate instead.  Sigh.


Now, Shhhhh...... I'm sneaking to the basement with a fresh cuppa coffee and my Boston Cream Pie donut while the kids do their chores upstairs.  


Don't. Tell. Anybody.


So jealous.


I have not had a decent doughnut in at least 7 years.  Maybe we should petition for gluten-free blueberry cake and Boston Cream Pie doughnuts.


Not whining (yet).  Just hungry.

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Egg rolls are on their way home. Ima try and get twizlers too.


Matt has overtime tomorrow. This is good because we're so po we can't afford the second o or the r.


Speaking of being poor, I don't believe I've ever gone out for doughnuts. I rarely go out for anything and I guess doughnuts just never made the cut. I do get free ones on pirate day though.

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Dear Mrs. Texcas -


I love you Mrs. Texcas.  You're pretty.  I like your unicorn hat better than that hat.    




Little Duck


(And she is texting you a selfie with her princess crown towel on her head.)

I am undeserving of such attention from Little Duckie.  <3


Also, a tiny 5 year old boy in drama cried and clung to me most of the class, wrapping his entire body around mine, sucking his thumb, and touching my hair for comfort.  I was in heaven.  I so miss that sweet little age.  I directed the play and blocked most of it with a kid wrapped around me and didn't mind one little bit.


My phone makes no progress in uploading stuff to the computer.  All of my photos and videos are already uploaded onto photobucket.  I really only care about saving my contacts because I don't want to lose them all.  I will get dh on it soon.

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I am undeserving of such attention from Little Duckie.  <3


Also, a tiny 5 year old boy in drama cried and clung to me most of the class, wrapping his entire body around mine, sucking his thumb, and touching my hair for comfort.  I was in heaven.  I so miss that sweet little age.  I directed the play and blocked most of it with a kid wrapped around me and didn't mind one little bit.


My phone makes no progress in uploading stuff to the computer.  All of my photos and videos are already uploaded onto photobucket.  I really only care about saving my contacts because I don't want to lose them all.  I will get dh on it soon.






ETA:  And the moment you've all been waiting for...


















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