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I grew up thinking milk was what you were supposed to drink when you eat spicy foods.  Is that wrong?  Maybe my mother just told me that to get me to drink more milk?  Actually, I don't even know if it was my mother who told me that.  Huh.


Well, I like to drink milk with spicy foods.  Sue me.

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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


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Everyone please take note of the proper spelling. Thank you.



Ellieeeeee!!!   :ohmy:     And you used to be an H girl.     


That's just, well.....devastating.  My hero, fallen.  Like telling everyone that WRTR is the method.  What did that vacation do to you, sweet Ellie???








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So um... I may or may not be contemplating writing a Greek crriculum for the K-8 crowd based on the classical education model.


I can't find anything I like for the kids. I've been looking for 2 years to find the right thing and nothing looks like I want it to.



What have you NOT liked?  What's missing?


(I've not looked at all and have absolutely no advice for you.  Just curious.)

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I got side tracked by double posts, but I meant to ask if we were having a syllabi writing contest?  I missed that.  Here's mine:


August - start slowly and get everyone used to routine and expectations

September - everything goes swimmingly

Mid October - panting with tongue hanging out, dropping subjects right and left like foot soldiers dropping paraphernalia on a 20 mile march in July.

November - Relieved to have streamlined, but now stressing that demands will be made for participation in various Thanksgiving festivities, and then Christmas.  (I could homeschool if I could sub-contract out these darn holidays.)

December - Ah, time to go light.  I'm justified since I have to do all this darn holiday stuff. 

January - time to get real again - still plenty of school year left to accomplish goals.

February - Well, this year is pathetic.  I think I'll start thinking about what I'd like to use next year.

March - Thank God we can take spring break

April - It's so pretty outside and it's been a long winter.  They should do nature study outside. 

May - Praise the Lord, we're done. 


But, maybe that's not what you meant by syllabus?  :D


I'm printing this out and posting it on my fridge.  Seriously. 

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I grew up thinking milk was what you were supposed to drink when you eat spicy foods.  Is that wrong?  Maybe my mother just told me that to get me to drink more milk?  Actually, I don't even know if it was my mother who told me that.  Huh.


Well, I like to drink milk with spicy foods.  Sue me.


I've heard that too. I just don't think spicy food tastes half as good with milk than with soda.

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Do you have August 10th marked on your calendar? It's cupcake day in memory of The Great Cupcake Kerfluffle of 2012.


Also, September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you talk like a pirate, you can get a free donut at Krispy Kreme. If you (or your kids) dress up, you get a free dozen. Very important holiday.



Also on my fridge.  Seriously.  


With a note to see if Dunkin Donuts will match Krispy Kreme on that one.  (We don't have Krispy here, and if we did I still would pick DDs over it.   :D )

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What have you NOT liked? What's missing?


(I've not looked at all and have absolutely no advice for you. Just curious.)

Hey Andrew is my top pick. I just feel that if a language is going to be taught as thoroughly as I would like to teach Greek then the first three years or so should focus on Phonics and copy work. I've never seen a Greek program like that. I essentially want a program like First Language Lessons, but for Greek.
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Ellieeeeee!!!   :ohmy:     And you used to be an H girl.     


That's just, well.....devastating.  My hero, fallen.  Like telling everyone that WRTR is the method.  What did that vacation do to you, sweet Ellie???









I'm pretty sure Queen Ellie was a "Say no to H" person.

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Hey Andrew is my top pick. I just feel that if a language is going to be taught as thoroughly as I would like to teach Greek then the first three years or so should focus on Phonics and copy work. I've never seen a Greek program like that. I essentially want a program like First Language Lessons, but for Greek.

Make that a combination of SWR and FLL.

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I've heard that too. I just don't think spicy food tastes half as good with milk than with soda.


I can't even imagine drinking soda with Thai food.  LOL  But I don't care for soda.


I love whole milk.

I love heavy cream.

I love (unsalted) butter.  By itself.  (Yup, you all now know my dirty little secret. :lol: Teeth marks in the butter was me at three years old, so says my mother, and I believe her.)


I'm strange like that.

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We don't have milk, either. (Runs away)


Jean told me to put Epsom salts in my bath, and I don't have those.


I have nothing but witticisms and syllabi. And that will just have to be enough.

Tell me what you need and I'll drive in rush hour traffic to get it for you.  I just drove 40 min. in rush hour traffic to get bunny hay.  I think I could drop what I'm doing (currently nothing) to get you milk and soda and epsom salts and Theo organic chocolate.  (Wait. . . that last one is my pick.)

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I can't even imagine drinking soda with Thai food. LOL But I don't care for soda.


I love whole milk.

I love heavy cream.

I love (unsalted) butter. By itself. (Yup, you all now know my dirty little secret. :lol: Teeth marks in the butter was me at three years old, so says my mother, and I believe her.)


I'm strange like that.

One of my kids did that. I called him my little butter biter. He was also three. I saw it and knew at once who had done it.
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Tell me what you need and I'll drive in rush hour traffic to get it for you. I just drove 40 min. in rush hour traffic to get bunny hay. I think I could drop what I'm doing (currently nothing) to get you milk and soda and epsom salts and Theo organic chocolate. (Wait. . . that last one is my pick.)

Oh thank the heavens! Someone has showed up to help me! (You can skip the milk, though. We don't drink it. )
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Hey Andrew is my top pick. I just feel that if a language is going to be taught as thoroughly as I would like to teach Greek then the first three years or so should focus on Phonics and copy work. I've never seen a Greek program like that. I essentially want a program like First Language Lessons, but for Greek.




Write it!  Just listened to someone (Andrew Pudewa???) describe just this approach to learning language.  Well, he suggested memorizing, not just copywork, but the idea is the same.  Mimic the real stuff.  

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Write it! Just listened to someone (Andrew Pudewa???) describe just this approach to learning language. Well, he suggested memorizing, not just copywork, but the idea is the same. Mimic the real stuff.

I'm going to make games to go with it for memorization.

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Ellieeeeee!!!   :ohmy:     And you used to be an H girl.     


That's just, well.....devastating.  My hero, fallen.  Like telling everyone that WRTR is the method.  What did that vacation do to you, sweet Ellie???









No, dear. Slache has always been a no-H gal. Please try to keep up. Even though I appreciate your comment regarding Spalding. TYVM.

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Bedtime. Why can I not get to bed before 11:30???

Never do I get to been when I want to. Dh is chattier at night and I really like him so I stay up... Every,stupid.night. Just got off the phone with him. So it is one hour after I had planned on hitting the hay. Nighty night, you rockin' hot chicks.

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I'm still up and accomplishing nothing. In other news, we drive up to see older dd this afternoon and will be staying overnight so we don't have to drive back up tomorrow to pick her up. Used Expedia for the first time to book a hotel. Interesting.








I think I'll do some homework and then go to bed. In 25 minutes, it will be 4am. The same time I went to bed yesterday.


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I guess this is it.




This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue posting forever just because...

This is the thread that never ends
You'd best come join it with your friends
'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze
And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days

This is the thread that never ends...

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