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He even wears pants every day. You might have some competition there. He doesn't cook though. Or fold... someday...


I didn't teach my oldest daughter to cook on the stove until about 7. It was still with me though. There is a lot of food prep that can be done with kids though that doesn't require cooking when younger. I teach folding shirts at age 2. It keeps them busy when at the laundromat. Oldest enjoyed folding dad's shirts. 

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I didn't teach my oldest daughter to cook on the stove until about 7. It was still with me though. There is a lot of food prep that can be done with kids though that doesn't require cooking when younger. I teach folding shirts at age 2. It keeps them busy when at the laundromat. Oldest enjoyed folding dad's shirts.

Wow your kids are more coordinated than mine! Matt has John help him in the kitchen. I don't like them in there with me. Later, me thinks. I just can't believe you taught such young children to fold.

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Wow your kids are more coordinated than mine! Matt has John help him in the kitchen. I don't like them in there with me. Later, me thinks. I just can't believe you taught such young children to fold.


I didn't say it was perfect; I said it kept her busy. But, she did get pretty good at it. They resembled folded shirts. :D I taught a simple way to fold, definitely not Konmari.


It took a lot of soul searching to allow my girls in the kitchen with me. I can be fanatical about my cooking and baking. I finally just let go, and allowed oldest in the kitchen, and bit my tongue. I'm glad I did. By age 11, when I had her sister, she was the one making me breakfasts and lunches for me. She also now makes her own recipes and isn't afraid to experiment. I do some guidance with her experiments - usually in asking pointed questions (about cost...etc.) - but she is a pretty good cook.

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I didn't say it was perfect; I said it kept her busy. But, she did get pretty good at it. They resembled folded shirts. :D I taught a simple way to fold, definitely not Konmari.


It took a lot of soul searching to allow my girls in the kitchen with me. I can be fanatical about my cooking and baking. I finally just let go, and allowed oldest in the kitchen, and bit my tongue. I'm glad I did. By age 11, when I had her sister, she was the one making me breakfasts and lunches for me. She also now makes her own recipes and isn't afraid to experiment. I do some guidance with her experiments - usually in asking pointed questions (about cost...etc.) - but she is a pretty good cook.

My issue is safety. John is well behaved, but easily distracted. Matt's willing to go through the steps to keep him safe. I'd rather just kick him out. I suppose I could give him jobs at the table. But then she'd be jealous. Now I'm rambling...

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Got 2,000+ words and successfully trapped my protagonist into sticking around for the novel. He's quite good at weaseling. Up to over 14,000 words now.

I went shopping with the boys for kitty paraphernalia. Came home with a cute scratching thing, fish-bone bowls, a kitty bathroom box, catnip mice, a ball that lights up when kitty rolls it and a feather toy that we just had to have. And litter, of course. Kitty and specialized scientific kitty food coming home tomorrow. And a toothbrush.

I am determined to teach this kitten to tolerate the daily brushing of her teeth. 

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if you explain what a DOI number is and how to find it, I'll try.


I had to look it up. It means Digital Object Identifier, and basically it is a number that leads to a specific URL for a journal article. The school told us to use CrossRef.org, and I just plug in a citation and it pops up within the first few results, usually. Except these two. You know what? Forget it. I'm going to do a Retrieved From reference for these two. Ain't nobody got time for that.

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I had to look it up. It means Digital Object Identifier, and basically it is a number that leads to a specific URL for a journal article. The school told us to use CrossRef.org, and I just plug in a citation and it pops up within the first few results, usually. Except these two. You know what? Forget it. I'm going to do a Retrieved From reference for these two. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Exactly.  Besides, we need to move to figuring out how to have an online graduation party.

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Go, Ducklings, Go! 



Good morning all.


Quackers, are peanut butter cookies an option? This is the best recipe in existence. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/11352/three-ingredient-peanut-butter-cookies/?internalSource=recipe%20hub&referringId=852&referringContentType=recipe%20hub




Lynn, we're having sour cream chicken. Place chicken boobies in a Pyrex, mix equal parts sour cream and cream of mushroom soup (or cream of chicken), cover the chicken with the goop. Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes depending on chicken booby thickness. Make mashatatoes or rice and something green. Lay chicken over rice/tatoes and cover in goop.


The lemonade is working for reasons I fail to truly understand.



These cookies are not soft, but *everybody* loves them.


Rice Krispy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 stick butter

1 stick margarine


½ cup brown sugar

½ cup white sugar

1 ¼ cup flour

Tsp baking soda

Tsp baking powder

Tsp vanilla

Mix it

1 beaten egg

Mix it

2 cups oatmeal

2 cups rice crispies

½ bag chocolate chips

Mix it all

Bake @ 325 for 12 minutes



There's a lot of 'ands' and 'ifs' for this to come together, Quackers. I'll pray for you.


