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Mark do you know how to run a script from the command line in Windows, but IN the shell?


Need more info. By "the command line in windows" do you mean you've opened a shell or you're typing something into the "Run..." box?


What sort of script? A native "DOS" script file or something you need a parser for, like Perl?


The generic answer is that you type "cmd" into the "Run..." box and then run your script from there if you want to be able to see the output in the shell after it completes instead of having the shell window just close.

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I'd be even more specific but that was a LOT of catch up this morning!   I'm thinking of all y'all, though.  


On a bright note, it is Friday, Ellie is dancing hula, Renai is in the home stretch, and Mark is going to buy us all Mickey Ears.




Oh!  My children decided to start a business yesterday.  They are selling grocery bags of leaves (they've already collected about a dozen).  After a dismal first day, I explained that our neighbors have plenty of leaves in their own yards, for free, so they are not likely to pay for any more.  


Undeterred, my son suggested that I advertise for them on the internet, so that people in places without leaves can be reached.  


Soooo....  If you want a grocery bag full of New England leaves, please pm me.  Price will depend on the postage costs + my overall attitude on whatever day I bother to send them.  Ds is donating 100% of the profit to the tooth fairy, to pay for all the teeth we seem to keep losing lately.  

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Need more info. By "the command line in windows" do you mean you've opened a shell or you're typing something into the "Run..." box?


What sort of script? A native "DOS" script file or something you need a parser for, like Perl?


The generic answer is that you type "cmd" into the "Run..." box and then run your script from there if you want to be able to see the output in the shell after it completes instead of having the shell window just close.

I am trying to schedule a batch file to get my data while I sleep, lol. But it keeps it all on the command line. I want to be able to then work with that data in the shell after I wake up. I don't want to have to do anything IN the shell for this. Like my batch file says,


Open shell

Shell runs the script

Shell doesn't close


Only every piece of advice online seems to assume I'm happy to stay in the command line. I want it all to be in R which has better scripting support though maybe I should bite the bullet and just do it all from the command line.

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I am trying to schedule a batch file to get my data while I sleep, lol. But it keeps it all on the command line. I want to be able to then work with that data in the shell after I wake up. I don't want to have to do anything IN the shell for this. Like my batch file says,


Open shell

Shell runs the script

Shell doesn't close


Only every piece of advice online seems to assume I'm happy to stay in the command line. I want it all to be in R which has better scripting support though maybe I should bite the bullet and just do it all from the command line.


Do you mean this?




This is way out of my depth as I don't do statistical computing or finance work so I don't know much about how R interacts with the shell. 


You can keep the shell open from a batch file in a variety of ways, but the shell and the command line are synonymous unless you're talking about some sort of shell/interactive parser that R itself provides. For that I couldn't help you without a lot of Googling and research. Sorry. :(


In your situation I'd probably write the data to some sort of database platform and then interactively query it in the morning. I've used Perl and MySQL in that way for various projects. But because you're using a totally unfamiliar platform to me I can't be sure that my advice is in context. :)


I know you can keep the command line open using a variety of tricks like asking for user input at the end of a script, but that will typically only keep it open until you strike a key. I'd say you need to dig into the R documentation if you're talking about an R specific shell that lets you interact with the resulting dataset from a script directly.

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Yes. The only lit on this is written by people with PhDs inn so AND math, usually non-native English speakers. I can see people are doing it, or trying, but StackOverflow is full of threads like "I tried [insert ubiquitous script here] and it didn't work with replies such as "why would you want to do that".


Eta yes R has its own shell and that's what I use but I cannot automate tasks from the R shell only from a batch file. I need the command line to automate because, long story, this is for work (obviously... Lol) and the only thing they will let me automate is a batch file they control.


I think I am the first person in the world to do this which is usually a bad sign.

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Yes. The only lit on this is written by people with PhDs inn so AND math, usually non-native English speakers. I can see people are doing it, or trying, but StackOverflow is full of threads like "I tried [insert ubiquitous script here] and it didn't work with replies such as "why would you want to do that".


