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Got an email last night from my oldest's principal saying that he felt he was forced to send out a communication to all parents after people kept calling him terrified about rumors that there was a gun in the school on Friday in the care of a student with homicidal intentions.


As it turns out, some kid came to the office reporting that a friend had told him that some other guy said that some kid who wasn't even in school that day was going to come in and shoot up the place. So in other words, it was a third hand rumor by the time it made it to the principal to begin with.


As it turns out, the kid not only wasn't even in that day, he was at a funeral for a family member. The police showed up at the funeral to "monitor" him and make sure he wasn't a threat, based on the fact that Joe told Bill that Sally overheard something about a gun so I guess it's pretty serious.


Apparently, the rumor around town became that a kid came in waving a gun around and the principal did nothing about it, or something. I don't know. He set the record straight in a series of bullet (sorry) points and expressed that there had never been a credible threat, and it certainly sounds like there never was.


Evidently, several area parents are now livid that a whisper of a hint of a rumor isn't adequate cause to engage a full scale lockdown of our public high school. :-/


I emailed him back to give him some kudos for not only being reasonable and intelligent, but for weathering the chronically panicked. I bet he'll have to appear before the BoE over this because of the complaints that he didn't call the president.


SO glad that my youngest is out. I wish it wasn't too late for the oldest, but at least her principal has a head on his shoulders.

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I ran for 3 years and hated every minute of it. I tried so hard to enjoy it, or at least appreciate it; I really did.

I used to run all of the time. I enjoy it normally. Right now my legs and lower back are mad at me, though. I stopped a few years ago the winter I got strep 5x , following the winter I had it 4x. Two winters strep free, so I am giving it another go in order to prevent the overall bulge that has begun to appear. It shan't win. I shall prevail!!

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'Morning, Krissi and Tex and everyone else.


We are up. Normally we'd be done with reading and math by now, but all that we've accomplished is snuggle-time taking bedhead pics/videos on the phone, breakfast, and a romp through the leaves. And I sorted some laundry and changed a diaper.


Need more coffee. And hula. :zombiechase:







Your breath smells.
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I had such great dreams on vacation. Then I came back and started going to bed at 2AM again for no particular reason. I think the idea of going to sleep at night just so that I can wake up and go to work in the morning is what keeps me up. :-P

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Someone here whose name shall not be mentioned has whinitis.  I sent someone to the front porch to complete work due to constant complaining and whining to the point I wanted to punch something.

For a second there I thought you were referring to someone "here" on the ITT thread...

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I have two with a case of Mondayitis. I have already alerted DH that I need a basketball goal and a ball for small hands, and I need it yesterday. They are at the age now where the best case for growling and snapping is physical exercise. Or at least I shall assume so, because I don't like to listen to it, and I can stay in the nice warm house while they take their attitudes outside.

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A 20 year old kid who deletes Facebook without telling his girlfriend is either an anxiety case or has a few irons in the fire and was in danger of being found out. Actually the latter might lead to the former.


I think almost everyone in their 20s is an egomaniac for a bit. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or terrified that dating boys won't be an issue with oldest. :-)

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I offered to message him on FB and give him a piece of my mind. ;)  They've been seeing each other three weeks, he is a college drop out who landed an okay job and was planing to move nearby, said all the right things, but I really think he lost his job (which he has had since the SUMMER only) and is embarrassed to tell her because it was really all he had going for him.  He handled it poorly because young.  She is mad and sad and all the feels.


I keep telling her not to date for awhile.  It never goes well.

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I think almost everyone in their 20s is an egomaniac for a bit. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or terrified that dating boys won't be an issue with oldest. :-)


Well, girls/women have issues too. You know this already, being the only male in your house.

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I offered to message him on FB and give him a piece of my mind. ;)  They've been seeing each other three weeks, he is a college drop out who landed an okay job and was planing to move nearby, said all the right things, but I really think he lost his job (which he has had since the SUMMER only) and is embarrassed to tell her because it was really all he had going for him.  He handled it poorly because young.  She is mad and sad and all the feels.


I keep telling her not to date for awhile.  It never goes well.


I told oldest the same after a couple abortive relationships and one or two concerning ones (not like, call the police concerning but more like "why don't you have rational thinking skills??!!" concerning.)


She hasn't for a while now, but I worry that NOT dating at this age will just mean larger scaled adult troubles when she dates with less experience at an older age than she might have. Ugh.

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Well, girls/women have issues too. You know this already, being the only male in your house.


Yeah but pregnancy will be (mostly) off the table, girls usually don't do absurdly horrible stuff like beat their girlfriends, etc (although they can make an emotional wreck of you, for sure ;-P). We'll see. 


The biggest issue I saw with that crowd when I was in my 20s was that every pool of friends inevitably all dated each other, leading to lots of drama. Nowadays way more people are out, especially up here, so the pool is at least a little bigger.

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Women manipulate with their minds, playing on emotions, whereas some men are more likely to use physical power. We use our strengths. I use my beauty. ;)


I did my yoga. Noticeable improvement in pain and mobility. Feeling less like a 90 year old woman and more like a 50 year old woman.


The boys started building the bunk beds in the living room. I went out and asked if they saw anything wrong with what they were doing. They didn't. About 10 minutes later they moved everything to the nursery. Boys are so dumb.

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Women manipulate with their minds, playing on emotions, whereas some men are more likely to use physical power. We use our strengths. I use my beauty. ;)


I did my yoga. Noticeable improvement in pain and mobility. Feeling less like a 90 year old woman and more like a 50 year old woman.


The boys started building the bunk beds in the living room. I went out and asked if they saw anything wrong with what they were doing. They didn't. About 10 minutes later they moved everything to the nursery. Boys are so dumb.


:smilielol5:   I'm glad to know this kind of thing goes on in other people's lives besides just mine.  It's very comforting.



(and Yay! for less pain and more mobility!!!  :hurray: )


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