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Yes I can.


That thread was a disaster. I like the look of Building Thinking Skills. I imagine that will do what I want math to do for him without it being math.


I'm keeping it to 20. We're doing Handwriting Lessons Through Literature (phonogram review), RightStart games, and probably Bible Study Guise For All Ages. I got him a coloring/copywork book he can do whenever he wants and he's going to continue learning the piano (his request) and watching Magic School Bus and various Spanish things.


For the record, I thought you were gracious and patient (in your Pre-k thread).  :grouphug:

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death by lego is far worse than death by magnatiles, watch your step lol

You know I tell my kids if I ever turning into a psychopathic serial killer I would be the type to prolong it, I am thinking death by paper cut. It would take a lot of paper cuts to make someone bleed to death.  Good thing I am NOT a psychopathic serial killer and would not actually do that  :001_tt2: 


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Minor vent:


We have 2 custodians at work.  One is out this week sick.  We were all sent notifications informing us that due to the one being out, the other would be re-directed/stretched thin, and to please act accordingly in our own areas.  Apparently the ladies on my floor do not think this applies to them and can't be bothered to help the poor soul out by placing new toilet paper rolls on the holder.  No key needed.  2 brand new rolls still in their wrapper on the back of the toilet, and two empty toilet paper rolls in the stall holders.  Seriously?  It took me less than 1 minute to do.  Simple.  You empty one roll and there's another?  Whatever.  But you use the last of the second roll - take the minute to replace them as a courtesy to the next person.  It's not beneath you.  Grrr...


Okay.  I feel better now.. LOL  Thanks for listening.

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death by lego is far worse than death by magnatiles, watch your step lol


You know I tell my kids if I ever turning into a psychopathic serial killer I would be the type to prolong it, I am thinking death by paper cut. It would take a lot of paper cuts to make someone bleed to death.  Good thing I am NOT a psychopathic serial killer and would not actually do that  :001_tt2: 




(Profile pic of a psycho cat with a gun) + (Psychopathic serial killer musings) = Me, a bit afraid of your psychotic side, despite your protests to the contrary


I do love your profile pic :)

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(Profile pic of a psycho cat with a gun) + (Psychopathic serial killer musings) = Me, a bit afraid of your psychotic side, despite your protests to the contrary


I do love your profile pic :)

Well if you know the children I was raising you would understand why I was a wee bit crazy but totally congratulating me for not snapping and "going postal" :lol:


I might have to change my profile pic, we no longer have cats living here, the last of them were rehomed the other day, due to ds11's allergies.  Sad day for our house as we are cat people and now we can't have them.  The kids recommended we keep the cats and rehome ds11 but I am kind of partial to him so got to stay :P

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Well if you know the children I was raising you would understand why I was a wee bit crazy but totally congratulating me for not snapping and "going postal" :lol:


I might have to change my profile pic, we no longer have cats living here, the last of them were rehomed the other day, due to ds11's allergies. Sad day for our house as we are cat people and now we can't have them. The kids recommended we keep the cats and rehome ds11 but I am kind of partial to him so got to stay :P


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I always assume she's angry. I know that's stupid, but it's always my first thought.

nope not at all.  I get that in person too though, people assume I am always angry.  Apparently I have resting bitch face, though in my mind I am looking all calm and serene lol  In reality I am seldom angry, perturb and annoyed at times of course, contemplative often though I seldom can verbalize what I am thinking to the same magnitude (as in in my head it all sounds genius and then I go to express it and sound like a preschooler level of intellect lol), mostly I am content.  Not really happy just content. 


I just happen to like MG kitty because I think it is hilarious.  At the time when I first picked it as my avatar it felt like I was in a battle against everything to get any help for my son and to protect my family.  I was not angry even then, I was determined, and I knew I would prevail but it was certainly a battle every step of the way.


I changed it once to something else and a bunch of people asked that I bring MG kitty back so I did, it just seems to be a part of my identity here on the boards now.  

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nope not at all. I get that in person too though, people assume I am always angry. Apparently I have resting bitch face, though in my mind I am looking all calm and serene lol In reality I am seldom angry, perturb and annoyed at times of course, contemplative often though I seldom can verbalize what I am thinking to the same magnitude (as in in my head it all sounds genius and then I go to express it and sound like a preschooler level of intellect lol), mostly I am content. Not really happy just content.


I just happen to like MG kitty because I think it is hilarious. At the time when I first picked it as my avatar it felt like I was in a battle against everything to get any help for my son and to protect my family. I was not angry even then, I was determined, and I knew I would prevail but it was certainly a battle every step of the way.


I changed it once to something else and a bunch of people asked that I bring MG kitty back so I did, it just seems to be a part of my identity here on the boards now.

It really is. I become confused and frightened when people change things. Of course I never change mine. ;) I guess I hold others to a higher standard.

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Diagnosis: damaged sternum cartilage. Treatment: 2 weeks of ibuprofin and avoid doing anything that makes the damage/inflamation worse, which includes sneezing.


Swellmama, I always get a bit of a "Die Hard" vibe from your avatar. Particularly the scene when Bruce Willis is crashing through the window swinging on the firehose. And with that comes a bit of Christmasy nostalgia. :D

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I'm supposed to be working through the questions from Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense that go with the first short story. I'm balking. I ought to be able to do this in about a half-hour or less and I just.don't.wanna. 

And after that I need to listen to the twenty chapter epic: The Stolen Treasure, the first draft. I think I'm supposed to type it, but my understanding is that DS plans to go through first and improve a few of the chapters. 

