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I just caught up with this thread. You've all been busy while I was getting crushed on the tennis court. Itwas a realtively happy loss, though, and my partner and I went down swinging our racquets hard. The lady on the opposing team was just too mighty and on her game for us this time. Until we meet again...

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My DH credits his being dragged kicking and screaming into management for giving him "acquired ADD".  He says when he was a simple engineer he could get a task and stay on it to worry it into submission.  Very satisfying.  Now he has so many interruptions ALL of the time and so many different tasks in some stage of progress his brain has adapted, and when he has the luxury of just picking one thing to focus on (at home, for instance) he finds his brain constantly looking for the interruptions and distractions.  He can't just concentrate on just one thing anymore.


I feel the same way sometimes, though if I ever get some time to focus on just one thing for hours I can still actually get myself to do so sometimes -- so long as I've made CERTAIN beforehand that someone else will take care of anything that crops up.


I credit motherhood. 

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We had 1-2 inch sized hail yesterday. Nuts. The garden took a beating. I was able to cover most of the garden before the second wave of hail hit, then dh came by and was able to cover the corn. It all looks so sad right now, but if I stay on top of picking off damaging bugs they should revive. Hopefully. My neighbors garden, however, is really bad. We have a shared front yard (it's a triplex) and his garden is on one side of it (ours is in the back-our front- yard with fence on two sides). There was nothing to protect it for the 40 minutes or so that hail came down.

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It is without the h. We have already discussed this ad nauseum.


Yes, we have, so I wonder why you even bother to keep trying to get me to change.  I am Matriarch, and reserve the right (yes, the RIGHT) to include the "h" in my Booyahs.  After all, I am not invoking a ship that sank.

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Just wanted to post the awesomeness that is my 4yo. This really short video is her at gymnastics a couple of months ago. I finally (finally!) figured out how to upload all my photos and videos from my phone to google drive, so now I can share with you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AgbG4Z0x4NRnVJM2RMTzdybEE/view?usp=sharing


I can do that too.*   



*(just not on purpose.)

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Tell me to clean the kitchen and to work on dinner.  I do like dh being on day shift.  We sure see a whole lot more of him now.  But this means that I now have to cook dinner every night.  (Though that too is better since before I had to cook a bigger lunch so he could eat before heading off to work and that was stressful sometimes.)  


I'm tired today.  I actually zoned out while driving to the chiropractor today and "came to" on a totally different road than I meant to take and had to ask the kids where I was going and then figure out how to get there from where I was.  I wasn't unsafe driving.  I was paying attention to the rules of the road but I was on auto-pilot and was following some internal gps that had no correlation to actually getting to the chiropractor.  


That's okay.  I keep confusing the locations of the kids' dentist and their eye doctor.  When we needed to pick up DD11's prescription sunglasses I drove to the dentist.  When heading out to the dentist I almost didn't have enough time to get there punctually, because I calculated the time to get there based on the eye doctor's location.  We were on time, but I used up my usual time cushion I plan on (in case of traffic events or other incidences, such as pilot error).  Same thing here -- safe driving, just erroneous navigation.

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I let the kids sleep in this morning, and heard one of them come down and sit on the sofa behind me.


"Good morning."


"Would you like a hug?"  (It was DD11 who came down, and it's unusual for her not to give me a hug immediately.)

"One minute...." -- ?!?  (What is she doing, playing games on her phone?)


I turn to look at her -- she's got her Rubik's Cube and is trying to solve it again.  Yes, Benjamin Arthur (teacher of the Great Courses Mathematics of Games and Puzzles set of lectures) has enticed her away from the electronics once again.


Now if I could just find someone/something to do the same for DDalmost14.  Although to be fair I had to talk to her about the problems caused by using a Rainbow In My Room light as a "flashlight" for reading after bedtime.

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Happy Thursday!


We have no food.

In the event that anyone ever goes grocery shopping, I'd like to start doing more crock-pot cooking.  I don't mind prep work (sauteing and such) but I really need to cook dinner in the morning before kids are awake and life gets crazy.  Anyone recommend any crock-pot recipes or cookbooks?  Preferably on the healthy side?

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Here is a glimpse of where dh and are right now: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/556806-ladies-be-prepared/?p=6455160


He is sleeping at his sister's house 20 minutes away and has an appointment to see a counselor. He helped me with my car today. And I'm not angry, just wary.