Eta yes R has its own shell and that's what I use but I cannot automate tasks from the R shell only from a batch file. I need the command line to automate because, long story, this is for work (obviously... Lol) and the only thing they will let me automate is a batch file they control.


I think I am the first person in the world to do this which is usually a bad sign.


God help you. I can get everything done at work using SQL and Perl which means I'm never in too much of a panic but also that everything I do is boring as possible. :)

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Also if you're working in some absurd locked down environment where they require you to submit a batch file for any enterprise scheduling and nothing else... I'd say talk to the boss and explain that this will increase the project's man hours exponentially and maybe he or she should get the infrastructure team to rethink that, or get you your own server.

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Also if you're working in some absurd locked down environment where they require you to submit a batch file for any enterprise scheduling and nothing else... I'd say talk to the boss and explain that this will increase the project's man hours exponentially and maybe he or she should get the infrastructure team to rethink that, or get you your own server.

I work for a government agency run by people over 65.


They are here to get their pensions. I cannot start a rogue server as it's data on people who use our services (millions and millions of personal records) and anyway, I need the data live and it's the download that is my problem. I create analytic updates daily.


I am trying to lobby for a share of space on the server but I need to wait until a couple of roadblocks, cough, er, people, retire. What I am doing now is incredibly inefficient--I copy a huge amount of data to the VPN and use that as a "mini working server" for myself to circumvent their issues.


Nobody appreciates Kafka and Bulgakov like I appreciate Kafka and Bulgakov.

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Unfortunately Crohn's and the action of probiotics are sort of diametrically opposed, so same boat. But I do appreciate it. :)

Well, in an attempt to really piss you off, I will suggest a book/diet that changed my sister's life - Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. It pretty much ignores most everything her gastrointestinal specialists were telling her (eat bland food and lots of fiber), but within a year and a half she was off all medication, eating everything except zucchini, and has been given the all clear by her doctors for the past 7 years.

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So you're creating a huge privacy and security exposure by duplicating confidential data to a second, ad hoc location instead of just working with it where it already lies because rules.


Sounds good.

My government job lasted 6 weeks. I couldn't take it anymore and I quit without even having another job quite lined up yet. I wrote about 5 pages to the CIO at my institution about how corrupt and dishonest "my" department was and exactly why and who.

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Well, in an attempt to really piss you off, I will suggest a book/diet that changed my sister's life - Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. It pretty much ignores most everything her gastrointestinal specialists were telling her (eat bland food and lots of fiber), but within a year and a half she was off all medication, eating everything except zucchini, and has been given the all clear by her doctors for the past 7 years.


I know a couple of people who killed themselves with that book. It can work if your particular Crohn's pathology matches the case assumed in the book.


I always recommend that people who think they're going to cure themselves with the SCD keep on seeing their doctors and having regular colonoscopies to make sure they're still doing well.


I'm lucky in that my Crohn's is entirely in my colon with no small bowel involvement and so it's relatively mild as long as I manage my stress and my diet using both doctors' advice and my own empirical findings about my own reactions to things (which are frequently secondary, tertiary, delayed, or otherwise non-obvious), but others have not got it so good.

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So you're creating a huge privacy and security exposure by duplicating confidential data to a second, ad hoc location instead of just working with it where it already lies because rules.


Sounds good.

My government job lasted 6 weeks. I couldn't take it anymore and I quit without even having another job quite lined up yet. I wrote about 5 pages to the CIO at my institution about how corrupt and dishonest "my" department was and exactly why and who.

No! No way! All the data always remains within the walls. Hence my complicated work-arounds. Because it's so much data and they can see my use, I need to get it all in place before they turn on their monitors. Also before everyone starts using the server.


Creating a rogue server would be easy but I would never do that with personal data.

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I know a couple of people who killed themselves with that book. It can work if your particular Crohn's pathology matches the case assumed in the book.



I've often wondered this, since I know many have tried these types of things and it just didn't work. I guess like most diseases, there are many ways it can manifest.

