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Belated thanks for the :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .  (DD got treated badly by a "friend."  [Hmm, I wonder why said "friend" has no other friends than DD?]  Watching my baby hurt hurts.  A lot.)


:grouphug: :grouphug:  for Tex.  (One for now, one for the bank.)



Quackers:  I :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:  little 4 year old Duckie.  Good job, Mama Duck.  (Although that little angel sounds created, not necessarily made [no offense intended :001_unsure: ])

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Cranky?  I am totally annoyed for you.  Here, let me finish your rant for you:  Do these people call you up and ask if they last breathed in?  or was it out?  Or could you help them because they cannot breathe for themselves?  (Ok, I guess it was thoughtful of DH to want to give you a little warning before you got home, and if he waited until the massage was over to text you, then he gets bonus points for sensitivity.)






:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:  I'm totally annoyed, as well. Sheesh.

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I think I'm more of a giraffe than an elephant as my hight is always so shocking to people. I've always identified with their awkwardness better. I'm also a glock girl. Hmmmm. Should I change from OBB, just to fit in? I'll contemplate this while hulaing.

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I think I'm more of a giraffe than an elephant as my hight is always so shocking to people. I've always identified with their awkwardness better. I'm also a glock girl. Hmmmm. Should I change from OBB, just to fit in? I'll contemplate this while hulaing.


No need to change - you just get two titles because you are doubly special. Like me.



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I think I need to take a hiatus from the forums. I am getting nothing done. I'd say it would be for two weeks, but we know how that worked out for another member of ours...Maybe I should just do a week at a time, or just a day. The classes I am in both end within the next two weeks, then I'm back to just one class at a time and can come back here.

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I think I'm more of a giraffe than an elephant as my hight is always so shocking to people. I've always identified with their awkwardness better. I'm also a glock girl. Hmmmm. Should I change from OBB, just to fit in? I'll contemplate this while hulaing.


No, you should not change.  You are perfect just the way you are.  :001_wub:

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I think I need to take a hiatus from the forums. I am getting nothing done. I'd say it would be for two weeks, but we know how that worked out for another member of ours...Maybe I should just do a week at a time, or just a day. The classes I am in both end within the next two weeks, then I'm back to just one class at a time and can come back here.


Have you considered a timer?  As in, work for one hour, reward yourself with ten minutes of forum time (or whatever time division works for you.) 

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I think I need to take a hiatus from the forums. I am getting nothing done. I'd say it would be for two weeks, but we know how that worked out for another member of ours...Maybe I should just do a week at a time, or just a day. The classes I am in both end within the next two weeks, then I'm back to just one class at a time and can come back here.


You can always PM us if you need to talk and don't want to get involved in the thread. :)

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I was up all night stressed about the whole workout/bible/whole90 thing and I was wondering what the h*ll was going through my head when I signed up for that! Well do you know what was going through my head? Narcotics. Lots and lots of hard core drugs. I would not volunteer for all of that! I'm fat! I'm not putting myself down here, but do you know why fat people are fat? Because they're lazy and like pizza. I would LOVE to be the person that did all of that, but I don't want to be the person that has to do all of that. That's crazy! And you know what else? I don't know what else. I'm just throwing a fit. Now I'm intimidated and embarrassed. I think I need food. The coffee and Flintstones vitamin I took didn't really cut it.

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I think I need to take a hiatus from the forums. I am getting nothing done. I'd say it would be for two weeks, but we know how that worked out for another member of ours...Maybe I should just do a week at a time, or just a day. The classes I am in both end within the next two weeks, then I'm back to just one class at a time and can come back here.

(((hugs)))  mama Renai


I was up all night stressed about the whole workout/bible/whole90 thing and I was wondering what the h*ll was going through my head when I signed up for that! Well do you know what was going through my head? Narcotics. Lots and lots of hard core drugs. I would not volunteer for all of that! I'm fat! I'm not putting myself down here, but do you know why fat people are fat? Because they're lazy and like pizza. I would LOVE to be the person that did all of that, but I don't want to be the person that has to do all of that. That's crazy! And you know what else? I don't know what else. I'm just throwing a fit. Now I'm intimidated and embarrassed. I think I need food. The coffee and Flintstones vitamin I took didn't really cut it.


You don't have to do all of that at once.  It is a lot.

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Of course it didn't cut it. You know better. You also know to change one habit at a time.

