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I am revisiting my idea of becoming a hermit.

I think I've been trying this out lately, and it kind of works for me.  I swear the older I get, the less I want to go anywhere.  Is this age or stage of life?  I think I am tired and need the rest.

Edited by texasmama
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You will get an A, Renai.


Two year olds are so funny!


 I think the most I can get in this class is a B, and she has been very generous because of my circumstances. I'll take a B though! My GPA will still be above a 3.5. Which I NEVER had in undergraduate schools.

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Do you have a raggedy hat? And a stick that you can shake at trespassers? You need those to be a real hermit.

I have a big stick and I could probably knit myself a really ugly hat. (I only knit dishcloths, so really I could stick a couple of those together and make a nice hermit hat.)

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See, if you'd actually read the book you'd know you weren't supposed to do that.

Oh, I did get the book on Friday. But, that's the day I went out of town. I'll start reading it tomorrow and I'm getting oldest daughter on board as well.

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Well, I got full points on my presentation, which was just enough to pass the class by the skin of my teeth. Anything 83% or below means the class has to be repeated. I got an 84.69%. Phew. She loved the presentation. I used the picture frame template and it came together nicely.


Ok, back to work for me; break is over. I was showing dd my template choices and the one I chose. She's proud of me.

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Well, I got full points on my presentation, which was just enough to pass the class by the skin of my teeth. Anything 83% or below means the class has to be repeated. I got an 84.69%. Phew. She loved the presentation. I used the picture frame template and it came together nicely.


Ok, back to work for me; break is over. I was showing dd my template choices and the one I chose. She's proud of me.

Good job!

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Renai, you said you like Julian Michaels, right? Which one?


I own Ripped in 30, Six week 6-pack, and Killer Buns & Thighs. :D I lose 6 week, and mostly used Rip. When I used it.


Oh, did I mention I did zumba today? Older dd was cheering me on as she lounged on the sofa.  :glare:

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So much for going to bed. I"m still up. I got up looking for zucchini recipes. We have a lot of zucchini...


I'm pretty sure I'm going to bed now. I've saved a few recipes on my pinterest, including one for zucchini crisp dessert. I think I'll do that one tomorrow, along with some zoodles (zucchini noodles) with shrimp.

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Good morning, all!  Well, it's back to work for me.  DS felt better Sunday, so the boys took me out bowling for my birthday (today - woot! :party: ), and I performed miserably, but hey, it was DS's idea and a nice thought, so I laughed through my gutter balls and cheered for DS on the turns when HE didn't end up in the gutter, and we both told DH we let him win.  LOL  Of course, this was after I spend the whole morning cleaning for a visit from DH's dad and stepmom.  Would have been nice if he had told me sooner, so I could have spent Sat cleaning the downstairs instead of DS's bedroom.  Or if DH had gotten up early Sun to clean instead - his folks and all.   Sigh.   Also tried to go sandal shopping with the gift card they gave me, and found NOTHING in my size or style.  How is that even possible to go shoe shopping and come home with nothing?  I suck at shopping. 


Huge thunderstorm last night.  Woke me up three times.  But the world looks and smells so fresh today. :thumbup1:


Great job on pulling through for your class, Renai!


I tried a Jillian Michaels video once.  Once.  She kicked my butt and I pulled a muscle. 


I love bacon.  DS and DH have both cried over the lack of more bacon.  I think DS has OD'd on bacon, though.  He was eating it like every day for months.  He said he wasn't in the mood for bacon the other day.  But then he ate it anyway when DH made it.  Silly boy.





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I own Ripped in 30, Six week 6-pack, and Killer Buns & Thighs. :D I lose 6 week, and mostly used Rip. When I used it.


Oh, did I mention I did zumba today? Older dd was cheering me on as she lounged on the sofa. :glare:

I saw an advertisement for her body shred. I assume that's her new one. That's my kinda chick!

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I saw an advertisement for her body shred. I assume that's her new one. That's my kinda chick!

I know, right? I used to watch her show Biggest Loser when she was on it. That's how we met. I fell in love instantly. She gets that a lot though because she's bi. She doesn't love people back though because she's too busy kicking their butt. Or perhaps that's the way she shows love.


I'm actually about to do Ripped this morning.




ETA: BOOYA!!!!!!


This is the thread that never ends....


I'm on my phone or I'd post more of our theme song.

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I know, right? I used to watch her show Biggest Loser when she was on it. That's how we met. I fell in love instantly. She gets that a lot though because she's bi. She doesn't love people back though because she's too busy kicking their butt. Or perhaps that's the way she shows love.


I'm actually about to do Ripped this morning.




ETA: BOOYA!!!!!!


This is the thread that never ends....


I'm on my phone or I'd post more of our theme song.

I've never seen the show. I don't think I've ever watched a reality show. I've heard that there's a biggest loser website that you can join and that combined people have lost like a million pounds or something crazy like that.

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So much for going to bed. I"m still up. I got up looking for zucchini recipes. We have a lot of zucchini...


We have no zucchini. I planted 4 seeds this spring. 3 came up, 2 survived and only 1 zucchini was produced between the two of them. So, in the spirit of Kon Mari, in that neither gave me joy in their non-production, they were ripped out and thrown into the green-waste barrel of destruction!
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