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Help, please!


Please advise me:  what sort of medical papers should be kept, and for how far in the past should I keep them?  Assume I have kept every scrap of medical paper that comes the patient's way (receipts, EOBs, itemized bills, CDs of images, lab and text results, diagnoses, appointment reminders -- you name it, if the patient typically receives it assume I have it mixed in with all of my other papers somewhere).


I am spending some considerable effort today tackling old boxes of unsorted papers, hoping to toss or burn/shred some bulk.  However, I tend to panic over medical stuff, especially since many of these things from years past are from doctor's offices where I probably couldn't go back and ask for copies of my old files.  What to keep, and how far back, please?

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Oh lord. I love my husband, but sometimes he's a bit dense. He just laminated the campsite map "incase we decide to go back sometime."  :lol:  :001_huh: 


I love him. I do. But, sometimes, he just kills me. 


Take it from someone who has hung on to too much paper on the off chance that we might go back there someday -- get rid of the map.  It is clutter, and is easily replaced someday IF and when any of you ever decide to return there.  I LOVE maps and would keep them just for fun, and I just tossed more than a dozen that I saved from just two past jaunts of my own.  I never once used those maps again in decades.


Get rid of the map.

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50 pages to go in this stupid book.  I am not enjoying it, it is a boring biography,  but I need to finish it so I can do my massive assignment due tomorrow (7 page paper followed by full IEP focusing on the multiple intelligences of the disable person in this book.).  Once I get to the writing stage I should be okay.  But I have barely been home this month, and I have learned new things in the last few days about my own kids disabilities and would rather be focusing on creating a real education plan for them than on a fictional one based on a biography of a person with a disability.  I am just not feeling it.  Generally since September I have enjoyed my courses and even the assignments and I have high mark, but this one just isn't doing it for me and of course it is the biggest assignment of the course being worth 30% of my overall grade so I must do well on it.  Ugh.  Back to reading I go.



:grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm ba-ack!  It will take some time here to catch up, and I will be commenting on stuff as I come across it, so I'm sure some of my responses will be outdated.  Deal with it, please.  I've gone through some serious withdrawal for the past more than a week.


On the up side we might get some dry(er) weather today.  Things are starting to drain, thankfully.


Twenty-one more pages to catch up in this thread

Twenty-one more pages to catch uuuuuuuuuuup!

I'm sure there will be more

before I get there

twenty pages and growing to catch up in this thread!


In the 3.5 days since I posted the above I finally managed to catch up as far as my post.  And in that time there are at least 10 more pages of posts for me to catch up on....  *SIGH*


I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can....

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Actually, Both spellings are correct.  In light of folks' recent dental traumas I think that "Booyah" is quite appropriate.  ("Now, open wide."  "BooyAAAAAAAHHHHH....")


I'm still on page 116, and I'm sure it will be mentioned in later posts, but I hope everyone's dental issues have cleared up and all are pain-free.  I also hope everyone else is doing well, and no new hurts have occurred in my absence.


Hugs for everyone!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I missed doing that.


I just realized that of the 10 pages (and accumulating, I'm sure) that I still have to catch up with at this point many of the posts should be my responses thus far catching up to other posts prior to the above.


In short, these next 10 pages should go faster, with any luck.  *phew!*

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Scotts is the worst ever!


<never visiting ikslo's house...>


I disagree.  The worst ever is the stuff on the massive rolls that are put in public restrooms.  This stuff is wimpy, tears if you so much as brush it with your fingers OR is hung so low you can only pull it out by creating a rope of it at the corner of the dispenser, falls apart if you do get enough to try to wipe, and sneakily sends runners out to stick to your clothing and shoes wherever it will be most embarrassing.  And usually, just for added measure, the rolls squeak and squeal horribly as you TRY to get some off the roll, making it sound like you are determined to empty the entire dispenser down the toilet bowl before you flush.

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Which is correct? 


So no, thanks.


So no thanks.


So, no, thanks.


So, no thanks.



ETA:  Option e.  None of the above/other.  Why would one construct such a poorly worded statement in the first place when one could simply say, "No, thank you."


They mean different things depending on how you read/stress them, so they are potentially all correct.  How's that for unhelpful?

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death by lego is far worse than death by magnatiles, watch your step lol


You know I tell my kids if I ever turning into a psychopathic serial killer I would be the type to prolong it, I am thinking death by paper cut. It would take a lot of paper cuts to make someone bleed to death.  Good thing I am NOT a psychopathic serial killer and would not actually do that  :001_tt2: 




This makes me worry a little bit about you...

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If you've been following the thread but haven't posted and aren't a total scaredy cat please like this post.


People don't follow directions. The only ones that have liked this post so far are those who have already posted. Tsk, tsk.

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People don't follow directions. The only ones that have liked this post so far are those who have already posted. Tsk, tsk.


Maybe no one else is actually reading the thread.  Maybe we're in an alternate reality where we only think other people are following along and hanging on our every word, when in fact we are utterly alone.

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Maybe no one else is actually reading the thread. Maybe we're in an alternate reality where we only think other people are following along and hanging on our every word, when in fact we are utterly alone.

There's no way that's possible.

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Maybe no one else is actually reading the thread.  Maybe we're in an alternate reality where we only think other people are following along and hanging on our every word, when in fact we are utterly alone.


Only, this line of thought can't be true. We sucked you in, didn't we?

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