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I'm sorry, I don't! We know a myriad ways to wreck a soccer ball (kick it into the rose bush, leave it behind bushes for months till it rots, play on road till it shreds), but I can't tell you how to deflate it without wrecking it.


Are you packing a Samaritan's Purse box? Because one of the gift suggestions was a deflated soccer ball with pump, and I thought, I have never seen a deflated soccer ball, and a pump with the ball wouldn't fit in the box!

Ha! You should write a song - "100 Ways to Wreck Your Ball". :D


It's similar to Samaritans Purse - "Isaiah 58" Christmas boxes for Servant Group International. The boxes are going to a Yazidis refugee camp in Iraq.


I think I might have found a youtube video explaining how to deflate it. The organization is send a gazillion soccer ball pumps along with the boxes. :)

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So today Izzy helped (for 5-10 minute intervals here and there throughout 2 hours) me put together a medium-to-large sized LEGO Technic car kit with working rack and pinion steering, a 4 cylinder "engine" with working pistons and cam shaft connected to the drive wheels through a differential gear box, and suspension. The box said 9-14 and while neither of us are in that range we sure learned a lot from it. Very cool. It was about $60 I think.


She played with the big balloon tires almost the entire time I was building it and was a little sore at me when I needed them as the last step. :)



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Over the next month or so I'm going to use parts of the kit in constructing an RC robot/droid that we're going to work on together. I've already got the transmitter, receiver, servos, etc... oh and some tiny microprocessors, too, but she'll have to learn about those when she's a bit older. At 6 I think that'd be a bit much. :-P

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Dd16 says you get a safety pin, push the safety pin partly in the pump hole - just enough to hear the air start coming out - then squeeze it. Takes time, though.


Oh, years of instinct from very different types of forum communities are welling up right now...

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Matt knows I want 12 kids, even if he doesn't, and we decided that since I need c-sections that I would get my tubes tied at the last one since they'd be there anyway. I was lamenting days ago about what a terrible mother I am because I'm just not healthy enough right now to give it my all. I brought up the idea of having my tubes tied this time because it's just going to get harder and that's when he brought up the idea of waiting 5 years or so so the kids would be potty trained, reading, doing housework, etc. Today I was lamenting about being sick and in pain and brought the idea back up of getting my tubes tied again. He said no. He said that if the time passed and I decided that I still didn't want to get pregnant again that he would go get a vasectomy. This is the man that only wants two children by the way. He's so good to me. Especially when I'm pregnant or really sick. I know I brag about him, but in reality he's a complete @$$ most of the time. But he's always wonderful when I'm pregnant.

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By the way, I called my mother today. It's been 3 weeks since we've spoken. John left a message on her answering machine thanking her for the clock. She texted me back later "Got your message, tell John he's welcome and I hope he learns how to tell time really well." and I said "Mkay :)." It was all very stressful.

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Matt knows I want 12 kids, even if he doesn't, and we decided that since I need c-sections that I would get my tubes tied at the last one since they'd be there anyway. I was lamenting days ago about what a terrible mother I am because I'm just not healthy enough right now to give it my all. I brought up the idea of having my tubes tied this time because it's just going to get harder and that's when he brought up the idea of waiting 5 years or so so the kids would be potty trained, reading, doing housework, etc. Today I was lamenting about being sick and in pain and brought the idea back up of getting my tubes tied again. He said no. He said that if the time passed and I decided that I still didn't want to get pregnant again that he would go get a vasectomy. This is the man that only wants two children by the way. He's so good to me. Especially when I'm pregnant or really sick. I know I brag about him, but in reality he's a complete @$$ most of the time. But he's always wonderful when I'm pregnant.

:grouphug:   Some folks are better in the trenches.  So glad he's sweet to you now.  And he is very wise too! 


By the way, I called my mother today. It's been 3 weeks since we've spoken. John left a message on her answering machine thanking her for the clock. She texted me back later "Got your message, tell John he's welcome and I hope he learns how to tell time really well." and I said "Mkay :)." It was all very stressful.


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Unfortunately, you'll have to wait another 30 minutes. Around 5pm, someone took the pie out of the freezer so I could look at it (dh had just bought it). I informed everyone that it needed to thaw for a couple of hours in the fridge before we could eat it. We all sat around (watching tv), waiting for the big moment we'd be able to slice into the pie. Around 7pm, I went to the fridge to get the pie. It was not there. It was in the freezer. 