That is all.



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It's an accountability/motivational thing.  If I say "tell me to do xyz" then I will get up off of my butt and will do it just so that I don't have to hear anyone actually have to tell me to do it!  Except Tex.  She always tells me to do it anyway.  (She's so bossy!)


I hope Eldest here eventually gets this.  Right now she is in the typical teen "don't tell me what to do" phase, but doesn't want to do the stuff necessary to keep me from telling her what to do.

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DD11 is now fast forwarding through the Rubik's Cube lecture to get to the solving step that she is struggling with.  Benjamin Arthur talking at faster speed is rather frenetic.

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I credit motherhood. 


So do I, but the job I used to have also contributed significantly.  Honestly, every time my boss figured out a way to get us more time to concentrate on something someone in the hierarchy came up with "beneficial changes" to the way business was done that eliminated our uninterrupted get-work-done time.

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So do I, but the job I used to have also contributed significantly.  Honestly, every time my boss figured out a way to get us more time to concentrate on something someone in the hierarchy came up with "beneficial changes" to the way business was done that eliminated our uninterrupted get-work-done time.


I think that's what they do in all their Exec Staff meetings here.  They sit in there thinking up ways to mess with us.  Still not sure what some of them actually DO, other than to make arbitrary changes without considering the ramifications of those changes.

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Yes, we have, so I wonder why you even bother to keep trying to get me to change.  I am Matriarch, and reserve the right (yes, the RIGHT) to include the "h" in my Booyahs.  After all, I am not invoking a ship that sank.


Wading into this long-term debate to identify it as a power struggle with no good resolution.  To each his own from this point on. :lurk5:

I can do that too.*   



*(just not on purpose.)

If I did this, I would probably need the ER.

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I'm thinking of starting my Facebook back up after several years away. Talk me out of it.


I recently quit Facebook after getting hacked there.  In my experience it has become a lot more trouble than it is worth.

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The shoe tying video was pretty awesome.  


I want to contribute to the insanity, but I'm not sure I'm cool enough.  How about this:


Recently, I remembered a series of elephant jokes my grandmother used to tell me.  I started telling them to the kids, who thought they were hilarious.  So I googled to see if I could find some more.  It turns out that elephant jokes were this big fad back in the day and everyone used to tell them!  


Here's a few:


How do you know an elephant has been in your fridge?  

Elephant tracks int he peanut butter.


How do you know an elephant is behind the door?

You can smell the peanut butter on his breath.  


How many elephants can fit in a car?

4.  2 in the front, 2 in the back.


How many giraffes can fit in a car?

None, it's full of elephants!


How can you tell there are elephants in your apartment?

There's an empty car parked out front. 


And so on.  

Anyone else remember these?  


1000000.3 points to you!


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I thought that, too.  But then I got one (well, my sister gifted me hers).  And it was such a PITA I never used it after the first half-dozen times. (Which she later told me is why she allowed me to take it out of her house in the first place!!!)


I really think by hand is easier. 


DH has a bread machine.  It comes out at holiday times, when he starts mass-producing monkey bread and dinner rolls.  The rest of the year it hides in the back of one cupboard, behind my KitchenAid mixer.  I love my KA mixer, but it also usually only comes out at holiday times.  I need to ramp up the kids' cooking instruction sometime, and then the mixer might get more frequent use.


Edited to add:  if we had an enormous kitchen with ample counter space these machines would live out on the counter and likely be used a lot more often as a consequence.  As it is our kitchen's counter space is quite limited (DH sets up his bread station on the kitchen table during the holiday cooking times), so the machines get stored in the only available spot.  This makes them harder to access and therefore less likely to be used, due to the bother of getting them out and the amount of counter space they eat up.

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You have excellent taste, Renai!


I LOVE to watch re-runs of the old Carol Burnett show.



My Mom loved this show!  Where are you finding reruns?

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I read something written recently by dd16 - the paper was sitting face up on her bedroom floor and I happened to look down at it while waking dd6 who shares a room with dd16. And I read it. She was writing about her worry that if she got the pixie haircut she had been planning, the boy she really likes would not like her haircut and then she would be sad. And then her worry that she might be wasting emotions on a boy who might not like her due to her haircut.