I actually can't change one habit at a time. I'll revert. It's a complete change or none at all. There are more changes you're not seeing, but they aren't hard, just different for the sake of change. Daily swimming in the mornings, school earlier, guitar MWF, drawing TTH. I don't have the schedule down yet but we needed change as the kids are growing and changing and have different needs, and we're in need of a change. Our diets and fitness habits have desperately slipped and starting Monday Matt will work M-F for 8 hours instead of Wednesday-Saturday for 10 hours so the timing is absolute perfection.

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I actually can't change one habit at a time. I'll revert. It's a complete change or none at all. There are more changes you're not seeing, but they aren't hard, just different for the sake of change. Daily swimming in the mornings, school earlier, guitar MWF, drawing TTH. I don't have the schedule down yet but we needed change as the kids are growing and changing and have different needs, and we're in need of a change. Our diets and fitness habits have desperately slipped and starting Monday Matt will work M-F for 8 hours instead of Wednesday-Saturday for 10 hours so the timing is absolute perfection.


Ok, I actually totally understand this, as I often have to start everything at once (although I know better). If I do a little at a time, everything else just slips. It just doesn't work very well. The drawback is, if I don't get everything right, it's easier to quit. (for me) A schedule used to work for me. Then I got dd#2. :lol:  She does thrive on routine though, so making a big change will be easier. It is also perfect timing for us as dh is working and we don't have the tv issue going anymore.

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I am so tired.  My legitimate needs and the family's legitimate needs clash and guess whose needs get trashed?  Not on purpose at all.  It's more a matter of me needing a little hermit bungalow by myself in order for my needs to be met and well, I chose to get married and have kids.  And I'm glad that I did.  Except that it isn't so good for my health.  What I can do is get rid of everyone for the morning (done) and try to nap (going to do in a second).  

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I am so tired.  My legitimate needs and the family's legitimate needs clash and guess whose needs get trashed?  Not on purpose at all.  It's more a matter of me needing a little hermit bungalow by myself in order for my needs to be met and well, I chose to get married and have kids.  And I'm glad that I did.  Except that it isn't so good for my health.  What I can do is get rid of everyone for the morning (done) and try to nap (going to do in a second).  


Sleep well. :)

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I don't want to go to the grocery store (whine). I have made it 3 days on making whatever I could put together everyone would eat and leftovers for lunch. But the kids are about to revolt as they hate most of what is left in the cupboard....


But here's my cupboard/fridge:

3/4 box medium shells

3/4lb beef, ground

1lb leftover diced/shredded turkey (in freezer)


Canned peas

canned green beans

Canned butter beans

1-2lb dried great northern beans


1c white flour

2c whole wheat flour

every spice/seasoning you can imagine

a couple gallons of ice cream and enough popcorn to feed a small army


...and tons of spicy foods I adore but the kids won't touch (they aren't that picky but hate spicy foods, beans and quinoa) lol





Maybe Subway wants to make dinner tonight. Or the local pizza joint? 



Edit: ooooo milk, butter, tortillas, peanut butter and celery too are in there! lol

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I don't want to go to the grocery store (whine). I have made it 3 days on making whatever I could put together everyone would eat and leftovers for lunch. But the kids are about to revolt as they hate most of what is left in the cupboard....


But here's my cupboard/fridge:

3/4 box medium shells

3/4lb beef, ground

1lb leftover diced/shredded turkey (in freezer)


Canned peas

canned green beans

Canned butter beans

1-2lb dried great northern beans


1c white flour

2c whole wheat flour

every spice/seasoning you can imagine

a couple gallons of ice cream and enough popcorn to feed a small army


...and tons of spicy foods I adore but the kids won't touch (they aren't that picky but hate spicy foods, beans and quinoa) lol





Maybe Subway wants to make dinner tonight. Or the local pizza joint? 



Edit: ooooo milk, butter, tortillas, peanut butter and celery too are in there! lol


No canned tomatoes or tomato sauce?

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No canned tomatoes or tomato sauce?


Nope, used my last red sauce of any kind last night. I've got tomato powder but maybe a 1/2 cup left at most. Oh and there are 2 tomatoes hiding in the crisper with some sweet onions! Those sneaky buggers, about missed them lol....


so maybe it's not as empty as I make it out to be but I'm running low on creative juice. 

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No canned tomatoes or tomato sauce?

My exact thought.



Also, I completely forgot that I bought fitness bands like a year ago. I can fasten them to a door and strengthen the same muscles as if I were doing pull ups. Booya! I'm so excited! I put them away when I bought weights and forgot I had them. I can't really do very many pull ups anyway. This might be good for me.

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Ground beef


pasta shells

tomatoes, diced up

1/4-1/3 cup of the tomato powder

chili powder


make it into a casserole and maybe have DH grab a bag of cheese on the way home for the top?