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The problem with calling it "Crohn's Disease" in the first place is that there's no identified cause or even a single pathology/mechanism for it, so there's a great chance that it's a half dozen different things all called Crohn's.

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I am having problems with my right hand/arm. I wake up in the night with it hurting so badly; I could almost cry. It is kinda numb, but not really, and aches horribly. My fingers don't feel quite right either. I have been having this for several years, but it is getting worse. It seems that I can't get my fingers to do exactly what I want them to do sometimes. It is very frustrating. Right now the muscle in my upper arm is aching and my fingers and thumb feel numb-like.



 No advice.  Just  :grouphug:

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Hi friends.  Leaving shortly to take oldest to a swim meet.  It lasts three days.  It's an hour and a half away.  We're driving back and forth all weekend.  Thus, starting the day with the Eyeore quote, lol.  I'm sure I'll be around on my phone but it's slow for liking and posting.  <Insert more whining.>  <Insert another round of whining.>  <Insert whining about other things I don't want to say publicly.> 


Thanks for listening to me whine. 

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Thus, starting the day with the Eyeore quote, lol.

Sometimes it helps just to say it out loud.


Once I used the word "thus" in a sentence talking to someone somewhere and this random guy nearby told me that I should have used the word "hence" rather than "thus". <blinkblink>


What a weirdo. But now I have "thus" issues.

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Sometimes it helps just to say it out loud.


Once I used the word "thus" in a sentence talking to someone somewhere and this random guy nearby told me that I should have used the word "hence" rather than "thus". <blinkblink>


What a weirdo. But now I have "thus" issues.


He was probably right. People use "thus" all the time when they should use "hence".


Or rather, just use the more conventional, but admittedly less abbreviated, non-archaic English for maximum comprehension in the first place.

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I need an energy transplant.  Do any of you energizer bunnies want to volunteer?  

I'm about to do some lifting, because arms, so I'll let my sweat drip into a jar for you. PM your address. I want to know if it helps. We could totally make this a regular thing.

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Sometimes it helps just to say it out loud.


Once I used the word "thus" in a sentence talking to someone somewhere and this random guy nearby told me that I should have used the word "hence" rather than "thus". <blinkblink>


What a weirdo. But now I have "thus" issues.


They are synonyms, are they not?  What would make "Hence" more accurate?

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Not really synonyms. "Thus" means "in this way" where "hence" is more "consequently". They're really similar, I guess, but transposing them is almost as bad as people who say "comprise" when they mean "compose". People did THAT until Merriam Webster rewrote the frigging definition of "comprise" just to get it over with.



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Hi friends.  Leaving shortly to take oldest to a swim meet.  It lasts three days.  It's an hour and a half away.  We're driving back and forth all weekend.  Thus, starting the day with the Eyeore quote, lol.  I'm sure I'll be around on my phone but it's slow for liking and posting.  <Insert more whining.>  <Insert another round of whining.>  <Insert whining about other things I don't want to say publicly.> 


Thanks for listening to me whine. 



Happy to listen to any and all whining.   :thumbup:  



Sad you are leaving us.  Well, except phone.  Which stinks.  Because phone.  :crying:



Farewell, Dearest Lynn.   :seeya:

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Not really synonyms. "Thus" means "in this way" where "hence" is more "consequently". They're really similar, I guess, but transposing them is almost as bad as people who say "comprise" when they mean "compose". People did THAT until Merriam Webster rewrote the frigging definition of "comprise" just to get it over with.




Well, when I just looked up "thus," the definition provided by the all-knowing Gooooooooooogle had "in this way" as the secondary definition, and "consequently/for that reason" as the primary, so I have decided, and consequently so it must be, that:


1) it depends on which dictionary you use

2) popular usage defines a language, and things fall in and out of fashion, rendering your grandma's rules archaic

3) transposing them is not the same as comprise/compose, because even MW has the third definition of THUS as "because of this or that: HENCE, CONSEQUENTLY" so :001_tt2:


However, I will defer to Queen Ellie and if she tells me I have to use Hence instead of Thus, I will. 


#h in both

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