It's tough to be a teenager.


She did get the haircut and as far as I know, the boy is still a "person of interest" :D. She keeps telling dh and I how much we would really get along with his parents. Uff da.


She sounds like a pretty savvy gal.

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I don't know what Uff da means.  Am I too old?


If I could get my kids to stop taking unflattering candid photos of me while I am lecturing them that would be great.


I am on FB and have mixed feelings about it.  If someone lived without it for years, then I say you can probably live for more years without it.  I don't really care about my personal information.  I don't know why.  I just don't.


DDalmost14 tends to DRAW unflattering pictures of me lecturing.

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Uff da is Norwegian or something.  


It is Minnesotan for "Oh, boy," said in an I-can't-believe-that tone.  It can also be used to express emphatic excitement or glee about something.

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Well, little dd asked if I had ever been drunk, and ds14 took that as his chance to spill all he knew.*  :ohmy:  So then I lectured him while pointing a pencil about how he should not tell anyone else's story. :thumbdown:  So then ds12 snapped some real jewels, like ones for the Christmas card!   :huh:   I deleted them.  No, thanks.


*The teens in my home get more information than the elementary set.


:lol: :lol:

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Do these things happen in other people's homes or is this just me and mine?


Not just yours.  My kids wish they had more fodder for such things.  We have learned over the years how to prevent SOME fodder from becoming available.  I say "some", because there is no guarantee that we will prevent ALL.  If fact, it's almost a certainty that they will find something sometime.

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Make me do my core exercises.  I am achy as he double hockey sticks but I need to do them.  Tell me that I'm a BA and that if I don't want to be a FT (fat tummy) then I have to do them.  


You ARE a BA and will do your core exercises today, too!

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Yes, but ONLY if the house is kid-free.  


As I tell my dh every Saturday, you take 'em all out for the day, and I will happily mop every floor in the house.  It usually takes about 4 hours.  (30min to mop, 10min to dry, 20 min to make my lunch, and 3 hours to fritter away mindlessly on the forums.)


* I don't usually itemize my activities like that for dh's benefit, though. 


This is the best floor-mopping method I have ever come across!  So very prudent to get it all done at once instead of trying to do areas.  When next I mop perhaps I will tell DH I wish to employ this method, and he and the kids will need to vacate for hours.  After all, we don't want them on the floor until it's good and dry, do we?

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How about a home-grown AB cabana boy like Nathan Filion to give foot massages? I'm in for that! 


Yes, I can go for that, too!  And he can read aloud to me, especially Firefly scripts and Richard Castle books. 

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Argggg!  Slache -- consider this liked by me.  


For some reason Chrome is now giving me the "sorry can't store your reputation vote" when I try to like something.  Except it ONLY gives it to me on this particular post!  I can like everything else, including other Slache posts.  But post 10001?  Nope.  


What IS this?   


Maybe it's a P10K bug (post 10,000), or each post has a maximum of allowed likes.


DD11 keeps solving her Rubik's Cube and asking me to scramble it again.  Benjamin Arthur may have to give way to Mayan videos for a while.

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Matt's sister in our pool:





What in the world?!?!?!?!?!


Do NOT drown people in your own pool!  Take it to the neighbor's so they get the blame.


Honestly, you young folk just don't learn....



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After the pink water experiment failed (primarily because Mommy vetoed it), I asked them all, "Okay, what is it that I never let you take to the playground for lunch, because it attracts all the flies?"  


Lightbulbs went off, and they grabbed their empty yogurt tube packages and set them out as bait.


It worked.   :)   The basement flies landed nearby and Ds7 swatted them to death.  




So I can check Science off of the list for today, right?


Science, problem resolution (a part of critical thinking), life skills, teamwork, negotiating, ....

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This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that never ends....

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This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that never ends....


I love your second verse!

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Wading into this long-term debate to identify it as a power struggle with no good resolution.  To each his own from this point on. :lurk5:

If I did this, I would probably need the ER.


It is a one-sided power struggle.  I am not struggling.  I declare, using my authority as Matriarch, and thus it is.  I allow others to be creative and adopt other spellings if they wish, but that allowance does not subvert the true and actual, time-honored spelling.  Both may exist.


The above is spoken with the awe-inspiring air of infallibility that Matriarchitude bestows upon one.  Obviously.

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