What kind of cheese comes in a bag?

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Ground beef


pasta shells

tomatoes, diced up

1/4-1/3 cup of the tomato powder

chili powder


make it into a casserole and maybe have DH grab a bag of cheese on the way home for the top? 


This is what I was going to suggest. You can add some of the peas in there too.

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I am so tired. My legitimate needs and the family's legitimate needs clash and guess whose needs get trashed? Not on purpose at all. It's more a matter of me needing a little hermit bungalow by myself in order for my needs to be met and well, I chose to get married and have kids. And I'm glad that I did. Except that it isn't so good for my health. What I can do is get rid of everyone for the morning (done) and try to nap (going to do in a second).

You need a hidey house. My kids know that they are never never to disturb a rabbit's hidey house 'cause that is their cozy private space. Instead of willow, your's could be made of comfy blankets and fluffy pillows.

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My exact thought.



Also, I completely forgot that I bought fitness bands like a year ago. I can fasten them to a door and strengthen the same muscles as if I were doing pull ups. Booya! I'm so excited! I put them away when I bought weights and forgot I had them. I can't really do very many pull ups anyway. This might be good for me.


Ok, good. So on Monday, we're on? You have the whole30/Bible/workout thing. I have the Bible/workout/homeschool 4yo thing. I'm not counting my school because I can pretend to do school all day.


I think my 4yo just said "oh dammit." I need to take care of it.

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I did not know you could buy shredded cheese. I always buy the same staples. It makes grocery shopping easier. I also buy the same home products and buy a ton when it's on sale. We spent $60 on toilet paper at Costco not long ago and the stack was almost twice as tall as I am. Awesome deal.

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Ok, good. So on Monday, we're on? You have the whole30/Bible/workout thing. I have the Bible/workout/homeschool 4yo thing. I'm not counting my school because I can pretend to do school all day.


I think my 4yo just said "oh dammit." I need to take care of it.

Ha! Yes. When will you work out and what will you do?

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I could make a lot with that list of stuff, including a fun soup.


Who never saw shredded cheese in a bag at the store?


I spilled some water on my books the other day and shouted "dammit" with ds12 in the room. Fortunately, he has heard that before. I never curse in front of the kids, but I'm having a hard week....(it was the day of the syrup spill).


I have planned and written a syllabus for the first week of my thirty-two week high school English class. I am tearing it up, I tell you!

Matt's done the grocery shopping for years. It's easier for him to go alone. If I go it's to get odd things because he sucks at that and cheese is not odd. Pepper jack at winco, mozzarella and cheddar at Costco. For years. Easy.

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Also, I broke my own sacred code and posted on a Duggar thread.  Ugh.  I am just trying to avoid planning my English class for co op, which is what is on the calendar.


For shame.  But understandable.  


I've never seen the Duggar show which is funny because I'm a conservative christian homeschooler that wants 20 kids.



Meeeee TOO!  



ETA:  Booyah, etc.

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I was up all night stressed about the whole workout/bible/whole90 thing and I was wondering what the h*ll was going through my head when I signed up for that! Well do you know what was going through my head? Narcotics. Lots and lots of hard core drugs. I would not volunteer for all of that! I'm fat! I'm not putting myself down here, but do you know why fat people are fat? Because they're lazy and like pizza. I would LOVE to be the person that did all of that, but I don't want to be the person that has to do all of that. That's crazy! And you know what else? I don't know what else. I'm just throwing a fit. Now I'm intimidated and embarrassed. I think I need food. The coffee and Flintstones vitamin I took didn't really cut it.





You are sleep-deprived.  The world always looks overwhelming when you are sleep deprived.  


You are not fat.  You are not lazy.  You are an inspiration to me, and there are worse things to love than pizza.  


Get some sleep.  You don't have to do 3 months worth of workout/bible/whole90 all on Monday morning.   Just one healthy breakfast, one workout, and 13 chapters at a time.  You've totally got that.  You are awesome sauce.  

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You are sleep-deprived. The world always looks overwhelming when you are sleep deprived.


You are not fat. You are not lazy. You are an inspiration to me, and there are worse things to love than pizza.


Get some sleep. You don't have to do 3 months worth of workout/bible/whole90 all on Monday morning. Just one healthy breakfast, one workout, and 13 chapters at a time. You've totally got that. You are awesome sauce.

Wow you're good. What are you, a mom or something? Valid point about the sleep deprivation. And the one day at a time thing. I feel better. Thanks.

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