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Taking kid #3 to the dentist to have some cavities filled.  I voted him least likely to get cavities, but these were in his back molars, which he has avoided brushing due to gag reflex.  No sealants, but we will be getting them.  He was very upset by his failure to properly care for his teeth, and I had to console him, all the while consoling myself due to the hard hit on my pocketbook.  



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Renai, did you work out?

Um, I was hoping you were going to forget...


The most working out I did was running around the river with my 4yo. It just did not work for me to go to bed past midnight and try to get up at 5:30. Didn't work at all. 

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Taking kid #3 to the dentist to have some cavities filled.  I voted him least likely to get cavities, but these were in his back molars, which he has avoided brushing due to gag reflex.  No sealants, but we will be getting them.  He was very upset by his failure to properly care for his teeth, and I had to console him, all the while consoling myself due to the hard hit on my pocketbook.  


Then we are going to meet friends at Chick Fil A because it is cow day, and little dd has a shirt she made.  Friends will come over here later, but the only adult is a lady who is nice but has so much personality that it overwhelms even me, a friendly, loud laughing extrovert.


Also, I don't have anywhere else to put this so I will put it here - a lot of people in my life reach out to me for support because I am a therapist.  This can unbalance friendships or wear on me when too many at once do it.  I have begun setting some gentle limits because I cannot do free "therapy" for five people at once.  Also, I want my dh to stop turning to me during episodes of murder shows and asking me to diagnose them.  I just need that part of my brain to rest at 10 pm, you know?


I can put that here because no one here has done this.  I can't put it anywhere else because my other "places" are full of people who have done this.  I don't wish anyone to feel badly, but I cannot help everyone.  I have several who only turn to me in a crisis.  There is one high school friend who contacts me on a semi-yearly basis because she is not doing well, and she never seems to fully recover.  In the past six years, I've been to her house twice and to a hospital once to see her, twice in a crisis.  In the past year, she has contacted me telling me that married men we both know have come onto her and how disgusted she is by this.  Well, the last married man is someone I know well enough to know that this is a figment of her imagination.  So I contacted him after really wrestling with this.  I didn't think it was right that he be in friendship with someone who is unbalanced and is slaying his character all over town.  He was shocked she thought he was in love with her.  Then the lady wanted to "talk to me" - this means "be my therapist without me paying you."  I referred her to a local group of therapists.  I will not do it.  Not appropriate.  I am a nice person, but geez, I am setting some boundaries with these folks.  




I do feel better after saying all of that.


Boundaries are always good. If a person is always withdrawing more than they are depositing emotionally, it's time for a different bank (friend). Unless of course, if you have an emergency reserve saved up just for them, that they can withdraw from - let's say, every 3 years or so...

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It's trash collection day and Dd8 is going dumpster diving. So far she has brought home a wooden stool and a plastic drawer cart frame (no drawers).


ETA: I asked her if she had any plans for her new stuff, and she said, "I don't know, maybe a time machine or something." :D

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Boundaries are always good. If a person is always withdrawing more than they are depositing emotionally, it's time for a different bank (friend). Unless of course, if you have an emergency reserve saved up just for them, that they can withdraw from - let's say, every 3 years or so...

Yes, and when I am not depleted myself, I have something to offer.  


I like the bank reference.  It works.




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Thank you all for listening to all of this.  As you can see, it has been building for awhile now.  I actually do have plenty of my own stuff to deal with without taking on other people's.


Are you getting deposits? You've had quite a few withdrawals in a short period of time. What are you doing to take care of yourself emotionally? 

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I just read an article about a massive earthquake in Oregon that's going to kill us all and now I'm depressed.

Come on over to my house. No scary earthquakes or hurricanes or floods here. The peach-raspberry jam is done and I will bake you some biscuits to go with it. I have cute bunnies and pesky squirrels for entertainment and dd8 is working on a time machine we can try out.


All ITT friends are invited! (Gluten free and non-peach options are available.)

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Are you getting deposits? You've had quite a few withdrawals in a short period of time. What are you doing to take care of yourself emotionally? 