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Matt knows I want 12 kids, even if he doesn't, and we decided that since I need c-sections that I would get my tubes tied at the last one since they'd be there anyway. I was lamenting days ago about what a terrible mother I am because I'm just not healthy enough right now to give it my all. I brought up the idea of having my tubes tied this time because it's just going to get harder and that's when he brought up the idea of waiting 5 years or so so the kids would be potty trained, reading, doing housework, etc. Today I was lamenting about being sick and in pain and brought the idea back up of getting my tubes tied again. He said no. He said that if the time passed and I decided that I still didn't want to get pregnant again that he would go get a vasectomy. This is the man that only wants two children by the way. He's so good to me. Especially when I'm pregnant or really sick. I know I brag about him, but in reality he's a complete @$$ most of the time. But he's always wonderful when I'm pregnant.


Love that you have fantastic support.... hate that pregnancy hurts so much.   :crying:   


If it's any consolation, the whole world changes when your oldest child is finally 6 or 7.  Life moves into a different phase and the kids are far less dependent on you for things, even the littler ones... somehow the age of the oldest seems to be the biggest factor.  My life is much easier now with 5 kids age 8 and under than it was with 3 kids age 5 and under.  


So while I won't pretend to know what you should do, Matt's idea is a good one.  (Well, especially since it puts HIM under the knife.  :laugh: )


:grouphug: .  And don't forget... TOMORROW.  2PM EDT.  MY PLAYGROUND.  Weather is supposed to be great.  Tell John there's a real live tank he can climb on top of.

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:(   :grouphug:  I'm so sorry.  What a blow to the girls.



That is fantastic!

I will add Baby #5 to my list.  He is the only boy on my list.  I don't know why because boys are easier (in my house) so I should put more boy on the list of kids to steal and raise as my own.  I shall refer to them as the "milk carton crew".



You can have the rest, but Cinco stays with me. 



(I reserve the right to change my mind when the terrible 2s hit.) 

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I'm going to bed. My dad's in from out of town and the weekend was insane, especially with me out of commission, so Matt's staying home tomorrow. He's exhausted. Tomorrow they're supposed to build the bunk beds so I think I'll do some super deep, long yoga while they're doing that. It would really do me good. I can't wait for the bunk beds to be built! The kids are so excited. :D

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Good Morning ITTers!


Slache, hope sleep came soon thereafter. 


Monday is our CC day.  I have already cleaned the litter box, fed kitty, and cleaned up and replaced water for kitty, unloaded the dishwasher, restarted the dishwasher on a quick cycle because I need the crock pot to start supper before we leave.  Still need  to write a check, take a shower, make lunches, and throw stuff in newly cleaned crock pot and start it.  I hope I'm not forgetting something important. 

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Good morning. I'm going to spend the day doing little things like going through the kids bins, refilling the soaps, and wiping out the fridge. I'm behind on all the dumb stuff because Matt's been Mr. Mom and he doesn't see that stuff. I love when he stays home when he's not supposed to. I'm so efficient on days like these. It's 4:15. Everyone get up so that I can get started.

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Good morning!!!!!!


Lynn, congratulations to your brother.:party: 20 years.....what an accomplishment! Wow! I wish him 20 more and 20 more after that. What a wonderful way to celebrate! You are on it this morning! Sounds like everything is under control. Just make sure you have all the children with you when you leave the house.:D (I know some people that have done this)


Slache, I am so sorry for your misery.:grouphug: I wish there would be something I could do to help. However, I wouldn't make any big decisions about more children yet. It will get easier as John and Mary get older so I wouldn't do anything that is permanent.


Ducklings, number 5 sounds like such joy and fun and squishy cuteness. I miss that.


Renai, praying hard here, sending you good thoughts.

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Walk/run - day 3.


6 am is crazy.

I remember enjoying 6am back when I slept at night. Also before I got old and broken and had energy.


Kudos on the running! I'll get on that.. eventually. My exercise induced asthma has been a great excuse for decades. :P

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'Morning, Krissi and Tex and everyone else.


We are up. Normally we'd be done with reading and math by now, but all that we've accomplished is snuggle-time taking bedhead pics/videos on the phone, breakfast, and a romp through the leaves. And I sorted some laundry and changed a diaper.  


Need more coffee.  And hula.  :zombiechase:







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