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Hey, Tex:


Thanks for testing out the "what will happen if I buy separate gallons of paint" thing for me. When we paint DD's room while she's away at camp we'll be sure to get one huge batch.  It was really cool of you to take one for the team like that.


You rock.

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Hey, Tex:


Thanks for testing out the "what will happen if I buy separate gallons of paint" thing for me. When we paint DD's room while she's away at camp we'll be sure to get one huge batch.  It was really cool of you to take one for the team like that.


You rock.

Glad you can benefit!  I almost bought two gallons the first time, and now I have oh, so many regrets.  I hope I remember this next time.

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I have baby fever bad, but while I had the 2 youngest as a single mom, I would rather not do that again.  Problem is I have not been able to meet the right guy to even want to date let alone settle down and I am getting old.  So I have to get my baby fix somehow.  WOrking in daycare and now being put in charge of 12-18 month group does that for me.  SHe is the first one in that age group, over the next 2 months I will have a few more join.  THe most I will have in my group is 4, so I can dote on them all and snuggle all day without being overwhelmed.  


Back when I worked in a daycare that had an infant room (babies from 6weeks-12 months) I would spend my lunch break every day in there just rocking babies.  It brings my blood pressure right down and instantly calms me.  I am a much more peaceful and zen person if I have a baby around to snuggle.  I think my ds11 figured that out because he asks me daily when I am going to have another baby lol



It is undoubtedly in the best interest of all of us that I have another baby.  


Dh does not see my logic, however.  

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I am nervously sitting and waiting for the paint in little dd's room to dry.  I got it at Lowe's but I got a second gallon separately from the first, and it appears to be lighter, even right next to the wet from the last gallon.  I hope it is close enough...


I used to work in the paint department at Lowe's!


Always buy more than you need the first time!  Always!



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Booya! 10,000th post. I'm awesome.



Argggg!  Slache -- consider this liked by me.  


For some reason Chrome is now giving me the "sorry can't store your reputation vote" when I try to like something.  Except it ONLY gives it to me on this particular post!  I can like everything else, including other Slache posts.  But post 10001?  Nope.  


What IS this?   

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Booya! 10,000th post. I'm awesome.


Now THAT was worth cheering about!

:hurray:  :hurray:  :party:  :party:   :party:    :party:  :party:  :hurray:  :hurray:  

I was forced to go to the pool after work and missed it. :(

And they had a night swim.


The bugs joined us for the night swim.  That sucked.

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Argggg! Slache -- consider this liked by me.


For some reason Chrome is now giving me the "sorry can't store your reputation vote" when I try to like something. Except it ONLY gives it to me on this particular post! I can like everything else, including other Slache posts. But post 10001? Nope.


What IS this?

That's what you get for your h crap.

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Argggg!  Slache -- consider this liked by me.  


For some reason Chrome is now giving me the "sorry can't store your reputation vote" when I try to like something.  Except it ONLY gives it to me on this particular post!  I can like everything else, including other Slache posts.  But post 10001?  Nope.  


What IS this?   

It means it took your vote the first time, and can't record the vote because it's already there. Although you can't see it. Or something like that.

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Dd6 (holding a bug box, with all the other kidlets crowded around her) -  "Mommy, we need something that looks like blood."


Me - "Why?"


Dd6 - "Cuz we need something to contract (attract?) the flies so that we can capture them!"


Me - "Hmmm....  Well, I'm on my lunch break right now.  No ideas."


Dd4 - "Paint?"


Me - "NO."


Ds7 - "Ketchup?"


Me - "NO."


Dd4 - "Oh, I KNOW! I KNOW!  Guys, how 'bout we take a piece of paper an' write "BLOOD" on it, an' put it inside!"




So that is what they are doing as I type this.  Apparently we have some highly literate flies in our house.  


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Ds7 - "Mommy, that didn't work either."


Now he and the girls are adding water to the bug box containing the red paper towel, turning the water pink.


It's also not working.  I just overheard Dd6 say, "Well maybe you should take the paper towel out so they don't know it's just a paper towel and marker."


And Dd4 is running after them with the fly-swatter yelling, "I got the fly-whacker!  I got the fly-whacker!"




Sigh.  Time for MOM to get involved, before I lose another carpet.   :leaving:

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Dd6 (holding a bug box, with all the other kidlets crowded around her) -  "Mommy, we need something that looks like blood."


Me - "Why?"


Dd6 - "Cuz we need something to contract (attract?) the flies so that we can capture them!"


Me - "Hmmm....  Well, I'm on my lunch break right now.  No ideas."


Dd4 - "Paint?"


Me - "NO."


Ds7 - "Ketchup?"


Me - "NO."