Not many deposits lately.  I agree with your appraisal of my emotional bank condition.  I am overdrawn!  


But yes, I am not getting enough deposits.  I really need a mother.  It is the largest thing that is missing from my life, I think.

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Come on over to my house. No scary earthquakes or hurricanes or floods here. The peach-raspberry jam is done and I will bake you some biscuits to go with it. I have cute bunnies and pesky squirrels for entertainment and dd8 is working on a time machine we can try out.


All ITT friends are invited!

I feel like some peaches and a time machine might do me good.

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Come on over to my house. No scary earthquakes or hurricanes or floods here. The peach-raspberry jam is done and I will bake you some biscuits to go with it. I have cute bunnies and pesky squirrels for entertainment and dd8 is working on a time machine we can try out.


All ITT friends are invited!

Dude. I am so on my way.

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I am going to do a camp lesson plan marathon today.  (Hopefully - if I can ever get over this teacher's block that I seem to be having.)  I am at our small local library so that I will not be distracted by pets, the telephone, the unwashed dishes or cookies.  Of course there is always the internet to distract me!  But I'm going to do a "Renai" and disappear to my work tab.  

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Got to talk to my dd15 for a long time today, ds16 just got on the phone with me when their step mom declared they had to get off the phone and go outside.  They have far more rules there than they do here.  WHile their dad tells them they are old enough to make up their own minds on things and not do what I tell them, he is extremely strict there.  Set bed time at 10 pm, they turn off the internet at 8 so the kids can't message me or their friends, they do not allow it back on until 2 pm, after they do the list of chores they get there, and spend a set amount of time outside etc.  THey are not allowed to sleep in (even though this is summer vacation, and teens need their sleep). DD15 has insomnia so they make her go to bed at 10 and she lays awake until after 1 and then was up this morning at 5 am.  and couldn't fall back asleep before they got their 7 am wake up call.  She is frustrated.  There has been no more talk about calling step mom mum, in fact as it turned out, be giving her a tongue lashing about it was the first she knew about it.  Their dad was pushing it to be a surprise.  AND the kids found out that he thinks I have been trying to keep them from having a relationship with him and dd15 got pissed and threw it back at him that if he wanted a relationship with them he should not have screwed off for 10 years. Both verified to him that I have bent over backwards to make sure they had a relationship including taking time off work at short notice to drive them to meet up with him and cancelling family plans etc to make those visits happen when he calls (he will call and ask to see them that weekend, no preplanning, no set schedule etc) he tried for a set schedule ones, and then cancelled constantly.  They will be home this weekend.  Apparently first thing tomorrow some cop is going to be staying there too, cop was involved in a shooting, man went nuts and murdered 2 people, cops shot him 10 times man still alive though no paralyzed in hospital.  So this one is now going to be staying with ex and his wife and apparently my kids while the thing is under investigation.  Just more fun times.  

ANd I am home from work sick today.  It's still from the stress of the other night.  Went from the nausea all day yesterday to the actual puking today so I am staying home and resting and watching season 4 of supernatural and working on the bedroom/housework.  Taking it easy.  Talking to my dd15 helped, but mad I didn't get to talk to my ds16.

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Not many deposits lately.  I agree with your appraisal of my emotional bank condition.  I am overdrawn!  


I have been to two therapists since Nan died - my own and the hospice one.  I have set limits with dh's family, which was much needed, but frankly, that just helps to prevent more withdrawals.  And having MIL back in our lives, even on a limited  basis, causes my blood pressure to go up.


(Also, my ASD kid has been doing a lot of withdrawals lately...)


I tell you what I have been doing lately is a lot of slowing down and letting go.  If I had a theme song to describe it, "Let it Be" by the Beatles would do nicely.  The experience with Nan was a watershed one for me, and it has slowed me down.  I am a fast-paced, fix it all, rush around kind of a gal so this is a big thing.


But yes, I am not getting enough deposits.  I really need a mother.  It is the largest thing that is missing from my life, I think.



My DD4 is really good at "filling buckets."  She learned it at nursery school and graduated with honors.   I'll get her to send some lovey doveys your way.  

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