Thanks for the recipes AND the prayers.  Y'all are the bestest.  I couldn't use Slache's pb cookies (allergies) but can't wait to try them for myself.  And the rice krispy ones too....those look amazing! 


Baking 101 went scrumptiously.   Well, one tray inexplicably burned, but I had plenty of extra to make up for it.  Girls had a fun time, things remained relatively organized (always a key when little girls are up waaaay past their bedtimes) and at the end of 1.5 hours we had 12 dozen cookies, washed dishes, a cleaned kitchen, and time enough to taste the goods that will be donated to a charity on Thanksgiving.  


I came home, collapsed into bed, and really couldn't function until noon today.  I'm such an introverted wimp.   :lol:

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I am home.


Thanks to ds20, I had to unhook a car trailer from the truck before I could leave since he took the van to the work emergency. I have never unhooked this type of trailer before and it took me 20 minutes to figure it out and get it done. Then when he called me and I told him, he said he couldn't believe it, and he was proud of me. Well, I am proud of me too. That sucked. I was determined though. I was not going to give up and wait for some man to do it. I.done.it. Elephant ninjas hear me roar.:D


Oh, and the quick meeting after practice took an hour. Ugh.


I am tired and hungry. I'm going to eat roast now.

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Did it!




Renai - Dh thinks you're amazing.  Not in a weird way but in a wow-how-does-she-do-it-all-admiration-kinda-way.  Woooo-hoooo!  Cheering you on.  


Slache -  Love your new avatar. You and kidlets are too stinkin' adorable, though.  It's ruining our relationship... how can I hurl insults at or argue with such a nice, lovely person??  The edge is gone.  Sigh.  








Dawn - Go Band Go!  Go Band Go!


Ikslo - Well hello there!  


Tex - Hi there to you, too!

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No one has even solved the Mystery of the Pantry Moths that are Found Everywhere, Except the Pantry. Wait, I did find a few in there yesterday. This is after vacuuming and cleaning it out. But the majority of them are everywhere else.



They probably hatched from their cocoons somewhere, not necessarily related to the pantry.  Especially if they seem to be "swarming" all at once.



Ugh.  I had a traumatic experience once.  

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Did it!




Renai - Dh thinks you're amazing.  Not in a weird way but in a wow-how-does-she-do-it-all-admiration-kinda-way.  Woooo-hoooo!  Cheering you on.  


Ninja elephants have come to the rescue more than once, including tonight. I'm not that amazing.

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They probably hatched from their cocoons somewhere, not necessarily related to the pantry.  Especially if they seem to be "swarming" all at once.



Ugh.  I had a traumatic experience once.  


But where??? We've taken the vacuum extension around the corners and edges of the kitchen, living room, and my bedroom. We've done some areas in the hall. There are not too many places to hide; we only have 659 sq ft to hide in.

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But where??? We've taken the vacuum extension around the corners and edges of the kitchen, living room, and my bedroom. We've done some areas in the hall. There are not too many places to hide; we only have 659 sq ft to hide in.

They lay eggs and hatch worms up high. Ours like to do it on the crown molding. Wipe it down with wet paper towels. Or have a tall person do it. :D
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They lay eggs and hatch worms up high. Ours like to do it on the crown molding. Wipe it down with wet paper towels. Or have a tall person do it. :D


That's where we're vacuuming. They are not hard to see (when I have glasses). No one in my household are tall. The extension on the vacuum isn't even long enough so we stand in a chair holding the vac extension while another person holds the vac up. I'll probably do the wet broom maneuver.

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They lay eggs and hatch worms up high. Ours like to do it on the crown molding. Wipe it down with wet paper towels. Or have a tall person do it. :D


exactly this.


One morning while eating breakfast cereal in my apartment (attached to a barn), I suddenly saw a "plop" in my milk.  Then another plop.  And faster still several more plops.  Then hundreds of pantry moth larvae falling from the wooden beam in the ceiling, all over my cereal and my milk and my kitchen table and my floor.







And a booyah to redeem this traumatic post.  If redemption is even possible.  I have chills just thinking about it again.  

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exactly this.


One morning while eating breakfast cereal in my apartment (attached to a barn), I suddenly saw a "plop" in my milk.  Then another plop.  And faster still several more plops.  Then hundreds of pantry moth larvae falling from the wooden beam in the ceiling, all over my cereal and my milk and my kitchen table and my floor.




:scared:  :eek:  :blink:  :ack2: I now understand your trauma. 

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