Dd4 - "Oh, I KNOW! I KNOW!  Guys, how 'bout we take a piece of paper an' write "BLOOD" on it, an' put it inside!"




So that is what they are doing as I type this.  Apparently we have some highly literate flies in our house.  


I have some doggy doo-doo they can borrow (for outside use!) that is awesome at attracting flies. ;)

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:001_wub:   I've missed you, Slashaboo.  Glad you're back!

Matt's sister was in town.


Enjoying life?


Drinking teA?


Practicing her Hula for a movie role?

She mentioned having something going on. She's probably too busy with whatever that was.

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I have some doggy doo-doo they can borrow (for outside use!) that is awesome at attracting flies. ;)


After the pink water experiment failed (primarily because Mommy vetoed it), I asked them all, "Okay, what is it that I never let you take to the playground for lunch, because it attracts all the flies?"  


Lightbulbs went off, and they grabbed their empty yogurt tube packages and set them out as bait.


It worked.   :)   The basement flies landed nearby and Ds7 swatted them to death.  




So I can check Science off of the list for today, right?

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Just overheard four little voices in the dining room chanting in unison, "mul-ti-me-ter.  mul-ti-me-ter."




I do love that guy, weird as he can be.  


mul-ti-pass!  mul-ti-pass!

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I usually access WTM from my PC, and when I use the like button I get a little green box at the top of the page for a second, and then see "You" pop up in the list of names of people who have liked.  No message.  Unless out of votes, and then I get the "problem" message.  I've never been told I was out of likes. 


Maybe you guys get a different message from your phones/iPads?


I don't have a cool phone.


I'm usually accessing from a PC, too, and typically see the green box and "you" added when I successfully like.  I am now catching back up again after a few days disappearance (and my attendance here will be rather sporadic for the rest of this month, I'm afraid), so I'll see what kind of a message I get when I run out of likes again today.


Phones don't give me access to the icons here, so they aren't as cool as ITT on a computer.


:w00t: :seeya: :biggrinjester: :cheers2: :zombiechase:

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This is exactly me.  All the time.  And I actually once sort of liked cleaning and am naturally good at organizing!  It's amazing what children have done to me.  


The only thing that helps when I'm paralyzed is to pick something manageable and DO IT.  Even if I don't do it very well.  That usually gets me unstuck.  


My DH credits his being dragged kicking and screaming into management for giving him "acquired ADD".  He says when he was a simple engineer he could get a task and stay on it to worry it into submission.  Very satisfying.  Now he has so many interruptions ALL of the time and so many different tasks in some stage of progress his brain has adapted, and when he has the luxury of just picking one thing to focus on (at home, for instance) he finds his brain constantly looking for the interruptions and distractions.  He can't just concentrate on just one thing anymore.


I feel the same way sometimes, though if I ever get some time to focus on just one thing for hours I can still actually get myself to do so sometimes -- so long as I've made CERTAIN beforehand that someone else will take care of anything that crops up.

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Note to self:  You have finished page 195.


Hi, everyone!  Sorry I've been away again for a few days.  Unfortunately it looks like the bulk of July will be the same, so I'll be here sporadically.


I have gotten some more planning of next year done, and now have gotten bogged down on a rabbit trail -- I looked at TEA's (Texas Education Agency, not a tea shop or a teA shop!) website to try to clarify just what the state requires the public schools to teach on certain subjects (like "good citizenship", for instance).  I have a LOT of legislative mumbo-jumbo to wade through, but I am finding some useful information.  All of the repetitive gobbledegook has my eyes crossing, however, so it's taking me a while to wade through.


This all falls in with my current worry/obsession:  What do my kids need to A) graduate well from high school, and B) get into a good course of study in a good college.  My brain has decided I have to have the get-into-college school plan sussed out now, because it will take all 4 years of high school to get everything on that plan done, and I need eldest's 8th grade year (this next year) as "high school prep", in which we get anything done that is needed to set her up for high school.


Right now I think I've crossed the line into overthinking all of this.  Ugh.


I'm hot and sweaty and trying to remember everything I need to, and feeling like I'm forgetting more and more.  Gotta remember DD's birthday.  Did remember my Dad's birthday.  I made appointments for myself, so I must remember them (I did write them on the calendar).  I just need to keep straight which day it is and which week it is so I get to my appointments on time.


Oh, yeah, I need to make an appointment for the kids' yearly physicals....



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BTW, everybody please cross your fingers that when I see the ENT he will tell me that in the past 15 years they HAVE come up with a treatment for my tinnitus.  If I could just get rid of the blasted ringing in my earthat I've been plagued with for over 2 decades I think my brain would clear up a bit....


Or not.  Someone please make a funny face at me, okay? 

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